YAY! I finally got around to changing Mariuca's Perfume Gallery's template! I'm such a procrastinator sometimes and though I've been meaning to change my template for the longest time and have been scouting around for a new look since a few months ago, it was only yesterday that I actually sat down and spent the whole day getting the new template up and running.
Of course I couldn't have done it all by myself, since there was some major HTML tweaking needed to come up with the final look. So naturally, I required some help in that department and I enlisted the assistance of LJ, my midnight buddy! From recommending sites for me to browse for new templates to adjusting my header and widgets and adding the wallpaper you see here to my new template, LJ did a great job of helping me with MPG's makeover. As always, she was very patient, guiding me every step of the way whenever I needed help, which was practically throughout the whole makeover LOL! In fact, she even added some new features to MPG like the little Ooh La La perfume bottle you see at the bottom of the page, which will bring you back to the top of the page when you click on it! How cute is that? ;)
I am totally loving my new look and would like to thank LJ for being such a great help! MPG looks simply smashing now and I can't wait to get started on Mariuca next! So how do YOU like MPG's makeover? Here is a screenshot of the old MPG. Happy weekend everyone! :)

Wow! So pretty!! I want a makeover too!!
I want Superwoman look! :)
Mariuca ~ It looks so pretty! Wow, you & LJ are so great at design! I've been super super busy & haven't been very good about EC dropping in, but I'm going to try! I did a redesign (with help) on my template too! But I really like yours! I've got to get a post up for you & haven't forgotten! Have a Good Day! xoxo
He he, thanks ECL!! I think it's pretty too so hurry up and get a makeover for ur blog! It's so refreshing to have a new template I tell you! :):):)
YAY! Thanks so much Cindi, I just LOVE my new look too LOL! LJ was such a great help and I'm sure she'd be happy to help u out too if u need another makeover for ur other blogs. :)
I'm behind in my EC drops today, looks like I'll be staying up tonight to get my rounds done! ;)
cool new template! i so want a make-over, too! :)
LOL! Thanks Maiylah and yeah, you should get a new look! It's so great to see ur blog sporting a new look after ages of having the same old one, give it a try dearie! :):):)
Yihaa!!!!! I am totally in love with everything her dearie especially the wallpaper.. like saying.. so in love with perfume!!
I was glad I could help and at the same time improve my tweaking skill..hehehe.. now on the the next project.. Mariuca?? lolzz!
Congrats dearie.. I'm sure you'll get lots of compliments on this one..and I'm sure you are now motivated to write here more no??
And Yeay.. LJL is on Mariuca today.. how befitting..heheh...
Oh I just woke up you know.. I slept at 10am I think and just woke up and now need to find something to eat.. I have to lepak at office today buat accounts lahh.. so catch you later!!
im so jelous of your hearts. damn you girl lol. i love em x
but your drop star badge has gone sniff sniff :)
He he he, thanks dearie!! I really love my new look, so when can we start working on Mariuca? Tak sabar ni, just hate putting the widgets back, such a chore lol! Eh, can help me fix my dropdown menu for my Blogroll or not? It's eating into the border! :(
I got up at 10am and terus buat kerja non stop! I'm left with 2 last but very large files to translate, backpain all now! ;)
TINA!!!!! LOL!! I am so sorry, I totally missed out ur badge! Obviously I was too excited about my new template and forgot to put back ur badge, so sorry sweetie! He he, it's going back up, don't worry! :):):)
GP! I sent you an email for the blogroll.. ok.. ke.. I think its overflowed coz you have one very long blog name in there.. it will follow the longest one.. but I put in a code in the html to shortened it.. does it look ok now to you?
Pak cik kayo pak cik kayo ...heee (john chow lah) ...lovely design ...mantap!!!
Oh I didn't get ur email LJ, it was somehow stuck in Spam! I think I'll leave it be for a while and might go back to my scroll bar for my Blogroll cause that one easier for me to handle. And can arrange alphabetically too, this one I had to do manually. But I dunno yet, you know la me, fickle he he!
Dear!!! Thanks for "reading my mind" and aligning my Drop Star badge, you totally rock!! :):):)
Thank you Bono! Kalau John Chow visit MPG, dia suka tak? He he he he!!! ;)
ok.. you decide and let me know.. eh if decide to do the blogroll as link list in your element let me know.. coz that one also i got a code to make it dropdown as well..heheheh...you know me.... all codes also i got...lolzz!!!
