Well, my birthday came and went last Friday and I've already written about my birthday celebration at Mariuca. I had a wonderful birthday this year, which was made even sweeter by some of the lovely presents I received from my blog buddies!
My first birthday pressie came from my best blog buddy and the talented artist, Emila! Together with the prizes I won in her last contest, I received a special birthday present from her. My package arrived about 2 weeks before my birthday and after ripping my envelope like a mad woman, I was laughing in glee looking at my birthday pressie - a Mariuca Tee from the creator of my header herself!!! Isn't that the coolest thing ever? I LOVE my gift Emila and shall treasure it forever! The birthday card was a lovely addition as well, and I'm so lucky to have you as one of my greatest buds! :)
A week before my birthday, I received another surprise when the postman rang my doorbell one rainy afternoon. He was holding a huge envelope and when I saw that it was for me, I was so excited LOL! This time my surprise came from Debbie, which totally caught me off guard as I had no clue she was going to send me a gift, she was so sneaky! When I opened her envelope, I was so touched and happy to receive this very pretty hand-made card and 2 fridge magnets to add to my collection! Thanks so much Debbs, I don't have Sarawak in my collection yet, so that was an awesome surprise! And now, you're officially in Mariuca's Collection YAY! :)
My last surprise came a few days before my birthday. I had to ask for this package to be redelivered to my home as I missed the postman when he came the first time. Frankly, I was really expecting it to be one of my credit card renewals, so I actually took my time in calling PosLaju to redeliver my package LOL! When I ripped open (excited kan?) the yellow envelope, I was once again touched and pleasantly surprised to see that it was a beautiful birthday card from Nessa! Looking at the card, I was simply amazed at the amount of effort and thought Nessa put into my card. Notice how she has all my favourite things on her card? I see Mariuca's Perfume Gallery, I see my falling star and I see one of my fluffy cats here! I love the inside of the card too! Aside from the beautiful poem, Nessa put in a lot of effort to include this lovely perfume for me! I LOVE this card Nessa, it's one of the sweetest and most thoughtful cards anyone has ever given me, thanks so very much! :)
Thank you again for all your wonderful pressies, I'm so touched and honoured that you guys went out of your way to help celebrate my birthday this year with such awesome, thoughtful gifts! Love ya peeps! :)
Thank you again for all your wonderful pressies, I'm so touched and honoured that you guys went out of your way to help celebrate my birthday this year with such awesome, thoughtful gifts! Love ya peeps! :)

GP!!! I bought you something from Singapore as well..heheh... quick send me your email so I can get it to you as soon as I get back...hehehe
LJ! You are my first commenter here sweetie! *HUGS*
Wah really? A pressie from Sing for moi? Woo hoo, can't wait!!!! Send u my email ke my address? LOL!! :):):)
hehhe.. your house addy lah....lolz.. email you, i dah ada lahh.... heheheeh
LOL, that's what I figured! Okay, I'll email u shortly. Wah, wonder what LJ got me yeeha! ;)
heheh.. adalah.. I hope you like it ;)
I'm sure I will love it LJ...hmmm something from Sing...what could it be, what could it be?!! LOL! ;)
hehehe... what could it be? what could it be?? lolzz!!!
Ha ha..excited to get surprise, and this one is from u! ;)
hehehhe ;)
Ok ok shhh, no more questions! LOL! Abt to start my round soon, will prob see u at LJL in a bit! ;)
oraits dearie.. shhhh!!
wah, marzie! that's so thoughtful of emila, debbie & nessa! They are such wonderful friends! :)
LJ, lol!! i only realized yr silly mistake when marzie laughed at it. hahaha.
u two funny lar, how lar want to email pressie? hehe.
marzie, i've seen this ice-cream before at BR. It tasted like cotton floss rite? It is M's fave. Me, as usual prefer the chocolate fudge, hehe.
LJ, shhhhh-ing now! See ya later alligator! :)
hahah.. Jean.. I did not even realise MY silly mistake till you brought it up...lol... silly ME!!! lolzz!!!
GP!! I thought you were just like teasing me.. did not realise you were referring to my comment..lol..
