I've been tagged by Crystal to pass on The Pink Penguin in conjunction with the ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’ month of October. In doing my bit to help spread awareness on the issue of breast cancer to women, here are several tips I'd like to share with you on how you can avoid breast cancer and remain healthy.
• Maintain a positive mental attitude
• Do aerobic exercise 3-4 times a week
• Practise breathwork and deepening body-awareness such as yoga
• Express your feelings to keep your energy flowing
• Ensure healthy eating habits and complement your food intake with the right supplements
• Avoid toxicity
I'd like to pass this Pink Penguin to the following friends that I believe feel strongly enough about this issue to help spread the word.
How you can help raise awareness on breast cancer:-
1. Spread the word. Announce the event on your blog. You could write a blog post (like this), or a little note about it. Whatever you choose to do, just go ahead and tell your readers about it.
2. Go pink. Modify your theme if you know how to, or get yourself a pretty pink theme. If you run a website, turn your website pink. But if you don’t like pink, you could still participate by putting up a badge on your sidebar.
3. Design badges and banners. Design a couple of “Pink for October” badges or banners for other participants to use (for free) and to publicize the event. Some of the existing badges and banners can be downloaded from the Official Pink for October Site.
4. Design blog themes. There are a lot of bloggers (me included) who can’t even do simple designing, so if you are good at it, perhaps you could design and release a few pink themes? So, I am hoping that whoever happens to read my post, please do something to spread the awareness. It only takes a moment of our time.
Thank you!
Related Posts:
5th Annual Pink Ribbon Challenge
• Maintain a positive mental attitude
• Do aerobic exercise 3-4 times a week
• Practise breathwork and deepening body-awareness such as yoga
• Express your feelings to keep your energy flowing
• Ensure healthy eating habits and complement your food intake with the right supplements
• Avoid toxicity
I'd like to pass this Pink Penguin to the following friends that I believe feel strongly enough about this issue to help spread the word.
How you can help raise awareness on breast cancer:-
1. Spread the word. Announce the event on your blog. You could write a blog post (like this), or a little note about it. Whatever you choose to do, just go ahead and tell your readers about it.
2. Go pink. Modify your theme if you know how to, or get yourself a pretty pink theme. If you run a website, turn your website pink. But if you don’t like pink, you could still participate by putting up a badge on your sidebar.
3. Design badges and banners. Design a couple of “Pink for October” badges or banners for other participants to use (for free) and to publicize the event. Some of the existing badges and banners can be downloaded from the Official Pink for October Site.
4. Design blog themes. There are a lot of bloggers (me included) who can’t even do simple designing, so if you are good at it, perhaps you could design and release a few pink themes? So, I am hoping that whoever happens to read my post, please do something to spread the awareness. It only takes a moment of our time.
Thank you!
Related Posts:
5th Annual Pink Ribbon Challenge

I have saved many lives and of course squished many boobs (with a gentle, warm touch) He he he he he hehehehe!
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Thanks so much, Marzie...this is indeed a really important issue.I shall post it up just after the award post I am going to do...or perhaps even before the award post...this is a great way to remind women all over about how important a mammogram can be!
Take care...and I trust that you are keeping the 2nd award in a very safe place ( for me)
Hi Marzie! Thanks for the tag! Will do it before my raya leave on Thursday!
Selamat hari Raya to you and Boy, not forgetting Zeff and Hans and all the cats!
yay!! im the first commenter!!! :D
marzie, thanks for tagging me!!! i luvvv this the best! i hv my Breast Cancer Awareness Post: http://agreatpleasure.blogspot.com/2007/10/national-breast-awareness-month-october.html
Maybe u can click on it daily to fund for the free mammograms. :)
Hv a superb day!! Love ya!! :)
Ha ha ha, Bobby is very funny today! For that, u had better have this Pink Penguin post up somewhere on your site! ;)
Genie Princess
He he Jesse, u are too cute! I guess we'll see if you will really get to bring home "your award" tomo huh? Till then, good luck again and thanks for responding to this tag in a positive way! :):):)
Genie Princess
Emila! Thanks for coming over before u enjoy ur leave! Selamat Hari Raya to u too...he he the cats say MEOW MEOW! Have a good Raya and I'll see u when u get back. Drive safely and take care! :):):)
Genie Princess
Oooops sorry Jean, Bobby first commenter mah! So cute la u Jean!
I will checkk out ur post k, have a great day sweetie! :):):)
Genie Princess
Hey Genie Princess...
Oh a tag on breast cancer? We actually had a post on breast cancer written on our site before. Maybe can collaborate our post with this one. Hehe!
Thanks for the tag GP. Will work on it! Have a great great Hari Raya! =)
Marzie, thanks for tagging me on this one very meaningful meme. I will get it done :)
Janice Ng
Yes Marzie. The truth is, Breast cancer is no laughing matter. I just made a joke because all these posts about death and having to go to a funeral and all. Not much happiness here:(
I'd love to participate in the fight against this dreadful disease that inflicts so many women:)
Have a great day my dear!!!!
Hi NAFA! Sure, I know u already have an article out on breast cancer, but thought you might want to participate seeing it is the Breast Cancer Awareness month. Looking forward to your pink penguin post, thanks NAFA! :):):)
Hi Jan, thanks for participating! I knew you'd be one of the supportive ones! :):):)
I know Bobby! So does that mean I will see a Pink Penguin on your site? ;)
Marz, you've been tagged by Spiff :D
Hey Genie Princess!
Our post is up already. Check it out yeah? =)
Thank you NAFA, I'll come by and check it out soon. Biasalah, busy this last few days before Raya! Have a good one! :):):)
Hey Nick! My very first tag from Spiff, yay! Hope it's a good one! :):):)
Hey Marz, another award for you but this time from Anything Goes! You may have been awarded with this on your other site but I'm awarding it to you here ....
Hi Nick, an award for MPG? I know I'm gonna LOVE it, thanks so much for remembering MPG! :):):)
I'll come by as soon as my streamyx is back k, suffering here la now! :(
Hi! Check out my blog.. I post about the breast cancer awareness campaign.. http://diet4fitness.blogspot.com
Hey tuan rumah, thanks for stopping by! I'll come and visit ur later tonight, have a great Sunday! :):):)
I am soooo sorry! I have not done this one! And today is already the last day of October!!
Hey Karen, oh that's okay, maybe next time! You've been very busy at work, totally understandable! :)
Hi sweetie,
you and your minis have been missed! Is your collection growing? Feed us some piccies, won't you?
Big Hugs!
Your friend,
Hi Divina!!! I'm so sorry for my absence here, my PC has been acting up and I've been trying to fix my MPG template basically. I'll definitely update u on my perfumes soon, thanks so much for dropping by. HUGS!!!!!
Thanks Karoly, nice to see u here too! :):):)
yay, am all pink now!
Wah this post is one year old... malas lah i nak tukar blog design lagi Emila!! hehe
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!