I'm late but it's better late than never, so let me present my Top 10 Mariucans for the month of September! But before that, just like I've introduced at Wishing On A Falling Star, there will be a new feature to brighten up Mariuca's Perfume Gallery! From now on, the first person to leave a comment on any post title that ends with a star will receive a link back to his or her blog for being my first commentator! I LOVE my commentators so much and this is my way of expressing my gratitude for your eagerness to leave me some comment love at my blog. So the first person to comment here (notice the * at the end of my title?) will get a link back to his or her blog at the end of this post, hurry! :)
I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to my Top 10 Mariucans here for September. I had a lot of fun with you last month, and though I don't have as many posts here as I do over at my other blog, you guys nonetheless, continued to show much support and love for this pinky blog of mine, which I truly appreciate. I'm so proud of myself though, because as slow as I am in posting here, I am almost reaching my 100th post. Like I always tell my fellow Mariucans, who are currently racing one another at Wishing On A Falling Star, trying to secure the Top Mariucan position there for October, slow and steady wins the race! :)
Congratulations to LadyJava, who is still holding on to her number 1 spot here. LJ has been my Top Mariucan here for the past 6 months, so this makes it her 7 month of being top commentator here. Thanks a million LJ, and good luck for this month! ;)
And just like at my other blog, my Top 3 Mariucans here at MPG will also receive EC credits from me as a token of appreciation for all their hard work here. Aside from being featured in my sidebar, my Top Mariucan will receive 1000 EC credits, while my number 2 and 3 Mariucan will receive 500 EC and 250 EC credits respectively! :)
Until my next post, here's wishing you an awesome weekend with your friends and family! :)
* The first person to leave a comment on any post title that ends with a star will receive a link back to his or her blog for being the first commentator!

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 220 Newer› Newest»chup!
yay!! i cant believe i am the first commenter!!
when i saw there's no comment yet, i quickly chup first!! yippee!!! woohoo!!! :D
wow, i am second, not bad! congrates, LJ! :)
marzie, of coz must show support in yr pinky blog! we've got the pinkies power mah!! :)
thanks for the exciting prizes, marzie! well, i hope no one will come toppling me last minute! :)
thanks for the exciting prizes, marzie! well, i hope no one will come toppling me last minute! :)
alamak, doubled comments liau. takpe lar, the more the better,kan! :)
Happy Weekend to you too, sweetie! :)
wahhh...didnt know that u are actually awarding ppl who is contribute more in commenting ur post. if like this, sa mau always comment la..hehe
Congrats to the top 10!!
Congratus to you Mariuca, for having such a following that is clammoring to be in your commenting cult. ;)
Watch out! I see Grandy in the top 10 over there.
There is hope for me for October.
Jean~ Congrats for being the first one too! You are always a top one, huh?
Aisemen! Got my mug shot here pulak!! hehe
Like this, must try to maintain my spot :D Thanks for the link dear!
congrats Jean!
yay, am in the list!
congrats to all!
congrats lj! you're the very top one!
happy weekend too, marzie!
Aloha Jean! YAY, you did it woman, thanks for being my first commenter here! And for making it to my Sept list as well! Love ur support and keep the comment love coming okay sweetie? :):):)
I love the sound of that Jean! Pinky power must stick together-gether yeeha! :)
Jean, gimme some time to transfer ur 500 EC yeah, cause I'm still finishing up the transfer for Mariuca's Top 10, then I'll start for MPG! You know la EC's new transfer rule, see what I mean by it being silly billy?!! ;)
Grandy! Thanks so much for congratulating me and my Mariucans yeeha! And I see u at number 6 now dear, working ur way up, slowly but surely, great work! :):):)
Mrs. Ezman, komen jgn tak komen ha ha! So nice to see u here today sweetie and congrats! Busy with ur students ke? ;)
Nessa! Tu la, I was looking for ur profile picture just now at Mumblings he he! Congrats congrats!! You made it here this month and I'm happy to give u some linky love YAY! :):):)
Emila, you're here YAY! :)
Thanks for congratulating my Top 10 Mariucans here and happy to see u back on the list this month too! *HUGS*
PS. Got ur email, will reply later yeah? ;)
Hopefully this month I can be one of your top 10
LJ CONGRATS be champion for 6 months
Congrats also to all other 9...YOU ALL really GREAT BLOGGER
Bono, thanks for coming by to congratulate my Top 10 woo hoo! :)
I see u at number 4 now Bono, so hopefully ul remain on MPG's list this month, good luck! :):):)
Yihaa!!!! Me TOP.. Me TOP!!!
