I saw this really cool Blogthings quiz at Shemah's blog and loved it instantly! There's only one question to answer, so naturally I took the quiz and here's my result.
LOL! I adore the bit about me being an artist but simply not developing the talent yet! When will that be yeah? As it is, I love seeing other artists at work cause I can't draw for nuts! But if you want to see Mariuca's hand drawn picture, click here. I must warn you not to laugh though!

You Are a Romantic |
![]() You have the mind of an artist, even if you haven't developed the talent yet. Expressive and aware, you enjoy finding new ways to share your feelings. You often feel like you don't fit in - especially in traditional environments. You have big dreams. The problem is putting those dreams into action. Your strength: Your vivid imagination Your weakness: Fear of failure Your power color: Coral Your power symbol: Oval Your power month: November |


:* :* :*
=-O =-O
Wow.. you're fast Bill!! hehe
I did this test already but I forgot the results.. lol.. I'm sure you will be able to draw one day dearie!!
WOW Bill FC!!!
Thanks LJ :-D
And LJ FC2 woo hoo!
Marzie, I think your result suits you very much. :) I think what it meant by you having a mind of an artist is you know what looks good and what colours match, something like that. ;) ;) ;) I also cannot draw to save my life. Lol!!
Oh no Debbs u FC3 but I’m still going to give u linky love here okay? For stalking but not making it on time LOL!
Wow this will be my first one for the month here yeee haaa LOL 8-)
Here's mine, GP! :)
You Are a Traditionalist
You're a pretty traditional person. If it's lasted, it's probably good.
You seek stability - both in your career and your romantic relationship.
In return, you're very loyal and predictable. Which is usually a good thing.
Without a partner, you feel lost. Being with someone is very important to you.
Your strength: Your dependability
Your weakness: You hate being alone
Your power color: Midnight blue
Your power symbol: Shell
Your power month: April
Bill faster than SSG tonight!
FC2 LJ! Which blog here dearie?
OMG I do hate being alone for more than a day. Sure, I love my privacy and alone time, but I prefer being around people. :):)
Takpe, tak leh draw pun okay so long as blogthings believe in my artistic skills LOL!
In friendship, I am totally dependable. :) If you're my good friend and you come to me, asking for help, you bet I'd help as much as I can!
Thanks for the quiz, Marzie. I love it because I learn new things about myself. :) Yay!! I also love my colour, midnight blue yeehah!
Yay to me having the mind of an artist even if I can’t draw! And yay oso to Debbs for not being able to draw but sure or nooooooot?? :)
hahahahaha 8-) 8-) 8-)
First chop for u Bill woo hoo! Good chop tonight, first one here too! :)
Wah so last month was ur power month Debbs! And then just now the fast food one oso mentioned something abt traditional trait kan??? I’m glad I can depend on u Debbs, you are very dependable YAY! :)
No la GP, it's okay. Hehe I was distracted la with the angry post lol!!
I oso don laik being alone Debbs, sehari dua ok la, but not for a long long time. :(
Eh no la, I really cannot draw. Lol!! 8-)
I know that abt you Debbs, so glad I can come to u for help HUGS!
Oh yeah!!! I love ur colour oso, midnight blue, one of my faves!
Hahahahhahah oso together with Bill!
Takpe still wan to give u linky and point! Any particular blog u wan here Debbs?
Sure or not? But u can make cards at least, I cannot do dat oso LOL!!!
Yay for friendship! :)
Recent blog post: I Want A Capricorn Symbol Tattoo
I imagine midnight blue ada sparkly glitter gitu lol!
Recent blog post: I Want A Capricorn Symbol Tattoo
Ntah apa yg power about last month yeah? But April was good la for me. :) Yes to me being tradisional but not outdated lol!!
Yay for friends who understand BD and can meluahkan perasaan to LOL!
A little bit of grounded traditional trait is very endearing Debbs. :)
Yup, but to some people, I'm not fun, square and boring lol!!
Some ppl kan, when you meluahkan perasaan on them, they tell you to stop whining kan? Like so insensitive gitu. I don't like!
Oh cards sure la can make, gunting2 and tampal jer but not drawing la. :)
Oh thanks GP! RoTP please. :)
You don sound or seem boring to me Debbs! :)
Oh u can whine to me Debbs, am a pretty good listener and def not insensitive!
See at least u can make cards, mine for sure tak menjadi punya!
Yay to me not sounding boring to Marzie..hehehe
Speaking about cards, dah lama tak buat! Nak kena buat some this week. :)
LOL yeah la, kalau boring tak kan la u suka lagu Edwin mckain my peberet tu LOL!!!
U buat cards to sell ke Debbs? Dapat byk tak?
Yay to understanding, insensitive friends. :):)
Hugs all around for good friends who are always there for you! :)
Oh classic la Edwin McCain's songs tu. Dua tu jer I laik. :)
eh taklah, manada i make cards to sell. :)
Group hugs!
Which two songs? I mean besides I’ll be? Is it the one I laik oso?Apa ye title dia…
Ohhh tot u sell at crafty oso!
I'll Be and Could Not Ask For More..
No la GP! Dhiya sells handmade cards, though. :) She's doing pretty well. :) My Crafty tu, because it's free kan, I can only sell 100 products at a time, so tak cukup la if wanna sell cards there hehehe...furthermore, I'm focusing on craft supplies rather than selling ready-made crafts.
