Before I reveal my choice for Music Monday, I'd like to inform all my friends here who are on MPG's blogroll that I have finally moved to my very own domain YAY! :) You can read all about it at my other blog, but in the mean time, I would much appreciate it if you could change my old URL at your blogroll to the new one, which is PLEASE kindly change my current URL at your blogroll to the new address mentioned above, it will hopefully help me get back my PR by the time Mr. G does another round of PR update! THANK YOU so much for your time and cooperation peeps, MPG loves ya! :)
Okay, for this week's MM, I am going to feature a number especially for my good buddy Hans! See, Hans and I pretty much share the same taste in music, although I secretly think he doesn't like to admit it! So a lot of "My Songs" will surely end up being his as well. Whenever we're in the car or listening to the radio and one of my songs comes out, I'd immediately say Hey that's My SONG, and he'd follow with No, that's my song and we always end up arguing about why this song should be ours, with B as the referee ha ha! :)
Last week, on the way to the hospital, I was in his car and a particular song came on the radio, which just so happened to be MY song! So naturally I said Hey that's my song and turned up the volume, and as expected he said no, it's his song! As usual we debated for a while, trying to ascertain just whose song it was, with yours truly ending up as the winner of course! ;)
So for this week, I told Hans that I'll be featuring one of MY songs and will graciously share it with him, just this once! I fell in love with this song by Gregorian the moment I heard it! Yes it was hot during my disco dancing days and yes it holds so many memories and yes I once recorded this song over and over again in a cassette (way back when CDs were unheard of) and yes, I still do love this song just as much as I did back then! So for Hans, sorry dude, but no matter how you spin it, this one is definitely MY SONG! A song that's very hard to find and rare in almost every possible way, Once In A Lifetime remains as my all-time fave song. I hope you will enjoy my pick for this week's MM, the way I kept on playing it over and over again when I first fell in love with this hauntingly sweet and sexy love song! ;)
Once In A Lifetime
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are strictly for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.
Okay, for this week's MM, I am going to feature a number especially for my good buddy Hans! See, Hans and I pretty much share the same taste in music, although I secretly think he doesn't like to admit it! So a lot of "My Songs" will surely end up being his as well. Whenever we're in the car or listening to the radio and one of my songs comes out, I'd immediately say Hey that's My SONG, and he'd follow with No, that's my song and we always end up arguing about why this song should be ours, with B as the referee ha ha! :)
Last week, on the way to the hospital, I was in his car and a particular song came on the radio, which just so happened to be MY song! So naturally I said Hey that's my song and turned up the volume, and as expected he said no, it's his song! As usual we debated for a while, trying to ascertain just whose song it was, with yours truly ending up as the winner of course! ;)
So for this week, I told Hans that I'll be featuring one of MY songs and will graciously share it with him, just this once! I fell in love with this song by Gregorian the moment I heard it! Yes it was hot during my disco dancing days and yes it holds so many memories and yes I once recorded this song over and over again in a cassette (way back when CDs were unheard of) and yes, I still do love this song just as much as I did back then! So for Hans, sorry dude, but no matter how you spin it, this one is definitely MY SONG! A song that's very hard to find and rare in almost every possible way, Once In A Lifetime remains as my all-time fave song. I hope you will enjoy my pick for this week's MM, the way I kept on playing it over and over again when I first fell in love with this hauntingly sweet and sexy love song! ;)
Once In A Lifetime
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are strictly for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.
* The first person to leave a comment on any post title that ends with a star will receive a link back to his or her blog for being my first commentator!
ok... i will go home now in peace!! lol..
CHOP...oh she beat me!!
will read once I get home ya!!
LJ you are too quick!
hheheh.. oopss sorry Roxy!!! a tad late....lolzz!!
see you later!!
Hey MPG,
Congrats on your new domain exciting! I'll have to start updating my links to you.
London, Maddie and I are here listening to YOUR SONG...I can't believe how many great new tunes I'm finding through Music Mondays...
emmmm...CHOP CHIP CHOP...
GP! Guess what, it's C's song! Guess you guys will have to share! He went on and on and on about this song and the memories...bla bla's hilarious!
Ok, off to listen to it now.
He said, "Yabaden! It's once in a lifetime, u know or not?"
Oh, look who's on my EntreCard widget...I think I detect a little Marc Jacobs scent in the air at Roxiticus Desperate Housewives today.