Thanks for linky love dearie.. muahs!!
congrats to your Top 10 Mariucans! ;-)
LJ!! You TOP You TOP it is, congrats and thanks a bunch sweetie! See u back here for Oct! :):):)
Thanks Monica! I love my Mariucans, you too! :):):)
Yey! Update!
Better late than never right? hehe.. COngrats to all top Mariucans! Keep up the good works! Chewah. hehe
Eh, since I have no EC, you may give the 250 EC credits to the 4th spot... if I maintain my 3rd spot la.
Have a great weekend Marzie! :D
Thanks Haaziq! My Mariucans ni memang hardworking, love'm all! Happy weekend to u! :):):)
LOL! Thinking in advance it seems Nessa! Actually, I was thinking if u maintain 3rd spot, u can choose any EC blog u want to give the credits to, doesn't have to be from my list! Hint hint! ;)
Hola Marzie, thanks for the linky love. Me feeling very sluggish la these few days. :( Me no likey.
Anyway congrats, Jean! Pinky power!! (can't believe I'm cheering for pinky power lol) Congrats LJ for being TC for September. And now Kak Emila is number 1 TC here as of today. :)
Kak Emila, satu queen takleh duduk 2 thrones ma.. ;)
Oh ya, thanks Marzie for registering at my craft store. :) *winks*
LOL!! Debbie, I oso can't believe u're cheering for pinky power ha ha ha!! :)
Oh still sluggish eh woman? Takpe, hopefully something good will happen to u this weekend okay? BIG HUGSY! :):):)
No worries Debbs, but wan to ask... if I want to promote my registrasi, I just mensi my username is it?? Konpius it seems and OMG, check out all the "new" words I'm konpidently using here ha ha ha!! :):):)
Yea Jean you made it first. And congrats to LJ...of course you are on top.
Congratulations to everyone.
I hope you are feeling better and have a great week end!!:-)
Marzie, I baru baca your comment. Hehe..there should be an affiliate link for your account. Try and check, sbb LJ pun dah ada. Then use mcm biasa la, just like the way you promote other programs. :) But in Malaysia saja tau, I don't deliver overseas.
If you want product pics for promotional purposes, let me know ya! :)
I noticed your new words! 4 of them! :):)
Congrats to all the top commentators.
LJ rocks! haha....
Did you see what she did to my blog!? Awesome!
hehe debbie, sure or not? it's the same 'negeri' that has '2 daerah jajahan' hehe
Hehe betul jugak tu Kak Emila.. :) You win la! Hehe..
Bad, bad Roxy, I don't pay enough attention to sweet MPG! Maybe in October if I hustle!
Yayyy I made it finally Hehehehe congratulations to everyone that made it too. :)
Jean congratulations on being the first one to comment :) hehehe You are starting to move fast up the list. :)
Emila is also on top now, but am sure that once LJ's mom starts feeling better she'll be fighting for top post :) hehehe I cant wait to see as well who is going to take home your mug again Emila :) TH and Marzie are zipping fast and going at it like two wizards constantly waiving their magic wands hehehe
Hey Bono,
wow your moving up quickly as well :) hehehe let's race to the top too :) lots of hugs everyone :) Group hugs to the doll gang :) hehehe
Alamak.. kat sini pun dah jatuh second??? aiyoooo!!!
GP!! Very easy to get affiliate link at Debbs's store.. just register and everything is there
Anything just holler... you know where I am..hehe
GP.. bawak mai... segelas latte tu...heheh
I agree GP.. buat malu jer. macam tu tak der anak pun tak per..
Hey there, Empty Streets! Congrats on your top spot.
I'm relatively new in town myself... but have been quietly lurking for a while now. ;)
LJ~ Are you seriously the reigning champion of top commenters for like 6 months now?
I'm afraid once I go back to work in November, my tracking will decrease.
I've got to take my best shot in October while I'm recovering.
But I'm having so much fun "chatting" with you all.
It's like a fun little community. :)
yay!! yes, i did it, marzie!! i am so happy and you can still see me dancing the night away. :)
of coz, i shall keep the comments coming in! I love MPG!!!
haha, yeah, i think the new EC rule abt the transfer limit is abit absurd. :/
sure, i can wait for my EC credits. No worries, k! :)
wah, emila, congrates! you're the first commenter sini jugak? caya lar u! :)
marzie, thanks for the linkies love! i love seeing AGP avatar here! you've just made my day! thanks, woman! :)
aiks, marzie! i dun understand about yr top commenter widget lar. moment ago, i saw i have 17 comments, so i added another 4 more, meaning i should see a new record of 17+4=21 comments. But when i refreshed yr blog again for the new record to show, it says 15 comments! How? Why am i dropping?