It looks really good. I'm going through the process of or working on a new theme for my site. Taking forever :)
GP!! Stop everthing... I DID IT!! lolzzz!! Now very nice already.. hehhee... lolzz.. but up to you lah if you still want to change ok :)
I love the new colors! This temple looks more put together :)
Happy weekend!
ooohhh wowwww!! It's so sweeeet!! Just like you!! :D Love the hearts!! Who doesnt, right?? And LJ was right.. you're gonna get loads and loads of compliments on this one! :) Here's to a new look and lots of love going around!! Cheers!!
I just love love love it! Its so very nice. Have a good weekend.
Sweet! A girl just can't argue with pink hearts and perfume...
Hope you're having an excellent weekend.
gorgeous Mariuca...and I love the little perfume bottle ..how delightful...
the new wallpaper really sets it off..
great job ...you make a great team!!!
marzie!! i love yr new layout and design! so sweet!! :) Great job, woman! and great job to LJ! :)
Happy weekend! :)
p/s: i can load MPG faster than Mariuca.
Like I mentioned before, I love this new look. I so much want to get rid of those dots in my blog. It's so not unique! One day I'll get there. Like you can count on LJ I feel I can count on you and LJ too (hehe) to help me out with those blog technical issues or any other issues really. Thanks for all the help I received from you since day one.Woofies.
PS: I'm a top Mariucan here too, isn't this great?YAY!
hi marzie! i've got an award for you!! come!! :)
LJ, thanks so much dearie! I will keep the Blogroll this way for now yay!
And I love la my ooh la la perfume bottle, so cute! :):):)
Hola Sir Robbie, it's a pleasure to have u drop by my site! And good luck with ur makeover, I see ur blog is still work-in-progress! :)
Yay, thanks Adie! It feels so great to have a new look after so long! Have a good weekend to you too. :)
Hi Shemah, thanks for the compliment sweetie! I love this new look and it suits my perfume theme better. Also love the fact that I now have menu tabs he he!! :):):)
Hola Jean9, welcome to MPG and glad to hear u're loving the new look too! MPG is blusing from all the great comments she's receiving here. ;)
Roxy, I haven't started my weekend yet, still answering comments and dropping off MPG! Thanks for the lovely comment Foxy Roxy! :)
Kim!! Thanks for noticing the perfume bottle he he!! That's like my fave part, makes me feel like I'm spritzing away whenever I click on it! :):):)
YAY, Jean is here! Thanks sweetie, I feel MPG loads faster too now and don worry, Mariuca will be getting a makeover as well he he!
WOWIE, another award so soon after ur last one? Thanks Jean, I'll come by ur blog later, have a great weekend. :):):)
Woofie!! Thank you Sushi and maybe u can start scouting around for a new template too he he. There are so many cool new designs out there and I bet you'll be just like me, confused at which one to pick. Have fun and it's great that you're my Top 2 Mariucan here woo hoo! :):):)
I can almost smell the perfume from here Mariuca..lol
Back for a quick hello before hitting the beach early (10:30am!) in Bay Head, New Jersey...the John Cougar Mellencamp concert last night was great, but I don't think the girls will give me time to post about it before hustling me off to swim in the ocean.
Enjoy your nighttime rounds on your side of the world...
I have a tab menu above now too.. I just haven't added anything to it yet! LOL!
Anyways, I've got a tag for you!
LOL! Feel free to come back for a spritz anytime Kim! ;)
Roxy, I don't think I can go anywhere at 10.30am, that's way too early for me! Glad u enjoyed the concert, when will it be my turn to have a nice lil vacation I wonder.. Thanks for the drop dear! :)
Shemah, at least you know how to put stuff there, LJ did all that for me he he! ;)
Thanks for the tag, I'll come check it out. Happy weekend! :)
Wow...it looks great Marzie! I like the pink hearts too:)
Why thank you Bobby, I love the lil' perfume bottle the most I think he he! ;)
Me just on my rounds now.. Happy Sunday sweetie!!..
