Just like all the other Music Monday selections I've brought to you so far, I am going with a totally different song from the one I originally had in mind when I started posting. A beautiful love song, rendered originally by New Edition, this one is an equally soulful version from the first Australian Idol, Guy Sebastian.
I'd like to dedicate this beautiful number to The One I Love. Thank you for being so wonderful these last few weeks. If I had to endure all that I am going through right now without you by my side, I would be in total Disarray. You continue to show me love and patience, no matter how stormy the weather and I love you for that. With you next to me, I believe in us even more and I know we will only get stronger. As the years pass by, I find myself falling deeper and deeper into you and I realize now that the only path I'd ever want to follow is the one with you right alongside me.
Love always,

Can You Stand The Rain Lyrics

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.
* First commentator on any post title ending with a star will be featured here!
Hellooo.. anybody??? no body??
grrr! >:o you beat me! >:o
you are fast today Shemah! you are first everywhere today... :)
:'( i lost the chop in like a minute! waaah!
Recent blog post: In a rut, that's where...
Ohh.. I didn't know that Guy Sebastian did a version of this song... Not bad at all, considering Boyz II Men's version...
Sunny dayyys... everybody loves them... especially when Shemah gets FC... LOL!
great song if I do say so myself... :)
it's the kind of song that makes you want to fall in love... :-[
hahaha.. i knowwww.. i seem to be everywhereee.... LOL! My lil girl is asleep.. THAT's why!
I think it's the luck of getting FC on your blog that's making me all lucky today on Marzie's too. LOL!
Yeah.. I agree with you on that one! ;)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - SPOT (Enchanted)
8-) :* :-D
Congrats Shemah!! First time FC here woo hoo! =-O :-P :)
Ane! Just 10 secs behind Shemah! But nice try sweetie, next time kay? :) :)
Awwwww he he! Hugs for Ane! :) :* :*
Shemah, now I must find ur EC pic to put here YAY! Hang on yeah.... *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
yes, next time, like I told LJ at her blog, I got my game face on! lol...
I knowwwwwww, right?? YAhooooooo!! As I was telling Ane, I got her first FC ever, and now I'm on a roll! LOL! 8-)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - SPOT (Enchanted)
wake up little girl, wake up! lol! :-D
Hi Shemah! I love New Edition's version the best, but takde video at YT, so I settled for this one, which I oso love! :* :* :*
I still love you though, Shemah, even though you beat me everywhere! lol... :-D
YAY! I think so too Ane, glad u like this song. Another one of my songs with B he he! :-D :* :-[ :-[
...Over and over again... :) :* :-D :-[
awww, you're sweet... but today is really your day huh... :)
Awesome Shemah, enjoy ur linky love here okay! Oso love ur avatar yeeha! :* :-D
Recent blog post: Nip Tuck Returns!
Some more Shemah did her MM post so quickly! The third one on the list! ;)
Recent blog post: Paddington Pancakes
He he! I missed the chop at LJL too, Bintang beat me to it by a few seconds! >:o >:o :-D =-O
Oh so free to roam the blogosphere eh? Have fun Shemah! :-D
Marzie, so lambat ah you today? Hehehehe
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Exhale
Btw, I absolutely love this song by Boyz II Men!!!!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Exhale
hahahah.. that's because i oredi saw you and Bintang fighting for the FC so I said, aiyaa.. better beat Bintang for the first MM post after LJ's. LOL!
This is so my song especially when I'm feeling blue and yes, I can stand the rain!!!!!!! Hehehehe
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Exhale
hahahahhaa... hey, you know what... she's awake now! I might not be so free after all! LOL!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - SPOT (Enchanted)
Btw, woohoo! I can comment liao!!!! :D
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Exhale
Awww.. *hugs* But Ane.. There's still MM on Mariuca, right?? ;)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - SPOT (Enchanted)
Rozie!! Slow and steady he he! ;)
Yahoo! Me likey too, all versions la I LOVE! J
you're so sweet Marzie! :-D
That’s why la, Bintang was too speedy for me yest. But nevermind, there’s always next MM yeeha! J
Me too me too!!!! Feeling a little blue, that’s why I need to have this song here today for a little TLC! ;)
So fast she got up? Duty calls for Mommy Shemah then I guess? I am actually at ur blog now Shemah, baru wan to check out MM picks. ;)
LOL! Oh yeah la, so happy to see u back to commenting here at MPG! Hugsy! J
He he he!!! There might just be another Very Late MM over at Mariuca’s! ;)
:-[ :-[ :* :-D
Recent blog post: Nip Tuck Returns!
Nice song!
Recent blog post: musicmonday: cruisin'
Thank you milkberry, happy MM to you too! J
LOL Ane.. you are so cute dearie...!! Grr indeed!!
