Saturday, November 1, 2008

Depressed Darling

My darling B has been down for the past two days and I can't blame him. About two weeks back, he got a new toy, courtesy of his office - a brand new Blackberry! We both don't know much about this fancy handheld device, so B took his time in learning how to use it, while I ooohed and ahhhed whenever he discovered a new function LOL!

Last Thursday I received a text message from B saying he'll be having a working lunch somewhere. So it was almost 2 PM when I gave him my daily love call and the first thing he said was that he was upset! He did sound frantic and worried, so I quickly asked what's wrong and he sadly told me that he had lost his Blackberry! :(

What happened was B accidentally left his Blackberry at the place he had lunch! He only realised that about ten minutes after driving away and quickly rushed back, hoping to retrieve his Blackberry, safe and sound. Unfortunately for him and like most lost then stolen cases, his beloved brand new Blackberry was gone. The waiters claimed that they did not see anything at the table, so there was really nothing he could have done, poor B!! Now wouldn't you too be depressed if this happened to you?

He barely had it for two weeks and was just learning how to use his Blackberry and this had to happen! Not to mention the frustration of losing some important data inside and having to fork up almost RM2,000 to replace the missing one! And when B is down, Mariuca feels down too and that's no fun so I've been trying my best to cheer him up since that fateful afternoon.

for the past few nights, I've been giving him the freedom to watch all his favourite football shows instead of watching my sitcoms. Tonight is also football night and I even suggested buying him the Nexus21 TV Lifts for greater viewing pleasure! Earlier today, I made him a special lunch and planned to get him some yummy cup-cakes for tonight. Or maybe I'll make him the mug cake he loves so much. Alas nothing seemed to cheer up my darling B for I can clearly see the sadness in his eyes! :(

And that's when I figured a great solution to his depression - a nice long massage! See, B and I have this massage game where he and I will exchange massages for 30 minutes. I'll do his feet and legs and he does my hands and shoulders, which is usually where we need a massage most! What with him running around at the office and me busy typing away or dropping EC the whole day, we do look forward to this little game of ours. We always end up so relaxed albeit unfulfilled whenever our 30-min is up cause half an hour is never enough. No matter how long of a massage we give to one another, we just want more! By the way, we also have a nice comfy massage chair at home, but nothing beats a good old-fashion massage with human hands to knead away your stress and worry right? ;)

So when late afternoon came and B was still moping around the house, I quickly placed his cell phone in his hands, practically pushed him out the door, kissed him good-bye and told him to enjoy a nice long massage LOL! Hopefully he'll come home feeling better and more cheerful. It's been depressing for me too not seeing B's usually smiley face so I hope this massage will do the trick. If it does, then B will be in a good mood and if he's in a good mood, yours truly just might get a free massage instead of having to play the massage game to get me some back rub! ;)


Elara November 1, 2008 at 11:34 PM

Oh dear, I hope B is ok now. It's very hard to picture him not smiling. :( Hugs for both of you!!

Jackie November 2, 2008 at 1:27 AM

Oh my I can imagine how upset he is. I simply can't imagine you or him not being happy.

I am here with cup cakes too and some nice hot mocha coffee for both of you!!

Hugs also for both of you two!!:-)))

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 1:46 AM

Oh thanks for being my first commenter here Debbs, MPG loves ya! :)

Sigh, still a bit depressi but lucky got football tonight to make him forget for a while. :):):)

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 1:49 AM

Thank you Jackie! He was so miserable on that day, and is slowly cheering up again. Hopefully he'll forget abt it over this weekend.

The cupcakes and coffee will def help, love ya! :):):)

Anonymous,  November 2, 2008 at 2:10 AM

Poor Guy! No hope of finding that kind of toy.

In fact we were talking about how honest waiters are in Japan after our group study today by coincidence. You can leave behind stuff and it'll be there for you if you go back. Not accusing the waiters at the joint B was at but just an example of the different culture.

Only consolation I can give is that Liverpool are leading Spurs now by a goal but the game still has an hour or so more left.

Cheers B!!

