I am feeling a little blue tonight and according to my horoscope in the Malay Mail (which I read daily); I should not divulge my worries to others. Instead I should do things that make me happy; by rejuvenating and pampering myself.

And right now, this video really makes me happy. It makes me teary too but more than anything else, it inspires me to believe that true love prevails and when in doubt, just trust in love. Sooner or later, your worries will vanish and you life will seem okay once again.

Thank you to Shemah for sharing this video (I love the song too btw!) with me and now, I'd like to share it with you! Take a peek, you'll love this one!

=-O =-O =-O
oh, hugsy Marzie! What's wrong? you know am here for you right? *DONT_KNOW* HUGSY!! :* :*
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
hugs sweetie.. i love the song too.. and come biatch with me ok :)..heheh
Ane! You did it, FC1! :)
Chop Ane! :)
Oh thanks so much sweetie, was feeling blue about the RM thingy and that plus other stuff that has already been going on over the week, it all just took its toll on me. No worries, I’ll bounce back soon, hugs and more hugs! :)
Yay! LJ FC2! :)
Which blog here today ladies? :)
Thanks dearie! I fell in love with this video when I saw it at MSE today, it really made my day. And then the “depressi” happened but this video and song will bring back my smile so yay! Hugsy LJ! :)
Yeehaa!! FC1!!! WooHoo! :-D
yeah I've seen this video too, Shemah finds the best videos ever!! :-D
let's have LLP today dearie.. muahs!!
I was watching this A and we both laughed and clapped afterwards.. lol!
FC1 Ane! It’s been a while! :)
I agree with Shemah finding the best videos ever, this is my fave so far, thanks Shemah!
Yay!!! Sure will smile while watching this video kan? Perfect remedy for my moody blues yay! :)
LLP it is!
Oh, it's just one of those days eh.. :) I hope you feel better today! :)
can I have LATM here please Marzie? Thanks! :)
LATM is up sweetie, thanks for chopping!
I’m also feeling extra sensitive with my birthday coming up, feeling the age catching up and all that jazz, I’ll be fine, thanks Ane! :)
*HUGZ* marzie! hope you feels better now!! :* :* :*
oh i just seen this vid at shem's! so cool la!! i love it too!! :)
def can put a smile on mine too! and as i view this vid, i am thinking abt out entrance song. These guys are so daring to choose such an upbeat song. ANd their dances are beautifully choreographed. :-D
This vid so cute kan?
So romantic and sweet! I like!
:* :* :*
Hi Rozie! :)
I think it’s ultra romantic too! :)
Cute and it makes me happy to see so much love and joy going in here Rozie, what a terrific video!
I think this is a beautiful wedding entrance jean, it is so memorable and I am sure everyone who were there got all teary and smiley at the same time, like me! What a beautiful wedding! :)
I just watched it again with B and we’re both smiling now, what an awesome video, love it! :)
I’m feeling better Jean, this video keeps me happy! :)
marzie!!!! Thanks for the linky love dearie!!! :)
i just finished my cardioooo exerciseeee!! :) and today not much tercungap-cungap already!!! :) But sweating like a pig now... :) :) But i'm so happy I can tahan today more.. and then prolly by monday can do 1 hour cardio already!! waaahahahaha so ambitious!!
Anyways, i'm glad I shared a vid with you that brought so much joy .. but i'm just glad that this couple shared with us their wedding video to be viewed by millions!! :) The joy is so infectious.. and I watched it also when i woke up this morning.. and watching it now!! :)
Oh, you're right, Marzie, this one did get me all teary-eyed. Of course, it doesn't take much to make Roxy tear up, but thanks for sharing this sweet video.
Roxy :-D
nice blog u have there
and the video is great :-D
lol Mariuca !!!
brilliant....what a wonderful memory... :* :*
it certainly made me feel warm and fuzzy ..
have a sunny Sunday (hugs) :)
That video was great that would be hoot to see in person! Thanks for sharing! :-D
ooo mai, don't feel blue, its not like you. See, I'm so good with my rhymes. Don't worry be happy, oh another rhyme. I'm an all-star rhyming machine tonight! Hope you had a great day Marzie :D
Recent blog:=- When your head goes numb
How come I’m receiving 4 same comment from u Bem? Huhuuhhu….
And this makes 5!!! :( Why ah?
Oh it went thru ke? it says can't connect to server, so I retry la 3 times
Sorry ya, I deleted, sorry for the inconvenience!
Sorry it seems Bem LOL!
JS buat hal lagi tu Bem he he!
Feeling blue biasa la tu kan Bem? Once in a while sure depresi takkan nak happy all the time…life’s ups and downs u would say.. :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!