When it comes to anything Mariuca or MPG, there is only one person that I turn to for help in the creative department. She is a wonderful artist, whose creative talent is recently gaining ground and acknowledgement both locally and internationally.
And today is her birthday, so allow me to take this post to wish a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to EMILA of Emila's Illustrated Blog by featuring some of her more wonderful work here at my perfume blog.
After seeing her featured work here, you will undoubtedly comprehend why Emila is my first choice when I'm in need of some creative tweaks and work for both my blogs. Although there are now many wonderful artists out there, Mariuca will still turn to Emila. She is the only one I trust to come up with what I want, according to my requirements and satisfaction. It is hard to please me and my sometimes high standards, but Emila always comes through for me with her creativity and originality.
And now, it gives me great pleasure to present to you, the creative work of my best buddy, Emila Yusof! :)

Mariuca Dolly

MPG Dolly

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EMILA! Mariuca loves ya and hope you will have the best birthday ever. Lotsa love and hugs from Mariuca, B, Chubbster, Benji and Phoebe! :)
* The first person to leave a comment on any post title that ends with a star will receive a link back to his or her blog for being the first commentator!

WooHoo!! I guessed it right at the other site!
Holy Macaroni Batman...I was the first to comment too!!
Emila, you truly are a talented artist. I'm so grateful you made my dolly for me.
I see you and Mariuca are close. That is wonderful. You are both very sweet gals.
I see you and Mariuca are close. That is wonderful. You are both very sweet gals.
Here's to hoping you have a wonderful and glorious birthday.
Happy Birthday Emila! ;-)
lovely mugs...!!!
being a huge coffee drinker, I've a soft spot for mugs..hehe :-D
Happy Birthday Kak Emila :)
Banyaknya gifts dari Kak Emila.. Bertambah jeles nih. hehe
Baru lepas fire drill ni.. ngantuk gila.. ish2.. Good nyte everybody!
Hola Grandy, you're the first commenter here today YEEHA! Your banner is now happily at the bottom of this post, congrats dear! :):):)
Grandy, thanks for wishing my buddy Emila! We used to work together, ain't that cool? :)
Hi Monica, I love mugs too and have a pretty neat collection! Nice to see u here today sweetie! :):):)
Haaziq, thanks for dropping off ur b'day wishes for Emila here, you rock! :)
The Mariuca Mug I ordered from Emila for my very first contest,isn't it cool? The Dreamy mug I won in her giveaway he he! :):):)
Nite nite Haaziq, me too going to zzzz shortly ni! See ya tomo! :)
hi Mariuca
Happy Birthday to Emila...:)))
and what a lovely birthday surprise for your dear friend....
wishing you both a wonderful wonderful day :) :)
xxx and hugs..
Happy birthday Kak Emila!! Yay! I'll let you ride my bicycle for today ya! :):) No, I didn't lock it! LOL!!
Happy birthday yg ke berapa ek?
39, bintang!!!
marzie!! thank you so much for the post and wishes!!!!I love you! Muakkkssss!
Happy birthday Emila!
I love the Cutie Pie doll!
Hi Kim! Thanks sweetie, I had to rush out this post last night by the stroke of midnight so I had 2 posts to do, one at Mariuca and this one here! Was I a busy blogger or what? He he! :):):)
Ha ha, thanks Debbie! I'm sure Emila is happy you loaned her ur bike today! Bike u pink color ke Debbs? Ha ha!! :):):)
Hi Bintang! Since Emila has no qualms abt turning a year older...it's her 39th birthday yeeha! :):):)
YAY! The birthday girl is finally here! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Emila! May you enjoy greater success and more love and joy in your life! Love ya too!
Oh what cake are u getting this year? Choc?? ;)
ECL, thanks for wishing Emila here too! :):):)
I wonder who will win the cutie pie doll, quite hard to win this one...must guess Emila's time of birth correctly! ;)
