This song takes me back in time, to when B and I first started dating. If you don't already know, I like to think of us as the magical couple, two souls who reunited in love again after 6 years of being apart. If you want to know the story of us, please visit my other blog.

So anyway, this was the song that we played throughout our love story Part 1. We were young, in love and foolish in so many ways. All the silliness and tears that we endured only goes to serve as wonderful reminders; on how truly lost in love we were way back then. Now that we're together, that togetherness is the only thing that matters. We love being together and despite the spats and squabbles, I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for the memories Love!

Two Occasions by Babyface is dedicated to my darling B of course. This very special number also goes out to all my Monday visitors especially to Ane and Monica, my beautiful Music Monday sisters! Among my many Music Monday friends, these two share the most similar music taste with me so far. I hope they will love this song as well. Happy listening and have a great Monday!

Two Occasions lyrics
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.


«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 257 Newer› Newest»:( :(
=-O =-O
>:o >:o >:o im not happy lar!!
i was camping out here, shem!!! >:o >:o >:o geram tak dapat!!
my connection sux big time!!! :'( :'( :'(
i was waiting for MPG to load... :'( :'(
:'( :'(
see! the connection is so slow that CL is not working.
this FC virus is really getting into me!! i need to control myself ni!! okok, jean cool down!! =-X
Alamak poor Jean! How long were u camping out here la? :)
marzie, just got back from MSE. lagi unhappy now!!! :'( :'( all bcoz of my connection!! i think im calling it a day for me lar. Im off to do my makeover job. :(
see ya!
awww.. so sorry to hear about your connection.. i too was camping out here.. eheheh
Ha ha ha ha Jean, it’s okay to let go, FC mmg fun, I oso heart beating just now chopping at TGB and MSE!!! And laughing all the way at LJL ha ha ha!!!!
He he he I was camping out at MSE and TGB he he he he, kelakarnye! ;)
ok shem!! you're fast tonight! :*
Shem is speedy with her wimax Jean! Nobody can beat her he he he! ;)
i've never heard pula this one by babyface, GP! and i really really like it.. :) :* :-D *swooon*
Recent blog post: Be Mine!*
waaaaaa :'( :'( :'(
Eh how come u’ve never heard this one Shemah? He he best kan??? I HEART!! Thanks for listening sweetie! :)
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Takpe takpe, I will do a PB post later Jean, u try be my FC okay? He he!! And my MM post at WOAFS also is a special dedication for u, saw or not? SO u can smile abt that okay? Hugsy! :)
since 11.30, marzie! and i was so happy hippy thinking i could chop at, at least one place.
hahah.. i totally forgot about MM.. can you guys believe it?? ni pasal makeover lah ni!! lol!
hi emila! :)
Lucky still leading!!! O:-) O:-) O:-)
mana commentluv ni... >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Sorry LJ! U terforgot abt MM cause working too hard sweetie! Hugs! :)
On no ye ke Jean? 11.30 I was still busy doing my post, cari video lagi!!! I started camping out at TGB att 11.45!!!
Tu la LJ, we three berkobar2 the first three to join, even before ur code tak keluar, I was laughing la just now!
Hi Marzie,
Returning drops in a sunny Sunday afternoon.
I Haven´t picked my MM yet xxx
hi mize! :)
haha.. i was early ready coz i did my MM post around 9pm, marzie! This week, all prepared early. :)
oh you were camping out at MSE eh? no wonder! macam tepat2 masanya you dah chop! LOL!
i already refilled my tumbler bagi penuh and put it close to the monitor! hahaha..
COngrats Shem! ;);)
I'll be back to listen to your song later, Marzie. Connection slow lah. :'( :'( :'(
GP and B...phewwittt!! ;) ;) ;) O:-) O:-) O:-) :* :* :*
ala GP, if no one can beat me why am i not leading on your SB?? huhuhuhuhuuu..
I was refreshing one by one laughing away ha hah a!!! Tu pun not sure if I made it LOL!!! ;)
Ha ha ha ha getting there oredi what, with ur double chop on * posts lagi tu! Go TG Go!! ;)
TG is recharged, no wonder la!
don't know.... somehow i've never heard of it.. but love babyface!! :) he makes awesome love songs.. :)
Oh me too love babyface, and he’s so dreamy ain’t he? ;)
thank you debbs!~! :*
Ok Shemah, MSE is up at MPG, congrats! :)
I recently watched a vid where Babyface and Usher serenaded Destiny's Child. Syok gilers! :)
thank you GP!! :) :) weeee... alamak.. gotta go post up my today MM posts lagi..
I pun first taim listening to this song! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Marzie! Morning!!!!!!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Lagenda
I love Babyface sooooooooooo much. He's just so insanely talented lah. His songs..alamak! I can drown in them loh.... Hehehehe
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Lagenda
Great pick babes! :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Lagenda
gorgeous song Mariuca and really relaxing to listen to...
hope you are having a wonderful Music Monday :* :*
Recent blog post: Starry Starry Night
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
congrats te shem!
haie te debbs!