Aiyo.. must be coz tired already...lol!!
Aloha Jean! They are wonderful pals indeed, I love all my pressies! Each one is meaningful to me so YAY! :)
Oh ha ha, yeah la, LJ tersalah tulis it seems! And yes dearie, that sounds just like my cake here YUM! Some more M's fave woo hoo! Must buy more cakes from BR, and check out what other flavours they have! :):):)
Oh ha ha ha!! LJ, I was referring to ur comment la cause obviously u got my email add oredi LOL!
Wah, tired n sleepy oredi? Really turning into normal ppl, cepat la balik sini and get back to being a night owl! ;)
hehehehe.. tulah GP.. if Jean did not laugh at it... sampai sudah.. i tak perasaan..lolzz!!!
He he, thanks for being observant Jean lol! Maybe it's time to zzzz oredi for u LJ! ;)
hahahahah.... taking advantage of this guy still being online lah.. i think it should be anytime now that he is gonna go to sleep then I'd go to sleep too...heheheh
Oh I'd better say nite nite to u now then LJ, just in case! Hope to see u back online tomorrow dearie! :)
I*m glad you had a good birthday! Your cake looks yummy!!
mmmm Marzie, this cake looks scrumptious! Can I take a little piece and give it to Mama before it melts away? She really wants to try a cotton candy flavor! So cute la you looking at your own blog on your laptop, I loved that pic! Your PC is really cool too!
Wow, what a dream B-day and all the pressies are so precious too.
Double YAY! I see double MPG at my place, thanks Marzie! PW works now! Triple YAY!
such lovely presents Mariuca...
goodness you have such artistic and creative friends...
so who is a little spoilt...eh...
YOU !!!
have a lovely day :) :)
Hi Marzie :)
First of all, selamat berpuasa!
I'm glad to see the birthday card coz I forgot to take a photo of it before I sent it out.. hehe. At least I know it's in good hands :D
Hola Leslie, thanks so much! My cake was really yummy, and I love the colours on the inside too! :):):)
Sushi!!!! You are the cutest for using La now!! He he he!! :)
Oh please, grab a huge piece for Mama okay? And the cake was really yummy Sushi! It was my first time trying a cotton candy flavoured cake too, together with its choc coating, all I can say is YUM YUM!!
Oh he he, I love that pic of Mariuca looking at Mariuca's blog too! Thanks Sushi! :):):)
Oh and happy to see ur PW is working fine now Sushi! Hope I'm still there at ur blog and noone has outbid me yet he he! ;)
Ha ha ha!!! Kim, my friends do spoil me silly don't they? Esp when it's a special occasion like this, thanks peeps, love ya all! :):):)
Nessa Nessa!!! Yay, you're here and thanks again for this awesome b'day card! B especially, loved it and pointed out all the effort u put into this special card, love ya! :):):)
->ladyjava: haha, LJ! my gosh, you are really turning into normal ppls oredi huh. So now, by midnight you're soundly asleep lar? :)
must adjust back yr time when u get home later this week. :)
marzie, haha, LJ is so funny lar! :D
it's been a long time since we our last buy at BR. Nowadays cannot afford to buy expensive thing so often. My petrol already cost me RM200/ week. and my electricty is RM400/ month. Gosh, how lar wan to buy BR. McD's ice cream ok lar. ><
marzie, I wanted to drop AGP but cannot lar. it's been two days i cannot load yr sidebar. Can you load yours at yr side?
Hi Jean! LJ always cracks me up, that's why I love chatting with her here and at Mariuca's LOL! :)
What??? Cannot drop 2 days oredi?? Aiyo.... how come ah? I can see my sidebar, I can see Sushi, my EC advertiser and the other PW ad...I hope ul regain view of MPG soon Jean! Stress to hear bad news like this! :(
Hey, my electricity oso semakin naik u know? Better start to berjimat la now, esp with Raya coming up! ;)
Wah bestnya pressies from Nessa & Debbie!! Very creative!! Glad you like the Mariuca t-shirt!
