Each time I watch this video, I am reminded of our first visit to Melbourne. It was 2002, the year that we got married, and we stayed with our best friend Zeff for 10 days! Our Melbourne trip was our second honeymoon if you will, and it was one of the best vacations ever. What made it even sweeter was the fact that this was our very first overseas trip as husband and wife.

This video, we made for our friend Zeff, as a reminder of all the adventures we enjoyed together in Melbourne, Australia. I love this video for so many reasons. It takes me back to when we first got married, to when there were no major worries but us being together and to the loving moments we experienced throughout this memorable trip.
I hope you'll enjoy this video as much as we had fun creating it. Some of you might remember this number, Cintakan Membawamu by Dewa as the theme song for Wishing on a Falling Star. And now you know the story behind the song!

Happy Anniversary to my darling B. With you, I don't ever want it to end. Thank you for being the light in my life, the life in my spirit and the spirit of my entire being. Here's to a blessed and beautiful 7 years of being together and today, I want to tell the whole world that I love you with all my heart and you will always be the one for me, now and forever.

Love always,

PS. This is a special *** post! I am giving away linky love to the first 3 commenters instead of the usual 1, go for it!
Thank you to Jean and Martin and to Monica for the special anniversary dedication as well, love you guys!

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.
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YAY! Monica!!
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
come and see my MM post!!!!! =-O =-O
Recent blog post: How will you spend Earth Hour 2009?
Tak sempat la, Marzie. :'( :'( :'( :'(
I'll be back to watch your video. :) My connection very slow la right now.
Happy anniversary, Marzie and B! :):):)
don't :'( :'( :'( Debbs..
Recent blog post: How will you spend Earth Hour 2009?
Mariuca is giving away linky love to the first 3 commenters!!! 8-) :-D
Recent blog post: How will you spend Earth Hour 2009?
ok dear I gtg Zzzzz now... very sleepy aldy
Recent blog post: Music Monday - These Dreams by Heart
have fun tomorrow ya! :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday - These Dreams by Heart
Ok dearie, nite nite!
ok if your hair menjadi then you show me k ;) :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - These Dreams by Heart
Will do dear, thanks again! HUGS! :)
*HUGS* :* :*
Ha ha ha so cute! Ok!! Just you lol!
Thanks Mon! HUGS! :):):)
WOW! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND B, Marzie Dearie! Such a sweet post! :) :) :)
When can I get lucky and be FC to your blogs, Marzie? ;) :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Contest Updates and More!
PS. This is a special *** post! I am giving away linky love to the first 3 commenters instead of the usual 1, go for it!
Am i the third????? ;) ;) ;) ;)
Sweetie, u are number 3, CONGRATS!!! :)
Not crying anymore, Mon! I was so sad until didn't notice that she's giving away 3 FCs...yay!!
>:o >:o >:o :'( :'( :'(
congrats Debbs! :-D :-D
congrats Mon! :)
Recent blog post: We Forgot To Pay Our Electricity Bill **
Congrats Lainy! :-D
Recent blog post: We Forgot To Pay Our Electricity Bill **
congrats to all! ;)
And congrats to GP and B! Yehey! :*
Recent blog post: We Observed Earth Hour *
wahuhuhuhu no co congrats for me eh! :'( :'(
Recent blog post: We Forgot To Pay Our Electricity Bill **
Happy Anniversary to you and to your B Marzie! More years full of love and happiness to both of yah! mwahugs! :* :*
Recent blog post: We Forgot To Pay Our Electricity Bill **
be back later to watch the video..like Debbs, my connection is going spastic.. >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: We Forgot To Pay Our Electricity Bill **
omg! got to do my MM entry..LOL! =-O =-O
Recent blog post: We Forgot To Pay Our Electricity Bill **
Thank you Twinks!
Oh hey! Happy 7th to you both.. I hope you'll have many, many more blissful years together to come.. :)
Recent blog post: A few changes…
:-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
congrats mon!
:'( :'( :'( :'(
me tak sempat oso :'( :'( :'( :'(
happy anniversary, marzie and b!!!!
i think i've seen the video!
made the cover as well?
semoga berkekalan hingga ke anak cucu! :* :* :* :* :*
congrats debbie!!!! 2nd fc! :* :*
congrats ane, 3rd fc!!!
