I am contemplating another makeover for MPG! A little rejuvenation is in need here especially after the recent PR update, which although elevated Wishing on a Falling Star to a PR4 and bestowed Meow Diaries with a very encouraging PR3, left poor sweet Mariuca's Perfume Gallery stranded with a big fat 0!

A makeover pick-me-up is what I need to refresh my perfume blog, which I hope will inspire me to post more often here. Beautifying MPG with a new template is bound to make me feel better about my scent-sational blog, which unfortunately seems to be neglected by Mr. G ever since she moved to her own domain.

So I'm in discussion with my webmaster LJ about a new template and facelift for MPG. I don't trust anyone but LJ to do my makeovers by the way and if you drop by LadyJava Creations, you'll know why. Her work defines complete professionalism and expertise so a non-HTML person like me would feel totally safe and secure to let her handle the full switch from my current template to the one I have yet to decide. Whatever it is, I know I'll be in excellent hands with LJ handling my makeover but you can still wish me luck if you like!


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=-O =-O
hahahah lupa login!! sorry yee!!!
Guest! ;)
Woww!! Another makeover might be the right pick me up for MPG, dearie!! :) And maybe Mr. G will love her so much and boost her up to a PR4 right away!! LOL! Harap2 masin mulut!! LOL!
Btw, are you planning to monetize MD as well, marzie?? :)
Shemah!! FC! :)
LOL dah agak dah Guest mesti Shemah! :)
hahahaha LOL! tu lah i just reboot and everything have to login again.. LOL! nasib baik i reboot just in time to get the final chop!! Yayyy me!! :)
can I have MPG's best friend MSE here, today? LOL!
Oh yay! Harap2 mmg masin la mulut u Shemah! I’d cry happy tears of disbelief if Mr. G gives MPG a PR 4 huhuhuhuhu! ;)
Which blog here today Shemah? :)
Sigh…. I dunno Shemah, I plan to have PW at MD, but must wait for 30 posts first it seems, now baru 14. I applied MD for RM but no news so far, mesti rejeksi la tu. Still undecided ni Shemah, biasa la me lol! :)
Yeah final chop here Shemah, congrats! Will be having a final chop at WOAFS too, working on new post soon! ;)
Awwwwww hahhahahah sure u can have MPG’s bes fren here LOL!!!! Hugs for MSE! :)
hahaha me and my "guest"!! LOL!
dah final chop kat WOAFS, marzie??
MSE please.. dia memang geng ngan MPG kan?? LOL!
but most sites have to wait for 90-days before submitting to them kan? like standard requirements like that..
Recent blog post: Movies, movies and more movies!
MSE is up Shemah and this chop got u to the third spot here on my FCSB, congrats! Tied with Mon for 3rd place but still made it to my Top 3 so yay!
Pas tu ur Guest selalu come chopping in tears LOL!
MSE pun I feel like changing.. dah lama dah she's been having that
template.. but still don't know what I want yet..
Not yet Shemah, planning for 2 last chop posts at woafs, but kalau tak sempat just one! :)
And maybe one for MD too meow! Byk posts nak tulis ni!
Of coz la MSE satu geng dgn MPG! Unloved by u know who LOL!
Sigh…. Ye ke must wait for 3 months….hmmmmm payu still on my mind for MPG but lazy la wan to remove 3p script and what not and what if payu rejeksi MPG oso kan? :(
Oh u should rejuvenate MSE too Shemah!!! Me too still browsing through templates and deciding ni, plenty to choose from! :)
:'( :'( :'(
Woww!! At least I got a rank somewhere this month.. I dah lose my momentum
with commenting and dropping!! And then did you know I dah berapa lama dah
didn't click adgi.. sangat lah rugi because I put ad this month.. can earn
optimum tapi tidak..
Hahahahaa guest chopping in tears must be shemah!! LOL!
Oh really?? alalaaaa. I don't know dapat kah tidak try chop for the final
time on WOAFS.. :-(
missed the last chop! >:o
Maybe Mr. G doesn't like pink.. =-O
Wuaaahh takpe takpe.. you're the posting queen ni!!! LOL! you can do it!!
Hahahaah tu lah!! Just have to work harder la.. :-) :-) :-) I'm trying to
make NES's PR go up higher also..
