Dear Janice,
Thanks so much for making this lovely Mariuca coffee cup for me. I know you’ve been busy and worried sick about your brother and his condition and yet you still found the time to create this special gift for me. Thank you Jan! That’s so like you, thoughtful and sweet and always putting others ahead of yourself. I will proudly display this cup at my Perfume blog as a reminder of my Number 1 Fan for this blog - that's YOU! Thanks for always visiting Mariuca's Perfume Gallery and making it even sweeter with your funny and entertaining comments here!
Me & the girls and everyone here have really missed you these past few days and we're really sorry that you're going through a rough patch in your life, one that's leaving you in fear and depressed at the thought of possibly losing someone so dear. We just want to let you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Although we miss you terribly, we understand that right now, your place is with your beloved brother and your family. We share your pain and sorrow at having to see your brother go through what must be one of the most trying periods of his life and we want you to know that we are here should you need us.
We really hope that your brother will recover soon and we want you to remain strong for his sake and for the rest of your family too. Take care Janice and know that we'll be right here waiting for you to come back with good news on your brother's road to recovery. Till then, we love you and we miss you and I have a little something for you that I hope will cheer you up and make you smile tonight.

Hey Marzie...
U are a very thoughtful person all this while, always giving your support to whoever needs it the most. U are the best! *hugzzz*
Janice would be so happy to see all the love that she has been receiving from all her friends here. Let us all continue to send our hopes and prayers for her brother, and to always be right behind her in both her good and bad times. =)
Marzie you are so sweet to think of this and thanks for the invite! I show my support to Jan during this difficult period here! Hi jan stay cool and trust God! Best Wishes!
Hi Marzie, Very nice of you to put up this post for Jan. We know that she is busy and worrying about his brother. She did replied my comments despite what she is going through.
Jan, My prayers and thoughts are will you too and wish your bro a speedy recovery. Take care.
Hi Marzie,
you definitely are a true friend indeed for writing such thoughtful post for Janice.
Let us all pray and wish for the speedy recovery of her brother.
Take care :)
I love Janice too, and I wanted to do a post for her as well..I wasnt sure if it was appropriate at the time, being a shy type of person !! Seeing the wonderful and true blogger love you have shown to Janice here makes me realise that we bloggers must always follow our hearts...my post to Janice will be up in an hour.You are a wonderful friend to all of us,Marzie...I know Janice will appreciate all our prayers and thoughts and this beautiful gesture from you.I hope her brother gets better....I really do!
Hello Marzie! Beautiful letter. I miss Janice too and do hope that her brother will be fine.
Marzie, thanks for taking your time to write this post. It is so nice to see friends behind me to give me support & love during this time when I needed it. I appreciate it very much. I am very touched to have you as one of my best online friend that I can relate to to pour out my sorrow. Thanks for being there for me. HUGS to you, Marzie :)
Janice Ng
Marzie, you've spoken our thoughts. Thanks for putting this post out.
Jan, Loads of Love & Hugs to you.. *HUGZ*
Jan is a dear friend, how can we not support her in her time of need? I actually started writing this 2 days ago but Karen's lil' reminder made me have it out immediately, so we all can show her support at the same time! :)
Thanks for having ur post out for Jan too, you rock (as usual!)
Hi Bokjae,
I'm happy to see u here too, giving our dear Jan much love n thoughts! Thanks Bokjae, you're truly wonderful yourself! :):):)
Hi Uncle Sam!
Yes, despite being busy Jan still took the time to reply to us and leave us her sweet lil' comments. She will be so happy to see you here too Uncle Sam! :)
Hi Joe!
Thanks for your kind words for Jan and her brother. I understand you too have a lil post up for her at your blog, which makes u a great person and friend too. Love ya! :):):)
Jesse! MEOW :)
We are all praying and wishing for a speedy recovery for Jan's brother. It would be great to see your post up for Jan, am sure a nice post from our Jesse the Cat will make Jan smile! :):)
Hi Emila!
Thanks for leaving your words here for Jan. You, Jean and I miss her terribly that's for sure! Hopefully Jan will cheer up a bit after seeing the love and well wishes from all her good buddies here! HUGS!! :):):)
Hi Janice!
We are all here for you Jan, just like how you've been here for all of us! We love you and here's a super duper special HUG from me and the girls just for our fav Supermom! HUGSSSSS :):):)
Hi Jean!
