My fluffy bears arrived safe and sound last week. Thanks to Emila, I won this adorable set of lil' bears for being the second commenter on her big 4-0 birthday post! I love my bears; the blue one is for my blue blog Wishing on a Falling Star and the pink one is of course for MPG. All I need now is a lime green teddy bear for Meow Diaries!

Thanks for the fluffy pressie Emila, love ya!

:'( :'( :'(
i wan the red!
=-O =-O =-O =-O
so cute lah red GP! :(
Recent blog:=- Let's Prevent Infectious Diseases
:'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog:=- The Reds
awwww so cute!! :* :*
Recent blog:=- The Reds
esp the pink one :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- The Reds
Wah GG so fast! FC1! :)
LOL Sandman again FC2!! :)
Thanks for chopping peeps, I will add ur badges for this post yay! :)
congrats GP!
Recent blog:=- Let's Prevent Infectious Diseases
can i have the red 1? LOL! :-P
Recent blog:=- Let's Prevent Infectious Diseases
Hahahah GG this one pink la, still wan? Hahahaha!
i supposed to log out twitter but u twit! :-P
can seeeeee it as red! WTF is happening in mah eyes! *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Let's Prevent Infectious Diseases
thanks GP!
Recent blog:=- Let's Prevent Infectious Diseases
GP! be back here later! need to really zzzzzzzzzzz now! *DONT_KNOW*
eyes getting blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr edi! :'(
hahaha LOL @ WTF is happening in mah eyes! go and zzzz Gagay! :-D
nytie nytie lady bear! ;)
yay! arrived oredi!! let me see if i have extra green one! :* :*
LOL! nytie nytie te mon - another lady bear! ;)
Recent blog:=- Let's Prevent Infectious Diseases
Monica oh no u missed this one sweetie! :(
Monica oh no u missed this one sweetie! :(
Monica oh no u missed this one sweetie! :(
yayks! like greeeeeeeeeeen! ;)
Recent blog:=- Let's Prevent Infectious Diseases
LOL @ red! :)
Hugsy Mon, chop the next one kay?
So cute cause so small right? When I saw it at Emila’s I was like wowie I wan!!
ok lady bear! nytie nytie :-D
yalor huhuhuhuhu!!
See, I told ya, I will be FC 1, 2, 3, etc... once I find the time. As of now, I am just happy to be catching up on my friend's blog after such a long time :-)
Recent blog:=- Chp 274. The importance of referrals
okay sweetie Hugsy! :*
Got brown and green too Mon!
Ha ha it was a surprise win woo hoo!
i oso wan lah heheh :-P
GG still at it with the red one LOL!
Ooooh lucky u saw the twit GG, now can sleep for real!
Hahahahahah ur eyes are telling u to zzzzz GG! :)
ohhh got brown and green too? so cool lah ;)
Welcome GG, I’ll put medical blog here okay, pinky buddy! :)
Ok sweetie, have a good rest, see ya tomo!
Sweet dreams GG!
So cute your bears, marzie!! :) :) Yeah, you need a lime green one for MD!
Recent blog:=- Word For Today: Exhausted
btw, I would like to ask a favor if you could help us vote for my daughter...if you have time....your help is much appreciated....thanks!
* You can Vote for Akesha by answering this question and post the whole sentence as your comment:
Question: (Name of child) is my winning Pinoy Smile because…..
Note: You can cast your vote and comment everyday. Thanks!
:* :* :* :*
wow so cute!!!!!
Recent blog:=- My Pregnancy: 30 Weeks
Hi! Congrats. you superduper chopper!
I am here with my world with all sorts of difficulties, now monsoon season with non-stop rain, wild wind and everything not so nice to hear. It's ok, Still cannot get a house in KL, dont know why so difficult!!! :) ;) 8-) :*
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Snap! with "The Power"
:* :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Music Monday: Can't Fight the Moonlight (Leanne Rhymes) **
LJ!! :)
Yay me for being super duper chopper Lil! Have a good weekend, don worry too much! :)
He he cute eh Elai? I love it!