Ane! :)
What is payU's stand with regards to accepting blogs? must have PR or not? *DONT_KNOW*
Takpe Shemah, ur ad runs for 1 month kan? I think u started ur adgi ad mid-month so can still click for the other 2 weeks! I am expecting another payout with Adgi Shemah woo hoo! :)
Hugs Marzie! Mr. G will give MPG PR soon!
Yeah la, last time it was GG the crying chopper, but now she’s MIA! ;)
Yeah, I need to get my last 2 posts out before MM oh no! No wan to be bottom 3 at MM again! :(
U missed the last chop Ane! But 2 new posts hopefully coming out soon at woafs! ;)
Ha ha ha ha could be la Ane!!!! But then again TUO is also my pinky buddy and she’s a juicy PR3! :)
Yeahh.. usually all of these sites, have a 90 day old min requirement.. I
don't think payu will rejeksi MPG.. after all it fits all requirement.. but
memang very menyusahkan not to only remove scripts.. but all those posts
that you ever did for them as well..
Thanks for cheering me on Shemah, go GP go! :)
NES now PR2 kan Shemah? Dah lama tak merasa PR2 here!
Yeahhh.. that's why.. I can't change unless I know what look I'm going for..
so just in thinking mode right now.. :-)
Ane!!! You're up!! :-)
I know LJ will do an awesome job Marzie! :) :* :*
LOL @ maybe mr. G doesn't like pink!! I think I'll have to change mine to a
black layout like ane's, if that's the case!!!
Hmmm not sure abt Payu Ane, cause my blogs aren’t on Payu.
Thanks sweetie, MPG needs a big fat hug today! :)
You mean remove the posts for 3p or just the links??? Ala MPG pun tak pernah buat post for 3p if I’m not mistaken Shemah, kalau ada pun maybe 1-2 je!!!
He he thinking mode it seems, takpe can look around now and think how u wan ur new look to be nanti. :)
Of coz she will Ane! LJ is my first choice always! :)
Wuah bestnya marzie!! :-) yeah I still got about 2 weeks more to click..
tapi sayang lah for the past week I didn't take advantage of my clicking..
dah lah only have to click for half!! LOL! kalau dah malas tu.. malas lah
Yeahh.. hey I thought I saw GG the other day then she went POOF AGAIN!!
Debbs’ oso black layout! :)
Bottom 3 at MM? What do you mean?
Wooohooo.. hopefully I can make it .. but I'll be out later this evening
with J!!
Oh yaaa!! TUO is pinky too.. eh.. how about AGP? Did AGP get PR this time
No lah GP!! Mana ada.. NES PR1 only.. JPP yang PR2..
No ane.. no PR needed for payu.. but for ppl with PR, it might be
frustrating to get paid the same as a pr0 blog .. but I think they might
give EXTRA assignments for blogs with PR.. I'm not sure about that.. but
payment is still $5.
Dat means kan selalu ramai join MM cepat2, so if I don join on Monday itself for sure by the time I join, I will be at the bottom 3 on MM’s long list, tak best la to be bottom 3! I wan to be top 10 at least for MM LOL!!!!
I oso saw GG dat day, she left twitter msg for me then terus MIA again, dunno!
Yeah! U only have to click half kalau advertiser, well u can start clicking today shemah! Adgi is good but kena rajin sikit je, then surely u can see good return nanti. :)
Actually remove the links and tracking URL all.. but i malas, all those
posts, from 3P and SS I just save as drafts.. hahaha so I don't delete them
but it's not published anymore either..
Yalaaah.. but I'm thinking of changing JPP's look first! LOL!
Me too, saw GG once and then she went MIA again..
Oh def I’ll be done before then Shemah, look out for my warning “working on new post at…” tweet! :)
AGP still 0, def my pinky buddy that one, hugs for AGP! :)
:* :* :*
Oh ok…wait lemme get this right, always confused la with ur blogs… MSE and NES is NOT Today blogs yes? Then TAF and JPP is Today blogs yes? ;)
Can't wait to see MPG's new look! Go MPG go! :)
Lol! Jean's AGP is also pink and no PR right? Poor thing la. Jahat Mr G!
payU only gives out $5 opps? consistently Shem?
