It's a beautiful day today for it's my BFF Monica's birthday! So I hope you will join me in celebrating Monica's special day by leaving her a wish here. 
I too would like to wish pretty Monica a wonderful day today...and always. Thank you for being such a fun understanding pinky buddy and I hope this birthday brings you much happiness and joy with many more beautiful birthdays to come!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONICA! I hope you like the pink balloons and the pink cake; have fun and lotsa love and hugs from Me, B, Chubbs, Benji and Phoebe!

I too would like to wish pretty Monica a wonderful day today...and always. Thank you for being such a fun understanding pinky buddy and I hope this birthday brings you much happiness and joy with many more beautiful birthdays to come!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONICA! I hope you like the pink balloons and the pink cake; have fun and lotsa love and hugs from Me, B, Chubbs, Benji and Phoebe!

:* :* :* :* :* :*
Happy Birthday Monica!!!
hahah I also got Monica.. a pink birthday cake!!
lets have LJL here today dearie!!
so glad i got to chop also.. lol!!
wah go pink cake and pink balloons on a pink blog for a pink lady!!.. heheh.. so chun lah!!
Happy Birthday Monica! :* :* :*
That's very sweet of you to post this as well as give her these gifts!
I'll have mine up for her later on since she's on my blogger birthday list, too! ;) :)
>:o >:o >:o >:o
:( :( :( :( :(
3FC GP! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Happy Birthday dear Monica. i hope you day is filled with Joy and Happiness and that you will be blessed with many many more Bdays to come :) :-D :-D
so pinky!yayks!!! happy birthday te mon! ;) ;) ;) ;)
:( :( :( :(
happy birthday te mon! :) :) :) :)
:( :(
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Happy birthday MONICA! Muah Muah <3 :* :* :*
:* :* :* :* :* :* LJ FC1!
And David FC2! :* :* :*
Thanks for the chop, Happy Birthday Mon! :* :* :*
Happy Birthday to Monica @ TUO! :* :* :*
Yummy pink birthday cakes for Mon woo hoo! :* :* :*
LJL is up dearie, u are in the lead at all my blogs dis month if I'm not mistaken! ;) ;) :* :*
Me too LJ, group hug ladies! :* :* :*
Yay! Pink is after all Monica's fave colour! :* :* :*
Thanks for coming by to drop off ur well wishes for Monica too David and Happy Birthday to Monica! Happy I got the chop at ur blog woo hoo! :-D :-D :-D
>:o >:o >:o >:o GG!
:( :( :( :( :( Time for me to pass YOU some VS, GG lol! ;) ;)
He he next one kay? Hugsy wugsy! :* :* :*
You got the one at MD tho GG, don cry! ;) ;) ;)
:( :( Morning Bill!
Ur "fave" colour!! =-O =-O =-X =-X :-[ :-[ :-[ :) :) :)
Thanks for joining in the celebration here Bill, what a lovely wish for our Monica! :* :* :*
Hey Blue, have some cake and thanks for dropping by here as well! :* :* :*
Still not to late to wish Monica "Happy Birthday" right? Beautiful pink cake Marzie, nice of you & LJ to publish this post to Monica. I know David Funk sure has something on his site too, will be there shortly.
No sign of Monica, I think she will be happy to note that you guys are doing this for her.
See you around ...
:) ;) :* :*
Happy birthday Monica! :-D :-D
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Yay! I chopped at MPG and MD today! :-D
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
yeah! VS please! :'( :'( :'( :'(
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o no la pink!
=-X =-X =-X =-X =-X
Happy Bday to Moninca... :*
thank you so much for your sweet words BFF!!! :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
i love the pink balloons and the pink cake! yay i've two pink cakes..another one from LJ! :-D :-D :-D
thanks to B, Chubbs, Benji and Phoebe too! HUGS! :* :* :*
LOL @ pink cake and pink balloons on a pink blog for a pink lady! thanks LJ! :* :* :* :* :* :*
thanks David! :* :* :*
thanks GG! :* :* :*
thanks Bill! :* :* :*
haha GG no likey pink! :-D :-D :-D
thanks Haaziq! Muah Muah <3
yeah Lily I m so touched :'( :'( :'( :'(
thanks Nessa! :* :* :*
thank you Cacai :* :* :*
I received two b'day cakes on my b'day, Mariuca... chocolate cheesecake and pandan cheesecake! omg they all gave me cheese!!!! :-D :-D :-D
Of course I will join you and say: Happy Birthday - all the way from Norway and singing the song our way:
Gratulerer med da'n,
Gratulerer med da'n,
Gratulerer kjære Monica
Gratulerer med da'n!
Oh, it's Monica's birthday? Happy belated birthday, Monica!! :)
HAPPY Birthday Mon.
I know sudah lambat, tapi masih boleh ucap kan? :)
Wah 2 birthday cakes!! Pandan cheesecake, I’ve not tried dat.. nice ah?
Enjoy ur special day sweetie! Happy to present u with another “cake” here! :)
Yay no worries sweetie, sure la must celebrate ur besday here, pinky buddy mah! HUGS! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONICA! Love ya always! :)
Oh no a little VS is in order for Monica, tears it seems! ;)
Hi Cacai!
You and Te Mon can share the VS, GG! :)
You chopped ur heart out David, woot! ;)
Monica! :)
Hi Lil, thanks for coming over to celebrate this happy day too, hugs! :)
Love ya always Mariuca! :)
first time tried Pandan cheesecake oso...not bad! ;)
Ye ke?? I like pandan but on its own.. wonder how it tastes like wit cheese…..
Love ya back, hugsy! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!