LJ, I'm here! I dropped on ur blogs oredi today, cuma tak leave comment je. Weekend is almost over dearie, so I'll wish u a happy Monday instead! ;)
hehe.. yelah.. sometimes me pun.. nak open comment box pun berjanggut lah sometimes!
eh masih Sunday lah...lolzz
He he, but I was there okay? ;) Eh, you are now number 4 at my Top 10 EC over at Mariuca!! Finally eh? Yay!! :)
Ala, Sunday almost over mah, I'm oredi in Monday mode ni! ;)
hehe.. I know.. i see your EC card..lolzz... and YES!!! number four there.. but no where in sight here at MPG lahh!!
MPG ni susah sikit he he, she seems to be hot sekarang ni, wait lemme check if u're in my Top 25!! ;)
LOL!! LJ, Mariuca is at number 16 and LJL is at 17 for MPG!! Even I am not on my own list at MPG he he! ;)
LOL!! How did that happened?? ehehhe
Dunno, I guess Mariuca must've missed dropping on MPG for several days, terus eliminated from the list! ;)
hehe.. i miss my own blogs too.. that's why it's now in my must drop bookmarks list..lolz
Awww, so cute! I love the hearts! Hehehe
Hope you had a good wekend! :)
LJ, you lagi la got so many blogs! I have both my blogs on bookmark, but still tend to overlook sometimes, must remind each other looks like it! ;)
Yay, thanks Rozella, love the hearts too! I had a good weekend, hope yours was great too. No more car accidents hopefully he he! ;)
heheh.. I have my MUST bookmark... I click those daily first.. so won't forget for sure!!
LJ, I don have a daily bookmark. Usually just click on Inbox and try to remember to click on my blogs! Tak consistent la my droppers. ;)
hehe.. mine too.. takperlah.. just remember jer lahh...;)
Okies, also want to ask u if I should add MPG to Blogsvertise?
Of course.. though BV so banning me I think , you should add them to your listing.. go all out dearie!!
Really ah LJ? Dari hari tu punya problem ke?? So what was the reason they gave u in the end, ke they didn't give u any reasons??? Happy Monday sweetie! :):):)
This is so sweet with the lovely pink heart all over. LJ is so patient :)
I wanna a new look too but duno how to get started !! Sigh :(
Yelah GP! From that day email.. never wrote to me to update me pun.. they say wud re-evaluate my blog.. eh you think I should write them a nasty email?? After all they still owe me money you know.. and the post is still up!
YAY, thanks Janice!! I'm glad I finally got this done. Hey, u can start by clicking on the new templates link here, it will take u to the site where u can choose ur new template!! So many choices woman, go for it! :):):)
LJ!! Don't write a nasty email just yet, write a firm and stern letter first. If that doesn't work, then only u throw a tantrum he he! :)
Going out in a bit, ttyl dearie! :)
heheh.. Ok GP I'll try that.. me going out too.. to Iimmmigration at Damansara to renew my visa and another voiceover session at TTDI...yihaa!!
Really LJ? I'm going to renew my passport, looks like we're both renewing something today he he...BFF or what? ;)
OMG! You're renewing your passport as Damansara as well?? lol!! Wah!!! are we fated to meet?? lolz??
Me going to third floor but probably going after lunch coz they work faster after 2pm you know!
How cool would that be eh? Me going to Shah Alam it seems, btw I hate my new passport picture la! :(
OOhhh Shah Alam also got IMM eh.. did not know that..lolzz!! I always thought it was only at Damansara..lolzz!!
Oh well.. BFF jer lah macam tu..lolzz!! Take another picture lah GP!! You're gonna have like 3 years you know..hehe
Hi LJ, I'm back oredi, he he! Everything was rather speedy I must say, good show la Imigrasi! ;)
I wanted to take another picture yesterday LJ, but B thought I was being silly and the pic looks fine it seems!! I think I look quite sickly in the picture, eyes a bit swollen from my sinus, but anyway my passport dah siap so it's okay la. Just have to live with the pic! ;)
Good template bu had trouble readin the pink against the white. Good to see experimentaton going on here!
I was at IMM from 2.40pm to 4pm! Not too bad but room for improvement.. definitely!
Men are always like that lah GP! To them all pics are ok.. Azwaj pun sama gak..lolzz.. eh you buat passport tu nak gi holiday eh???