Thanks for dropping by Dhemz!
Ha ha thanks Shemah and I do need a lime green bear for MD kan? Baru la complete!
Coolness Mon!
Everybody wants a lil bear! Wat kaler u wan Mon?
Hugsy Mon!
U like green one GG?
Woo hoo I might be getting a green lil bear, thanks so much Emila! :)
GG needs more zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ahemrs indeed! LOL!
YAY Sandman, u are on a chopping roll, welcome back!
i want pink la :-D
Pink is such a great colour, dunno why GG no likey pink eh?
yalor i agree; pink is such a great colour! it represents love, joy,
sweetness, happiness, affection, kindness......................LOL!
You are correct mon! Pink does represent all those great traits and don forget love too…and it’s really a lovely colour!
i m glad u're a pink lover too LOL!!
I’m glad our blogs are PINK! Yay! MPG and TUO together-gether! :)
hahahahha! R bought a new wardrobe for me from Ikea....but it's not pink :(
Wah! New wardrobe? From IKEA some more, sure nice!
not nice lah brown color.....but BIG one lah hehe....
I got no space for a new wardrobe…guest room got 4 edi!! On sale is it Mon?
no not on sale....but i need a bigger one....
Assembled edi Mon?
yeah he assembled edi! but i just throw everything inside....havnt arranged
my clothes nicely yet....
LOL @ throwing everything inside hahhaa! Hmmm u know my wardrobe now oso so messy, I see oso no mood cause I’ve been throwing in stuff too, in a hurry mah! LOL!
haha same here; I see oso no mood! but one day i must arrange it nicely lah
coz i cannot find my clothes sometimes!
Hahahahah aiyoooo same here la…. angry cause cannot find my baju padahal my own fault for throwing everything inside hahaha!
lol yeah it's our fault lah :-D but that's the easiest way...throw everything
inside hahaha!
Hahahhaa sometimes lazy right? And sometimes cause I just throw everything inside, I will forget abt my new clothes that I bought, still inside the plastic bag, nicely thrown inside the wardrobe ROTFLMAO!
yeah sometimes lazy!! imagine u ve to take out everything first then only u
can arrange omg! haha mine not inside the plastic bag lah but the price tag
still there :-D
Hahahahahah dat day I bought cardigan from Marks n Spencer…then the person forgot to remove the electronic device thingy, the one that will trigger off the alarm if u leave without paying…. So he deactivated it edi but forgot to remove it and I didn realize and happily wore for dinner with my friend! Then B noticed it, angry la me!!!!!! Lucky my fren didn notice right? Grrrrr!
hahahahahahhahhah u made me LOL here Mariuca! aiyooo u wore dat cardigan for
dinner with yr friend some more!
DATS WHY MONICA!!!!! The moment B told me abt it, I was like WTF? And then the thing was OUTSIDE the cardigan, if ppl see sure think I stole the cardigan!!!! :(
hahahahahahahh why u didn't take out the cardigan lah? :-D
It was cold some more dat day so kept my cardigan on, but I told B to cover me dat side hahahhahaha wan to eat oso cannot eat properly u know, trying to hide the thingy! But the fella apologized to B when he took back my cardigan to remove the thingy… some more M&S.. tsk tsk tsk!
hahahahahah i can imagine dat! if me oso i feel malu lah coz the thing
hanging there LOL!! yalor some more M&S!! :-D
I seriously tak perasan u know…. Happily talking away to my fren laughing and eating, then B whispered to me!!!! :( hahahhahaha! Terus my mood changed hahahha!
LOL!! so cute lah B whispered to u!!!!
Hahahahah yeah whispering to me abt my situasi… terus I wan to finish dinner quickly, and dat time wan to say goodbye to my friend, hug her oso quickly cause trying to hide the thingy with one hand hahahhahaha!
lol next time must check first before u wear new baju :-D
Tu la, how I know they didn remove… and then when I left the store, the alarm didn go off oso, so naturally I wouldn’t think they forgot to remove the thingy right? ;)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!