I know, I'm stalking it right now... lol!
ehhehe.. I was totally unaware of this post coming out.. i just reached the office!
It's just so hard to do some chopping on this laptop, I need a mouse! :)
Congrats Shemah!!
Recent blog post: MM - Beauty and the Beast (Soundtrack)*
hugs Ane.. it's ok dearie..another time ok!! :*
Recent blog post: MM - Beauty and the Beast (Soundtrack)*
I am waiting for it... lol! ;)
people are just so fast at chopping!
Oh ye ke LadyJava? I finally decided to go with this song, ikut mood mah! ;)
Oh GP!! What a lovely dedication to the one you love.. ahem ahem B lah kan?? lol!!! heehe
Recent blog post: MM - Beauty and the Beast (Soundtrack)*
I love the song!!!!
Recent blog post: MM - Beauty and the Beast (Soundtrack)*
yes, another time, still have my game face on btw... lol...
Ane! I am thrilled to see u CHOP-ping away with the rest he he! I wonder who will win the chop for my next star post! J
Oh u def need a mouse Ane!!! A cordless one he he… ;)
Abaden! Of coz it’s for B lol… we’re both a little down right now, so I wanted to let him know that I am here for him, as he is for me. JJJ
Really LJ? YAY!!! I heart this song too, but u should really listen to New Edition’s versi…can cry I tell you astaga! ;)
I so hope it's me!
I know, right!
I know, right!
hahaha... just teasing you mah.. of course it' B...lol..
Oh dear.. both down?? I hope both of you feel cheerier soon ok!!
LJ Loves Ya!!!
Of course.. ikut suka hati kita lah.. hehehe... no theme mah!! Great
Tenkiu LJ. I think I might just go with another song over at Mariuca, to cheer me up pulak he he!!! ;)
Thanks dearie, that’s the best part abt MM, can follow the heart yeeha! J
omg! i love this song!! ahh... where's M now? I want to hug him while listening to this song! :)
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover: This is a Miracle
What a beautiful piece. I had not heard this piece, sounds familiar, but glad I have again. Thanks for sharing it :)
Recent blog post: Welcome to FeedBurner
Wah..feels like nak bercinta balik la.. :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Lover's Tarot by David Lanz
Hi Marzie,
wow what a coincidence that you posted something with the word Rain as your theme :) I have the Korean pop star Rain on mine hehehe. Anyways dropping by to check what's new and as always you have the best things in mind :) Happy week ahead dear :)
it's one of my favourites. Happy MM! ;)
oh so romantic! ;)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Home (Michael Buble)
I hope everything is alright *HUGS*
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Home (Michael Buble)
hahah.. Ane.. I always use a mouse even for my laptop!!
GP!! Me me me!!!
eh.. ada MM kat Mariuca ke?? tak nampak pun!?
Definitely GP!!!
Follow you heart to where it takes you.. that's why I don't have theme for
anyone.. just for me...lol!!
LJ! I just terjaga ni! Fell asleep at 11pm just now, can u believe dat? Aiya panic panic kerja tak siap ni!! ;)
hahhaah....too tired is it??? I slept just now at 4pm .. woke up at 7pm..
until now.. but nak retire dah.. penats....now having fun at
http://www.zazzle.com/ladyjava hehhehe
Wah really?? New Edition version? Can find in youtube or not?
Oh how to have MM at Mariuca now, so late oredi lolz…. ;)
Must do my blognet post lagi, so many things to do so little time!
Me too! Can’t do without mouse! And it’s gotta be cordless, easier to use! J
Thanks for the hug sweetie, that’s a nice comment to wake up to Mon! J
ahhaha.. next week lah.. oh post only backdate yesterday...lol!!!
I know!!! I know!!! I need four pairs of hands and two brains lah like
LJ u can’t find the video cause not available in our country it seems, but can see several live versis, not as cool as ori cause tak clear sgt but still best! J
ehehe.. does not matter lah for me cordless or not.. but MUST use mouse.
otherwise cannot work.. had the mouse pad thing!!
LJ, I didn even drop EC aiya!!
Oh for me I prefer cordless, ada wire leceh la, tersekat sana tersekat sini! But yup, mouse is important! J
ok.. will check it out... thanks dearie! nanti guna proxy US.. can see kot!
I think I will do my BN next, try chopping for that one yeah! Maybe tomo I mean later today I will post abt that.
hhahahah... me still on GG!!! aiyah also!!!
I used to have a cordless one then Idropped it and it broke..lol.. so
serik.. expensive pulak tu!! boohoo!
alamak.. when lah...nak tidor dah ni.. already at yihaa!!!
LJ! I baru kat Thanks for Mariuca…MPG nothing!! Lol! Panic in the morning dropping EC he he!
