On our last visit to Melbourne, we were lucky enough to catch the show World Idol aired on Australia TV the same time we spent two weeks with Zeff at his lovely home. At that time, B and I were already familiar with American Idol, but it was our first introduction to World Idol. So we happily settled ourselves in front of Zeff's TV while he made some popcorn for us to snack on.
The show was already halfway through but we did manage to catch some of the more famous acts like Kelly Clarkson from the US and Kurt Nilsen from Norway. The latter ended up as the winner by the end of the show, but his victory was no big surprise for us.
From the moment he started belting out U2's Beautiful Day, Zeff, B and Mariuca were already mesmerized by his amazing vocal prowess. When he finished singing, there was complete silence for about five seconds before all three of us unanimously agreed that he should be crowned the World Idol! Kurt Nilsen took on this fabulous number originally by U2 and made it his own, elevating it to new heights of vocal wonder and as much as I love Bono of U2, I daresay Kurt sang it even better than the former! :)
A remarkably powerful performance by Kurt Nilsen from Norway, we were left totally wowed and speechless. The judges weren't as keen to immediately utter verbal confirmation that he should be the winner hands down. I guess they could not show bias to just one particular singer. In fact, one of them even said Kurt Nilsen looks like a hobbit ... but with the voice of an angel! Feel free to check out the rest of the judges' comments here if you like.
So for this week's Music Monday, I am going with B's pick and would like to feature Kurt Nilsen singing Beautiful Day! :)
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are strictly for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.

Oh, I don't believe it...I read through your entire post and was just about to click on the video when I saw 0 comments and had to CHOP!!
I've always liked the U2 song, am looking forward to listening to Kurt Nilsen's version.
Oh, now I get it about the comment popups... I can CHOP away while I watch and listen.
Someone actually suggested I could catch up on all of the Desperate Housewives episodes I've missed this way, but it is actually a bit distracting.
OK, time to tour the Music Mondays all around the blogosphere...happy work week to you when you wakey wakey...we have Thanksgiving on Thursday over here in the U.S., so it is a short work week.
Argh!! I waited and waited. and missed it!! argh!! hehe
Am buffering and eager to listen ni..
Congrats Roxy!!!
Wowee.. I agree.. wowee.. worth the sloowww buffering!!!
Love it!! thanks for sharing dearie..I won't know who this Kurt is if not for MM.. yihaa!!!
Definitely someone to look out for!!
Hi ladies. What a competition, lol!
The music is great, I didn´t know this version. I´ll listen with attention to check all details.
Here is 23.28 pm. I´ll do my MM tomorow when I wake.
What are you doing up?? Long past midnight magic, but I guess you're just cruising the blogosphere, listening to everyone's Music Monday picks. I'm having so much fun with it that I added a second contribution over on my Bay Head Blog.
This dude really was the dark horse eh? But I'm glad he won! :) I really liked him compared to the other contestants.
Wow! He sounds great! Thanks Marzie for sharing, thanks B for picking this song! I prefer Bono's voice but then Kurt's is not too bad. :)
Suara dia mcm tak ngam jer dgn rupa ;)
beautiful song and great pick for music monday. cheers!
What a nice happy song. I enjoyed listening.
