Hola, I am back from my vacation, did you guys miss me? ;)
I have just posted my winner for the Where is Mariuca? Contest at my other blog and now, it's time to announce my winner for MPG! Thank you very much for your enthusiastic participation for this contest. Everyone was so cool, and I tried to make it as easy as possible with those hints. So I'm really happy to see most of you got the answer right, which is BANDUNG, Indonesia by the way!
Are you ready to find out who won my contest here? Here goes ... my winner for the Where is Mariuca? contest is Qua Chee from Singapore! Congrats to Qua Chee for winning the Where is Mariuca? contest here and you will be receiving a special souvenir all the way from Bandung, Indonesia, enjoy your win! :)

AND there's more! I've decided to throw in a little something, a consolation prize if you will, for the runner-up of this contest - the second person to leave a comment with the right answer and that person is ... Jean! So you will be getting a little something from Mariuca too, congrats! For those of you who did not win, don't forget how much I love having my contests, so there will be more goodies coming your way. Thank you again to everyone who participated in my contest. I had a blast and hope you did too!
I also thought it would be fun to see how many different responses I received for this question, so let's check out the breakdown below, shall we?
Bandung/ Indonesia (14)
A pat on the back for LJ, Qua Chee, Jean, Sushi, Emila, mharia, Nick, Rizal, Naz, Roxy, Paula, Em Dy, r10000 & Gin E for getting the answer absolutely right!
Jakarta, Indonesia (1)
Babette (very close!)
Bangkok (1)
Mrs. Ezman
Auckland (1)
Hong Kong (1)
ECL (ECL, you and your Hong Kong he he he!)
Didn't win the Where Is Mariuca? contest here? Check to see if you're a winner over at Mariuca!
I have just posted my winner for the Where is Mariuca? Contest at my other blog and now, it's time to announce my winner for MPG! Thank you very much for your enthusiastic participation for this contest. Everyone was so cool, and I tried to make it as easy as possible with those hints. So I'm really happy to see most of you got the answer right, which is BANDUNG, Indonesia by the way!
Are you ready to find out who won my contest here? Here goes ... my winner for the Where is Mariuca? contest is Qua Chee from Singapore! Congrats to Qua Chee for winning the Where is Mariuca? contest here and you will be receiving a special souvenir all the way from Bandung, Indonesia, enjoy your win! :)
AND there's more! I've decided to throw in a little something, a consolation prize if you will, for the runner-up of this contest - the second person to leave a comment with the right answer and that person is ... Jean! So you will be getting a little something from Mariuca too, congrats! For those of you who did not win, don't forget how much I love having my contests, so there will be more goodies coming your way. Thank you again to everyone who participated in my contest. I had a blast and hope you did too!
I also thought it would be fun to see how many different responses I received for this question, so let's check out the breakdown below, shall we?
Bandung/ Indonesia (14)
A pat on the back for LJ, Qua Chee, Jean, Sushi, Emila, mharia, Nick, Rizal, Naz, Roxy, Paula, Em Dy, r10000 & Gin E for getting the answer absolutely right!
Jakarta, Indonesia (1)
Babette (very close!)
Bangkok (1)
Mrs. Ezman
Auckland (1)
Hong Kong (1)
ECL (ECL, you and your Hong Kong he he he!)
Didn't win the Where Is Mariuca? contest here? Check to see if you're a winner over at Mariuca!

huhu..i didnt won! sad..sad :P
Hey Marzie, my rank is the same here, lucky number 5! Congrats Jean! I like the name of the souvenir store : Sin Sin! Do you know what it means?
Syabas kepada pemenang..
tak pa... ada luck musti boleh kena lagi kot.. musti kena! musti kena!
I am sure it must be a great trip there..
Happy Monday :)
He he, don be sad Mrs. Ezman! I'll be having more contests so u can try again. :):):)
Wow, another great coincidence Sushi, 5 must be your lucky number then he he! Yeah, congrats to Jean and hey, tell me what Sin Sin means...I have no clue! :):):)
LOL! That's the spirit Rizal, sooner or later mesti menang something from Mariuca he he! Just like how I won something from RestnRileks woo hoo! ;)
Congrats Quachee and Jean!!! Yay, Jean we both got 2nd prize!
Thank you Marzie!