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 2:20 AM

WOW!! Is that really u GK??? ALAKAZAM ZAM SHAZAM ha ha!! Aiyo, miss u la GK!! *Genie Hugz*

Sigh, yeah la GK, fella still depressed I can tell. Some more sayang cause not even 2 weeks and it's gone forever now. :(

And yes, he's watching Liverpool fact been watching football since 9pm! I hope Liverpool wins, that ought to make him smile a little! :):):)

Anonymous,  November 2, 2008 at 2:29 AM

Yup it's me all right GP!! Miss ya too!! Genie Hugz!

I'm doing some research for an assignment so not watching the game...besides don't want to jinx them too! :)

I know how he feels...and of course hope Liverpool get a good result so that he'll be consoled a little! :)

Went down and tried Wendy's for dinner today....the last tiem I had it was in the US LOL The chili is really nice and I wanted to grab an extra bowl and save it for later...but I had the 3/4 ponder was was stuffed really good hehe Planning on going back for more though. Jaya 1 is a neat place...first time I been there!

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 2:34 AM

YAY! The genies are together here, for tonight at least. That calls for another genie hug! :):):)

Thanks GK, am just doing my best to cheer him up here so I'm rooting for Liverpool too woo hoo! :)

Eh Jaya One is where my friend's cake store is la!! Cake Connection and that time I visited her, I too had Wendy's ha ha ha!!

I had the baked potato but now that u said the chilli is nice, I must try that too! Been ages since we discussed food yeah?

Anonymous,  November 2, 2008 at 2:40 AM

Yup! It's been too long since we last had a good "Genie" chat!

Yes, I remembered your friend's shop but couldn't find it...the layout of the place is a little strange for a first timer. I actually had to ask the Nando's staff where Wendy's was LOL and they asked me to go thru their place to get there...awful decent of them. :)

They have an interesting looking grilled chicken salad that wifey wants to try and me....I just wanna get more chilli hehe

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 2:46 AM

GK!! U are a mind reader indeed! Just today I mentioned ur name, and here u are appearing in my chat box tonight! And don worry, it was nothing bad he he! :)

And I can't believe u're not watching Liverpool playing tonight. So hardworking la GK!

Oh her shop is on the 1st floor and yes, me too had a difficult time finding her shop. But then again, my sense of direction is terrible lol!

Mmmmmm that chilli is bugging me now! Thank goodness I have some ayamas chic pie to tide me over tonight! :)

Anonymous,  November 2, 2008 at 2:49 AM

I too have a terrible sense of direction LOL Luckily wifey is pretty good with that...but then again I hardly listen too hehe

Mmmmmchicken you're making me hungry...oh one thing about the you should be able to take it LOL

Wait did you say you mentioned my name...hmmm now why would you me talking about me...if it were not bad, that is hehe

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 3:00 AM

Ha ha ha if it's mild, then u la should be able to take it easily LOL!! Today I cooked soto and of coz must have the chili padi blend with kicap, aiyo... I tell spicy!! B was practically crying poor thing ha ha! :)

Really GK, I just mentioned ur name in reference to a particular conversation I was having with another friend. Maybe it's time for that genie chat soon eh? ;)

Anonymous,  November 2, 2008 at 3:14 AM

Aiyooo...Spurs just drew level...

See Chili padi doesn't make me cry LOL I usually ask for a second bowl of chili padi when I eat my noodles hehe...

We can chat anytime ;) Genie King is always ready hehe

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 3:16 AM

Eh GK, I said B yg almost cried, me I was ready for my third bowl oredi ha ha ha!!! :):):)

I heard u and ur buddy had some nasi kandar on Deepavali! Nasi kandar oso sounds nice right now lol! ;)

Anonymous,  November 2, 2008 at 3:26 AM

Oooppss sorry...eyes getting heavy LOL

Nasi kandar...on Deepavali with my buddy....I don't think so...your little bird got lines fact we didn't even eat fact we didn't even eat in a Nasi Kandar was breakfast at our usual restaurant who normally has open house on deepavali. That fellow must hav egone for nasi kandar without poor old me...:)

But nasi kandar does sound good...I went to Jln TAR a couple of weeks search of a Financial Calculator if you believe me...and ended up there because in MPH the thing costs 150 and in Mydin we were getting six for our friends too. Anyway...we stumbled upon the nasi kandar shop next to the carpet shops....supposed to be good...and it was oh so good....i like th ebeef of course...and the egg...oh and a raw uncut green chilli to nibble on...hehe

Anonymous,  November 2, 2008 at 3:30 AM

Aiyah....Liverpool lost....oh no!! What a waste!!!