Ohhh I never save any of my older posts as drafts Shemah, macam for 3p, I will remove my links after the post dah bayar, but the post remains. Sigh…. Dunno la if wan to apply Payu or not, still UNDECIDED!!!!!! :(
Oh yaa.. debbs also black layout!! Hmm.. never mind, GP! Next time MR. G
comes for a visit, he won't know what hit him!! LOL!
Me too, can't wait to see MPG's look Debbs.. :) Yay for MPG! :)
Ooooohhhh yeah.. nowadays.. everyone will be posting their MM at midnight
our time no matter where they are! LOL!
see, maybe Mr. G doesn't like pink.. hmm..
Maybe GG is bz with studies.
Yay to NES' PR1! :)
Debbs! :)
I don't have an MM song yet, do you ladies have your picks??
Yaa.. that's why lah.. you want $$$$ then you better work hard for it! LOL!!
bad bad Shemah for being lazy to click on adgi!! LOL!
I don't post at exactly 12 a.m. Shemah, I post at 12:06 a.m cause that's the
time I was born.. LOL
He he tenkiu Debbs, still thinking and searching for the right template here. :)
Jahat Mr. G tu debbs, punishing all the pinky blogs for no reason lol!
I have the same feelings toward making money out of ANE Marzie, still
undecided, scared to get rejected..
I don’t know abt the rest Ane, but I surely have NO songs yet!! Nothing comes to mind right now lol!
TUO is PR3, but TUO is not as pink as MPG or AGP, right? Maybe Mr. G don't
want hearts then Marzie, cause Mr. G is lonely.. LOL
Ha ha but u shld really click shemah, or not sayang tak maximize ur Adgi potensi with ur PAID ad there!
Yes Ane!! They'll assign you $5 assignments for a 60 word post. and you
don't necessarily have to write about it. just insert the link in context of
the post. and they pay bi-weekly.
It's summer vacation here Shemah, no school.. Maybe GG has a boyfriend now..
NES had her PR1, then Mr. G took it away.. now it's back.. LOL!
Me too Shemah, haven't been clicking adgi that often!!
Debbs!! :* :*
Yeah me too Marzie, no song yet.. Hmm..
Hahaha I'll try.. because J just got back from work and have to feed him!!
LOL! well, not FEED feed.. but you know what I mean!! LOL!
Yep Marzie!! You got that right!! MSE and NES are my blogger blogs. The
other two are my today blogs!! :-) :-)
Oh cool but always have opps or not? don't need to chop for opps? RM also no
need to write about the link, just insert it anywhere, I love RM, but so far
no opps from him since yesterday.. But I made 24 opps from RM.. :)
I might get an ad on adgi for ANE, seeing as Rm says she need more traffic
to be able to be approved...
Is there a significant change in JPP or CNS' traffic since your ad on adgi?
hehe LJ is the best! :)
LOL! Yay, good to know u feel the same way too Ane! I’m also afraid that if I start monetizing MD, she will lose her PR oh no, so still undecided and still thinking he he!
LOL @ Mr. G not wanting hearts!!! Hmmmmm a new background will change Mr/ G’s heart? ;)
I like that u don have to specifically write about the link Shemah, just happily insert somewhere. That is a bonus point for Payu.. :)
Ha ha yeah could be that GG found herself a man!!
Yay for MPG! :)
Ok cool and both ur blogger blogs own domain kan Shemah?
Marzie! :)
I have a song for HC and C has a song for ROTP. We haven't find the videos, though. :)
Ane! RM cannot simply insert link anywhere! They rejected my post once for “simply inserting” it seems! I wrote 2 paras on the topic but RM said it wasn’t enough, so I had to amend the post! But I still love RM of coz LOL!
All the pinky blogs that moved to their own domain. Boleh blah la Mr G!
Hahahah ye sila layan J makan tu Shemah!
Really how come I only just insert the link and they keep accepting? LOL
LMAO @ Mr G being lonely and not liking hearts lol!!!
Oh RM wrote back to u on ANE’s rejection? :)
Maybe it depends on the type of opp, right Marzie?
Finding good videos for MM is the hardest Debbs!