OMG! Marzie, this is also one of our songs! :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Love Story by Mariah Carey*
Thanks for the dedication Marzie! :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Love Story by Mariah Carey*
We truly are Music Sisters! :-D :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Love Story by Mariah Carey*
I came by late because I did my MM post first, because if I go check my email first, JS will distract me and I won't get to do my MM post! I missed the chop! :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Love Story by Mariah Carey*
but your dedication makes up for me missing the chop! :) I love it Marzie! :) thanks so much! :) hugs! :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Love Story by Mariah Carey*
Shemah's tumbler needs to go! >:o lol! :-D luv yah Shemah! :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Love Story by Mariah Carey*
:* :* :*
I'm here Mariuca!! ;)
awwww...I am so touched! :'( :'( :'(
YAY! Monica is here!! :)
Thank you so much for the dedication hun! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: 12 girls, 1 roof
Hugs for Mon! :):):)
You’re welcome Mon! Love that we like the same tunes YAY! :)
of coz I love love love this song too! =-O =-O
Recent blog post: 12 girls, 1 roof
YAY!!!! So happy to hear that Mon, oh so lovely la this song and it’s been a while since I heard this. So this was a great memory lane song for me YAY! :):):)
I wanna prepare MM but am still thinking of which song to feature *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: 12 girls, 1 roof
Ohhhhh I wan I wan to chop!!! But oso hafta cook today oh no, for sure ill miss the chopy chop at TUO! :’(
Thanks dear :'( :'( :'( *HUGS* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: 12 girls, 1 roof
any suggestion?? :-P :-P
Recent blog post: 12 girls, 1 roof
Welcome Mon, thank you for appreciating my MM selections, you rock!!! :)
U know me Mon…anything 80s I’d love and a little rnb never hurts! :)
hahhah not now la my
Recent blog post: 12 girls, 1 roof
He he ok ok that means still got chance to be FC there woo hoo! Hopefully GG is busy studying he heh ehe!!!
hahahha...I'll wait for u abt that? ;) :-D :-D
LOL.. GG is also very fast huh :-D :-D
Very speedy la that GG but still cannot chop here yet, poor baby lol!!!
Wah really ah u wait for me???????? I love u la MONICA YONG!!! He eh ehhe!!!!!
haha becoz too many ppl are camping here la!
hahahhaahhahahahahahahahhaa! I love you too la MARZIE *don't know your sir name* LOL!
Yeah la, Jean so sad yesterday! Camping out since 11.30pm but still missed the chop cause her connection slow! :’(
LOL!!! Nemind, no need my surname he he! When I use ur full name, dat means I seriously mean what I say la ROTFLMAO!! :)
Oh ha ha ha! Don tell me u had cheese naan again Mon! ;)
hahahhahahah....okok no need your surname! but I oso seriously mean what I say!!!
LOL! no cheese naan ..I had tandoori! now I'm hungry *always* :-D
LOL!!!! Of coz, I know sweetie, youre da best and I love that our names start with M! YAY!!!!! :)
Hi Monica! Happy Music Monday! :)
Ha ha ohhhh u didn’t try the garlic naan yet then huh? Me too hungry Mon, still thinking what to cook ni! Hmmmmm…..
Hola Debbs!
Hello Debbs!!!
oh I am so touched....I wanna :'( :'( :'( again!
coz they don't ve garlic naan there >:o
so what're you gonna cook?
Eh why la tears again sweetie? Come happy2 joy2! HUGS! :)
He he he want to know what I’m cooking tonight???? Wait for my post okay at WOAFS!!!! Hope to post before I cook ni!!!
Waa babyface!!
Recent blog post: musicmonday: you picked me
Babyface in da house Milkberry,happy listening! :)
I'm waiting at WOAFS now!!! but my line is quite slow now..argh!!!
Ahahahhahahaha!!! Still aligning and inserting links, u know la me slow poke he he! Good luck Mon! ;)
Adios tumbler!! Shemah, no need to refill today kay? LOL!
oh no I wanna go toilet first la...hahahhahaha.....
YAY! I’m thrilled to hear that Ane! I was hoping u’d like this babyface song too! HUGS for us MS!! :):):)
Ha ha ha ha go go toilet, now me adding the smileys he he! One at a time LOL!!!
I missed the chop at ur place too Ane! ;)
And now only replying comments! :)
I'm back....hahahahaha aiyo almost got heart attack la :-D
Ha ha ha ha ha!!! And I’m still editing my post Mon, so don worry!!!! Have to publish soon though, cause need to start cooking oredi ni!!! ;)
Hi Mon! :) Since you share the same music taste as Mariuca, then I guess
you're my Music Sister too! :) :*
Use Twitterfox when you're done posting Mon, me wanna Chop at TUO! :) :)
Of coz we are Ane! U, me and Mon! Group hug ladies!!! :)
GG maybe busy studying Marzie, but am free and am stalking Mon now... lol!
haha Mariuca... And I’m still refreshing your page NON-STOP!
