Hola Mariucans! B and I would like to thank all of you who dropped by here at Mariuca's Perfume Gallery yesterday to join us in celebrating Our 7-Year Anniversary.

We thank you for all your wonderful comments and well wishes, the time you spent to share our love story and video presentation and for making us feel even more magical! We hope to see you guys again next year and to thank you for your presence, here's a door-gift of 100 EC credits each and a link back to your respective blogs!

Monica, Debbs, Lainy, Twinks, Ruby, Cashmere, Emila, Shemah, Rozella, Kim, Ane, Elai, Jackie, Jean, LR, Nessa, NAFASg, Foong, Fida, Mize and LadyJava
PS. This is a special ** post! I am giving away linky love to the first 2 commenters instead of the usual 1, go for it!

:-P :-P
OMG11 heart attack lar trying to be yr FC wt this slow connection, marzie!! =-O =-O
:-[ :-[ :-[
:-P :-P :-P
aiyoo my connection is so slow!!! i saw new post and quickly want to chop but the connection slow down on me!!!
i hope i am FC!! =-O =-O
lemme refresh dulu baru do my HP dance!
you can do hp jean!!! ur 1st!!!
happy anniversary again, marzie and b!!!!!
YAY Jean first commenter!!!
Yay! Emila second FC!!!
Congrats ladies, last chop for the month goes to you two woo hoo! :)
Ha ha ha yay Jean, tak yah heart attack dah u did it woman!
Ur connection oso slow Emila? Lucky dua2 dapat chop ni! Group Hug! :)
yay!!! it is I, Miss Y your FC for today, marziee!!! woohooo!! yippee yippee yip!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
awwww :* :* :* :* :* thank you for the linky dear!!!
ya lor jean, mine also very slow!
i am dancing my HP dance over & over again!! who's with me? come on, let's dance!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
YAY, tenkiu Emila! Love ya! :)
hello, emila!! congratulations to both of us!! :* :*
I’m joining u in the HP Jean! :)
marzie, I am your TFC!! woohooo!!! yay!!!! hooray!! i am so so the very happy lar, marzie! :* :* :* :-D :-D :-D :-D
Yes u are Jean woo hoo!!!
Ha ha ha Jean!! It is u sweetie, u are so lucky and speedy la today! I ingatkan tak de sape nak chop ha ha ha, ada jugak stalkers at MPG woo hoo!!! :)
Welcome Emila! :)
I love ya, woman!!! hehe.. it's my first time at MPG ni. so happy mappy!!! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday #15: Tracks of My Tears
Me me me Jean! Benji oso here dancing away he he!
You are you are la Jean!!!!!! Tinggal 49 mins je and obviously this is my last post in March so congrats!!! :)
Jean u are my very first TFC!!! SYABAS to da max! :)
I’m happy for u too Jean and u are currently my TCO too wowie! Double queen la u here Jean he he!!!
wah, thanks marzie & B for the 100ec and linkies love!! *HUGZ* to teh lovey dovey couple. M & I just had our anni dinner. Will post about it soon. Now i am doing some analysis for my previous blog makeover. Need to optimize the loading. :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday #15: Tracks of My Tears
so i dun think i'll hv time to do my anni post today. :) see u later, k marzie!! *HUGZ* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday #15: Tracks of My Tears
You are very welcome Jean, enjoy ur door-gift sweetie! Oh me too belum post my anni story Jean he he! Wonder where u guys had dinner! Ok ok good luck with ur analysis woman! HUGS! :):):)
See ya Jean, am gonna work on a new post for WOAFS now he he! ;)
:'( :'(
:'( :'( :'(
:):) Shemah!
Hi Mariuca!! :* :*
:):) Monica!!
aww... thank you so much for the 100 EC credits! :* :*
and also the linky love =-O ;) :)
Monica!!! Eh I just noticed that our KFC musical box got more than one song right???? Ha ha hahaha! Just only put in some more coins lol!!!
congrats Jean!! ;)
Congrats Emila! :)
You’re welcome Monica, just a small door gift for attending our anni celebration YAY! :)
No worries sweetie, love ya for celebrating with me that night, some more FC!! :)
ya the KFC musical box got more than one song Mariuca!! :-D :-D
wow I love the door gift! hehe ;) :)
yelah somemore I was preparing MM for u at the same time...lol
why Recent blog post..A feed could not be found at http://turn-u-off.blgspot.com?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
ROTFLMAO! I just discovered Mon!!! So how many songs actually? Ha ha ha, getting cuter and cuter la the musical box lol!!