Nope, ane.. not yet! I'm still searching for my MM songs!!
Ohhh wow!! 12:06am, huh? I'll keep that in mind, midnight baby!! :-)
Just as long as you submit your blogs after the 90 day period, I don't think
there's any reason for the sites to reject your blogs..
But why doesn't he like MSE, ane? It's not pinky and it doesn't have
LOL!!! hahahaha yeah.. maybe GG already hooked up with her indon doctor..
the one she had a crush on!! LOL!
Shemah!! :) Where have you been? To London?? Lol!!!
Oh I thought there was 10 opp limit for RM.. Payu will always assign opps
for you every Monday and Friday, ane.. but the number of assignments aren't
fixed.. sometimes 1, sometimes 2,, sometimes they suddenly give 4..
I love RM but it's an unrequited love... sigh
YAY MPG! Hugsy Debbs! :)
Yeah my traffic has certainly improved after putting up the ad, ane.. but
only by 100 visits or so daily..
LOL oh, GG where are you??
I agree ane.. it doesn't matter whether you have a song.. but the vids are
just sooooo difficult to find nowadays!!
Wah so fast la u got ur songs edi Debbs!
Ya.. that's true, marzie.. today I'll definitely make time to click!! :-)
I always get tough examiners coming to check my posts Ane! :(
Ohh, how many weeks have you had your ad up Shem?
Yeahh.. tak kisah.. and actually you can link to other things in your post
too besides the linky that payu gives.
I dunno Ane, but it was just a simple 5 bucks post that they said I “simply insert” the link! :(
Yup marzie.. masa I buka NES the other day, I terus beli domain.. just macam
you buka ngan MD hari tu..
Really? or maybe it does depend on the type of review they're looking for,
anyway, thanks for the heads up Marzie, I will make sure to check before I
go inserting links.. :)
Oh I think it depends on the advertisers.. some advertisers check the
reviews that you do for them.. and the thing I like with payu, the moment
you submit your url, they mark it complete and approved. :-)
Shemah, for RM the number of opps u receive a month depends on ur blog standing with them. At first I got 10 a month for MPG (but all also cannot chop cause no PR!) but now with WOAFS there, I get 40 opps a month (but again not all can chop la!). :)
Really Marzie? I get $15 casino opps, and mostly I just inserted the link..
Hahahah I wish!! Although I just found out from J yesterday, if we were to
go to London, it'll only cost rm600++ return!!! So cheap!!!
I wish I get 40 opps in a month in RM too Marzie! I made $205 for May on
RM!! I'm hoping can make more! Yay! :-D
oh cool! PayU sounds cool! me no likey SS anymore, no more opps there!
But can u link outside ur blog for Payu, Shemah?
Ooohhh like that.. wuah 40 opps is a lot! Why cannot chop all?? LOL!
About 2 weeks already, ane!! Another 2 more weeks to go.. :-)
WOOT WOOT!! Ane is OKB!!!! :-) :-) :-) You hit your $200 a month limit..
that's a great start!! :-)
Just wait till you manage to get both ANE and LATM receiving that many opps,
ane!!! Then you'll double your income!! WOOOHOOO!!! Can come over to
Malaysia already!! LOL!
Payu is dependable.. even if it's not high paying opps.. you're guaranteed
some assignments every week.. and you don't have to worry about your post
being approved or not because it's all immediately approved. But the
downside is you're not allowed to do 3P and SS anymore..
Link outside your blog? Macam mana tu?
I dunno abt casino links Ane, cause I’ve never done a casino opp for RM. Thinking of changing my category to gaming next month LOL!
how many opps does PayU give each week Shem?
WOW Ane!!!!!! I’ve never made that much at RM!!!! Highest was 115! And this month it’s even less! :( But good for u Ane!!!! :):):) OKB to da max!!
I never did like SS!
Cannot chop all cause not all under my category, so am not eligible. ;)
Yay Shemah! :) Am so hoping can finally go to Malaysia!! :) I love the
commercial of Michelle Yeo on Malaysia's tourism, can't wait to have enough
money to finally go!!
