Not one, not two but THREE new posts from MPG today! I broke my own record for the highest number of daily posts I've ever written WOW! The most I've written in one day, either here or at my other blog, have been 2 posts so far. Today however, I am running on a natural high, most likely due to the fact that my perfumes arrived! I can't seem to stop posting and though I am still disgruntled about my slow internet connection, I am raring at the thought of a triple post from MPG! :)
Now I know how my friends LadyJava and Emila feel after they churn out post after post at their respective blogs! I've always wondered how they do it but I guess when you set your mind to something, it can be achieved. And now that I know that triumphant feel of satisfaction, I am ecstatic! :)
My close blog buddies know by now that I am not a daily blogger. I blog when I have something to share, and that is not on a daily basis. I can go days without having a new post out but when I am on a roll, there's no stopping me! So three posts in a day is simply amazing for me and I'm so proud of myself!
I have to say this triple posting sure takes it out of you and I am feeling totally drained right now. I took my sinus medication earlier, which always makes me feel drowsy and the effects are setting in now. But there's still so many things to do before I bid you good night. I have to drop 296 cards for Mariuca, work on a new copy for a client, check out the new games I bookmarked earlier and reply my emails. Only then will I be done for the day!
I hope my three new posts here will keep my commenters entertained. Don't forget you have only 2 days left to secure your spot on my Top 10 Mariucans list. I can't wait to crown my Fab Queen of Feb here at MPG, so get busy and happy commenting! :)
Now I know how my friends LadyJava and Emila feel after they churn out post after post at their respective blogs! I've always wondered how they do it but I guess when you set your mind to something, it can be achieved. And now that I know that triumphant feel of satisfaction, I am ecstatic! :)
My close blog buddies know by now that I am not a daily blogger. I blog when I have something to share, and that is not on a daily basis. I can go days without having a new post out but when I am on a roll, there's no stopping me! So three posts in a day is simply amazing for me and I'm so proud of myself!
I have to say this triple posting sure takes it out of you and I am feeling totally drained right now. I took my sinus medication earlier, which always makes me feel drowsy and the effects are setting in now. But there's still so many things to do before I bid you good night. I have to drop 296 cards for Mariuca, work on a new copy for a client, check out the new games I bookmarked earlier and reply my emails. Only then will I be done for the day!
I hope my three new posts here will keep my commenters entertained. Don't forget you have only 2 days left to secure your spot on my Top 10 Mariucans list. I can't wait to crown my Fab Queen of Feb here at MPG, so get busy and happy commenting! :)

«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 306 of 306 Newer› Newest»yeehaahhhh.. i definitely am!! ;)
Yiha... let's rock this numbers babeh!
smart smart.. eh I pun buat US time.. what's the default eh.. how many hours
-12 eh?
i wanna rock with you.. all night... LOL!!!
yupp.. something like that..
oraitsss sista.. tonight is "the" night!!!
lol Shemah..
I also got my water tumbler!
hahahaha.. have to check first.. hubby working night or not!! LOL!
i'm camping here tonight... lol!!!
hahahaha!! i dunno if i can camp out here tonight.. but we'll see!
hahaha... ok ok.. actually the less the better.. then for sure I WIN!!
lol!!! jangan marah.. perhaps I should your hubby to NOT work late
hahahha. oh yaaa! that's right!! the less the better.. we'll see.. who knows i'll come by to just shake it up a little bit. Wuahh.. you were the one who sms hubby ya? why suddenly he say he doesn't need to go to work??? you really sneaky sneaky lah!! hahahaahahah
hahaha... ok ok.. actually the less the better.. then for sure I WIN!!
lol!!! jangan marah.. perhaps I should your hubby to NOT work late
Well, I hope you don't make this daily posting a regular thing cos I'll have a hard time catching up with each of your post! 8-)
Recent blog post: Oops, I Did It Again!
wah so late ah si C ni working...
LJ, u got connection problem lagi ke??
ah ah lah.. sat boleh sat tak boleh.. stress ni...
so trying to drop as much as i can!!
hahaha.. really Shemah??!! wah.. LJ got superpower now... super TCM
haaaa.. tu lah!! superpower than can make Marzie publish when Ane on coffee break!! LOL!
She hypnotized Marzie Shemah! :) I tried hypnotizing her into falling asleep
but to no avail... lol! :)
On 2/28/09, Comments <>
enjoy it while it lasts LJ! I'm running as fast as I can to reach you! :)
On 2/28/09, Comments <>
hahahahaha... you tried hypnotizing her? LOL! Well, one can always try and hope! :)
Yeah she did Shemah..
it has hilarious.. :)
I guess hypnosis doesn't work on LJ because she has her own hypnotic powers!
lol! :)
On 2/28/09, Comments <>
LJ!! you're quite the hypnotizer ah.. sampai hati you hypnotize Coldplay to join Music Monday! LOL! Dunno lah if I can go or not.. :( :(
hahahahah... tulah so sweet of them to join MM also.. lol!!
Hey Shemah.. check out this paying programs.. mana tau boleh dapat text link
from them
They also got paid posting as well :)
you should definitely go Shemah! I would if I could, but no budget! :(
On 2/28/09, Comments <>
oh is it??? thanks LJ!! you help me I help you.. and more kaching kaching for all! LOL!
I know but it's a Monday, Ane! My hubby, sister and friends might have work the next day!! :( :(
ooh, I want kaching kaching also!