Ha ha ha dapat jugak LJ chop here, congrats dearie! You will be receiving ur linky love from the new MPG (ahem!) soon! Thanks LJ and MPG loves ya! :):):)
OK LJ, go home dulu, see ya in a bit then! Am just only now responding to my comments here, followed by Mariuca later! ;)
LOL Roxy!!!! You were just one minute later than LJ ha ha ha, it is really cute to see u CHOPPING away here Roxy ha ha ha! Good job and try again next time okay? :):):)
Okay, time for Roxy to head out of the blogosphere and off to High School Musical LIVE at PaperMill Playhouse with London's Brownie troop. I'll be back later tonight while you're sleeping...
Roxy! It is damn exciting to finally get my own domain name I tell ya! And it was all a spontaneous decision I made yesterday, so that makes it even cooler YAY! Thank you for updating my URL to the new one, and hey...when are u gonna make ur move? ;)
Awwwww thank you girls! Thanks for listening to GP's song he he! I'll be checking out ur pick later Roxy, lemme finish off some stuff here before I go on my round! :):):)
Bono! Best kan CHOP CHIP CHOP, mcm cokelat cookies! He he!! :):):)
Debbs!!!!!! Wah!!! Really? YEEEHAW!!! Wah best la C can join me this week at MM he he! It is the coolest song cakap dengan C, and yes..oh so many memories! Good ones too, which makes this song all the more WOW! And of coz I's Once in a Lifetime mah!! Wah so happy to hear C loves this song too he he! :):):)
C cakap susah wanna find this song kan? Now he's bugging me to find the mp3 for him so that he can listen to it on his mp3 player. Lol!!
Ok Roxy, you have fun with the Brownie troop and I'll be visiting u and the girls soon! :):):)
AHAKS Debbs!!! Pandai la C itu he he!! Eh if u have Imeem, u can take this song off me, it's on my list there yeeha!!! Bestnye got gang ha ha ha! :):):)
C gelak besar and I gelak at him. Lol!! Susah giler nak cari ni. At Imeem can DL ke?
He he!! Mmg susah to find this song Debbs, and I found it like 2 years back only, teru DL he he! I have the remix versi and the normal versi!
Yes, u can take the song off my list if u're on Imeem! At least I think so, based on the many comments ppl left me there, thanking me for this song he he!!!
Oh ya, congrats on the new domain! :):)
Yeah, thanks Debbie! Finally dapat jugak own domain ha ha! I was he he-ing the whole time LJ was teaching me how to move, even though I didn't really know why I was he he-ing ha ha ha! ;)
I told him, you told me you have the song, terus besar his eyes! HE can ask some more, So Sad got or not? :P
HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!! Now I am ROTFLMAOM ha ha ha!! So Sad can easily DL, easy to find but this one mmg rare! Woo hoo!! :D
Debbs, so C tengah berdansa ke apa tu? So cute la u guys ha ha!!! :)
Ye ke that rare? Send to me thru email can or not? Hehe..If not he'll be bugging ni. I tgh cari jugak but mmg takde huhuhu..
Ah very difficult to find this song lol! I cannot send through email, tried before, but lemme try again later. I have to retrieve the file from my old PC, my music files are still there and not in my lappy, sabar ye C! ;)
GP, hehe on second thought it's ok la, menyusahkan u only. I try to find first ya. Hehe..
Debbs!! Nemind, I retrieved the song oredi ha ha! Excited to find geng ni, I'll email it to u NOW, kalau can go through yeah? ;)
No la he was trying to sleep lol!! Some more he said wat u know, last time that song happening. C last time disco at home, sing the song in the car, etc. Trus tak tido he, excited it seems!
HA HA HA HA ye ke? Oh I understand how he feels, when I first found the song after searching hi and low for it, I terus DL and listened to it the whole night and day he he..... cause dah la susah nak cari, some more got the extended versi lagi yeeha! I'm still trying to email the song, it's a huge file, so maybe lambat sikit! ;)
My internet pun acting up ni. I'm trying to Dl the song from your email.
Lol! Now u know kan his age from his taste in music? :P
I hope can Dl the song Debbs! Then C can dance the night away, tak yah tidur lol! :)
Ohhhh don tell me C is MY age, which btw no need to mensi here la he he! Correct???? own domain dah yer.
I'll change href for your cute badge :) at my sidebar :)
He's 2 years ur senior, which we don't have to mensi here! :):):)
Muahahahhahahaha! Dat means he is my sister's age and oso my SIL's age he he! Wah dah tahu dah finally, baru la puas hati he he! Baby face la the fella, looks so young! :):):)
He he mestila Bintang, kita kena go with the flow lol! Oh thanks so much for changing my add to the new one, baiknye Bintang YAY! :):):)
Baby face ke? Hehe afters he hembang if he knows u mensi camtu..hehe..runs in the family kot, the guys tak nampak their age. Lgpun I think it's cuz he's a funny, jolly person. :):)
Thanks again for the song! You're such a sweetheart! :)
Eh, kembang I mean, not hembang lol!!