Ha ha ha Roxy!!! U did it dear and you chopped correctly too, congrats!! MPG loves ya! :):):)
LOL!! Roxy, next time the moment u see 0 comments, quickly CHOP ur heart out first, then read the post he he, thanks for reading the entire post, u rock! :):):)
Roxy, I am a U2 fan myself, awesome! :)
Roxy, of coz u can chop away while u listen n watch he he! And hurry up woman, catch up on ur DH! This season is simply superb, I even got B hooked on it YAY! :):):)
Oh yeah, it's Thanksgiving week for u guys eh? Gobble gobble away Roxy, and bring me a plate of turkey with the whole works on ur next visit YUM! :)
LJ lambat mengechop, sorry sweetie! I was writing and writing away, then had to do work in between, so finally published right before I went to zzzz, thanks for being number 2 though, love ya! :):):)
LJ, I'm glad u enjoyed Kurt, he is amazing. Muka je mcm hobbit but suara powerful gitu YAY Kurt! He is def my World Idol! :):):)
Ha ha glad u had fun with my ladies CHOP-ping away here Mize! This is an awesome version of U2's Beautiful Day, I love it and now I am looking forward to ur song choice! :):):)
Wow Roxy, 2 contributions this week? You must be enjoying MM to da max, but then again, who isn't? ;)
Rozie! Me too, happy he won instead of Kelly! She looked quite disappointed she didn't win but Kurt really did do a better job than Kelly in the competition. I oso like Kelly btw he he! :):):)
Yay, thanks Debbs! B and I happen to think Kurt is awesome la, best gila dia nyanyi lagu ni, so inspirational like dat! Thanks for listening sweetie! :):):)
Ha ha Bintang, tu la one of the judges cakap he looks like a hobbit, he he kesian Kurt! :):):)
Thank you Life Ramblings, will u be joining us for MM? :):):)
Hey McKay, thanks for listening, glad u enjoyed this inspirational tune! Happy MM! :):):)
Nice song and I think Kurt sang it very well, as good as Bono or like you said, even better!
I remember watching The World Idol too! Kurt was indeed amazing. But his rabbit teeth has a big gap in between them right? Hobbit also can lah.. LOL
How come you suddenly remembered Kurt Nilsen? The world idol was years back am I right? Even I just remembered Kurt's clear voice tonight :D
Yup.. I agree with Rozella.. He was indeed the dark horse *with a voice of an angel* Haha.. What a weird combination :):)
a very beautiful song!
LOL! hobbit ...
wow, M love this song too! and i love it too too!! :)
he has a great deep voice! we laik! :)
I have never heard of Kurt Nilsen before, but his version of this song was awesome, thanks for sharing! :)
Hi dearie!!!
Am here with LLP today... whatcha up to???
I´m U2 fan, since...13 or so.
Sorry but noone beats Bono, lol!
I saw them live, they´re much better than in videos.
Anyway, it´s a beautiful day nice version, he´s got a similar voice.
A good Tuesday xx
Mize, Yup, U2 is one of the greatest band ever! But I think Kurt's version not quite bad either :)
Marzie, yeah, my EC dropping is kinda slow today.. tsk tsk
ohhh i luvvvvvvvvvvvv this song a lot. I got in my mp3 player now along with everyone else's selection hehehehe
Hey Foong, looks like we both agree on this one eh? Wonderful take on this song, which was not easy to do seeing that Bono is the original singer! :):):)
HaaziQ! Cool kan Kurt Nilsen? Rupa mcm hobbit, but suara powerful gils! I enjoyed watching World Idol, but too bad this was a one-off show, wonder if it will return. :):):)
HaaziQ!, Saja je teringat Kurt Nilsen, cause we mmg like his voice ever since his performance, so we thought this would make a nice blast from the past pick for this week's MM, enjoy! :):):)
He he, cute eh this hobbit Monica? Powerful vocals too! :):):)
Hi Jean! Glad to hear M likes this song and you too! We oso love his voice, very clear and merdu, power lagi, combine all three and we have an amazing singer! :):):)
Thank you for listening Ane, glad u enjoyed this version of Beautiful Day! :):):)
Hiya LJ! Right now, I am taking a short break from work, so reply comments sat. What are u up to tonight dearie? :)
Hey Mize! I love U2 too, Bono is awesome of course, but I like Kurt Nilsen as well. He can take on hard songs like this one and make it sound really cool! Happy Wednesday! :):):)
Hi HaaziQ! Kurt did a decent job with this U2 number eh?
Nasib baik dah habis EC round, but then again, I started early and finished late! Hope EC traffic will be better tomo. ;)
YAY! This is one of my fave U2 songs Metz, good to hear you feel the same way too! :):):)
crap.. my firefox suddenly crashed. Need to wait for your page to reload again.. huhuu.. EC dropping today :)
Hi HaaziQ, thanks so much for dropping EC here today, sampai crash FF ye? Hope dah okay. :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!