The adorable Marvic tagged me with three different tags within the space of a month so I think it's high time for me to do at least one of them today. Obviously I am going for the easiest one so whoever I tag need not worry for it will be a sweet and short tag, which I think you will like too! :)
I am to list down my 10 birthday wishes for this year and then tag 10 other friends so here goes.
For Mariuca's Birthday this year, I'd love to receive these wonderful gifts!
1. A brand new SONY VAIO (Yes, it's gotta be the lime green one!)
2. A new hand phone
3. A PR3 throughout the year (yeah right!) for MPG, which is currently still a big fat ZERO!
4. A new printer
5. A new digital camera (I'd like one just for me instead of sharing one with B)
6. A posh duplex condo (now who in the right mind would give me this I wonder LOL!)
7. Champagne Perfume (which is almost impossible to find seeing it has been discontinued)
8. A week long vacation to somewhere I've never visited
9. A free shopping spree at Lush!
10. Love, Health and Happiness for B and me
Told ya it was gonna be an easy one, so let's have some fun shall we? And even if you're not on the list but would like join in the birthday fun, please do so! :)
Since this is a birthday tag, I'd love to tag my Virgo buddies first and they are Ane, Tina and Sushi!
I'd also like to hear from Jean & Martin, Janice, NAFASg, Monica, LadyJava, Kim, Jackie, Mize, LR, Lainy, Bokjae, Rozella, Debbie, PinkLady, Metz, Blue, Bintang, Blanne, Foong and of course Nick! Have fun peeps! :)


«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 573 Newer› Newest»Enjoy ur moment dear! :)
Ane, I can’t wait to check out the new perfumes at the mall now he he! :)
A dancing smiley would be so cute, I really hope JS will add those here soon yeah? We wan dancing smileys, we wan dancing smileys!! :)
I know... : ) She loves all her babies... :) most of the time, when she's
not sleeping she's vacuuming fur! :)
Sigh, I dunno Ane… I think there’s something wrong with MPG poor baby cause looks like Mr. G hates her! Her alexa ranking is also better than WOAFS and yet she’s a 0 huhuhuhuhu! ;)
We want clapping smiley Alex, can u hear us? LOL!!
Oh yeah Ane, I adore my pink laptop, which I got as birthday pressie from B last year. But a new VAIO lime green one this year would just complete the whole birthday LOL! :)
Thanks Ane, hope for some good news this coming PR round whenever that is! ;)
Ha ha u are not dreaming Ane, u are my number 1 Mariucan at MPG so far this month WOOT! :)
HA HA HA vacuuming FUR, sounds like me ha ha ha!!!!!!! Hugs for ur sis ha ha! :)
Ok Marzie, I will! Although I rarely update my twitter these days... : )
Done Marzie, I'm already following you on twitter! : )
You are sooo right Marzie, no wonder LJ loves it! : )
I see u Ane! Now it’s easier for u to be FC if u have twitter fox installed! :)
Ane, don forget MPG’s Queen will be featured in my sidebar for one month he he! ;)
Oh I intend to savor every moment of it Marzie! : ) Woohoo! : )
I know, I do hope they add more smileys! :) Definitely need clapping and
dancing smileys! :)
I heard Mr. G updates every 3 months, how long has it been since you
transferred your blog to a new domain?
Yeah Alex! :) LOL! :)
So generous your B ha... :) and it's not even a year old and you're going to
replace it already?
I'm sure you'll have a PR soon Marzie! :)
Rolling on the floor smiley, talking on the phone smiley too!
Woohoo! :) Must watch my back though I see Jean not far behind me! :)
Well, that's what you get from your babies! :) As for me, my baby is more of
a drooler, can't vacuum drool, can you? lol!
Really? What's twitter fox?