Happy Anniversary to you and B, Marzie!! Kalian emangnya cocok sekali!!! :) :) :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday Mini Contest**
I love Dewa 19!! Like love love love major love them! And I think it really suits both of you! I'm going for breakfast now with J and will be back to check out your special video.
I will be right back! Don't forget to guess the mini contest! :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday Mini Contest**
Awww this is so sweet babe. :) Love the song choice too.
Recent blog post: Reminder: Earth Hour
Happy MM doll! It's back to work for me. Hehehe Meeting in 30 mins! >:o
Recent blog post: Reminder: Earth Hour
ohhh big congratulations to you and B ...Mariuca :* :*
7 years ......woweee....
wishing you many more happy happy years together 8-)
Recent blog post: Starry Starry Night
Thanks Kak Emi! :)
Marzie, I've watched the video. So sweet lah, I watch pun terharu gitu. :* :* :* Have a great, romantic anniversary ya. :):):)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Big Girls Don’t Cry (Fergie)
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship*
Oh no, don't cry Ane!
didn't make the chop here Debbs! :'(
Oh you can chop later at CnS, Ane. :) Not sure what time, though.
:* :* :*
congrats, marzie! happy anniversay, too! :* :* :*
i love the video, marz! :* :* :*
Happy Anniversary to you and B Marzie! :-D I didn't know you were celebrating your anniversary, is it today? *DONT_KNOW*
Ok, will stalk! :-D just give me a heads up Debbs! :-D :*
Will do, Ane. :)
For now I am headed to bed. It will be late tomorrow before I get my speed back!! but, that will be early for you guys!! I hope to see you!! Hugs to all!! Happy anniversary again Marzie!! :) :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday Too Many Roads To Travel *
wow, congrates, mon! wah u still up at 5 something? don't u need to go work? *DONT_KNOW* :-D :*
I've watched the video Marzie, so sweet the song, even if I didn't understand the words! :-P :-D :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship*
Happy Anniversary to you and B! :) :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship*
:'( :'( :'( i cannot load yr video lar, marzie!
aww.. that's so romantic lar yr love declaration!! I am sure B is gonna be so happy to see this!! *HUGZ* to teh lovey dovey couple!! :* :* :*
WOW! Thank GOD! I finally made it!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Ane, i couldn't view it lar!! :(
Happy Anniversary! Here's wishing you both abundant happiness, prosperity and good health for many years to come. ;)
oh yes!! marzie i can view it now!! :-D :-D :-D
hehe, B is so chubby dulu!! so cute!! ;)
Recent blog post: Music Monday #15: Tracks of My Tears
i love this video lar, it's full of yr lovey & sweet memories! :) :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday #15: Tracks of My Tears
oh and the photo of u in the bench seems familiar lar. Was it the photo for yr interview at WGM? the website run by bobby! :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday #15: Tracks of My Tears
hi emila! congrates!!
Recent blog post: Music Monday #15: Tracks of My Tears
Happy 7th anniversary Marzie & B! :-D
Wahhhhh, bestnya tengok the video... kat airport tu macam paparazzi kejar selebriti je... hehe
Finally I get to see you 'moving'. Thanks for sharing :D
Wow it feels great to share this joyous occasion with the both of u. We're so freaking happy to see how u and B have come so far together. Oh and seriously, both of u are like one of the most romantic couples we've ever seen! The video says it all!!! :-D
Congrats, congrats and many congrats on your anniversary and here's wishing u and B many more years of blissful marriage and may it last forever hingga ke akhir hayat....*sniff sniff*
Now we feel like getting married quickly! Hahaha!! Enjoy your anniversary!! :*
Recent blog post: Earth Hour 2009: Vote Earth!
Can't watch the video. Take soooooo long to download! Anyway,happy anniversary to you and B!! :)
Recent blog post: In Praise Of Jesse McCartney
Dear MAriuca and B,
Happy 7th Anniversary!!!
I really enjoyed watching your video.
God bless your marriage life. Amen!! :-D
Recent blog post: Handy Little Chart
:) :) :) Emila!