He he he! Special celebrasi of coz must have door gift right Mon? ;)
That’s why!!!! So it was most appropriate that u were my FC that night, thanks again sweetie! HUGS! :)
Ahhhhh biasa la the CL sometimes cannot show recent blog post, shld be okay after a couple of refresh! ;)
I think 3 songs? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
congrats to you jean!!!
group hug!!!
don't cry shemah! here's a tissue! :-[
don't cry mon! here's a tissue! :-[
3 songs Mon?????
congrats Jean! :-D :-D
*HUGS* :* :* :*
then I hope got more Special celebrasi ...lol
later I try again...see got how many songs ok.. :-P :) :-D
haha thanks emila for the tissue... :-D :-D
>:o >:o >:o
1 more min!!! :-D :-D
Ha ha of coz! My besday oso special celebrasi Mon! ;)
Jean is so funny..hahaha.. heart attack! :-D :-D
midnight!! :-P ;)
Ohhhhhhhh 3 songs for the musical box? ROTFLMAO ha ahahha ok ok! Eh Mon midnight oredi!!! Take down score! :)
congrats Emila second FC! :-D
yikes missed FC! :'( :'(
hi mon :)
thanks marzie ! you're the best woman! you and B stay inlove forever eh! :* :*
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Twice edi I cried here. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Thanks, Marzie for the linky love! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Who is Camilla Belle Dating?
:( :( :( :( :(
:'( :'( :'( :'( MIss lagi!! :'( :'(
=-O =-O =-O =-O
i missed yer celebration GP!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Oh you're welcome sweetie.. i was just sorry I did not wish you earlier lah!! ;(
congrats te jean!!! am gonna be posting TD, TW tonight!!! ;)
hola Marzie!! Happy April.. This is my first comment for April!! :) :) I'll be retiring now, I'll see you in the mornin' k?? :) Good night! :)
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
you mean b'day mariuca??
aldy took down score :) :)
Hi Twinks!! ;)
Hahahahhahah yes dearie besday = b’day LOL!!!
Me too Mon, now going to clear my Sb to get ready for new CHOPS!!!
when is that Mariuca?? your besday :-D
how to clear the Sb Mariuca?
Oh lama lagi Mon, Aug 29! ;)
Ok wait, I email u the code, easier la that way okay? :)
ohhh 5 more mths Mariuca! ;-)
you were talking to me Mariuca? email the code?
Yeah must enjoy the next five months before I turn another year older Mon! :(
Yes dear, did u receive the code? I reset my SB at MPG oredi!
He he he h GG!!! New month, don cry! :)
woah... Thanks babe for your generosity.. :D
But my blog wrongly linked.. ;P
Recent blog post: I HATE Spams!!
Oh no really Cashmere???? Can u leave me ur correct url here then! Thanks dear! :)
Aww...how sweet of u GP! Don't mention. Being able to send our well wishes to u and B was such a great thing for us. So....looks like we'll be awaiting your 8th anniversary! Wonder what else u will up to next year. Hehehe! :-D :-P
Recent blog post: Earth Hour 2009: Vote Earth!
awww Mariuca... :*
you are so sweet :* :*
thanksy :)
Recent blog post: Running late!!!
have a lovely Wednesday O:-)
Recent blog post: Running late!!!
Thanks for the linky love Marzie :*
Looking forward to your 8th anniversary next year... harap2 ada video presentation lagi ;)
Happy April 1st!!
Recent blog post: So I Walked Under A Bus, I Got Hit By A Train!
You're very welcome Sweetie, and thanks so much for the linky love... :) :*
Recent blog post: 2 Saturdays in a Post Part Deux**
Oh gosh. I was late. but better late then never right? Happy 7th anniversary Marzie ;)
thanks, GG! :*
yay!! thanks, marzie!! i saw TGB & AGP here!! cantik sungguh!! haha!! :) hey, i am finishing my anni post at TGB, come be my FC, k! :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday #15: Tracks of My Tears
and i need to go right after posting coz need to go FIL's. yumm.. can't wait to eat curry laksa.. :) You leave all yr comments love kat TGB dulu ye, i'll reply u after i come back! :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday #15: Tracks of My Tears
marzie, i've put yr pretty blue avatar kat TGB. Then when i come back later, i'll put yr lovely MPG at AGP, k! :) see ya!! Hope you'll hv a great dinner wt B! :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday #15: Tracks of My Tears
Thanks for the code Mariuca!!!
Oh, what a very sweet you are. I didn't expect it but I should give that respect to be your good friend.
Thank you Marzie.