LJ u can sleep oredi since the whole day u bekerja keras unlike me who slept the night away!!
hehehhe... i pun tak habis2 ni... asyik distracted jer!!! lol
I have my one and only cordless for 2 years oredi I think and it still works great! Use rechargeable batteries lagi, save money mah since the mouse so expense! Tu kena jaga elok-elok. ;)
Kalau blh, let me know kay? Yay!
tulah.. after I drop for GG.. then want to see if got strength to drop for
LJL lol!! if not I pengsan lah!
That's why lah.. so heartpain when it fell and stopped working.. aiyoo..
Ohhhh u mean baru GG eh? He he he…hey u saw or not ur BF visited MPG? Left comment oso saying hello to u lagi ahaks!!!!!!!!
Wokay!! 8-)
Wah really?? eh tak perasan lah... nanti i check back my emails..lol!!!
Yeah la, I pun happy je tgk one of ur BFs here LOL! J
LOL!!! dia tu kepala.... yg lain semua pembantu...lol!!
Wah wah bf u the kepala lagi, caya la LJ! J
I'm waiting for your MM at Mariuca, but I might miss the chop again, have to
leave in a while... grrr...
I know, so hard to beat people at CHOPping without a mouse!
I'm heading over to my Uncle's place in a while, I'll use his desktop as
soon as I get there, hope I make it in time so I can be your FC! :)
Note to self: Buy A Mouse... lol! :D
Note to self: Don't drop Mouse... hehehe
Hi Mariuca.
Glad you liked P. Murphy, I really like him.
Your post is soooo romantic, in the same mood as you music pick, which is a new tune for me.
I miss that mood, it has been quite stormy here.
Good Tuesday xxx
Recent blog post: Music Monday XI: After Midnight
Oh Ane….. you still waiting for my MM post? ;)
He he, better get yourself a nice mouse today dear! J
Awesome! I’m glad to know we both love this song LR, happy Tuesday! J
Hola Metz! Thank you for dropping by MPG today and I wish u a great week ahead. Am still busy with like 100 different things, but I’ve been EC visiting your site as well. J
Apa salahnya bercinta lagi sekali…dgn wife u la he he! ;)
Hey Laura! Thanks so much for listening to my MM song this week. I was happy to share this one with you, glad u enjoyed it as well. J
YAY! Thanks Jean! So did u hug M while listening to this song or not? Hope he didn’t think u’ve gone bonkers he he! Happy Tuesday. J
Waaah! I missed the CHOP Marzie, I had to pick up Chakai from school today!
next time though... I swear! :D
I'm going shopping for a mouse soon! lol!
Hi Mize! Your P. Murphy is kinda cute too he he! Thanks so much for reading my dedication to B here. Happy I got to introduce you to this cool new song, it is a great tune to listen to when I am in this mood. J
LOL Ane!! I waited for u to come over and chop, sorry u missed it sweetie, but worry not for I’ll surely have more star posts at Mariuca! As it is, I am already owing a few posts there. ;)
Have fun and I hope u find a good one too! J
Hi Mariuca. I left a comment here yesterday but I don´t see it now...maybe it didn´t work.
Recent blog post: Music Monday XI: After Midnight
Oh, I see it now. This IE of mine doesn´t work so well.
Recent blog post: Music Monday XI: After Midnight
Anyway, I´m doing my EC round, early in the morning (10 am) to see if today I can finish it, lol.
A good Tuesday xx
Recent blog post: Music Monday XI: After Midnight
yes, I'll have more chance in the future... :D
Hmmm.....Good idea...
but the childs is always stand in the way :-P
=-O 8-) :) ;) Takpe, blh panggil baby-sitter datang for one night while u and wifey pi dating sat he he he! :-P
=-O =-O
8-) YAY! I hardly ever use IE now mize, just FF esp for dropping purposes. ;)
Good for u Mize! I just finished my round, for both blogs phew!! So happy to know I can relax without worrying abt dropping tonight! :-P :* :-D
GP!!! are you asleep?? how are you today dearie!!! Am on my LJL rounds now.. finished my GG already.. yihaa!!
I just started doing my EC rounds :-E
where are you, Mariuca? :-P
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Fullhouse
Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!
Hi marzie,
yayyy i see Empty Streets' widget on your entrecard :) thank you so much for having ES here. :) Hope your day is going well. :) till the next visit :) xoxo
Recent blog post: Empty Streets Special: Editorial 011809
Hi Mariuca. Doing my EC round for Wednesday.
I´m trying to work for school too but I don´t feel like, been so desmotiveted lately.
Well, off I go. Just wanted to wish you a good day. xxx
Recent blog post: Music Monday XI: After Midnight
Hi. Yeap, gotta use only FF.
I agree, if I leave my EC round for late night I rarely finish it. I´ve been so sleepy lately. The flu doesn´t help much either.