Recent blog post: MM - American Idol Top 10 *
:) Ane!
Recent blog post: MM - American Idol Top 10 *
Thank you Jean and lovey dovey couple hug for u too! Happy Anniversary to u n M as well! :* :*
Recent blog post: March Madness
YAY! Happy u could view our video Jean! Pestaim la I load my own video here lol! ;) ;)
Recent blog post: March Madness
Awwww thanks so much for viewing our video Jean, I love it too. Mmg full of memories! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Vote EARTH! *
Jean, now it's ur turn to rec a BFF HUG from me! The bench picture is the one I used for my interview with Bobby and u remembered! Hugs!!!! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Vote EARTH! *
He he! Chubbs ye Jean lolz! =-O =-X :-[ ;) ;)
Recent blog post: Vote EARTH! *
:* :* :* :* Debbs! I letak ROTP dah kat sini, tak yah cry lol! :* :*
Recent blog post: Vote EARTH! *
Hi Mon and Debbs! Mestilah special *** post, anniversary mah lol! :-[ :-[ ;) ;)
Recent blog post: Vote EARTH! *
Thanks for the wish Debbs, hugsy! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Vote EARTH! *
Emila! Lainy la 3rd FC he he! Pestaim lagi tu! :) :)
Recent blog post: Blog Number 3?
Hi Mon, I cut my hair oredi, oh lega!!! It was really getting too long for me to handle, feel so light and bouncy now! And I didn take pics, cause right after salon, went to see client then went to fren's house for drinks and just got home! :-E :* :*
Recent blog post: Blog Number 3?
Mon, thanks for the lovely dedication, I love it cause it's mah song! MS hug! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Blog Number 3?
Hi Lainy!! Thank you so much sweetie, and yeah...7 years and counting woo hoo! Hugs! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: My Handwriting *
LOL! U did it Lainy, congrats! :* :*
Recent blog post: My Handwriting *
Ha ha smiley galore here from Lainy! Ur badge is up dearie, and congrats for being my FC here for the first time, love ya! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: My Handwriting *
eh marzie, take photo lar. i want see yr new hairdo! :)
:* :* :* Twinks!
Recent blog post: My Handwriting *
Not yet Twinks, am rooting for u to get my next CHOP! ;) :*
Recent blog post: My Handwriting *
Aiks u oso want to see Jean? He he he eh ehehhe shy la, ala same je, just that it’s shorter! I want to go for rebonding first, then show off pic!!! Today just cut and wash and iron mah! ;)
Yay, thank you Ruby! :* :*
Recent blog post: My Handwriting *
Thank you for celebrating with us Twinks, HUGS! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: New Apartment for G!
Ok Twinks, enjoy the video if u get the chance to view it later! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: New Apartment for G!
That's a lovely anni wish Cashmere, thanks so much! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: New Apartment for G!
Yeah Emila!! Masa kat Bernas, inside ur room eh he hehe!!! ;) ;)
Recent blog post: New Apartment for G!
=-O =-X 8-) 8-) Ha ha ha ha yeah la, terforgot abt the cover!!! I mintak cover sebab nak kasi Zeff, thanks again lol! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: New Apartment for G!
Thank you so much Emila, HUGS! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: New Apartment for G!
Ahhhhhh that’s better, pic of me inside my lovely hotel room! Woo hoo can’t wait, still thinking which hotel ni! ;)
YAY! 7 years B n M woo hoo! ;) :* :*
Recent blog post: New Apartment for G!
Hi Shemah! Party time and thanks so much for joining us, HUGS! :* :*
Recent blog post: New Apartment for G!
Hi Rozie, thanks for coming by and I love this song too! So melancholy but sweet at the same time sigh... :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: New Apartment for G!
Happy MM Rozie, will drop by to see ur selection too! :-D
Recent blog post: New Apartment for G!
YAY Kim is here all the way from Aussie! Thanks sweetie, we're looking forward to many more years together. Hugs! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: New Apartment for G!
Debbs! You are so right! Every time I watch this one, mesti terharu but in a good way, know what I mean? Thanks for viewing our video sweetie! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Steven's Corner **
:* :* :* Elai!