Wah C sounds like B la, jolly and smiley all the time! He he! Hugs for B and C lol!!
Oh no worries abt the song, I was happy to oblige seeing that C is a true fan of this song, must share my joy with another who loves it just as much as I do! Yay for MM! :):):)
I think B is not as shy as C, C can be shy but if dah biasa, he can be a real joker. LOL! :)
Tu la sbb same age group kan, dats why he can relate to your MM songs. :) He said, he had this Gregorian song on cassette, always rewind and play non-stop until the tape rosak! :P
Ha ha ha I paham sgt-sgt la C! I oso siap tape the whole cassette with this song and played it over and over again in the car, until my college frens pun dah fed-up ha ha, those were the days man! Yahoo, now must start thinking of next week's song but B chopped oredi, wants me to put his song pulak next week LOL! ;)
Haha clever la u tape the whole cassette with that one song!! Lol!! Actually I almost put Roxette for today's MM but I thought nanti LJ or u letak old2 songs jugak so I chose something different la. I love it that MM is unpredictable, it's so much fun!
LOL Debbs! Cause mana ada CD zaman tu kan? ;) Wah which Roxette song u had in mind ni? Best jugak Roxette, but yup...very unpredictable this MM and I'm loving it! :):):)
I was gonna choose How Do You Do cuz it's catchy! Lol! I baru DL their hits compilation so C is very happy.
Nowadays every week he wants to change his songs on his mp3 hehe. He's not very tech-savvy u know, so I had to teach him how to copy songs and wat not, now he terer edi. :)
Marzie, I wanna go zzz dah ni, today didn't took catnap at all. I talk to you later when I'm up ya! :) Prolly in the afternoon, lol! Thanks again for the song. HUGS!
hehe Mariuca
I was listening to this while reading your post over at Mariuca...
I love it...such a lovely song to listen to early Monday Morning....
very cool!!!
grats on you new domain :))
I love that little scroll box....I want one of those ;)
I just got the code for my
will add it now :))
Morning Marzie!
Babe this is the first time I've ever heard of this song lah! Hehehe
Great song ... Like Rozella, this is the very first I am hearing this too!
Wow Speedy and i are on the same track. I have never heard this tune either.
But, I love it. It has a really sexy beat to it. The rythym and bass is fantastic...and the words are so true.
Good night my friend. I am headed to bed for a real night of sleep instead of just a few hours!!:-)))
Congrats on your new domain, Marzie!
Congrats on your new domain, Marzie!
That's exciting!! And just after your two blogversaries too.
Ahhh...and I see that LJ got her CHOP comment in too.
Congrats on winning the mug shot here...again...LJ.
How'd you do that scroll box thingy?
Oh nevermind...I can't even learn how to post a video. This is the only reason I don't play at your music Monday.
Because Grandy is an idiot. ;)
Oh well...Grandy likes coming to see what you have to share.
You always have all the cool gadgets here. :)
I have so much to learn, that's for sure.
CONGRATS on your new domain Mariuca!!!
I am SO happy for you too..YAY!
hey, nice pick for MM..;-) also, the first time I heard this song...:-D
hi mariuca! ur site is nice but it loads very slow. it would be nice if you limit the number of posts so it would load fast. keep it up!
Dropping my 1st EC today.
I love MM..I know more new song with MM.
Looking forwards to add this song to my BLIP list
Hey! That is my song!!! Muahaha!
Changed your link oredi in my blog! dropped ec too!
congratulations on the new domain and great choice of song
Disco Dancing days and cassette players? Gee Marzie, you almost as old as I am ... LOL!
Btw, I actually dropped my own EC today ... LOL!
Hi did you do that? I am going to figure this out somehow if I have to have another blog!!
Drop drop marzie....see you at MPG in a second!!:-)
Yes, it does remind me of the disco days. A pretty song.
GP!! Yihaa!!! it was a close one with Roxy hehe.. sorry Roxy. next time ya...lolz!
Congrats GP on this new domain name.. awesome choice.. just need to remove the blogspot from the previous url!!!
Wah this songs bring back memories lah.. boogey woogie memories...lolz.. ah.. i miss those times.. come ladies.. lets dance!!!
Hiya Grandy..
