I was feeling a bit blue for the past few days and the only thing I was looking forward to was spending some alone time with B this weekend so I could forget about my worries and be merry again. Before the weekend arrived though, along came Janice to cheer me up with the Power of Schmooze Award! This award by Jan made it my number two Schmooze award, since my other blog was awarded by Mike earlier. Jan's kind gesture was extremely significant to me simply because this would be My Gallery's very first award! So, thank you Janice - you are truly one awesome Mariucan!
- Nihal, for his wisdom and the great articles he writes.
- Emila, for our beautiful friendship, on and offline.
- Greg, for amusing me with his presence and cute avatar every time he visits.
- Nick, for the laughter he brings me with his amusing stories.
- Syaf, for being the cute and friendly geek that he is.

My mood picked up tremendously after receiving this award and I was beginning to feel much better about my predicament. Little did I know that there was another surprise waiting for me for I later discovered that Adrian presented me with the Rockin' Girl Blogger Award! This was followed by another one from his best friend, Nick!I totally didn't see this one coming so that was a very pleasant surprise from them. Now, thanks to all the awards and smiles I've been receiving this week, I'm looking forward to a fun & relaxing weekend, no more tears! To Adrian and Nick, thank you for thinking of me and since I proudly own 2 of this now, I hope it's okay for me to display one in My Perfume Gallery.

- Amber, for her beautiful comments that always leave me wanting more.
- Jean, for her blog really rocks and is always A Great Pleasure to visit.
- Adria, for the wonderful sunshine she brings whenever she appears on my blog
- Christy, for being one of the first to link to Mariuca's Perfume Gallery, thank you!
- Tish, for making me smile one entire day with her excellent review of My Gallery at BlogsWeLuv.

Aww, Mariuca... thank you. The award's great, but your words mean more to me. I'm so glad we met... through Bobby and Zubli, right? :)
You're welcome sunshine! Yeah, it was those 2 great guys who brought us together :) See you soon!
Ya know Marzie, I feel so silly for even having a few bad days now. Congrats on all these awards:) I hope they make you feel good! You picked some fantastic people to award too, they are great individuals. No more feeling blue! You always cheer everyone up, especially me. So no more blue for you:) It's gonna be a great week and I'm going to spend some time getting to know all these warm people I met through you! Have a happy week!!!!!
Thank you so much, Marzie!!
thanks for putting a smile on my face especially after a tiring day i had today. *hugz* i love this pink shade color! it's you who rocks that trembles my blog.. :)
Mariuca... for you... :)
Bobby! I hope I make some fantastic people really happy with the awards. Glad to see u feeling so much better, I'm beginning to see more of the old Bobby back! :) :)
Tish, u know I was gonna do this sooner or later, you really rock!
Hey Jean, I love the pink too, the award really goes with your blog! I was secretly hoping noone would award you yet cause Ii wanted to award you first LOL! :) :)
Adria!!! Something for me?? I'm really excited now and thanks in advance :) :)
Thank You Mariuca! That's very nice! :)
I think I'm in love with Benji, even if he is loud, lol:)
I'm glad you like it Christy!
Yay, poor Benji has been quite upset with all the attention on Phoebe lately so he's happy with your remark! MEOW! :) :) :)
You did it again, Marzie! You simply are too awesome. If there was an Award for the blog that bags the most Awards, it would be yours. I'm proud of your accomplishments :)
Thanks for adding me as well, I'm deeply honored by your kind gesture.
Thank you Nihal, I truly appreciate your confidence in me :)
I still haven't awarded you so far, and you definitely fit the bill for this one in my opinion! Congrats again!!! :) :)
u definitely got me first! ;)
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).
I could never match your prowess of schmoozin' but thanks for thinking of me.
Thank you so much - getting awards is great especially from people you admire and who are as sweet and genuine as you.
Kisses and a warm hug
Jean, I'm glad! :)
Greg!!! :) :) :) I can't leave you out for this award. Thanks for keeping in touch with me through your own cute way :)
Hola Rodrigo, I will hop over to ur blog to check it out, thanks for stopping by :)
Amber! Yours was such a pleasure to give, I've been waiting for just the right one to award you with and I think this is it! Congrats for a job well done :) :)
Ahem.... finally it is MY TURN...to talk ...you know, I have to scroll through all the comments before me. BUT.......
I am really HaPPy for ALL of you !!
Indeed, it seems that it is a AWARD season.
I have to agree with Jean that it is you (marzie) "who rocks that trembles my blog"...
I like this one !!
You know what.... I got the thinking blogger award also, just received this morning. It is not about getting the award but the person who awards it to me means more to me :)
Hey Janice, whatever it is, I'm glad to be sharing this award season with you! Wow, congrats on your thinking blogger award, that's another one to your list! Thanks for everything Janice, you are really a good friend and am happy that we met! :) :) HUGS!!
IT IS A PLEASURE (Jean) to witness a WISH UPON a FALLING STAR (Marzie). THIS IS indeed A MIRACLE (Janice)..... *HUGS*
I have this little talent here... I think the thinking blogger award is really making me to THINK & THINK ...
Janice! LOL! Thanks again dear, this little phrase of yours sure made me smile today! :) HUGS!
Marzie, thanx so much for the award! I'm speechless (and that's a rare thing to happen to me, motor mouth and all. LOL!) Thanx again. Will award this to 5 more deserving bloggers out there.
Hi Nick, it's always nice to see u here :) I'm glad that you're actually speechless for once (just kidding!) but hey, you totally deserve this one for your daily visits and all your lovely comments on my blogs! You've made me smile with all your comments so far! :) :)So thank YOU!
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!