Oooh! Me likey to be on your sidebar for a month! :)
Oh no Ane, I won’t replace it, but it would be nice to have a second lappy don’t u think? He he he!!!!!!!! Esp if it comes in lime green yay! But no la, I don think I’ll be getting this for my birthday, dat’s my just dreaming abt it lol! ;)
A couple of months already Ane, think one is coming up in March, so we’ll see then! ;)
Yes yes, definitely need ROTF smiley and talking on the phone! :)
U can tweet from there, and can oso chat with frens and u will get the latest blog updates on those peeps u follow! ;)
LOL, good luck ladies, may the best commenter win! ;)
And batting eyelashes smiley oso!! Ha ha, come on Alex we’re counting on u! ;)
I guess so, you can't have enough lappies! :)
I just know you'll get your PR back, your blog is famous woman! :)
Oh, I'm going to try that soon! :) thanks for the idea Marzie! :)
Yay! It is on... :) I hope my game face doesn't go to waste this time
around! :)
lol! definitely need batting eyelashes smiley! :) lol! :)
Woohoo! I'm loving it Marzie! :)
Must work extra hard to protect my throne then! :)
Hope ul do a good job protecting ur throne ane. ;)
Me too! I have to put a great distance between me and the others so I don't
get dethroned anytime soon! :)
Woo! I hope I'm not dreaming Marzie! :)
this is like a wonderful dream! :)
Am rooting for u Ane, u go girl! :)
Ha ha ha so cute! I am working on a new post at WOAFS, but u know me slow poke, so dunno what time will finish! ;)
Thanks Marzie! that really means a lot! :)
That happens to me too, I start on a post and take a long time to finish it!
Ha ha, still working on my post Ane, slow n steady! ;)
take your time Marzie! ; ) I just hope I'll be lucky to get FC! :)
Hi Marzie.
I still have to post your previous awards :)
Thanks for the weekend wishes :)Hugs from Miriam too.
Right now I´m doing drops, but I´ll be back.
here you go Marzie! :)
Recent blog post: Seven
so cute right?
Recent blog post: Seven
yeah as long as it's not too complicated.. I like! ;)
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
ok sure! :*
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
I definitely want the pink one! :-D
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
Ane, he's so cute! :-D
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
I like the pink too Mon, but the red is gorgeous! :)
he or she? :-P
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
So cuddly right! :)
She. :) my sister named her Krunky... :)
yeah! what breed? Chow Chow?
she looks like a bear :)
Yep, chow chow... :)
I know right! :) She looks so big, but when my sis gives her a bath, she
like shrinks 2 sizes! :) her fur makes her look fat! :)
aha! I love to see Chow Chow; they are so cute and adorable!
I heard they're tough breed but I'm sure yr sis can handle it ;)
Yes, they are also very friendly, so no need to be afraid of them... :)
Yes they are, they are very high maintenance, have to go professionally
groom them or else they'll be ugly and must brush fur or it'll get all
tangly... I don't know how my sister does it! :) I wouldn't be able to care
for an animal like that, it'll probably die... lol!
hahahaha...I can imagine that :-D
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
lol...some more they need to be kept cool!
Yes totally or else, they'd stink really bad... and ewww, i don't like
sweaty dog smell! :)
I don't have pets, do you? Wait, do fish count as pets? lol!
I don't have pets too Ane..
lol..hmmm...I don't think fish count as pets *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
I thought they weren't... :) lol! we don't even care for our fish in the
pond, they just care for themselves and they seem to multiply a lot! :)
wow I'd like to see your fish in the it on your blog k ;)
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
Thanks so much my Virgo Buddy. I wonder if I have a lot of wishes in mind... will have to think... thankss for the tag and happy weekend!
Recent blog post: Modeling agency SCAM!!!
Someday soon I'll post about our fish in the pond... :)
11 March, cuz that's CnS's 1st blogoversary. :):)
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
gagay :*
Still number 1 here too Marzie! :) ;) :*
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
I'm so proud of myself Marzie! :) :*
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
If I can't be FC atleast I can be your TCM! ;) :-D :*
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
The view from up here is amazing dearie! :-D
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
LOL! I totally understand that feeling Ane, happy commenting! :)
It's so much fun to chat away here Marzie! :) and I get to protect my
throne... :) hehe
So what are curry puffs Marzie?
Ane I saw the doggie bear oredi!!!!!!! OMG soooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!