Wah Jean RM400 for electricity?? Woweee that's alot dearie.. aircon must be on all the time is it??
Jean.. I can see GP's sidebar here in SG with no probs as well..
Ladies.. jimat jgn tak jimat..hehe.. though me spending like no 2mrow..lolz!!
Hey Marzie,
Metz is back and so is empty streets. Belated happy birthday and just as I got my connection back up I can finally deliver my gift to you. Mariuca Perfume Gallery has won second place for our referrer contest and I'll be sending over the 750 EC credits for yah not to mention you also get our Rose Crystal Award and a spot ad as the best Website to visit on our side of town till the month of Feb 2009. :) Looking at your cake is making me so hungry hehe. :)
The Tee from Emila is so pretty! She's so talented.
hi mariuca, lagi ulang tahun ya? happy birthday yaa...
LJ, nowadays me too paying quite a lot for electricity, some more we don use ac often, but we use other stuff la like the dryer and 2 PCs at home etc. :)
Oh yay, u can see my sidebar, thank goodness! Am in the midst of cleaning up my sidebar and might need ur help with my blog archive. Notice anything weird there or not? ;)
Hola Metz!!! So happy you're back! I've been pretty busy with wok these past few days, but it's so great to see u here today!
And WOW!!! MPG won? Woo hoo!!!! And such cool prizes too yay! Pls have some cake while you're here, hurry before the ice-cream melts! :):):)
Thanks ECL! I love my Mariuca Tee too yay! Emila, good job! :)
Emila, are u kidding? I LOVE mah Tee!! Best gila and so special, thanks again dear, love ya! :):):)
Wah Debbie and Nessa kena puji from Emila! ;)
Hola Antown, so nice to see u back here! And thanks for the b'day wish yay! :):):)
hehehe, am so full now hehehe. Will create a cookie goodie for yah for the weekend just to catch up for your bday bash :) heheh
Happy Belated Birthday! You and I share a birthday on the same day!
Happy belated birthday, lovely lady!! Glad you had a good one. :)
I haven't seen Baskin Robbin shop over here now. The cake looks really yummy lah !! You are so fortunate to receive so many birthday wishes & pressies....
Zac's birthday is also coming up. I'm thinking of when to celebrate it over at my mum's house ;p
My electricity comes up to about RM80 a month.. no ac and no dryer..minimal tv but lots of pc.. esp if A brings back work..
What's wrong with your sidebar dearie - MPG or Mariuca.. I see all is fine at both sites and your blog archive also looks ok from here...
Yihaa back 2mrw...
alamak marzie, it has happened again!! i've left u a comment here yesterday but hilang today. ><
i was telling you that i could load yr sidebar oredi. So im here to make my drop for today! :)
Oh how sweet of you Metz! I love anything choc he he! :)
Thank you Lisa! Happy belated Birthday to u as well! Yay, another Virgo buddy! :):):)
Thanks so much Grandy! It's awesome of u to drop by here for some b'day cake, enjoy! :):):)
Oh really Janice? Hopefully u can find a BR at ur area and get Zac a cake from there. I love all my pressies too! :):):)
LJ!!! Ha ha ha... I fixed my Archive oredi, right after I wrote my comment here. There was a ; in front of the word archive, so I removed the whole thing first, and then added pg element again. Thanks anyway dearie! Enjoy ur last night in Sing! :):):)
Oh I didn't get that comment from u here Jean! But yay, happy to hear u can see my sidebar again, one less stress to worry abt he he! :):):)
Best nye dapat hadiah...
Hola Marzie! :)
I have something for you. Come over and collect while it's still hot! Hehe
I'm back! I'm back! hehe... and on my LJL rounds now.. after saying all my hi's and miss you to A and the kiddies...lolz... Aggie tak mao turun kena dokong...cute lah she..heheh...
Happy Belated Birthday wishes to you Mariuca.