On 2/28/09, Comments <>
yiha.. for this program if my ref earns USD100 I get USD50!! yihaa!!!
cannot take leave is it Shemah?
then join me here Ane
wooohhooo!! really?? so if ane and I join and we both earn USD 100 than you will get USD 100 too!!! :) :)
hubby's work is understaffed.. so not until april can he take a couple of days leave at a time. :( :( :(
yelah... Debbs already earn and I got USD50 in my account though got to wait
till she earn 100 before I can claim ..wohoo..
you earned that much from where LJ?! need to know so I can start earning too
so I can have $$$ to spend on a speedier better internet connection!!!
On 2/28/09, Comments <>
oh dear.. such a pity kan?? nevermind Shemah.. next time I'm sure they will
come again kot
LJ, yang today punya referral kan.. the payout is $10 per referral for the month of nov and dec is it??
is it?? no lah I got USD5 only...
From this site Ane for referral lah
join and then let me know what you think ok :)
for this coming year end i mean, it's a promo period. $10 per referral.. dunno why they choose year end.
LJ, yang linkworth ni kan, what should i tick and what shouldn't i?? and they don't pay through paypal right?
Huggy wuggy! :):)
They do.. they do pay paypal.. am getting my cash through paypal lah..
tick linkpost, linkads first
Woot woot!! Yay! It's ka-ching Saturday! ;) Me likey!
kaching kaching!!!
ohh you mean nov and dec 2009? wah so long from now promote already??
hahh.. that's why lah i don't understand.. i read it in the forum.. ntah lah! rozie kata dia join my referral tapi takde pon!
you mean you can't see Rozie as your ref? hmm very pelik..try checking under
traffic stat and your ref...remember they only pay you when your ref has 10
paid post... I've been paid for 4 of my 10 refs
LJ! Last night C was not working. He went party party with his colleagues, farewell party, it seems. *sigh* Ni lah bercouple dgn party animal ni. Lol!!!
haha.. next time Debbs.. insist nak!! can party together 2mah!
dah.. takde pon.. I dunno lah.. she said her unpaid earnings dah lebih $30 dah. but still can't see.. maybe when she join tak ter-redirect to my ref id..
wah really?? sayang nya if that was the case.... I was so excited for you
when she joined under you.. i got 5 bucks from you, roxy, grandy and one
other I don't even know who...
ohh debbie tak join under you or she started first?
what's that Shemah? Linkworth is it??
Debbie joined under me :) Thanks debbie and thank shemah for joining under
me too!!!
Lol! Still a long way to $100 lah LJ! ;) Need to chatnge my setting there too, after they pay me my $14 first lol! :)
I baru teringat payout is at $25 kan? :((
eh by paypal they only pay when you reach 25 bucks
yeap.. you can change your setting now dearie!
LJ!! Done and doneded for linkworth!!! LOL! Wish me luck on that venture too!! :)
Luck Shemah.. now all you gotta do is wait.. lol..
Dia mmg ajak. I je malas nak ikut party2 hahahaha...I cepat get bored! Lol!!
EH LJ! I join under u lah for Today. Boohoo hang lupa kat aku ya? Hehehehe
i love parties!!!
haaa.. that's what i thought.. debbs join under you right, LJ?
oh yelah lah.. i know.. but I've not gotten paid for you!!!
yelah Ane..override mah!
Good luck on LinkWorth Shemah! :):) Kaching!!
hahaha.. hehehhe
yeap... debbs join under me...heheh
kachine everyone!!
kachinging!! kachinging!!
yay!! kaching everyone!! :)
Oh ye ke LJ! Hehehe I thought u forgot me hehehe but my HC still earning from traffic jer. Lol!!
eh debbs, linkworth bagus kah?
hah tu lah.. the moment you get Kaching.. I get kaching lah!! hehehe
Bagus Jean!!! .. linkworth best.. i've earn tons of times!!
Hyno won't work on me!
jeanieeee!! you're here!!
I hope I can camped out here too..
Jean, LinkWorth is good. But once you join, have to wait for them to offer lah. :) Can do PB, text ads, banners.
hmm.. m crossing my fingers with linkworth too now since 3P dah over and done with.
heheh.. tulah.. good luck Shemah!
That's correct Debbs!
ahahhaha... wah I pun didnt know i have such superpower one.. lol
Great Site! Congrats :)
See no procrastination. I came right over!! I am still so very tired but really need to get some drops in for SS...then work on TPV!! I also am headed in a minute to find a cool video for this week. So this is a drop, comment, and run with hugs added!! :) :)
Hi Mariuca ... The followers widget hasn't been responding - so even if you have been following publically it still may have knocked you off others blogs no matter what. That's why I was a little miffed!
congratz... wish i could do it too..;)
Recent blog post: Can my son still walk?
I am so confused today *DONT_KNOW* :-P :-[ =-O >:o >:o :) :)
You don't have enough smileys to explain it!! :) :)Now it's drops time and I'm late!! >:oHugs for you though!! :) :)
good morning Jackie!! What are you so confused about?
you only have another hour or so to drop right, Jackie?
Don;t worry Jean.. I wasn't there too. LOL :P
HAHA! Water tumbler? Adui.. You definitely on your winning strike Shemah! :D
Mak aih.. I think the post post I did is once a day. Haha
LOL. I like your smiley comment Jackie :):):):)
hahah. yeah Shemah's new nick is TS.. tumbler!
Wah! So hebat. 3 posts in a day!
Internet connection too slow until can have time to write 3 posts. hehe...
Recent blog post: STB's 2009 Reasons to Enjoy Singapore - WS
HAHA! That is so true! My internet is killing me.. But at least I could
managed to finish my 32 pages of lab report this weekend :):):)
happy MM day Mariuca ...
you and Mariuca ;)
are the two TOP droppers at TAD for the month
yeehaaa and clappies to you :*
Recent blog post: This song is for you...
wow! congrats MPG! 3 posts in a row! That's something ;)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!