Happy Music Monday peeps! I am leaving you with this oh so appropriate song seeing that I am currently away on vacation now YAY! I hope everyone's doing okay back home and if you have not joined my Where is Mariuca Contest yet, please do so right away at Wishing on a Falling Star. I am having a blast here and missing everybody too. See ya when I get back, love and hugs all the way from .....!


=-O =-O =-O
Mariuca! :* :* :*
enjoy yr vacation sweetie! 8-)
love and hugs all the way from .....Tokyo?! :-P :-P
Mornin' Marzie!!
Wanna wish ya a great day in the land of .....! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: The Plain Jane
Hai Monica! :) :)
Recent blog post: The Plain Jane
Wah.. I feel asleep dearie.. and woke up at 1am.. woke up shower and went to sleep again.. ni baru bangun. lol!
Penat gils lah moving process ni!!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Something Stupid (Robbie and Nicole)*
Hope you are enjoying yourself ya!!! miss you!!!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Something Stupid (Robbie and Nicole)*
perfect MM song for you Marzie, since you're still on Holiday.. :) Yay! :)
Miss you so much Sweetie! Hope you're having a blast! :-D
Can't go wrong with Madonna!
hope you had great fun. take care dear!
Hi! Which part of Japan are u holidaying? I love Japan. I was there in Winter at a Ski area, Winter Olympic Games area in Chino-Nagago in the country-side. The winter there was extremelly cold and when spring approached I still could remembered watching the some little streams flowing with fresh water, the remains of the melted snow, the flowers bloomed beautifully, I couldn't ask for more. I love Japanese food with hot hot wasabe, Japanese ice-creams and even some Japanese songs. Yes! I miss out, I love shopping there especially shopping their creative little gifts. Oh! you akan mata rambang lihat their stuff.
Onama ewa nan deska? cakap Jepun sikit!
Perhaps, next MM, I will post a Japanese song dedicated to you.
Have fun & enjoy your holiday to the fullest! :) ;) :-[
Hiya Nessa! :) ;)
Perfect song for you on holiday. I hope your having a great time. I also clicked you adgi. :)
Great choice, Marzie! Enjoy your vacation :)
great song Mariuca..
hope you have a wonderful time and getting some well deserved R & R :* :*
Recent blog post: Win a Free Mini Portrait
Enjoy your much deserved vacay! 8-)
Recent blog post: One fine day.... watching the sunset
Hope you have a great time! :):)
Happy MM!
This song brings back a lot of fun memories. :)
I hope you and B are having a great time.
Recent blog post: Pure Carb Snacks
Take care.
Recent blog post: Pure Carb Snacks
Holiday! :) I want my own Holiday!! :-D :-D
Hey Marzie! I miss you! :)
wow marzie this is one of favorite songs of all time hehehe :) Madonna is such a pop icon that I think even when she has long passed people will still be looking towards her for inspiration and good music :)
Monica FC! :* :* :*
Nessa FC2! Congrats ladies! :* :*
Monica! Thanks for stalking MPG sweetie, glad u got the chop here! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: We Have a Winner! *
LOL, thanks Mon, it was tiring but it was still so great! :* :*
Recent blog post: We Have a Winner! *
Really Metz? Well then this one’s for you, Madonna’s awesome! :)
I missed u too Ane, thanks so much for checking on my blogs during my vacation, hugs!
Soon Ane, soon!
We had a blast, thanks sweetie! Hugs! :)
Thanks Liza!
Same here Liza, this is an evergreen feel-good song for me!
Happy MM Liza! :)
Thanks Mize, just got back! :)
Thanks Ayie, we did enjoy our vacation but it’s also good to be home!
Thanks Kim, looking forward to our next vacation now, Aussie perhaps? :)
Hey Rosidah, thanks for stopping by as well! :)
Thanks for dropping by and clicking on my adgi while I was away Bill, you rock! :)
Hi Lily!! Thanks so much for coming by! We were in a few places Lily, and it was so tiring and FUN! I hope u get to visit Japan again one day. Mesti best! Oh I oso love shopping there cause of all the cute unique small items kan? U can’t find them here. :)
We did have a wonderful time LR, thanks so much! :)
Thanks Julie, happy MM to you! :)
I missed u lots too Ane, yay to be home!
I know Ane, and I love this song too! :)
LJ! Missed u tons dearie!! Glad u got my messages while I was away, hugs! :)
U missed the chop LJ, must be really tired from all the packing and moving, take a break LJ! :)
Morning Nessa!
LOL, love and hugs Mon!
For sure Mon, thanks! :)
Monica! U got the chop sweetie!
Still no MM pick for this week Marzie??
Hugs Marzie! :) I would've come everyday, but I was kept busy with preparing
stuff that Chakai needs for her first day of school today.. :)
Still no MM pick Ane he he he! You’re so speedy! :)
me too Mariuca....Still no MM pick yet :-D
YAY to no MM pick yet ha ha! Going out for dinner soon Mon, feel like nasi lemak! ;)
got one place @ uptown sell the best nasi lemak! :-D
Where in uptown Mon? Which stall eh????
Theyre opening Nasi Lemak antarabangsa (from Kpg. Baru) near my place la, so happy! I saw the shop now no need go to kampong baru for nasi lemak best! :)
Btw I finished dropping 900 edi Monica!
this one Mariuca -
I went to Kpg. Baru once but funny thing happened ended up I didn't eat
there lah....
Awesome, checking out ur link now Mon!
so fast 900 edi? wahhhhhhh
Why not Mon? I went to kpg baru few times only, cause so far awa…lazy mah!
Yeah I was an early bird today Mon, dropped 900 edi and wrote 2 posts today ha ha!
I went there once Mariuca... I feel embarrassed coz that time there was a
cat jumped on me and I screamed so loud :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ after that R brought
me to another place and we didn't eat there......hahahahahahhaah!
i'm doing my ec round now...adgi also not yet finished :-D
yeah I've had my MM pick since Saturday Marzie.. LOL :-D
Sat I was still lazing around Ane he he!
I was too marzie, but I had a couple of songs in my head already.. LOL
Happy dropping Mon!
Ohhhh hahahahahha sure or noooooot u screamed so loud, terperanjat la dat time! Some more ur scared of meows lol!
Ane! I gotta make coffee for B and slice some banana choc cake we bought from the bakery just now yum! :)
OMG Marzie! Your magic dust works!!! I got like 3 PB's from BV for LATM and
1 for ANE in the last hour that you called those PBs and sprinkled some
magic dust!! How cool is that!! :-D
yum! coffee and chocolate banana cake.. waaah you and Mon always make me
hungry! LOL
wah lagu holiday! best!
Mariuca i'm back! yeahhhh I screamed so loud coz i was shocked....hahahahaha
so malu lah that time everyone was looking!!
GP.. in ampang also they open this Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa.. though my BIL
say not nice.. so never go one!
No break for me.. packing all the way.. you can tell how old I am by the
number of things I need to pack.. lol!
Hugs GP!
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!