Eh not that difficult to put the codes.. just go to youtube, choose the song you want, grab the embed code and you're done .. then go to my blog, grab the code from there and again you're done..
Hi Mariuca.
Thanks for visiting my MM. Glad you liked the hottie, lol.
Good choice of yours, nice to start Monday with some speed. I didn´t know it either. Great sound to dance, has a bit of Enigma in it, or maybe it´s just me.
A great Monday!
btw, I love the beat of this song.. :-D
Have a great day ahead hun!
dropping by with a caramel latte :)
have a great day Mariuca :)
Whew...long day in NYC...I got your note about that thing and will get to work on it over the next week or so and will shoot you an e-mail.
i love this song! :) it's such a sexy love song... :) great song choice, hope your man appreciates it... :)
New URL for your cute MPG badge tak tukar lagi..
Hola Marzie!! dropped ec today!
wah, if myself drop ec everyday, can be top dropper soon hehe!
wah! 32 people already participating in MM!! Very good!
where's your EC widget Mariuca?
I tried to refresh the page a few times aldy..
okay, now I can see your widget! LOL!!
Hi Debbs, it's good that C has a tech-savvy GF like you then, I hope he's happily enjoying my song now he he! :)
YAY! Thank you for listening to my song Kim. I'm listening it to it now and as usual, it is putting me in a good mood as I'm finally responding to my comments here.
I like the lyrics widget too, makes a great addition to my MM post eh? :):):)
Hi Rozie! Wah first time ye? This is my song la Rozie, he he I love it woo hoo! :):):)
Yay! Thanks Eric, I have yet to take a listen to ur MM pick, hang on...! ;)
Jackie! Thanks for listening to my MM pick sweetie! It is a sexy number ain't it and the words...ahhhh the words really go with the melody, I just love this song! :):):)
Thank you Grandy, it's about time MPG gets a proper home to house all my lovely scents here eh? I was worried at first, not knowing what to expect and all that, but I am really happy I finally got my own domain here YAY! :):):)
Grandy! Of course u are not an idiot lol!!! You are just cute he he! And if u see the comments here, LJ has explained to you how to have videos up at ur blog. The same goes for the lyrics widget, so come join us next week okay? :)
Thanks Monica, I love having my own domain too he he! Oh you too first time listening to this song eh? I love la this song woot! :):):)
Thank you Makoy, hope to see u back here then! Have a great day. :)
Bono! I oso love MM, best gila kan? Now thinking of next week's song oredi he he! :)
He he, okay okay, we can share this song Emila itu! I prefer this versi to Sarah Brightman's, but dua-dua pun best! :):):)
Thank you Cherry and glad to hear u enjoyed this song YAY! :)
Wah Spiffy! You dropping ur own card today? He he, Mrs. Spiffy must be busy eh?
Ohhhhh now calling me old it seems, nemind I'm still younger than you LOL! :):):)
Thanks for dropping ur EC here Jackie, nite nite! :)
Thanks Mckay, I'll drop by to check out ur pick as well! :)
Thanks LJ! Puas hati finally dapat own domain for MPG, some more it's exactly like my old add minus the blogspot, so double YAY! :)
LJ, this la my all-time fave song he he, lotsa memories too behind this number, best! :):):)
Mize! You are correct! This number does have some Enigma to it, thanks for noticing yay! And oh yeah, your hottie was a cool pick as well he he! :):):)
Hi Mon! Me too...I love the beat of this song, can't help but make u wanna jump up and sway to the beat YAY! :)
Kim, thanks to your caramel latte, my day was simply wonderful! Yum! :):):)
Don't work too hard Roxy! Good that u got my msg and I'll be waiting for ur email, thanks dear! :)
YAY! Thank you Ane, I too think this is such a sexy love song, and the beat is great too, no wonder I love it so much he he! :):):)
Bintang, thank you for reminding me, dah tukar dah URL for my MPG dolly he he! :)
Hola Emila, thanks for dropping ur EC here. Ah come come drop every day like Bintang, now dah TD at Mariuca! :)
Yay! You came back to drop ur EC Monica, thanks sweetie! :)
yeah...Know more song from MM.Now become addicted to MM :))
Hmmm, pelik la cos I tak pernah lagi dengar lagu ni. I've oso never heard of Gregorian before... is this song from the 80's or 90's?
That's right Erick! I think I'm addicted to MM as well ha ha! :)
Nessa!!! Tak pernah dengar lagu ni ye? He he... nilah my song LOL!! And it's a 90s song yeeha!! :):):)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!