Recent blog post: First Book of Amerindo Kitchen in Series
that's very sweet of you. thanks a million, Marzie. but my blog is wrongly linked dear.
my link is here: http://everythingpeace.blogspot.com/
i hope you had a delightful week. ;)
Thanks for visiting our site.
Dorothy from grammology
yay jean..WTG!! :) :) :* :*
Thank you Marzie...you are so very sweet and so kind!!Love and hugs!! :* :* :* :*
hehe, thanks, emila! i dance dulu, then u follow suit, k! :) eh, bawa yassin jugak!! im bringing chloe too! ;) :-D :-D
thanks again for the door-gift, marzie! yesterday i kan balik FIL's makan mlm, I took the curry laksa photo for u lar but forgot to bring back my camera. It was on the kitchen cabinet. :( my anni dinner pun i belum post bcoz i havent dl the photos frm my camera. Forgetful me!! =-X
yay!! marzie, chloe also dancing and she's dancing wt benji!! so cute!! :-D :-D
hahaha.. of coz ada stalker here, marzie!! Forvere and ever i'll be a stalker at MPG! ni nak conquer yr whole list!! TCO, TFC, TCM!! hahaha :-D :-D
woohoo!! HP dance!! :)
marzie, i love looking at my avatar here lar! it blends so well with yr lovely layout. :) :*
emila, lucky kita sempat chop despite our slow connection!! high five!! :-D
Recent blog post: Our 8th Anniversary!
thanks, emila!
Recent blog post: Our 8th Anniversary!
thanks, mon! :*
Recent blog post: Our 8th Anniversary!
hehe, thanks, twinks! :*
Recent blog post: Our 8th Anniversary!
haha, really twinks! when i saw a new post, i quickly click on it. but my connect8ion is so slow that waiting for a sec seems like a min. So tension and my heart was beating so fast! almost faint!! haha!! im glad i managed to chop at last! and now I am TFC here!!! oh and also TCO!!! yay for Jean!!! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Our 8th Anniversary!
oh mmg, marzie!! lucky for both emila & me!! *Gourp hugz* :* :*
Recent blog post: Our 8th Anniversary!
yay!! im still happy mappy here lar!! woohoo!!! hope i get to be the first FC for april! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Our 8th Anniversary!
marzie, congratulations!! you're AGP TOP TOP Dropper!! :) :* :*
OMG, thanks for noticing LR ha ha ha! Will change to ur url sorry sweetie! :)
YAY, thanks Jean! :)
Alamak sorry Jean, looks like GG beat you to it! ;)
Congrats Jean for being my TCO and TFC, wait for my top 10 post here kay? :)
Ha ha it does look great here Jean, esp TGB! :)
Ha ha ha sure or nooooot Jean? U wan to conquer my sidebar? He he he, good luck sweetie! :)
Hello Chloe, u are so cute! :)
Aha! I found the comment on the camera Jean ha ha! Ok looking forward to ur anni post! :)
You are welcome Jackie, love you too! :)
:-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ thank you for the ec credits marzie!!!
You’re welcome Emila, nanti transfer lagi for TCm lak ha ha! ;)
Thank you for returning my visit Dorothy, have a good one. :)
I’ve fixed ur link LR and sent u the credits, happy weekend. :)
No worries Fida, thank you for ur lovely anni wish for me, have a great weekend. :)
Welcome Monica. :)
I saw the avatars at ur blogs Jean, so happy la! Hope to remain there next month! ;)
Thank you for stopping by Kim! :)
You’re welcome Nessa! Ha ha ha video presentasi again? We’ll see, thanks for celebrating with us, love ya! :)
Thank you Blue! :)
You’re welcome Kim, thank you for celebrating our love here at MPG! Hugs! :)
Hi Marzie,
Thanks for the link love. I recently wrote a post sharing some with you :) I don´t know how but I managed to keep my PR in Night Clicks in the recent update of April 1st.
A good weekend xxx
Recent blog post: Health and Beauty Products for Pregnant Women
Mize! You’re welcome sweetie and I saw that post oredi, thanks so much for thinking of me. And congrats on the PR! MPG is still a big fat 0 but thankfully WOAFS maintained her PR3. :)
Cashmere, did I get the link right?
Happy April Shemah! :)
LJ! No worries sweetie, u kan busy jadi OKB last month, thanks for comin over to visit B and me here, lambat pun takpe! :)
You too missed my celebration GG he he, no worries! :)
LOL, twice edi Debbs? Let’s hope there won be a third crying session for u here then dear! :)
You’re very welcome Twinks, love ya! :)
Ha ha thanks so much NAFA! You guys mmg best and GP love ya! Tu la, must start thinking how to celebrate our anni next year LOL! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!