hey, HAPPY BDAY EMILIA! wah..so lucky la u...got friend like mariuca..hehe..supposedly i post the wish at Emilia's blog bah kan?! but, nvm la..u kasi tau dia la ah hehe
YAY, thanks for wishing Emila here Mrs. Ezman! You're the best, hope u're having a great day at work! :):):)
I wanna wish the ever creative Emila a very happy and glorious 39th birthday. Age is just a number ya :)
No la not pink..hehe..baby blue, with ribbons. But to keep it brutal, dah lekat stickers with skulls. :):) Ngam la with Kak Emila. Sweet but brutal. Lol!! (This is what we call loyar buruk hehehe..)
Yahoo, thanks Nessa! Emila will be pleased to see so many of her cool friends wishing her here! Love ya! :):):)
Ha ha ha farnee la u Debbs! Baby blue pas tu ada skull stickers, I am picturing it clearly in my mind now LOL! :)
Hujan2 petang2 ni kena pegang payung plak kalau kayuh basikal. Blue colour umbrella also hehe..
Farnee is a cute word lah! :)
Wah matching gitu! Ur fave color must be blue Debbs! I laik oso blue, so many colors la I laik he he! :)
Farnee - word of the day! ;)
Marzie, tadi cakap nak catnap. Kang tak tido hehehe..
Tak jadi catnap la Debbs, now got some work to do ni! :)
Marzie i like you word "creative department"...she really talented and will success soon.
Happy birthday Emila!!!
Happy birthday Emila!!!!
GP! I love all her design too!!!
Yeah! Thanks for putting my banner up there as first commenter.
I was actually most excited that I had guessed it to be Emila. :)
I love Emila's artistic skills.
I didn't actually know she made mugs too.
May have to look into that at some point.
I'll have to get over to Emila's site and see if she posted anything on a lovely birthday.
Thanks Bono, just telling it like it is he he! Semoga sukses selalu Emila! :):):)
Thanks Trin, awesome that u made it here to wish our Emila! :):):)
YAY, LJ is here too, all the way from Singapore to wish Emila! :):):)
Grandy, u guessed it correctly, clever Grandy! :):):)
Feel free to check out Emila's work at her site and enjoy the ones here as well. :)
uh-oh, think my comment didn't go thru... here it is again.
Happy belated B-day Emila, hope your day was special and you had tons of fun. What a beautiful and artistic post Marzie!
Thought I was late but I'm on time! YAY! I usually miss birthdays so, Happy Birthday Emila(not belated!)
I love that Cutie Pie Dolly. Ken is really lucky to get it ya.
Thank you Grandy!
thank you monica!
thank you haaziq!
thank you kim!
thank you debbie!
thank you ECL!
thank you mrs ezman!
thank you nessa!
thank you bono!
thank you trinity!
thank you lj!!! happy birthday to yor mother too!
thank you sushi!!!
alamak, i forgot to say this: hugs also to B (can la aa, no feeling one!), Benji, Phoebe and Chubbs!
eh, i've missed this post! how can??? hehe
Happy Belated Birthday, emila!!
marzie, great picks of emila's works. She has had so many great works and it's hard to pick which to be featured, kan! :)
You're most welcome, Emila! :D
Happy belated birthday emila!
hey i love the marzie cup. so friggin cool!
Happy belated bday emila!!!!
Btw banyak sudah oh u win! Jeles i! Hehehe
Sushi!! Thanks for coming by to wish Emila a Happy Birthday! And I'm so happy u enjoyed my post too, love and hugs for u cutie! :):):)
Nessa, Ken lucky gila!! Nemind, shall patiently wait for another cutie pie doll, kalau ada la he he! ;)
Jean! You didn't miss this post after all, thanks for dropping off ur besday wishes for Emila here! :):):)
Jean, I oredi had in mind what I wanted to feature here, but still had to do some digging at EIB to find some of the pics he he! :)
Hi Tina! Me loves me Mariuca Mug too he he! Thanks for coming by to wish dear Emila! :):):)
LOL!! Rozella, must work hard to win stuff, esp since ASTRO isn't likely to be sending me goodies any time soon! *Winks* :):):)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!