It was great to have this post out cause I know u and Emila especially would wan to leave your thoughts and well wishes for our Jan as well. HUGS!! :):):)
Janice! I think that Marzie echos what most of us are thinking! We hope that things turn out the best for your brother and that he has a swift recovery! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family my dear friend! :)
Thanks for stopping by Adrian. Your comforting words mean a lot to me, Jan and all her friends here. You're da best Homer! :):):)
After her wonderful Birthday a moment ago, Mesra Marzie Marvelous Mariuca, has grown wiser I see particularly the sharing of her heart with my BFF Janice Ng. The Nyonya I love so much, I am her Apek with no front teeth always smiling one. Please, pretty please no need standing or siting ovation, okay, I already been given an award for this. Yes The Uplift of the lips award. Until now my lips still curvy I do not know how to allow this down for a while. I am not saying I am tired or my lips also tired in this position, but I am beginning to look like Phoebe!!! LOL!!! Okay lah I am his Uncle, what? ...who gives him an Ikan (Fish) award. So what, one special fish, I don't mind, I got lots more in my trouser pockets. Marzie, the cuppa of coffee Janice Ng share with you, keep a few sips, for me and my the Magical Golden Cat, okay. We shall soon visit your ketai, as we move along walking the bloggosphere. Oh yes, I was searching and searching, haiyah, where is Janice Ng, recently I am at Johor Bahru, I can hear her children's laughter from Tropica Garden where I perform training for Ministry of Education counter staff and telephonists. Out of 80 pax, 10 men, the rest are virgins. Yes just like me!! Hahahahaha! Okay lah, what you are going through, Noynya aarh, I respectfully share this perfume owner entrepreneurnizationness' wanginess in saying and sending you *Lotsa Love n Hugs for Jan! I am kind to let others hug you first, go ahead guys and gals. Next my turn and mine is so huge a hug without the e, yes a Universal Hug, that shall keep you, Janice Ng, this shall last till the year 3007. Please move a bit your punggung, aarh, I now hug your brother. He is my brother too. Done! Zubli Zainordin sharing wholesome love and beauty in its entirety, walking side by side with theblogfairy Gracie Belle, and Santa Claus the Real Magician Mr Merrily. Since we are all co-authors of the Santa Blog, please one here so nice to a level of nicenessnizationness, share this post at our blog. All wear Red hat please. My Blue Hat proposal does not get through at the North Pole Regional Conference recently. If it is South Pole near Singapore, and Janice Ng voting, I think and I feel, must win one. The fact remains, Santa says...Red. Itu selupa Ang Pow karer! BlogElf and I, hehehehehe!
Hi Zubli, thank you for ur comment here for Jan. I'm guessing that I have to translate for her again?
Jan, basically Zubli is saying that he wishes you well and a speedy recovery for ur brother. Your brother is his brother too. Zubli has not sent u his well wishes yet cause he's such a nice person that he's willing to let others go first while he waits, but now he's finally here to give you lotsa love and hugs too!
Ok or not Zubli?
Oh my Jan I had no idea you were going through such a rough time...please know you and your brother are in my prayers. What a wonderful post to share so that all of us can let janice know how very much we care....Love to you Janice and many hugs to you and your brother. Blessings~jackie
Hi Shinade, thanks so much for stopping by to send our Jan ur warm wishes and love. I bet Jan will be much comforted my your kind gesture here :):):)
Hi Marzie, Thanks for helping pray for Janice! You are a sweetie and the best:):):):)
Revellian SEO Traffic
I guess you didn't get my comment so here's another! I love the bright red card for janice! I also displayed Nafa's badge on my site and linked to all posts involved in our joined effort for Janice. I hope all this love will do some good. Thank you Marzie!!!
He he I did get ur comment Bobby, but haven't published it just now! Anyway, it's so great to be doing all these lil things that can help our Jan feel a bit better huh? Of course all this love will do her some good! :):):)
Oh and I love this bright red card too! Had a difficult time putting it up though! Finally managed to get it just right! ;)
Hey Marz, nice of you to put this post for Janice. And it's nice to see everyone's sincere support for a fellow blogger in their times of need.
Janice, here's wishing your dear brother a speedy recover from the Phillips clan.
Hi Nick, thanks for coming by to show ur support for Janice. She will be so happy to see u here too, that's for sure!
Jan, more well wishes coming ur way, have faith that all will be okay dear! :):):)
Hi All in Good Marzie's Prayer Room,
As we unwind and look forward to the weekend, let’s not forget Jan’s good brother that is still in need of our sincere prayers. I truly believe that the invisible strength of love and prayers no matter what religion we belong to, will do miracle to the receiver of our good prayers.
Blessings to All!
Hi Karen, thanks for stopping by today! We are all embracing the much given love and support here for Jan and bro and family. Your kind words and prayers will hopefully add to the healing power we can all give her now. Thanks Karen, you're swell! :):):)
Thank you everyone who have written their love & hugs for me & my brother. Its really good to have all of you here with me on days when I am down.
Marzie, thanks for the translation... hehe ;p
Janice Ng
Welcome back Janice. My perfumes have missed you too! We hope ur feeling a tad bit better and let's still continue to hope and pray for ur brother's good health. HUGS Janice! :):):)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!