The clock ticks to midnight. Z and I make our way stealthily into the night where we cross the main road away from watchful eyes. Azel was already waiting in her car, all dressed up as we anticipate another night of fun in the club. The only one living outside the dormitory, she was our ticket to a night of fun on a school night. We were 18 and stuck in a dorm away from where the action is, takes its toll on you sometimes. And all we wanted to do was have some fun and not be cooped up in a dorm, even if it means skipping curfew!
We made a quick stop at the boy's dormitory. Three friends already await; clad in black to avoid being seen by the guards. Once inside, away from the guards, we'd turn up the radio before deciding where to head for the night. It could be a karaoke joint or a cafe or a club but usually we'd end up at our fave club in SJ, which closed at 3 sometimes 5 in the morning.
Young free and single, the world was our oyster and all we had in mind was fun; away from school and judging eyes. We needed to let off steam and what better way than dancing the night away. Eventually the six of us formed a tight-knit group, which sadly enough had to break when each of us went our separate ways to study in the US. Azel is now happily married and still as petite as ever. The handsome MK has also settled down I believe. I have not heard from Syamri or Depp in a while but they're on my Facebook and Z is of course within reach; still living in KL with a baby boy now.
I miss those crazy nights of freedom and reckless abandonment. I miss not having to worry about anything. I miss my clubbing friends but most of all I miss listening to Boyz II Men over and over again while driving to our nightly escapade...
Happy Music Monday everybody!
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.
PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!
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I miss my woogy nights too GP!!! ahh.. those were the days ehe...
eh you're in the top 10!! yiha!!!
happy monday!
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Those were the days indeed LJ, now busy cari makan only no time to play like last time! >:o *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- MM - If You Come Back by Blue **
I made it dearie, top 10 two weeks in a row, stress tu MM ha ha! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- MM - If You Come Back by Blue **
LJ FC1! Which blog dearie?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- MM - If You Come Back by Blue **
TH! Happy Monday to u too, and yay FC2! Which blog here TH? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- MM - If You Come Back by Blue **
Happy MM!
Recent blog:=- Diet Tip #12
Congrats FC1 and 2!! :* :*
:* :* :* :*for everyone!! :* :* :* :*
FC3 Marzie? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-P :-P :* :* :* :* :* :*
i love your pick this week Marzie and your story is also very sweet!! :* :*
I miss mine and Walter's younger years too!! He was a top notch dart thrower and we were on a team. We would go out every Thursday night and play in tournaments. He was so very very good and I was also very proud to be with him. He looked so good in his tight jeans and yes his boots and cowboy hat!! ;) ;) :) :)
His team came in 2nd place one year out of all the teams in Dallas a huge city. and he was voted MVP for that season!!
Love and hugs to everybody and Happy MM!! :* :* :* :*
i think all of us remember our past days of being care free. I know i do. great choice Marzie.
lovely post Mariuca and I love this song 8-)
have a happy MM :*
Recent blog:=- Mini Portrait of Mariuca Finished!
lovely post Mariuca and I love this song 8-)
have a happy MM :*
Recent blog:=- Mini Portrait of Mariuca Finished!
Boyz II Men has good ballads.. I like them.. :)
Recent undefined:=-
Wah! You so wild one ah, last time? Haha!
Recent blog:=- Do You Do Household Chores?
I love Boyz 2 Men's songs! Too bad their career went downhill after collaborating with Mariah Carey! I noticed a lot of male singers who sang with Mariah tend to go downhill after that. Eg. 98 degrees, Brian McKnight, Westlife. Wonder why? :)
Recent blog:=- Do You Do Household Chores?
Moral of the story - don't do a duet with Mariah Carey or come up with a single with her if you are a male singer at the peak of your career and popularity!!
But no harm if you are not popular yet, like Trey Lorenz or Nick Cannon. May even help in your career although not by a mile!
Or if you are a rapper, then it's OK to collaborate with MC. Unless you are Eminem. Haha!!
Recent blog:=- Do You Do Household Chores?
I also love Boyz II Men and all their songs! There are songs that remind us of the good times and whenever I hear one, it all just rushes back to me and makes me happy all over again ;)
Recent blog:=- Music Monday: Never Knew Love Like This
Wow this song brought back a lot of memories for me hahaha :) It made me remember a certain someone during the times when I was still foolish with love hahaha :)
Recent blog:=- Music Monday on Empty Streets: Utada Hikaru
Dropping off over here now!! :* :*
Wow Marzie I saw your portrait at Kim's blog and it is just super!! You must be so excited!!
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Wow Marzie I saw your portrait at Kim's blog and it is just super!! You must be so excited!!
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I am working very hard today to get caught back up with drops. My sore throat went away so I really need to get at least 200 done today. I can never make 300. I just don;t have the speed. It takes me hours and hours to just get 200. >:o >:o
:* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- About nothing... but SEX!
wahhh u oso go clubbing Mariuca! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- About nothing... but SEX!
I haven't heard this song in a long time :)
Recent blog:=- About nothing... but SEX!
the MM list so long edi :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- About nothing... but SEX!
Hi ! I missed my good old days too. Believe it or not, if u come to my MM post this week, it will be a real surprise for you too.
I wont tell u what, just come and see yourself.
Me too, I like most of Boyz2men's songs. Good choice, caya lah lu!
Recent undefined:=- Oh no! Comluv had an error with your feed, see message below!
Wow, you brought me back. It was fun to read this post, thanks!
Recent blog:=- Wednesday Freebie and Giveaways!
i love this song....i can listen to this repeatedly!!! :-[ :-[ :-[ :* :* :*
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!