If my other blog was recently awarded a very meaningful award, today it's MPG's turn to take centre stage with this fabulous Queen of Blogs Award!

This wonderful recognition not only made my day, but also inspired me to dedicate even more to Mariuca's Perfume Gallery. It really is such an honour to be acknowledged in this special way, and I was touched to know that MPG in her own rights and reasons, have inspired another blogger to bestow upon her, the most beautiful award I've received to date!

Thank you to PrettyFireFly for making my smile a little broader, my step a little bouncier and my heart a little lighter with her kind words that she left for me, together with this award. This award comes in pink, silver and purple by the way. Click here for the complete rules.
I know it's not much, but I know you deserve to be called "Queen of Blogs". I’m new to this (blogging) your site truly inspires me. You may not know it but you inspire people to be a better blogger and to be a better person somehow.
You may share this award to anyone who deserve to be called “Queen of Blogs”.
I am sharing this beautiful award with my beautiful friends, who in their own way, have inspired me to be a better blogger with their awesome blogs. And in no particular order, they are Emila, Bing, Mize, LadyJava, Jean, Janice, Monica, Jackie, Lainy, Liza, Debbie, Ane, Roxy, Kim, Shemah, Nessa and Rozella! CONGRATULATIONS!

PS. This is a special ** post! I am giving away linky love to the first 2 commenters instead of the usual 1, go for it!


«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 243 of 243 Newer› Newest»i agree!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
hehe they are so fast and furious! :-[
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
thank you shemah!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
happy sunday too, marzie!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
hi haaziq!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
thank you guest!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
gorgeous, i agree!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
congrats pink lady!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
hugs, jackie!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
congrats mon!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
congrats kim!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
congrats nessa!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
where you going, rozella?
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
hi adam!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
hello jean!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
hi jackie!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
congrats rozella! :-[ :-[
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
hello marzie! am here!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
dropped ec! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
hello everybody! :-[ :-[
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
happy sunday marzie!
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
happy sunday mariucans!!!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Earth Hour *
He he Happy Sunday Emila! ;)
Hola Emila!!!
Thanks for dropping ec yay!
I still hvn't checked out the pink one.. aiyo.. :-D :-D
Thanks Emila! ;) :)
:* :* :*
Mariuca, don't forget to check your TCM at 11.59pm tomorrow...lol
Oh Marzie!
Queen of blogs :) :) I´m touched!! :-[
I totaland unique way. You deserve all the awards!
Lots of hugs from me and Miriam :)
Recent blog post: No Internet Yet
Hey, don´t know what happened...half comment was lost.
I said: I totally agree because you inspire us with your gentle and unique way!
Recent blog post: No Internet Yet
Awwww thanks so much Mize, love ya! :)
Congrats on the award Mize! Love and hugs!
Thanks Emila, enjoy ur day!
Nice to see u here Blue!
Thanks Blue, love this award la!
Welcome Bing, hugs!
Glad to hear that Shemah HUGS!
Thanks for your support Jade!
Marzie! I did my queen post here: http://phatramblings.blogspot.com/2009/04/certified-queen-of-blogs.html
Recent blog post: Fashion Friday #7 - Rachel Bilson
Thanks Debbs, saw the post and love it! Hugs!
Hugsy Marzie!! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!