He he wait Ane, I try find pic of curry puffs for u!
Soo cute right! So cuddly! :)
Ok, but what are they made of? B loves curry, so it really got me curious...
It’s pastry puff, so u gotta make the pastry, then add the ingredients inside, then fry the puffs! I usually buy the instant ones! ;)
Hey ladies, Am back from my dinner date with B! :)
I wonder where we can get some here...
dropping my card here too Marzie! ;)
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
Ooh! Still number 1 here too! :-D
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
Yay ME! :-D ;) :-D :*
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
And over all I caught up with LJ! :-D Yes! :-D :) ;)
Recent blog post: Preparing for Summer
He he keep it up Ane! I am getting excited too lol!
Thanks for the tag anyway :)
alamak! My comment b4 this is not showing.. tsk tsk.. Nasib baik I checked. huu
What I have been trying to say is that my family and friends are rarely give me anything on the birthday. They usually give me money (so that I could buy my own self to what suit me best) or treat me out for a dinner. I am so used with that idea, I honestly couldn't think about what I really want on my birthday. Huuu.. O:-)
Recent blog post: It's a New Day
Eh, yeah! I am in your Top 10 Mariucans (The only male there perhaps??) :*
Recent blog post: It's a New Day
Wow blue, congrats for being the only male Mariucan! :) Woohoo! :)
omg! why JS takes so long to load? >:o
I've no prob with LJL but Today blogs argh >:o >:o
everything takes so long to load now Mon! I can't drop EC internet sooo
slow! :(
I'm having trouble with all pages loading so slow! :(
Dats why la tensi with connection tonight, everything in slow motion! :(
i know Marzie! it sucks! :(
Same here Ane, it is so frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!
I still cannot reply by email...lagi sucks! >:o
Sigh…. Two nights in a row bad connection huhuhu! :(
I know I feel like I'm wasting serious dropping time!
OIC. Every year one brand new laptop! Wow! So lucky! :-D
yesterday I managed to drop 300 ECs :-P
Oh ya! I forgot! Hehe. I like David Cook's version of Always Be My Baby. Cool!
Ha ha ha ha ha MON!!!!!! Wat u mean still cannot? Ha ah haa, I tot fixed oredi?
Me too Ane, me too!!!!!
Mon, I didn!!! I dropped 300 for WOAfS but only up til thanks for MPG! :(:(
I haven't even passed 'thanks' yet Mon! :(
Foong, Mariuca is so lucky huh ;)
I also tot fixed oredi.. :(
only up til thanks for MPG? meaning? :-[
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
wow Ane is everywhere lol...I just saw you at my site :)
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
keeping myself busy while pages take forever to load so i can drop ec...
dropped by your blog Mon! :)
Thanks Ane; :* I'll reply your comments later k ;)
Recent blog post: Valentine's Day dinner
ok Mon, no worries! :)
Meaning not even 50 drops Mon!!!! Which is bad compared to myusual 300 huhuhuhu! :(
Eh I oso saw Ane at ur site he he! ;)
me also Marzie, not even passed thanks, I'm giving up! I'm getting sleepy
just waiting for pages to load!
Were you just at Mon's Marzie?
ohh hahahah... =-X it's alright dear; today try harder ok!
I was there earlier today and your site too Ane, so managed to drop EC phew! But only for MPG not WOAFS! :(
Sunday today, not sure if i can even use the lappie, lotsa things to do,
family day and all...
esp Today blogs right?
hey Marzie, i'm still numbah 1! :* ;) :) :-D
Today blogs is impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even worse than yesterday!
I managed to drop at MPG, WOAFS and at your place Mon! :)
right! so frustrating! but i managed to drop for GG! :)
woot! well done Ane ;)
Wow! I can’t even see GG today, just the top bar, below all empty! :(
Oh thanks Ane! I will try again to drop Mariuca at ur site later kay? Hugs! :)
I can't even see the top bar; ALL empty >:o
Hi Marzie.
I´m dropping by to wish you a good Sunday.
I´m feeling down today...