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 3:34 AM

Ha ha raw uncut chilli to nibble on it seems, you are the funniest la GK!! :)

Eh really, your buddy mentioned in one of his comments for me that u guys had nasi kandar, and it was free too. Maybe he meant free deepavali breakfast at a NK restaurant he he!

But too craving for some now that u've described it so vividly to me!! ;)

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 3:35 AM

Oh yeah! B oso just popped into my office to sadly let me know that Liverpool lost! :(

Anonymous,  November 2, 2008 at 3:41 AM

HE DID! I wonder what he's been smoking lately LOL need to find that comment and read it because I certainly know that I didn't eat free NK...besides NK folks usually celebrate Raya not DV....maybe he went for Raya openhouse and got free NK with another friend LOL

Now I need to ask him about this!!

Yeah the NK was so good and they used prawn gravy too to make it a superb blend of mouthwatering goodness!! I hope I making you hungry....becaue I'm going to sleep now!! hehehe

The pest control guy is coming tomorrow and I have to "Bug" out early before he gets here so I need my beauty sleep or else I'll have bags under my eyes LOL

Also need to look for new glasses....getting old GP! :(

You have a nice night....err...morning hehe

Genie Hugzzzzzz

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 3:45 AM

Ha ha maybe I read the comment wrongly? But tell ur buddy not to get angry with me yeah if I gave u the wrong info lol!! :)

You are making me damn hungry and u know I love my prawns, but that chic pie is calling me, so I'm good for now he he! :)

Have fun shopping for glasses GK, me off to watch some TV now. Nite nite and thanks so much for coming by today. I had a nice chat here with you, as always.

Genie Hugz! :):):)

Kim November 2, 2008 at 6:21 AM

oh that's a real shame that B has lost/had stolen his Blackberry....
the massages sound like a great idea though....
I love having foot massages...
chicken pie sounds yum...
and cupcakes and mug cakes...mmmm
I don't think I had enough for breakfast.. ;)
I'm still hungry ...eek!!!

Kim November 2, 2008 at 6:23 AM

yeehaa Mariuca...
you are TC and TD champion!!!!

Naye November 2, 2008 at 8:11 AM

I <3 your blog and would like to award you, see my blog!!!

Pok Dell November 2, 2008 at 9:37 AM

The ooohed and ahhhed get my attention...hahahaa

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 12:59 PM

Morning Kim! I just got up he he! ;)

Yes Kim!! It's really too bad that he lost it so soon after getting the Blackberry from his office, that's why he feels terrible, cause it was barely 2 weeks old SIGH! :(

Oh Kim u made me laugh with all ur food talk here ha ha! It's time to get me some breakfast now! :):):)

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 1:02 PM

I am I am your TC and TD champion ha ha! I was thrilled to see both my blogs at ur sites Kim, thanks so much! Love and hugs for u! :):):)

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 1:02 PM

Yay! An award for me?? Thanks Making Money, I'll be right over woo hoo! :):):)

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 1:03 PM

Ha ha Bintang!! Mesti la kena ooooh and aaaahhhh sebab jakun sikit baru dapat benda baru ha ha ha!!! :):):)

Anonymous,  November 2, 2008 at 4:38 PM

Dropping my EC. I'm also very very depress with my mobile connection..heeee

Rozella November 2, 2008 at 7:20 PM

OMG! :( So kesian... Last time my phone got stolen also I so sad and this is Blackberry somemore... *sigh* That's why lah I just use normal2 phone also. At least if hilang it's not so bad.

Anonymous,  November 2, 2008 at 7:53 PM

hello there! i hope your darling B is OK now. that is really depressing.

anyway, here is an award for you. hope it would somehow give you some smile in your lovely face after all that happened.