Yes yes that’s the song could not ask for more, mmg best these two songs, mendayu2 like there’s no tomorrow!!
I didn know CH can only sell 100 products at a time! Oh good to hear diya is doing well, blh la u all lepak makan meatballs lagi!
Yes I love the two songs yay!!
Lol!! I still feel guilty thinking about makan2 tu lol! But I love my Ikea scented candles yay!
Yay for ikea scented candles. I bought lime green one dat day and dah pakai dah lol!
I bought a set of 3! I used the vanilla one, so nice the smell! :)
Yeah I love la vannils candles!!! Mmg bau best sgt, so yum!
Tapi mula2 the smell nice kan, after that mcm tak kuat or izzit because we're already accustomed to the scent?
Lama lama tak kuat opf coz, I think most candles pun like dat. But still nice kan the smell? Delish! Satu rumah harum semerbak!
that sounds like you Mariuca :* a romantic 100% :* :*
mine is an Altruist
8-) I still think your drawings are cool 8-)
Recent blog post: Made with Love
Mmg delish and harum semerbak, cannot wait to use the caramel and choc candles lol!!
YAY, morning Kim! He he he I am a romantic at heart so love this quiz. Thanks for sharing your result too and most of all thanks so much for liking my drawing ha ha!!! That’s a very nice compliment coming from the talented artist YOU! Hugs! :)
Wow caramel candle is bugging me now!
Oh no doubt you are a romantic, GP!
Dropping in before dinner in the Roxiticus Valley...no late night for Roxy tonight, I woke up at 4:30am, yuk, would rather stay up to 4:30 than start my day that way!
Recent blog post: One Day
I find these blogthings quizzes very entertaining :)! Here's my result. I wonder why my atom feed url can't be read by CommentLuv for these past few days :(. Is there anyone with the same problem? Have a great day, everyone
You Are a Star
You have a Type A personality so big it makes other Type A's shrink away in shame.
You never shy away from adversity - and you love to tackle impossible problems.
Failure is not an option for you, and more than a few people are put off by your ego.
You tend to be controlling, and you hate leaving anything up to chance.
Your strength: Your bold approach to life
Your weakness: You don't accept help
Your power color: Bronze
Your power symbol: Pyramid
Your power month: October
:* :* :* :*
I took this quiz over at Shemah's too.. :)
Recent blog post: Random Tuesday Thoughts: Unwife-ly, Cockroaches, Teething Blues and Debt**
Wow, you posted so early Marzie..
Recent blog post: Random Tuesday Thoughts: Unwife-ly, Cockroaches, Teething Blues and Debt**
Oh Well, am just going to reply to my old comments and see if I can top your TC! :)
Recent blog post: Random Tuesday Thoughts: Unwife-ly, Cockroaches, Teething Blues and Debt**
You Are a Sage
You are a spiritual soul - a person who tries to find meaning in everything.
You spend a good amount of time meditating, trying to figure out life.
Helping others is also important to you. You enjoy social activities with that goal.
You are very generous and giving. Yet you expect very little in return.
Your strength: Getting along with anyone and everyone
Your weakness: Needing a good amount of downtime to recharge
Your power color: Cobalt blue
Your power symbol: Dove
Your power month: September
Hello can I join the LCC?
Cool quiz!!! Mine is:
You Are a Maverick
You're a restless rebel with an unpredictable nature. Bright but unbridled, you tend to seek out wild experiences over new ideas. People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life. You're a heartbreaker. People get attached to you, and then you're gone.
Your strength: Your thirst for adventure
Your weakness: Not taking time for slow pleasures
Your power color: Hot pink
Your power symbol: Figure eight
Your power month: March
Lol! some facts are true though ;)
going to put this in TOSOE later! ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog post: The Other Side, updated
Morning Marziee!!
Yay... hujan :-D
Here's my result...
You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you.
It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy!
You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around.
But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.
Your strength: Your superstar charisma
Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you
Your power color: Fuchsia
Your power symbol: Diamond
Your power month: May
Recent blog post: The Bug!
Oh, it says I'm a performer?? Hmmm... =-O
Recent blog post: The Bug!
Morning Nessa! Wahhhhhh performer it seems Nessa some more got superstar charisma, so cool la ur result! And hey, May is ur power month sweetie! :)
Yay! Looking forward to it then Emila, love the bug picture btw! :)
Wah maverick la u Emila, restless rebel! Hmmmm macam betul je tu he he! Ohhhh heartbreaker lagi, lucky Z got u edi no need to break ppl’s hearts anymore lol!!! Thanks for sharing Emila! :)
hi marzie! i am an idealist:
You are a natural born leader, even if those leadership talents haven't been developed yet.
You have the power and self confidence to succeed in life, and your power grows daily.
Besides power, you also have a great deal of creativity that enables you to innovate instead of fail.
You are a visionary, seeing the big picture instead of all of the trivial little details.
Your strength: Your supreme genius
Your weakness: Your inappropriate sensitivity
Your power color: Gold
Your power symbol: Star
Your power month: January
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
hi bill, congrates on being FC! :)
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
hi LJ, congrates!
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
hi debbs! :)
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
hello KIM!
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
hello ANe!
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!