Glad that you had a Great one:)
hehe, sry about that! and yay, i can view yr sidebar again today!! :) and i've followed MPG. see my little avatar over there! :)
Happy Thursday, woman! :)
He he, thank you Marvic! I like seeing ur avatar here, matching dgn MPG's color scheme here he he! :):):)
Hi Nessa! Thanks dearie, I collected my card oredi, love it! Happy weekend to u! :):):)
Welcome back LJ! You balik, terus hantar MMO email to us he he! Wah Aggie = Chubbs! :):):)
Thanks so much Bubbles! It's nice to see u here today! :)
Jean!! Thanks for being MPG's Fan woo hoo! I'm now happily following AGP too! *Hugs*
hey hey. Got to credit your 750 EC credits today :) :) hehehe I also i just uploaded my chocolate recipe something for you your sweet tooth to munch on hope you get to try it out :)
What did LadyJava gave you?
Belated Happy Birthday. God bless you always.
It's a rainy Saturday morning here in the Roxiticus Valley and I've just gotten around to reading this birthday post in its entirety. That t-shirt Emila did for you is awesome!
Hope you're having a terrific weekend across the world...
Metz! Thanks so much for the 750 credits woo hoo! I love seeing my EC bank get fatter and fatter he he! :):):)
OMG ECL! I totally forgot to give LJ my address, which means I have not received my pressie yet he he! Will let u know later! ;)
hahah.. Aunty ECL.. kaypoh it seems.. eh ECL you know or not, there's a road in SG called Jalan Kaypoh..lol.. I'm serious.. I was in bus number 65 going to Delta Road, and I passed by that road.. I was lol-ing with my mom!..heheh
GP.. yelah.. you forgot.. i thought you were busy so tak nak ganggu you..heheh
the hand made card is gorgeous. what a lovely thought.
stop posting pictures of cakes. i wanna eat em all ... eat them all ... all of them.(click) oh im back in the room good lol
Thanks so much Mel, have a great weekend! :)
Hola Roxy! It was a wet Sat morning for us here too, so nice to just cosy up in bed! :)
Isn't my Tee absolutely fab? I LOVE it!! Hope u're having a good weekend. :):):)
Ha ha ha!!! Seriously got Jalan Kaypoh? ;)
LJ, I totally forgot, sorry dear! Will email u now together with a lil' favour to ask he he! ;)
Yelah GP.. I wished I had taken picture of the sign but it was kinda like split second kinda thing..hehe..
Ok .. will wait for your email :)
LOL!!! Tina, please...have more cake okay? You're not on a diet I hope cause this cake is too yummy to say NO to! ;)
Oh I love all my hand-made cards, they're gorgeous! :):):)
Yeah too bad no pic, or not it would have made a cool interim post he he!
Mailed u oredi dearie! :)
hehe.. I agree GP!! next time..lolzz
Just here with LJL..buat apa tu??
mariuca here;s my present for you ---> http://mrsezman.blogspot.com/2008/09/i-have-visa-credit-card.html
Enjoy it hehe
sorry agak lambat, i wish you happy belated birthday..
May you be blessed always..
p/s : you winning freebies, rizal tangguh dulu.. sebab i am thinking of sending more than just that printed art works la kan.. so sabar yer.. (tengah fikir2 apa lagi yang boleh diberi - kekeke)..
Hi LJ, as u oredi know by now, I was busy restoring my PC, still got some work to do on it. Hope u had a good weekend dearie! :)
Awww, so sweet of u Mrs. Ezman, thanks so much! I'm happy to receive a pressie from u this year YAY! :):):)
Hi Rizal, thanks so much! Lambat pun tak kisah, still appreciate u wishing me here! :)
Oh no worries, I thought dah lost in the mail dah, so good thing u told me it's not out yet phew! Take ur time he he! ;)
hehe, yup! best-nya to see you in my list of followers. hehe..the title of follower sounds weird lar, like some sort of gangsta paradise. haha! :D
hehe..no prob mariuca. u deserve it..take care... :d
im following you here too now girl ;)
good to see everyone is adding the following thing. i love em!
Hiya GP!! Just starting my rounds now.. I got this huge ulcer in my mouth.. torture and that's what's causing this feverish feeling lah.. dah swollen pun muka i sebelah :(... heheh...takper A say.. still lawa..lolzz!!!