Hi Martin! Thanks for ur comment and welcome to MPG! Hope u enjoyed ur stay here, despite the color clash he he! ;)
We got the whole thing done in less than 10 minutes, then had to wait 2 hours to collect the passport, which was ready 20 minutes earlier. Syabas la Imigrasi hari ini lol! :):):)
Holiday? He he he... am preparing for my so called big vakasi in Oct! ;)
Wow.. terrific service for you lah like that.. depa takut you throw tantrum kot...lolzz!!!
Wah.. big vakasi in Oct?? Awesome.. jeles lahh!!
He he he...nasib baik fast and efficient! So we had nachos at this Mexican cafe in Shah Alam while waiting for my passport. Not bad la Shah Alam lol!
Don't be jeles LJ, still not sure where our destinasi is yet, planning only! ;)
hehehe.. no lah .. actually happy for you if you are indeed going for vakasi... you so needed it after all the work and incidences at your condo...
me still at TTDI.. just had dinner :)
Of course, GP needs a magical vakasi soon, come to me vakasi!!
You makan mana kat TTDI? ;)
hehe.. kedai makan mamak jer.. Maulana...you tau kat ner??
Next time try Wak Chai, it's near Penang Village. The lontong there is nice, eat with sambal sotong. But lately they've been pissing me off for giving us incomplete orders! Like that day we had soto, then gave us the wrong type of cili padi, so angry la me he he! ;)
Oohh i love soto!! wah will try it next time though got to check with M if he knows where it though... azwaj is hopeless around this area :)...lolz!
I'm sure you know where Muhibbah is right? Wah dah lama I tak makan sambal prawns and kacang botol goreng belacan kat sana, YUMMY!!! You are making me hungry la woman! ;)
Muhibbah?! As in the restaurant that flattened M's car??? heheh... you like to eat there is there.. That restaurant is sama deret with M's office lahh!! and that is where I am right now...!! lolzz!!
Ohhhhh Muhibbah rupanya the culprit he he! I've not been there in a long while! Jahatnye Muhibbah, owner is chinese muslim apparently. Food not bad, but the last time we went, wasn't so great so we dah lama tak visit! :):):)
Oh yay, Boldie is FINALLY out, been waiting the whole day. DL!
Hehe.. yelah Muhibbah.. actually not very Muhibbah kan?? Sombong is all I can say :(
Boldie's out?? Yeay!! Can't wait to download when I go home.. aiyoo another cold trip on the bike tonight... tadi hujan kan?? I did not expect to be this long here so tak bawak sweater lahh!!
LJ, you must always bring a sweater with you, cause u especially, never know what time ul be back! Woo hoo...my Boldie DL at 75kb/s! 34% oredi! :)
Tulah.. next time must bring... the last time i brought.. so nice journey back.. tonight mesti sejuk giler...
Wah 75kbs.. wah very laju lah..!!
WOWIE!! My Boldie dah siap LJ, was that speedy or what? He he!! I'm gonna watch stupid Katie irritate me more in this ep, so I'll catch ya later okay? :):):)
ok gurlfriend :).. Enjoy!!
Hi Marzie, hope you are better from your sinus. I wonder if it's the kitties' hair. There are so many templates out there,agreed, but I haven't found one that is not going to mess up all the rest( again all this HTML things). Mama added you in FB, she said she was Sushi's Mom,and that's true! She's waiting for you to add her too. Woofies.
PS: How do you like nuffnang?
Hola Marzie. It's Scent-Sationally Stunning my dear !!
The theme and the color blends very well. The heart design and it's backdrop looks beautiful. Perhaps if my vision turns 3D, I might see a photo of you holding cute little Phoebe somewhere at the back !! ;)
Overall, it's hot but you're definitely hotter :)
kak Mariuca,
I like this new look.. Looks fresh and sassy..
Surprisingly, cepat juga download..
ohhh yerr.. thanks for dropping comment..
you are LUCKY no. 2!!!!..huhuhu
nanti e-mail alamat yaa..
thanks for participating..
whoaho..heppi blogging
what a pretty template u have here. sweet!
Morning LJ, I'm back! So dah tgk Boldie blm? So irritating masa K reminisce her so-called love story with Nick after the wedding ceremony, perasan betul la cause there's no big love story for her to feel sad abt konon. Really hope they will stop focusing on her, been 3 months oredi! ;)
Hi Sushi! Thanks for ur concern he he, so many thing can trigger off my sinus attacks actually, including seafood and of coz dust. I am feeling great today, thanks!