I´m only returning drops with one blog, otherwise I don´t get my school stuff done.
Good Wednesday xx
Recent blog post: Music Monday XI: After Midnight
My Notebook isn´t fixed yet. I´m using my hubby´s. Shhh...:)
Recent blog post: Music Monday XI: After Midnight
Hi Mariuca. I´m here again :)
I´m making drops for Netfreesource. At this hour you should be in your beauty sleep.
See you tomorow ;)
Recent blog post: Music Monday XI: After Midnight
hey Marzie, I'm here to drop EC, haven't been dropping lately, too lazy... :-P
I still don't have a mouse for my laptop which makes it so hard to drop EC... and I'm lazy... lol... :-D
I hope you're doing great today... :)
Hola MPG! Just a quick "miss you" and a hug before bedtime here in the Roxiticus Valley... work has been busy/stressful and I have not been able to visit my blogosphere buddies as often as I'd like. Rex is away on business so I've got London and Maddie sleeping with me in our big bed... London is talking in her sleep "just hold onto your story" she says!
Hope you're having a happy Thursday on your side of the world... I read on Mariuca that you were blue and wished I could cheer you up.
P.S. -- I'm going to try this reply by email thing and see how it goes...
Recent blog post: I Love Dogs and So Do You Presents... Tana
You’re welcome Metz, it was a complete pleasure to have ES over at MPG. Happy Thursday! J
Mize! Me too a little demotivated lately, need some inspiration to get me back on track! Btw, I am done with my EC drop today, for both blogs so YAY! Taking some time to relax and work on a new post. ;)
I hope u feel better soon Mize. We are all pretty busy preparing for the 2-day holiday we’re having next week. Chinese New Year and since B is half-Chinese, we celebrate as well lolz! J
Oh still not fixed Mize? Lucky u have hubby’s lappy as back-up! J
Mize, thanks for dropping Netfree EC here. I’ve been dropping there daily too, with hopes of winning the first TD spot he he! J
Hi Ane! Thanks for dropping EC here today, am I still on ur TD list? When will I get number 1 I wonder! ;)
Ane!! It’s ridiculous to drop EC without a mouse sweetie! You need to get a mouse asap! Don forget, for EC dropping and for Chopping purposes lolz! J
Ane, I am feeling a little relaxed today. Am done with my EC rounds and the big job I was busy working on last week. Time for some RnR now! ;)
Hahah.. GP! I agree!!!.. for all those purposes..definitely need a mouse lah
Roxy! Thanks so much for your miss you hug for GP yay! I too have been busy with work, only free today. Will have to continue with work later tonight though.
I’m glad the girls are keeping u company. Hope London isn’t having a nightmare or something, just a pleasant dream abt BEAR-iuca he he! Your comment here did cheer me up, love ya! J
Aiyoo... I've not been dropping.. anyone wants to work for me to drop drop
drop??!! ehehehe
Of coz LJ! How la to drop EC without mouse, so difficult and annoying too! A nice new mouse for Ane please! J
Oh no, sorry LJ! I oso having difficulties dropping for both blogs ni, sakit belakang tau he he!! ;)
You're almost #1 Marzie! :D
You said it! have to really get mouse soon! :D
That's good Marzie, I'm glad... :) I noticed a lot of us have been feeling
down lately, I haven't posted anything since Monday, I need some pick me up
so to speak... :D I feel so lazy lately!
LJ, should save for a mouse... lol... ;P
You and me both LJ, I hasven't reached 300 in a looong time, at least you
have a valid reason, you have a job, I've just been so lazy! lol... :D
I don't have a job.. hahahha... blogging is my job...lol!! so no excuse also
hahahah... tulah.. how lah like this.. my target was at least I should drop
300 for GG.. inipun tak sempat!
hahha.. Ane.. go get yourself a mouse.. hurry!!
at least you have tweaking jobs right? me just lazy... :D lol... :D
I know, I should!
Finally getting around to listening to your Music Monday picks on Thursday morning... can you believe I had never heard this one before... great lyrics...
Almost Happy Friday for GP... hope you've got a nice weekend planned.
Roxy :-P
Recent blog post: Mendham Township Elementary School Has A New Principal… Welcome Cara Allen
Hey Marzie, just dropping by to see if you've posted anything new.. :)
Good night Marzie! :-D ;)
Recent blog post: In a rut, that's where...
Ane, you are so cute! Actually I am thinking of a new post for MPG. Just not sure when I will actually get it done, me too in a lazy mood he he! ;)
There's something in the atmosphere that makes people lazy this day... :D
I mean days... hehehe
Hi roxy, thanks for checking out this pick as well. I love the lyrics too. Enjoy the rest of your week dear. J
nice song, marzie!
Actually B oso loves this song lol! ;)
Ahhhhh this one oso mah song Emila! Bestnye…. :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!