Hmmmmm don forget abt the adorable sheriff posts Shemah! :)
Mcm can we have FC links for Payu opps? So FC links outside our blog, that’s what I meant. :)
It's my first time to even reach a hundred Marzie! LOL I hope June will be
better, Yay! finally can pay my CC bill and live debt free for a while! :-D
hehe marzie, I put my blog on gaming thinking I'd make opps about PS2 or PC
games, I guess I was wrong, but casino opps are okay, cause some are $15 and
I grabbed all the $15 casino opps, that's why it reached $205! :-D
Yay to living debt-free even for a while LOL! ;)
Hahaha memang you choose not to do casino opps ke marzie before this?
I know Shemah, I hit my mark! :-D May wasn't so bad! It started out awful
but the ending was awesome! :-D I get paid tomorrow too! :-D Yay! :-D
yeah Marzie, why cannot chop all?
Oh yeah.. I could tell ane would be rakin' in the big bucks!! She was on a
PB posting frenzy this month!! Awesome ane!! Good job!!! :* :* :-)
I loved the old SS before they had opp requirements and all that crap.. and
now you'll only benefit if your location is in the US..
Ohhh I see.. so the majority of opps from what category, marzie?
Hahaha yeah!! Syura also just got sheriff posts this week.. I didn't get
any.. :-(
Oh bolehhh.. but I just don't do FC links for any PBs lah.. tapi memang
boleh!! :-)
Hmm. I always keep track of how much they give me every 2 weeks.. because
that's how I keep track.. if it's a slow 2 weeks.. then it'll be 5.. but
usually it's about 8 opps.. for my 2 blogs that is..
Lol @ Michelle Yeoh!! LOL! She's practically French now!! LOL!
Yay!! Tomorrow ane will be OKB!!! Drinks on her!!! LOL!
I oso wan to grab casino posts and make 205 bucks Ane! ;)
I never tried gaming category before shemah, cause some opps from 3p tak suka casino opps u see…. But not like Im getting any freaking opps from 3p for MPG right? :(
Hmmmmm from shoping, home, living and sometimes travel but 95% all for WOAFS, like this month there was nothing for MPG at RM! :(
If I join Payu, for sure I’ll be so happy to get sheriff posts Shemah ah ah!! So cute la! Come to me sheriff posts! :)
I hate la SS!
That’s another good point for Payu then Shemah, can link outside ur blog. Lain semua tak leh. :)
Hahaah tu lah.. tapi sheriff posts tu.. kalau macam say you do ALL your
assignments the minute you get them, then most probably the next week or so,
they'll give you sheriff posts!! :-)
Yeah.. that's what I like also.. I can link in to my other pages on my blog
and stuff like that or to you or to whoever and still have the post
approved. RM also cannot link outside?
MPG pun same categories as WOAFS and still no opps for her? Alaa.. kesian..
but my MSE never approved by RM.. I don't know why.. they just said like
it's been submitted before and all that.. but tak pernah approved pun!!
True marzie!! :-) most sites don't like it if you do online casino opps..
why also I don't know..
Oh that happened to me too Shemah! Turns out RM doesn't approve if you don't
have PR!
Waaah!! most sites don't like casino opps? what do you mean Shemah?
MPG and WOAFS same category but still NO opps for her at RM sigh…. MPG was approved masa dia PR2 Shemah. I don think RM will approve unless u have a PR.
RM cannot link outside ur blog, but can link to ur own posts. Now 3p cannot link to ur own posts edi. Last time can.
Oooh cool, RM can link to own posts? I didn't know that, thanks for the info
Marzie! :-D
Yeah, I mentioned that twice to u actually Ane ha ha! RM and BV u can link to ur own posts but NOT outside ur own blog. :)
Oh really, I guess I haven't gotten to that comment yet! :-P
yeah RM won't approve unless you have PR..
I hate SS too Marzie!!
What are sheriff posts Shem? Ei Marzie, can sign up on PayU with MPG.. :)
at least still have for WOAFS!
I seldom get opps from 3P or SS, I'm thinking of switching to PayU, does
PayU guarantee that you'll have opps Shemah??
hahaha I actually tried changing my category, but good thing can't change
until the end of a month, so good thing I didn't, Yay to $15 casino opps!
Ahhh.. I see.. because I thought when I applied for NES I didn't have PR
yet.. must've been the time NES had PR1..
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!