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 8:14 PM

Thanks for dropping ur EC here today Bono! Usah depressi ye, hope ur connection will be okay by tomo latest! :):):)

Anonymous,  November 2, 2008 at 8:44 PM

Poor B, he has my sympathy. I know how tough it is to keep track of all that mini-technology. I always worry about Rex leaving his Blackberry behind somewhere.


Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 9:10 PM

Rozie!!! Miss u la sweetie! :)

Eh last time my phone oso got stolen u know, some more it was an expensive phone RM1300, stolen from my fren's car! :(

Yeah la,kesian B, and I hope whoever took it will get what's coming their way for stealing ppl's stuff! :(

bluecrystaldude November 2, 2008 at 9:13 PM

Have you give B massage today? hehe

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 9:13 PM

Hi Pink Mama! Nice to see u at MPG today. :)

Thanks sweetie, B is feeling a bit better but of course he's still a bit bitter abt the whole thing.

Wow, a beautiful award for MPG yay! I love it, thanks so much! :):):)

bluecrystaldude November 2, 2008 at 9:14 PM

Was here, doing my EC dropping round ;)

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 9:15 PM

Awww thanks Roxy! And he was just getting used to carrying one around. Make sure u take extra care of yours now okay? :):):)

bluecrystaldude November 2, 2008 at 9:15 PM

Hope you are fine. Send my regards to other Mariucans!

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 9:16 PM

Hi HaaziQ!! Ha ha I see you too, thanks for dropping ur EC here. I've dropped both of mine at ur place oredi yay! :):):)

Mariuca November 2, 2008 at 9:16 PM

HaaziQ! I sent B off for another massage today, boleh? He he, biar dia ceria sikit for work tomo! ;)

Mariuca November 3, 2008 at 1:46 AM

I'm late but am here GK! :)

LadyJava November 3, 2008 at 1:47 AM

Oh dear.. I missed a day of blog hopping busy today with open house and in-law :)

Anways.. B still upset or what?? poor dear.. I hope the company sympathise with him and he does not have to pay back lah.. so sad for you and B lah..

Mariuca November 3, 2008 at 1:50 AM

Open house LJ? Wah still got open house kan? Bet u had a nice time though. :)

Yeah la, upset la the fella, how not to think about his Blackberry...and yes, have to pay back ni. Sob sob! Thanks LJ! :):):)

Adrian November 3, 2008 at 1:52 AM

LJ is here too! Like old times lah! LOL

Mariuca November 3, 2008 at 1:53 AM

GK!! Yup like old times kan but I think LJ has left the building! ;)

LadyJava November 3, 2008 at 1:53 AM

haha.. tulah that was the joke of the day.. our friend did open house for raya but we were all teasing him that it was more for Deepavali...lolzz

Oh dear kena ganti eh? cian B..

Hugs for you and B dearie!

Mariuca November 3, 2008 at 1:55 AM

Best jugak makan Raya food after dah lama tak makan eh?

Thanks dearie, ni I tgh compose surat appeal la, see if can waive the payment, or not sob sob sob! ;)

LadyJava November 3, 2008 at 1:59 AM

hahah.. LJ is still around.. Hiya GK.. long time no see lah you.. the absent Genie King..lolzz

Hah.. good idea writing appeal letter dearie.. you never know if you might catch the reader in a good mood kan...

I cross my fingers for both of you ya :)

Mariuca November 3, 2008 at 2:06 AM

GK must be bored tonight, but so nice to have him visit us here YAY! :)

LJ, trying my best to help B, so we'll see. Btw, I tried using ur MM code for Mr. Linky, but nothing appeared oso! :(

LadyJava November 3, 2008 at 2:08 AM

GP.. you have to publish baru appear remember..:)

Mariuca November 3, 2008 at 2:10 AM

Hmmm, is it?? I see the MM badge, but no Mr. Linky, u saying I should just publish???

LadyJava November 3, 2008 at 2:13 AM

Yeap..if you see the badge.. means it's correct.. publish jer ok.. tengah tunggu ni.. nak chop...lolz

Adrian November 3, 2008 at 2:14 AM

Hola again...not bored GP...just lazy to study LOL Doing more research and now feeling a little sleepy....better knock off early since tomorrow is a working day! Cheers to you and LJ and have a good night!