Oh I saw the request from Mama but there is something seriously wrong with my FB! :( I have like over 20 pending requests from peeps, but I can't accept any of them yet cause my FB page turns up empty every time I try logging on, been almost a month! Hope to get the prob fixed soon and I will definitely add Mama to my Friends list then woo hoo!! :):):)
LOL, I love your comment Naz, esp the 3D bit he he! How abt my little perfume bottle? Cute or not? He he!!
Thanks for leaving ur comment Naz, I love my new look too! :):):)
I won?!!!! YEEEEEHA!!!! Some more I won something from the creative Rizal, I am so happy now, thanks so much! Nanti I hantar address kat MBL yeah? :):):)
Thank you Chetan and I will check out the link, have a good one! ;)
Hola Jenn! Thanks so much and welcome to MPG! I think my new template is super sweet too YAY! ;)
Marzie, the Ooh La La perfume at the bottom is definitely cute.
Wudn't it be cool if the click action include an animation of cute perfume bottles falling from the MPG header for a few seconds !!:)
GP!!! Oh I need to sooo biatch about Boldie...lolzz... what is wrong with everyone?? It's like a big grand gesture from K to sacrifice her happiness for B?? Come on!! Nothing went on between the two.. chances are N felt more pity then love for the the girl...Apa yg Donna sibuk sgt tu.. on the wedding day lagi!! Crazy woman!! Please everyone stop analysing N's feeling already.. sat ni from nothing there.. jadi something... aiyah!!!
GP! Already dropped my card just now.. but now want to drop comment with my name...lolzzz!
GP! Am dropping my LLP New EC..hehe.. I so love Sushi's EC here.. he is so handsome.. dun you think..like a little policeman!! so adorable lahh!!
Naz!! I am loving ur thoughts by the comment lol!! Right now, I'm just imagining I get to spritz a spray when I click on the perfume bottle lol! :)
Ha ha ha you are right LJ! Sushi does look like a lil' cop so cute meow!! He he he!!
Boldie boldie, left me dumbfounded la! And don't forget abt the PI, what's his name, forgot oredi. Dah la tak cute.
I am glad they're bringing back Stephanie though, miss her it seems! I hate Katie, Jackie and Donna for being perasan and busybody! J and D esp, are behaving just like the old Stephanie, campur tangan hal org! :( Gonna watch today's ep now, ttyl dearie! :)
Yelah si Donna tu bodoh.. dun know who this PI is suddenly decided can trust him with her life.. apadah?!! What you think about Felicia's scheming?? hehe..cian gak kalau D kena frame kan?? unless of course dia pun gatal sama lahh....
Ok enjoy today's episode.. apalah nasib tak siap2 i punya..hehehe
YAY! I C me! I C me! hahahahaha
I C U 2 at mypoochlife! Did you set up this way? Or is it just a coincidence? Really cool! I'm so glad I could afford this before MPG became way too expensive for my skinny piggy bank hehe. Now it's just out of my range, so I'm happy to be here today! That means MPG is rocking more than ever and that I need to work twice as much to be here again. Woofies.
Just dropping by with Bay Head Blog.
After all of the effort I've invested in SocialSpark, those idiots have decided to delete everyone's props and start over... I had 1,005! So my head is spinning...I think I may have to go to bed and pretend it was all a nightmare.
Oh, and if you're out and about, I'm still in a battle...
Marzie, I luv yr thoughts more. Spritz action is way beyond cool. It's excellent !! :)
Hi LJ! Donna is just a bimbo la, kill her character oredi! The whole Logan clan is pissing me off nowadays ha ha ha! ;)
Sushi! Ha ha ha, that was a cool coincidence wasn't it? I hope MPG brought u lotsa good clicks that day and we'd love to have you back here any time! Your EC blends really well here at MPG too, woofies! :):):)
GP! You dl Friday's ep already?? mon ep dah kluar ke??
The whole Logan family needs to be shot!!! lolzz!!