Jean, I'm so glad you asked. I thought it was just me being stupid for not understanding why numbers drop.
Your little avatar looks good over there.
I like it!!
Hi Jean and Grandy! Uhmm the widget calculates the latest 1000 comments, based on their posting time obviously. So from position 1 till 10, the total comments must be 1000. Old comments are flushed off, if you get what I mean.
Oh I am bad at explaining things. Hope that helps a wee bit! :)
Oh no, phatelara, it makes sense.
It's like over-filling a bucket. Some of the water has to come out to let the new water in.
LJ had given a similar explanation at the other site, but I'm slow and sometimes it takes more than one explanation.
If you know what I mean??
Grandy, no worries! I know what you mean. :) I'm a little slow too sometimes! :)
Hi Metz! Marzie has left her competitors far behind. I think she's gonna bring home the pair of dreamy mugs!
I'm in the top 10...
thanks very much Mariuca...
congratulations to everyone...
have a lovely Saturday :) :)
stopping be to drop off another card ;)
There's my HBFF Tina!!!
enjoy your weekend Mariuca! ;-)
allo allo dearest GP!!!
How's your day so far.. me just dropping my EC now.. speed is sooo slow!!
Hi Jackie! Thanks for dropping by MPG, I had a busy and tiring Sat! Settling down to do my EC rounds now. :):):)
LOL! Debbs, thanks for noticing all 4 words ha ha, cute la you! And your promosi post is up at Mariuca, hope you like it dear! :)
Thanks for congratulating my Top Mariucans here ECL! So LJ is the one behind ur lovely new look eh? No wonder la it looks so clean and nice, great work! :):):)
Clever la this Emila! I like the sound of 1 negeri, 2 daerah! Syabas! :)
Hurry Roxy, there's still time for u to make it here for MPG's Top 10 list! Go Roxy Go! :)
Hey Metz! Nice to see ur handsome avatar here today he he! Congrats for making it to MPG's Top 10, love ya!
Oh I hope it's me that will bring home that lovely dreamy mug from Emila woot! :):):)
Yeah lor LJ, you busy nowadays, but hope ul remain on the list for Oct. Good luck dearie! :0
Oh kat sini pun u salah comment eh? Ha ha! ;)
Grandy! I'm happy you're having fun here and no need to lurk around anymore okay? Come show urself for all to see Grandy he he! :)
And Grandy, hope u have a speedy recovery, but it's also nice to see more of you here while u're recovering. Take care and HUGS! :):):)
Jean!! MPG loves you and AGP too! For sure pinkies must love each other ha ha! :):):)
Yeah, absurd is the word la Jean, I judt don't get it, what's with the wait kan? I can only transfer Emila's EC later tonight, after a week of waiting. Then must wait another week to do my next transfer, then only can transfer to AGP tsk tsk tsk! :(
Jean, this widget is the same la like yours ha ha! Okay, this one is from MXY, the one at Mariuca, I recently changed.
This one takes into account the last 500 comments, so when I receive new comments, the older ones will get removed from the list.
I'll give u an example. Currently my number 10 is Haaziq with 10 comments. So let's say Rozella is at 11 with 9 comments, she won't make it to my Top 10, but her 9 comments still count towards that 500.