Hope the restore is going well.. Happy Monday dearie!!
I'm H. and I work in a company interested in blog advertising. I found your blog engaging and I'm contacting you to ask if you are interested in blog post sponsorship.
If you are interested, kindly mail back at k5ino@bigstring.com, indicating your blog for reference, and I'll send you back pricing details, guidelines and processes. Looking forward to doing business with you.
Hi Jean! Cool right to see our avatar as followers on each other's blog? Happy to be following AGP around, just like how I followed ur every move in Emila's first contest he he! ;)
Thanks Mrs. E, hey I think I'll call u that from now on ok? Have a good day at school tomorrow! :)
YAY! Thanks for becoming an MPG Fan Tina, you're da best! :):):)
Hi LJ! Oh ulcer rupanya, so how are u feeling now? Has it gone down any? I don't know much abt ulcers actually, take care dearie! :):):)
Hello H and welcome to Mariuca's Perfume Gallery! :)
Thanks for your interest in my blog and I'll get in touch with u via email, have a great day! :)
It's still there dearie... sakit gila.. minum pakai straw lagi..Shemah recommended me something so will try to look for it 2mrw..
I see, so u cannot eat ke? But happily enjoyed ur laksa sarawak today he he! I hope it gets better soon, hey didn't u write abt it once at one of ur many blogs? ;)
GP! Kalau you tengok i eat the laksa... you lol i tell you.. Azwaj did.. i have to senget my head.. A and mommy suggested I took porridge.. i say NO WAY.. puasa mana syiok buka porridge...NO WAY.. so suffer pun suffer lah... senget pun senget lah..lolzz..
Write abt laksa serawak?? no lah.. that was Debbie lahh...ehehe
Ah yeah la, porridge paling la tak best he he! Only tastes good when you're sick lol!
Eh I meant post on ulcer la, not Sarawak Laksa, that one Debbs did he he! Speaking of which, is her PC still down? LAMA tu!!
yelah.. I did.. but I tell you this time more serious.. dun know how many of them in there... sakit gila!!
No porridge for break fast.. that's for sure...
Aiyo, how to get rid of them then? Have u gone to see the Doc yet?
Nolah.. I dun think a visit to the doc it needed yet...just lots of patience while it heals...
In that case, hang in there LJ! In the meantime, I'm sure A is taking very good care of his baby! ;)
You said it GP!! lolzz!!
Enjoyzz being pampered LJ, now's the time to kick back n relax! ;)
Yelah.. bila lagi kan..lol..ok.. nak prepare sahur... ttyl!
Ok LJ, see ya later or perhaps in the afternoon nanti, nite nite dear and happy sahur! :)
Hehe Marzie, I'm enjoying using "la" I hope I'm using it appropriately, I also like "kan", "pulak" and "boleh". Have no idea what they mean, but find them very expressive words!
Oh wow Sushi!!!! Such a clever doggie la you ha ha ha!!! Okay...kan is like "right?". Pulak, is actually pula but we like to add the k behind and it means "also, again, else" and boleh is "can"..he he...come learn more Malay with us Sushi, you're so adorable! :D
Aww the gifts are so nice. :) So sweet of them. You deserve it dearie! *muah*
Thanks Rozella, I love them all and will always remember this birthday as extra special! *Hugs*
Marzie! Thanks for taking a photo of my card and magnets. They look much better here. :):) Glad you loved the surprise! I love giving them hehe..
I love Nessa's card too! And Emila's tee, who else can make such cute tees? :):)
Anyway, am recovering from fever and now got flu pulak. LJ, kalau ulser tu use Bonjela. Pastu takleh makan heaty food!
Of coz must take pics of my pressies Debbie! Thanks so much for the lovely card and magnets yeah? I was so happy and surprised to see ada 2 magnets to add to my koleksi, you're da best! :)
Ah tu la, best kan my Mariuca Tee! Sayang nak pakai ni! And Nessa's card is so sweet kan? :)
Oh sorry to hear u're not feeling well, but at least u're back online. Take care sweetie! :):):)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!