Hi GP!!!
Of course we missed you sweetie and congrats to Qua Chee for winning the contest here!! Well done!!
Eh mana post vacation you ni?? hehe
oh hi maurica. got mixed up with yr blogs haha.
hoooray! i won it ! i won it! hehe. :) thanks for the competition!
yay!!! i've won!! thanks, marzie!!! you're the best!! thanks for giving me a second chance in MPG!! wooohooo!!!
yay, emila!! we both got 2nd. Hmm.. now i can't wait to get my pressie.. haha! :D
marzie, you're so efficient lar! so fast you reply and post the winner! thanks for taking the effort and time. Hope you had a blast shopping at bandung! can't wait for your vakasi photos. :)
YAY my Mariuca 2nd prize winner is here to congratulate my MPG winners he he so cute! Thank you Emila! :):)
YAY, now my Mariuca winner is here to congratulate MPG's winner ha ha!! Hugs for everyone, you guys rock!
LJ, you know la me, very slow in posting he he... some more got paid post to do. ;)
Woo hoo!! MPG's winner is in da house, congrats Qua Chee!! You deserve to win for being so speedy he he! Pls send me your mailing address via EC or MBL or anywhere else u can find me. Thanks again for taking part. :):):)
Hola Jean and YAY for winning this contest ha ha ha! Finally you and Emila too won something from Mariuca, so happy for u ladies! Good thing you guys were early that day yeah? :):):)
I had fun with this contest and hope u did too. Hope to get started on my Bandung post soon, still tying up some loose ends here. ;)
I'm a bit confused about my rank but I definetely love number 5! GP, I have to tell you, you and your magic lamp of luck rock! My techno is soaring! Beautiful!Thanks a lot! XOXO
hope u had a great time in the Bandung.
Aiyahhhh... Bandung! How would I know it is called the Flower City!? ish.
I was in Bandung a few times... malu. I went to a National Park said to be officated by Ibu Tien then. :)
haha..yalar marzie! i was so excited to join yr contest, good thing i won!! yay!! :D
yeah marzie, i cant wait to start reading yr bandung post and yr shopping spree!!
Morning Sushi! Oh I'm so happy to hear the Magic Lamp is working wonders for u cutie, don't forget to update your list! :):):)
Hi Bidarlah! Welcome to MPG, and thanks, I had a great time! :):):)
Ha ha ha, ECL!! So cute la you, some more been to Bandung several times oredi he he! I also didn't know it's nicknamed Flower City until I did some research online for my hints LOL...Happy Tuesday dear! :):):)
YAY! I'm happy you won too Jean! Finally, u won something from Mariuca or in this case MPG.
Will work on my post as soon as I get some time off, come home only my clients bombarding me with work! ;)
Marzie, I may not win but my guess is 100% correct! :)
I'm still smart <- console myself for not winning :p
hee hee i shud have wrote my answer on here too then!
i looked after your dollies whilst you were away anyway ;)
okay, will look forward for more contest from u :)
haha.. kesian betul woman ini! But getting jobs means more vakasi in the future rite!! :)
Have a great week, ya! :)
Naz, that's right! Thanks for taking part yeah? Try again next time, maybe you'll get lucky then! ;)
Tina, that's so sweet of you! Thanks so much sweetie, no wonder my dollies were glowing when I got home LOL! Love and hugs! :):):)
That's the spirit Mrs. Ezman! Never give up and you'll eventually win! :)
Thank you Jean! Now only got time to reply my comments...at 5am! :( Tomo morning have to get up early and continue work, bring me some goodies okay? LOL! :):):)
Congrats to Qua Chee and Jean! :)
Thanks Rozella, hope my winners and all who took part had FUN! Thanks for stopping by MPG today dear. :)
The lamp is wonderful Marzie, but everybody I invited to go on the magical carpet are a bit afraid of flying, I think... anyway as soon as I have anyone on board I'll let you know. I'm enjoyig the ride though :)
Happy to hear that Sushi! The carpet expands in size as we get more ppl on board, so never worry about falling off okay? But do hold on tight, just in case! ;)
Congrats to the Jean.. and I won too!! Yihaa!!
GP! I love my pressie and I love August!!
even though it wasn't my besday.. i still got lots of pressie.... yahoo!!
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!