Recent blog post: Steven's Corner **
Thanks Elai, we had a tiring day but we were together so YAY! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Steven's Corner **
YAY! Thanks for viewing our love story here Elai, HUGS! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Steven's Corner **
Hey Ane! Thanks so much for celebrating with us here, and yes our anni is today 30-03! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Steven's Corner **
Hi Jackie, thanks for comin over sweetie, we had a great day today, love ya! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Steven's Corner **
This is our theme song la Ane, thanks for listening sweetie, glad u enjoyed it! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Working Overtime
Thanks Ane and ur anni is coming up too right? 8th April? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Working Overtime
LR! Thanks a million for that wonderful anniversary wish, love ya! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Working Overtime
Nessa! I'm so happy u're here sweetie, tenkiu so much! Ha ha ha I ROTFLMAO at ur paparazzi comment and I hope u enjoyed moving Mariuca LOL! Hugs! :-D :-D :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - American Idol Top 11 *
YAY! NAFA is here woo hoo! It wouldn't be the same without NAFA so thanks a mill peeps, love you guys!
What a lovely anniversary wish guys, and we appreciate every word. Thank you too for viewing the video. B made this the moment we got back from Melbourne, so excited dat time ha ha!
And we're so happy that u guys feel like getting married quickly now LOL! Hugs all around and helloooooo Singapore! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: MM - American Idol Top 11 *
Hi Foong, thanks for trying. Actually this is the first time I uploaded video using blogger, and surprisingly it was pretty fast and on my end, it loads oh so smoothly! Thank you for joining the celebration here too YAY! :-D :-D :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - American Idol Top 11 *
Oh I'm soooooo happy u're here too Fida! I feel me some Philly love today yay! And thanks so much for watching our video, we're happy to share this little love adventure with you. Hugs! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Weekend Game Shopping
Oh and Ane, I’m so sorry I had to post at MPG earlier, cause I had a full day ahead so didn wan to miss posting on the actual anni day itself. HUGS sweetie!!! :):):)
I loooooooove Dewa oso Shemah! Best gils kan? Hope u had a nice brekkie and enjoy the video if u get to view it later!
Alamak I missed the contest kan, was out whole day then got back late… and I gave the biggest clue some more kan? Ha ha ahah! Me no likey Kat McPhee! ;) He he!
Debbs!!! U kasik I ec credits eh? Alaaaaaaaaa no need la dearie, but THANKS so much! That was so sweet of u for thinking of me, HUGSY WUGSY! :):):)
hehe.. thanks, marzie!! you're the first to wish us both! :) *HUGZ* :* :*
haha! i'm happy too, marzie! at first the video wouldn't load lar but after few times of refreshing, ok la. hehe. oh, pestaim ye! but loading video using blogger seems slow sikit lar. next time maybe u can try youtube or photobucket? :)
YAY!!!! And u were the first to wish us too! More hugs! :)
hehe.. B the chubbs!! lolz!! but still so handsome mansome that time!! ;)
Yay thanks Marzie! :):)
OMG Jean! Mc Ds not delivering my area tonite boo hoo!!! Now must improvise! ;)
Many more years to come ya M and B! hehehe...bila nak ada lil M and B ni! :):):)
:* :* :*
I've watched the video Mariuca!!
really love to watch the fun times you both shared :* :*
so sweet! and you look beautiful ;) :) 8-)
Thanks Emila! ;) :)
glad to hear that Mariuca! *HUGS* :* :* :* :*
Lainy is your 3rd FC! :-D :-D
wow.. light and bouncy, I like!! your hair must be very long la before this.. :)
I also can't wait to see the pic of you inside the lovely hotel room Mariuca!!
Thanks Twinks! :* ;)
hello Mariuca :)
have a happy Tuesday...
looks like you had a lovely time in Melbourne....some wonderful photos of you and B....specially the black and white shots 8-)
Recent blog post: Starry Starry Night
Had I known it was yesterday I would've dedicated something to you too!
Anyway, Happy anni again and I hope your love lasts a lifetime! :) :*
You're welcome Marzie, it's such a sweet song, I didn't know what the words
meant but am sure it was something sweet... :-D :*
Yes Marzie, it's on 8th April... :-D
That's okay Marzie! :) :* Oooh, and I love your hair in the video! :) made
me miss my straight non poofy hair! Now I think I need some deep
conditioning and a rebond...
hahahha... ok, and rem take pic of the bathroom too, k! :) hehe wow, i am so excited for u, marzie! where do u prefer to go? i meant KL or out of KL?