Recent blog post: The Year of the Ox and Awards
thank you for everything that you've done with my blog!?!?
i really hate CL!?!? >:o
gagay :*
Recent blog post: walkingnewspaper FIRST WALKER
Recent blog post: walkingnewspaper FIRST WALKER
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: walkingnewspaper FIRST WALKER
no blogging!?!? LIFE must be boring!?!? isn't it?
Recent blog post: walkingnewspaper FIRST WALKER
i think dropping can be missed even once, just once, but blogging?!?! no no no no way! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
Recent blog post: walkingnewspaper FIRST WALKER
achoooooooooo!?!?! =-O
Recent blog post: walkingnewspaper FIRST WALKER
haha, okok, marzie!! i will get BR for u! :)
i like it, lovely! it's good to be staright forwrad wt yr BFF mah! no need malu-malu! :)
wah, sounds like an emergency ni. ok, i will def get BR tonight. Wait for me, k! :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
haha.. yumm!! ;)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
marzie, that day i watched AI too!! the one whereby Alexis & two other guys got selected. :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
wah, marzie, two days ago i am still FC, but today I've dropped to 2nd place. :-P
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
okay, marzie! asalkan i hv the confidence, pasti boelh! Right? :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
hehe Thanks Mon! :)
:* ;) :)
I am finally able to drop EC and my internet connection seems fine now... :-D
Recent blog post: Must Haves this Summer
but still at thanks! :'(
Recent blog post: Must Haves this Summer
Today I’m still at Thanks Ane! :(
Oh good for u Ane, mine is still pretty slow here, very hard to open comment boxes! :(
Jean, of coz can, still got plenty of time for u to try be number 1 here, and the widget resets the first week of every month, so still can comment first week in March to catch up! :)
He he, I’ll be waiting Miss Y! :)
YAY, thanks Jean! So looking forward to some BR from Miss Y! :)
me too! :) hehe will go out in a while, so I hope internet won't be so slow
Jean! Ane has been working overtime here and at WOAFS, she is so cute trying to protect her throne for now ha ha! Go ladies Go! :)
Oh yeah Jean? So best tak? Next week is my fave guy’s turn, Adam he he he!!! Can’t wait to see him in action! :):)
Ooh, Mon and Jean are tied at 2nd place Marzie! :)
Mize! I hope u cheer up today sweetie, I left u some comment love at ur blog and now here’s a special HUG! :)
See you later Marzie, am off to church with the family! :) hugs! :)
Hugs Ane, thanks so much for all ur comment love here! :)
They are Ane? I can’t load MPG, so have yet to see what’s going on there! ;)
Internet still slow for me unfortunately Ane! ;)
Gagay, think I’m gonna have to forgo dropping again tonight! :(
You’re welcome Gagay! :)
Foong, I love DC’s version of that MC song, coolest one yet! :)
Blue, getting money is cool too, cause can buy whatever u wan yes? Ala, I’m sure there’s something u wan right now, so list them down and share ha ha! ;)
Dreaming and wishing only Foong ha ha!
Blue, congrats! You are the thorn among the roses, fuyoooo! ;)
Have fun with this one Blue, simple je! :)
Thanks for dropping ur card here sweetie! :)
Cuddly wuddly to da max la Ane!!! No wonder ur sis loves her woofies so much ha ha! ;)
Oh yes, I still have one more lucky guess, takpe plenty of time lol! ;)
MEOWIES! Sushi is here yay! Have fun with this one kay Sushi, I know u have a lot of things in mind just like me ha ha! Hugs! :)
Mize, and now u have more awards over at WOAFS yay! Oh please send my love to Miriam too okay? Give her a special genie hug from me! :)
Glad u had fun Lainy! ;)
>:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
colds?!?! internet??
indeed blue! ;)
gagay :*
gagay :*
I want a Sony Vaio too! The pocket size one. :D
How come your blog PR rank is 0? Should not be. Got mistake?
hahah Mon.. yelah was busy with MyEvo Clubhouse launch.. now busy with replying comments and post mah..heheh
hhaha Shemah
Coffee..sounds great!!
hhhhahahha Ane... now you!
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!