The more you comment, the faster the older comments will be removed from the list. So why ur number went down is prob because some of ur new comments actually pushed the older ones out (including your old comments). Get it or not??? Susah tu nak explain ha ha!! :):):)
Grandy, this new explanation from me makes it the third one for u to digest. Hope u understand the widget better now! :)
Hi Debbs, thanks for the explanasi he he! This widget takes into account the last 500 comments, the one at Mariuca takes into account the last 1000 comments! I had to change widgets at Mariuca to accommodate the many comments from you guys there, so as not to completely push out the rest of my Mariucans who have been diligently commenting as well! ;)
Oh my oh my!! Ye ke Emila Yusof itu?? So happy to hear that it's looking good for me at ur blog! I wan I wan that lovely mug! Until then, I shall happily dream about it he he! :):):)
Congrats Kim! You made it to MPG's list two months running yay! And thanks for dropping ur EC here today, love and hugs! :):):)
Thank YOU for explaining again, Marzie! :):) 500 and 1000 eh? Same formula, different figures hehe. :):)
Yup, Tina is here this month Tammy! Nice of u to drop by! :)
Happy weekend to u too Monica! Any big plans or are u taking it easy after ur long vacation? :)
Hola LJ! I had a busy Saturday, tomo too perhaps. Still doing my drops ni, connection is not so bad on my end, but dunno how long it'll hold! :)
No worries Debbs! Actually the widget at Mariuca was for 5000 comments, but I had LJ changed it for me to 1000, cause 5000 terlalu byk la pulak! He he! ;)
Marzie, I pernah nampak tu 5000 comments! Kat Kak Emila's blog kan? :D
Ah yes Debbs! When I used the 5000 widget, lagi la semua Mariucans berterabur, cause it took into account all comments for the entire year! Gila tu..he he..LJ was tops at 800+! ;)
800? Woot! Kalau skrg, 1000++ kot! :) Dah tido ke Marzie? I'm still working on my articles. Tadi I bising at C for singing while listening to his music. The poor fella dah tido dah! Lol!!
Oh maybe kureng oredi Debbie, since LJ has been on the down low kan lately! :)
Alamak kesian C kena marah ha ha ha!!! I'm still replying my comments and dropping ni, EC is down again I think! :(
Hehe I takla marah for real..lol!
EC down ke? Selalu sangat kan?? Cakap bnyk volunteer to monitor and delete accounts.
Eh, I baru try drop EC, ok jer? Tak down pun, Marzie..
Oh ye ke got many ppl to monitor and delete accounts? Wassup with that la? :(
I meant I can't go to my Inbox...application failed it seems... so more diff for me to do my drops, cause I usually drop from my Inbox u see. Pity those who dropped on me if I don drop back at their sites mah! :(
Oh yes, mmg slow sangat to open my inbox too. I've stopped my DLs, pun still cannot. What's up with that kan?
Dats why Debbs! Eh what are u DL-ing la? ;)
I tried installing TFox, but also slow, so I stopped halfway. :)
I DL-ing movies..and some tv series..tv series tu by episode, so cepat skit. Hehe..
Right now, Gossip Girl, Criminal Minds, Ghost Whisperer, and movie plak P.S. I Love You. :D
I just finished DL my Boldie. How abt sitcoms? DL la Will n Grace, I finished watching oredi last year lol! Now thinking of new sitcoms to DL, any suggestion? ;)
Ooh Marzie, don't get me started on sitcoms, kalau DL nanti tak cukup my hard disk lol!
I don't have faves la kalau sitcom sbb semua pun I tgk, except yg klasik2 sangat la..hehe..
I ingat nak DL Mind Your Language la! I suka giler! Gelak sampai menangis! :):)
Alamak now kena tulis pasal law plak, luckily 230 words jer..yay!
I'm waiting for Two and a Half Men now, funny la that one lol! I DL the oldies like Raymond, Frasier, King of Queens...all dah habis tengok dah! ;)
Pasal law?? Astaga... this one paid opp ke??
No la, not paid opp. Kan I got a writing job tu? Hehe so topic diorg very wide, kdg2 kena buat law, but this one pendek jer so not too bad. :)
Debbs, the writing job is for a blog or what? Me not too sure, konpius ni! ;)
Two and A half Man rocks! LOL. Hey, I watch it too and I am not yet old. hehehe
Dropping my EC here too! :)
wooowww your right ...91 congrats....by next week sure touch hundreds
GP!! I think you need to change from 1000 to 2000 lah...hehhe
Yelah GP I was not able to go into my in box at EC as well... and can only select drop .. pity those that drop on me as well.. I wonder if it's ok now?
Aiyo... Emila tops kat sini gak eh.. Alamak.. connection pulak terok today... iayooo!!
Eh kat sini pun no more moderation ke?? lolzz
ah ah lah... lolzz!!
haha.. dah tak kuasa nak moderate eh?? tulah easier this way kan.. all we do is just get notify jer lah...lolzz
Hey Marzie! Thank you so much for the clarification.
So it's a bucket of 500 we're working with.
Right on!
Whoa! Am I reading the current roster right?
Am I currently at #3?
Phatelara is right behind me.
(biting my nails)
And Jean is so very close behind that.
I'm thinkin' LJ could re-gain her ground on Emila too because that's close with only 7 comments between them.