7 years~~ so fast, kan marzie? and you felt like it was just yesterday you two had tied the knot! :)
Happy Aniversary!
All the best for both of you!
GP!!!! Happpy Anniversary to you and B dearie.. I'm sooo sorry I missed it.. Crazy day yesterday.. had to go to IPOH again.. and then my mom left in the morning..
Recent blog post: MM - HERE I GO AGAIN (Whitesnake)
I love the VIDEO dearie.. you looked so camera shy lah!! lhehehehehe
Recent blog post: MM - HERE I GO AGAIN (Whitesnake)
heheheh.. watching for the don't know how many times already ni..lol!!!
Recent blog post: MM - HERE I GO AGAIN (Whitesnake)
Ya lah...looking at how beautiful marriage life is, how can we not feel like getting married? But must find our Mr and Ms Right first lah. Haiz....never mind, we'll be patient. Hehe!
Hope your anniversary was an enjoyable and memorable one. No need to hope actually! It sure was all good!! And Hellooooooo Malaysia!!! =-X
hola marzie!!
Recent blog post: Been up to…
Hola Emila! Buat apa tu? :)
NAFA!!! I missed u guys saying haiz la ha ha ha ha! Oh u guys are so cute tonight ok ok wait for Mr. or Ms. Right to come along okay? We had our anni dinner tonight actually, cause yesterday was busy with work stuff, can u beat that? I’m so happy to see u today, I’ll come by later with some yummy stuff for u as usual he he! ;)
wah, how come, marzie? must throw tantrum at McD lar like that!! ><
At PH Jean, not Mc Ds!
Mc Ds diff story…ada ke one time I ordered the breakfast meal at 5am some more… and it came late satu hal and then the coffee takde creamer or sugar!!!! I was like yes, I like black coffee but Mc D’s one I prefer with sugar and creamer!!! How to drink like dat? So angers la me and threw tantrum! And then another time, I asked for the fillet nuggets breakfast, and again it came incomplete…without the tartar sauce!!!! How to eat without tartar?????????
And then, got some more…. I ordered the fried chicken and u know I don eat wings so I specifically mentioned more than 5 times, remind them that NO WINGS NO WINGS!!!! And it came WITH wings and WRONG FLAVOUR!!!! ANGERS to da max la me, again threw tantrum! Muahahahhahahahhahahhaha!!!!!!!!
lol! LJ, you're so cute!! :)
Oooh begitu...but it doesn't matter actually. Coz as far as we know about marriage, everyday is an anniversary day right right right?? But glad to hear that both of u still managed to find time to have dinner together. Woohoo!!
Wah u miss our 'haiz....'??? Cute lah u GP!! Haha! And we certainly miss u and all the entertainment u would give us. Oh and did u just say 'yummy stuff'?? That's so exciting!! Looking forward to it. =-X =-X =-X
Your video with B is soooo sweet lah! very heart-warming gitu.. macam make me feel like want to go away vakasi with J! LOL!
The song, the photos, the clips.. everything was perfecto! :)
I had a vid clip of Buddy when he was born until he grew up and i found out from my mom that the comp crashed and cannot retrieve it from the backup documents. :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Music Monday Game*
I also love the photos of you and B yang sephia colored tu. :) :) :) And macam B has lost weight over the years is it marzie?
Recent blog post: Music Monday Game*
Morning Shemah! I oso love our sephia pics he he! Zeff la buat kita posing semua muahahahahha! B did lose weight due to him being sick Shemah. That’s why masa the hospital visit last year, one of the reasons I felt so lega was cause he managed to put on some weight after the medikasi, kalau tak SW to da max! :(:(:(
Shemah!!! Thanks so much for viewing our video presentasi! HA ha ha I know what u mean, every time I watch this one, mesti feel like going for vakasi too! And we love the song of course, tu yg terus jadi our theme song ha ha! The same night we arrived in M’sia after this trip, B terus buat this video cause we were in Aussie mode lol!! Oh no sayangnya u hilang dat video Shemah, maybe can do a new one! ;)
wah, shemah.. syang lar lost the clip of buddy. :( that's why i also scare to save photos at my comp. I had them all burned into cds. *HUGZ* for u, shemah!!! :*
I'd throw a tantrum too if they had my orders mixed up, but thankfully it
hasn't happened when I'm really really hungry.. :-P
Hi Marzie!! How come I don't get your replies from MPG in my e-mail ah? Same like Debbs' CnS. I just wonder!! Why oh Why?
