I sometimes refer to my friend LJ as my Midnight Buddy. A typical night owl like me, we're both most active after the sun goes down, and often end up having interesting email conversations in the wee hours of the morning while everyone else is sound asleep. Last week, our conversation turned to my interest in switching to paid hosting for my perfume blog. I love discussing blog issues with LJ. She makes it easy for me to understand things that seem foreign to the less tech-savvy like me. As usual, she was very helpful and explained to me in great detail, the steps I needed to take in order to move my current blogspot blog to my own domain.
Switching to paid hosting would be one scary experience for me, but LJ reassured me that it was feasible and she made it sound very simple. She also stressed on reliability, which is another vital factor to consider when choosing the best web hosting company for you. You wouldn't want a web hosting site that constantly blacks out; leaving you in the dark without any backup network, so it's best to window-shop first before choosing one for your site.
I really did learn a lot more about web hosting from my conversation with LJ. She clarified any doubts I had about moving my current blog to my own domain and was patient enough to answer any silly questions and confusions I had about the topic. From purchasing a domain to transferring my current blogspot blog to my new domain name, LJ explained every step clearly; convincing me that this move was possible, even for me!
It's good to have a knowledgeable and wonderful friend like LJ, one who's more than willing to share and help others. And though I'm still undecided about the whole web hosting issue, that's solely due to my fickleness and not because she wasn't convincing enough. So thank you LJ! If and when I gather enough courage to move my blog together with my precious links, I'll owe it all to my Midnight Buddy! :)

Awww such a sweet post! Thanks dearie.. it was and will always be fun chatting with you as well.. I hope my explanation was clear and helpful enough for you to try to take the plunge when you are ready ok..
My Midnight Buddy, I like that.. hmm should really form that midnight club lahh.. but don't know what kind of activities we can do kan??
Yay, thanks LJ! I'm sorry I couldn't give you some linky love here if you know what I mean ? ;)
You were a great help dearie, for the first time I really did understand the actual process and was 99% convinced to switch, until that techno link issue came up!
Ha ha ha activities?? Blogging activities la apa lagi? Like yesterday, main blog battle, blog rocket, checking out opps while playing Triumph ha ha ha!! :)
no probs... now I know why you asked me last night...lolzz...
yeah lah I really don't know what can be done with the techno and pr tough... though it would be interesting to find out if there is such an avenue kan..
Hehe.. those are wonderful activities kan..heheh..
He he... had to ask first to be sure, too bad the answer is negative kan?
LOL... I think those are activities only midnite owls like us can enjoy...so far it looks like u and I are the only members of this midnite club la! ;)
yelah..so sad our club only two person.. the pressy and the vice-pressy...lolzzz
He he...three's a crowd anyway (saja wan to sedapkan hati)! ;)
lol....maybe we should start another meme with this one..lol.. kinda like the one you started with GK..lolzz
"the party starts after midnight"...lolzz!!
LJ, I wonder who will join the midnight meme besides u and me! ;)
Oh Boldie is oredi out dear, I'm DL now! 4 eps in a row for me then! :)
scratch the club...lol... woohoot. am downloading now...thanks GP!!
LJ, don't scratch the club just yet, KIV dulu! ;)
Ok, enjoy ur DL sessi, talk to u later woman, going to finish up my vacuuming! :)
heheh..ok.. unscratch the club...lolzz.... ok ttyl woman!
Alright LJ, I'm gonna vote on BB now, connection seems to be faster now. See u! :)
Marzie, how cool you & LJ are midnite buddies.... you have someone online to chat with when everyone is asleep.... I gets tired easily nowdays & could hardly stay awake after midnite..... *yawn*... :)
He he Janice, it's cool to have a midnite buddy I tell you! Hey, if u wake up suddenly in the middle of the night, come look for us lolz! ;)
Hey GP!
Hehe! LJ the Midnight Buddy!! She sure deserves that title.
Well about your decision to host your own web, no worries yeah? Take your time. And great to see your post on the same web hosting business that we posted about! We also have to check whether ours has been approved or not. Hehe!
Anyway Happy Tuesday dearie. =)
Yay NAFA is here...hi guys!! Oh yeah, LJ is def my number 1 midnight buddy for now ...who else will keep me company when I'm up in the middle of the night he he he..
I am taking my time abt this webhosting Nafa... I was really keen to move my blog, but I sayang my links too much to lose them all with the move...so we'll wait and see until there's a foolproof solution! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!