Roxy!! I'm still not sure what's going on at SS, why did they decide to start over?? Anyway, don't worry, I'll give you props for all your blogs on my next SS visit. We'll get back your 1,005 props okay? :):):)
Naz, don't be surprised if you actually see some spritz action going on here soon he he! :):):)
Oh yeah MPG did give my visitors hit counter a big boost! How powerful! I'm working again to earn more $$ to come back here :)
Are you accepting ads on Mariuca? Whenever I run a search, on MPG shows up. Lil'cop hahaha, you and LJ are cute!
LJ! I haven't checked on B&B yet, dah keluar ke? Oh now I know what u meant by "OMG GP! Eric!" He he!! What's next I wonder! ;)
Ha ha ha!! Morning cutie cop! ;)
Oh yay, glad to hear MPG worked her magic on ur blog, and of course Mariuca is accepting advertisers! :) You can click on MPG's avatar, and you will see Mariuca there as well, under other blogs by this author. Can't wait to have ur cute avatar at Mariuca too Sushi!
PS. I still haven't sent u my address, will do so today okay? :)
GP!! now you understand right.. OMG!! I really can't wait for the next episode.. eh you dl already?? dah ada tau!!
Lil Cop Sushi..you're so cute lahh!!!
LJ, I totally understand esp since those were your exact words "OMG! Eric!" ...just like Donna lolz...
Sushi is my fave doggie now, esp after he posted that mug cake recipe! ;)
hahaha.. OMG Eric is right!! lolzz!!!
and yes cute lah sushi!! so adorable...sayang tak boleh pegang kan??
I like the picture of Sushi kat sidebar tu, the one somewhere below, at his blog.. he looks extra fluffy in that pic...you hear that Sushi? WOOF!! :):):)
I like the yawning one..lolzz! such a cutie pie lah he!!
LJ, He he the yawning one is cute too, but I love that side profile one. Sushi looks extra fluffy there! ;)
GP,Lil'Cop is here again:) I browsed for your blog in EC as Wishing on a falling Star and it showed up, but if I type Mariuca only MPG shows up. I'm glad I found both now and my next purchase(I'm nearly able to afford it:) will be Mariuca. Thanks for sending me your add I'll make the magnet start its trip to Malaysia!
YES! I heard that lovely conversation between you and LJ about my side bar pics. I made sure I got my best shots there 'coz I knew hunk experts like both of you would be judging them :)
Thanks so much for the compliments ladies ;) hehe
Hi Marzie, I really like it when I'm extra-fluffy, how are the kitties doing? How do they cope with Malaysia weather with all that fluff?
Oh you are such a cutie lil' cop he he!! I can picture u happily posing and showing off ur best side to make sure u look extra fluffy and adorable at ur blog! :):):)
Yeeha! Chicago magnet on the way, can't wait to see what Sushi picked out for GP, love ya!
PS. Glad u found Mariuca on EC, can't wait to give you some good clicks when u advertise later lol! ;)
Yipee Marzie, just bought ad at Mariuca's! I'll be peering out there soon, yay!
PS: Magnet still packing up, but will be leaving the country soon:)
Yeeha! Sushi, you are number 8 in line after today's advertiser. Mariuca thanks you for advertising with her,can't wait to have ur cute fluffiness all over my blog he he! :):):)
I'm also thanking you for advertising at My Pooch Life, both of your EC cards always look great on my sidebar! Woofies.
Yeeha! They do Sushi, I love being at your blog! And MPG especially, always looks cuter with ur cute fluffiness here, seriously! :):):)
Oh thanks dear LJ! Marzie, LJ said to me: You're so cute lahh ! I've seen this work so many times, is that Malaysian and what does it mean? I like it! You say something and you say LA, cute!
Sushi! Ha ha ha, Bobby asked me the same thing before! La/lah is basically a term we use to stress on something. So LJ said "You are so cute lah!" ...means she thinks your are soooooo cute! He he! :):):)
Yes Sushi. Marzie is right.. You are soooooooooooooooo cute!!! heheh
LOL! Suka la Sushi kena puji MEOW!! Well that's what u get for being so darn fluffy and adorable! :)
ECL!! Now you got your own makeover already..hehehe
hehe. Sushi mmg fluffy....and darn cute!!! Have you seen his latest video??
hehe. Sushi mmg fluffy....and darn cute!!! Have you seen his latest video??
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!