Anyways, I hope B is much better now and for the rest of the years to come! :) Okay, my birthday is coming up and I want to plan a honeymoon trip also! LOL!
All buddy's baby pics were in the comp. And I don't have any with me. Adalah.. but not alot. Maybe around 10 pics only with me. The rest of the hundreds are in the PC. I thought if dah put in backup it's safe.. rupanya tak. :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Music Monday Game*
Yalah Jean!! so stupid lah me. Never burn into CDs. I am what my sister says, stupido rapido! LOL! Haiyaaa.. so sayang.. his whole baby progress years were in there.. I hardly have any with me. What to do?? :'( :'( :'( My own fault..
Recent blog post: Music Monday Game*
Ya Marzie!! The next vid you buat starting from boarding your jet plane.. then continent hopping!! LOL! Maklumlah.. OKB! Alang2 just do an actual Video clip! hahaha
Recent blog post: Music Monday Game*
Hey Shemah, that happened to me too, almost all of Chakai's pictures are on
our old PC, no copies hard copies whatsoever... Sad thing is the PC crashed
and we can't get to it, yet...
Hi Shemah! Did u enter ur email address in the box?
Jet plane and continent hopping, sure sounds like a billionaire dream vakasi Shemah! ;)
Hi dearie, glad u got the comment fixed. Now u can relax and plan ur vakasi! This time make sure u get some cool videos of Buddy and Allie. ;)
I hope it will never happen to u Ane, I hate throwing tantrums but sometimes these ppl push me to the point of no return! :(
Ha ha did u receive my yummy fresh from the oven banana pie NAFA? Best tak??? Ah yeah la long time never didn hear u guys say HAIZ! Jan says it sometimes ha ha! Hugs for NAFA and have a wonderful weekend kay? :)
Hahahahah I want to go to Greece lah marzie.. Kalau tak greece.. I wanna go
to marrakech!! Lepas tu bercinta ala Casablanca lah me and J! LOL!
Oh, I've thrown a couple of tantrums myself Marzie, but not when food
related, mostly in the mall or banks... :-D
A belated happy, happy anniversary to you and B. I haven't watched your video yet (still having some computer problems with Flash etc.), but I will hope to catch up over the weekend.
Recent blog post: Getting An Early Start On Music Monday: Midnight Train to Georgia
happy 7 wonderful years :)
Thanks so much TH, hugs! :)
Roxy, u’re here too!! Thank you for the anni wish sweetie and do watch our video if you get the chance. Love and hugs for u and the girls! :)
Ane!!! Me too have thrown endless tantrums at malls and banks ha ha ha!!!!!!!!
Bercinta ala Casablanca TG? Nak join! He he he!
LOL yay to throwing tantrums in banks and malls! lol! :-D
Thanks so much LJ, for viewing the video and I’m so glad u love, love, love it! I oso LOVe it! :)
YAY, thanks LJ! :)
Thanks dearie!! It’s ok, u were busy dat time and I know u were thinking of me then he he he! Love and hugs dearie and thanks for celebrating with us! :)
Thank you Mize!
7 years mmg fast Jean! :)
I prefer to go KL je Jean, cause don wan to leave the kids home alone for too long. Maybe later in the year then can think abt going out of KL! :)
I also love my hair in the video Ane, need to condition and rebond now too! :)
The title basically means Love will lead you back, Ane! Sweet! :)
Thanks again Ane! :)
Awwww thanks Monica, u’re da best! :)
Oh I love the black and white shots too Kim!!! He he he, thanks for viewing our video! :)
I can’t wait la to go to my lovely hotel room Mon, hopefully this weekend yeeha!
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!