Why do they call you GP?
Did I miss a nickname somewhere??
Grandy.. we call Mariuca, Marzie coz that's her name and GP, short for Genie Princess because of the famous meme started with Genie King!
Thanks for the explanation. I get the Marzie part (I knew that was her name).
But was clueless on GP.
Wouldn't be the first time I was clueless though.
I did forget to mention.
Thanks for the recovery well wishes Marzie.
You are very sweet for saying so.
Hi Grandy! Congrats on being number 3! :):)
Thanks Debbs! I'm excited.
This might be the only month I stand a chance.
So I've got to give it the best shot I can.
Grandy, I noticed you called me Debbs! I like it, shorter and easier to spell than my nickname that starts with P. :):)
I had seen LJ call you that. I hope it's alright?
Your name is Debbie, right?
Sure, everyone can call me Debbs. :):) I don't mind at all, Grandy.
Yes it's Debbie! :)
Well nice to meet you Debbie.
Nice to meet you too, Grandy.
I'm a lil slow in getting to know people, but hey I'm getting to know Marzie's friends here and her friends are all nice. :)
Alright Debbs, I just checked out all your sites.
You are a busy lady indeed.
Marzie...not easy now to stay top 10 commenter at both of your site...CONGRATS
Grandy, thanks for checking out my sites. :)
marzie...ya bah busy ni! Exam mode skrg hehe..anw, x lama g cuti. i cant wait actually haha
I nak panggil you Marzie gak ar. Hahaha.. Well, it's only fair since you call me Haaziq right? hehehehe...
Bono, I am dying but still trying to stay in her top 10. Marzie has lots of loyal readers. Even I could learn more about you guys through all your comments. Hohoho.. :P
Happy Sunday everyone!
Hi bluecrystaldude aka Haaziq! See I learnt something about you too! :):) Happy Sunday!
ish ish ish.. so brutal lah your other TC GP... habis I kena displaced even here..lolz
Like this cannot lah...
I must retaliate!!!
GP.. what are you doing???
Is Mel still there??
I just leave your site for awhile and whoa look at this 162 comments Marzie you are definitely hands down the Queen of Comments :) hehehe I love it :)
been busy working on new sites like empty streets directory and Marketing 411 :) all is fully operational but will be getting into the motion of the articles in the next couple of days heheh so stay tuned.
Marzie by the way your going your bringing home the Emila cup again :) heheheh
Jean san your in a roll here :) I'll try to catch up too :) hehehe crossing my fingers :)
Congrats to LJ! She is a great friend and supporter.
I'm dropping.... :(
Are you really wanting to retaliate, LJ?
Emila, you and I are neck and neck.
Hi Marzie! Hope you are having a wonderful day!!
Bluecrystaldude...can I call you dude for short?
You are hanging into the top 10 quite well.
Fear not! Your ICON or image will make the list by the end of the month. :)
Hi Emila!! Hope you are having a great day!!
You too Debbie! Hope you are doing well.
Thanks Grandy. I hope you're doing well too! Although I've just found out about something that's bugging me right now. I'm sad, actually. :(
Grandy, thanks for your kind words too. I don't know what you're recovering from, but I pray for your speedy recovery. :)
Oh NO Debbie...what's got you sad?
Don't worry, Grandy. I'll be fine. It's not something that I should talk about here. :)
Well Debbie...if you'd like to email me, please feel free to. Sometimes it's nice to have someone to vent to. And when they're not in your immediate circle, it's safe.
You can email me at grandybug@gmail.com.
Gotta get some sleep now though...
Thanks, Grandy. Actually chatting with you here is cheering me up a little. :)
Good night Grandy! :)
Aisemen! My name is no more in the list! Aduh, like dis kena komen like crazy again... haha
Have a great Monday, Marzie. Hugs to Phoebe, Benji and... urmmmmm... Chubbs!! :D
Dropping my EC..santai day today.
santai barengan heeee
wahh..so many comment oh! anw, i've got tag for you my dear... :) do visit my blog...my latest entry tu :)
Just dropping in to say hi!
sorry you were worried about me yesterday.
Yes I am glad Walt is home!!
And no I am not spoiling him.
He is spoiling me.
cooking, cleaning and pampering me.
yes I am working very hard on my EC tool bar.
it is a slow process.
but I am forging forward.
It's good to be spoiled Shinade. :)
Everyone deserves a little spoiling every once and a while. :)
Slowly but surely I will get it done.
Yea...I made #200. this time.
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!