Mariuca November 3, 2008 at 2:20 AM

Ok hang on, figuring out where to insert ur note on the strictly for MM members. It keeps on running. Biasa la me and HTMl, sabar ye! ;)

Mariuca November 3, 2008 at 2:20 AM

Oh nite nite GK! It's nice of u to drop by, come again okay, whenever u're in a lazy-to-study mood he he! SHAZAM!! :)

emilayusof November 3, 2008 at 2:21 AM

Aww...poor B! I hope he's feeling better now after the massage!! Regards to B!

emilayusof November 3, 2008 at 2:21 AM

and to the 3 kitties and hans and zeffer!

emilayusof November 3, 2008 at 2:22 AM

you're really a good wife, marzie!!! big hugs to you!

LadyJava November 3, 2008 at 2:22 AM

heheh.. take your time dearie..

Nite nite GK!

Hello Emila!!

emilayusof November 3, 2008 at 2:23 AM

sorry i haven't rop by as much, been busy with a website am developing.

emilayusof November 3, 2008 at 2:23 AM

hello everybody!! how are you guys?

emilayusof November 3, 2008 at 2:23 AM

debbie! congrats you're 1st!

emilayusof November 3, 2008 at 2:23 AM

marzie, dropped ec on you today!

emilayusof November 3, 2008 at 2:24 AM

haven't been dropping for few days oredi!

emilayusof November 3, 2008 at 2:25 AM

hi bono, hi rozella, hi lj!

Mariuca November 3, 2008 at 2:25 AM

Okies LJ, slow tortoise la me, but steady gitu! :)

Mariuca November 3, 2008 at 2:26 AM

Hola Emila! B is next to me doing some work too, and he sends his regards to u too. :):):)

Mmg sedih la tgk the fella not his usual smiley self. :(

Mariuca November 3, 2008 at 2:27 AM

Wah! Tenkiu Emila, for saying I'm a good wifey YAY! Trying la to cheer him up, so today oso I sent him for another massage he he! :):):)

Busy with website ye? Janji dapat ka-ching! ;)

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) November 3, 2008 at 5:08 PM

I'd be depressed if I lost my Blackberry too .. If I had one to lose that is ... LOL!

Mariuca November 3, 2008 at 6:13 PM

Ha ha ha Nick!! :)

Depressing u know, esp now that he has to pay back the company aiyo!! :(

Monica November 3, 2008 at 8:00 PM

I'm so sorry to hear that Mariuca!! *HUGS* I hope your darling B is feeling better now..

Jean Chia aka Ms.Yummy~licious November 4, 2008 at 1:00 AM

aww.. im so sry to hear abt that! Hope he feels better after the massage! *HUGZ*

Nessa November 4, 2008 at 8:30 AM

Laa... kesiannya B. I oso tumpang sedih. If it was me I would have cried my heart out at the shop. I'm sure one of those waiters took it, but it's tough when you have no proof ya.

What goes around, comes around. Whoever took the Blackberry, their hands will rot, I tell you! :)

Grandy November 5, 2008 at 9:05 AM

Oh dear!! I hope B is feeling better after his massage!!

Monica November 5, 2008 at 9:55 PM

get any free massage today? ;-)

Mariuca November 6, 2008 at 2:14 AM

Thank you Monica, you are really sweet and yes, B is feeling much better this week. Thanks again! :):):)

Mariuca November 6, 2008 at 2:15 AM

Hi Jean! I sent him for massage 2 days in a row last weekend LOL, so yes he did feel better then, thanks sweetie! :):):)

Mariuca November 6, 2008 at 2:22 AM

Nessa!!! Ha ha cute la u and thanks so much sweetie! Yeah la, I think B almost cried when he realised what happened but nak buat mcm mana kan? The worst part is that now kena bayar balik the company, aiyo!!!!

Tu la, what goes around comes around, so we're trying to take some comfort in that, thanks dear. :):):)

Mariuca November 6, 2008 at 2:25 AM

Thanks Grandy, B did feel better after the massage and will be sending him off for another one too this weekend YAY! :):):)

Mariuca November 6, 2008 at 2:25 AM

Today no FOC massage for me la Mon, he he!! Try again tomo lol! ;)

Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!

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