Ok Mon! And Ane too if u’re around! Me getting ready to post in 3 minutes!!!!!! Ready or not, here I come! He he he!!! :)
Hi Ane! *high five*
Ane, I don't have Twitterfox :-D
yay! *Group hug*
hehe Ane I still haven't prepared yet ;-)
What's a naan?
MS indeed Marzie! :) How can I not love this? It's such a great song and it
is one of our songs too! :) Love it! :) Thanks for the dedication Marzie! :)
that's okay Marzie, you already have 2 points there, me still 000 here!!!
Yay! Group Hugs Ladies! :) :*
I had to watch over my evil cousin and left a while, so I missed the CHOP
yet again Marzie! :( huhuhuhu
high five Mon! :) :*
oh you must sign up for twitter fox Mon! :)
It's super fun too Mon! :)
That's okay Mon, I'll read your older posts first! :) I think I missed a lot
these past few days, must catch up! :)
thank you gagay! don't cry.. you'll get to chop soon enough! :) :)
wowwww.. mon is camping out here! LOL! hope there's room for me to chop.. scoot over a bit mon.. gimme chance also a bit! LOL!
ane is stalking mon and mon is stalking marzie.. who's going to stalk me?? LOL!
Ha ha ha yeah lor, Mon is camping out here like nobody’s business! Wan to go toilet pun takut ha ha ha!!!
Ha ha ha hahahahaha!!!!! I am gonna stalk u alamak!!! Better see what’s going on at MSE now!!!!
hahahahaah that's why lah.. you all want to laugh at ane's portable loo idea.. LOL! it's useful you know! you see, mon needs one now. LOL! maybe mon is even scared to check her replies on JS! hehehehe
no lah marzie.. i was halfway writing my post, and decided to chat here on JS instead.. hehehe
I am stalking you Shemah! :) lol! as always! :) I'm stalking Debbs too,
although I haven't heard from her since this afternoon... :)
Mon totally needs a portable toilet! :) lol!
LOL! :) Now you ladies understand why I'm so crazy about my portable loo! :)
:) LMAO! :)
OMG Shemah, me too!!! :) I'm working on a post but then took a break and
chatted away, and now I can't stop! :)
Ha ha Ane!
alright Ane! see you at TUO ya ;-)
I am at TUO Mon! :)
LOL shemah! come! come! let's chop together-gether..:-D
happy St Patrick's Day Mariuca :* :*
Recent blog post: Starry Starry Night
Every song is your song Ane! Hehehehe
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Lagenda
JS really is a distraction huh? Especially at work loh! Hahahaha Reply comments only. :-P
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Lagenda
hope so te shem!!!
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
:* :* :* :*
so cute FC smiley here te shem!!! " :( :("
=-O =-O =-O =-O
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Good morning Gagay! :)
ahahahaah i know roz!! i'm supposed to be updating my today blogs but still replying comments! adoi!!
I used to love listening to Babyface before bed, so soothing!
eh, marzie, i dunno the song was dedicated to me, i go check out now! :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday #13: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
hello marzie, im here to read & listen to yr song today! :) sry for being 'not in the mood' the other day. :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday #13: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
marzie, i rem yr love story lar. so romantic and both of you are destined to be together! :) :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday #13: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
wow, this song mmg sesuai lar!! i love it!! hmmm... now, where is my M? wan to get some hug frm him first! haha ;)
Recent blog post: Music Monday #13: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
it's been a long time since i last listen to babyface, marzie! Great pick!
Recent blog post: Music Monday #13: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
Hi Jean! wahhhhh....lovey dovey ya today...;);)
wah 75 participants!!! bagusnya!
lagi ramai lagi bagus, kan!
i haven't heard of this song beore. first time listening.
best lagu ni! :*
Recent blog post: Memory Cards
I love this song! Thanks for the trip down memory lane Mariuca. :)
I feeeeeeel you music sista!!!! Me too clubbing every night, on weekdays too YIKES!!!! Then go to work ha ha ah!!!!
lol Marzie, I barely worked then Marzie! :) I was a free lance editor, so I
only get jobs once in a while... so had all the time in the world to go
partying, plus we didn't have kids then... :)
:* :* :*
Hi Monica!! :)
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: My NAME?
good morning too te debbs!
Recent blog post: My NAME?
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog post: My NAME?
Don't cry Gagay...I never get first here either!! :'( :'( :'( :*
Great pick Marzie for MM. I am making rounds and feels good!! :* :* :) :)
woohoo.....babyface in the house. i love the selection for MM. ;)
happy tuesday! 8-)
YAY! I love my selection too LR, thanks for listening sweetie! :)
Thank you Jackie and it feels good too having u back, hugs! :)
Hola GG!
Morning Mon! :)
Freelance editor sounds like a superb job Ane! :)
Shae! Long time no see! Oh yay, glad u could join me with this trip down memory lane, awesome! :)
U oso pestaim listening Emila? Enjoy! :)
Yeeha! Mmg best lagu ni Emila itu! Mah song!! ;)
Ohhhh thanks so much Jean, u remembered my love story! HUGS. :)
It’s okay Jean!! And then the next day got P some more kan? Me too for sure extra moody around dat time. Hugs Jean! :)
YAY, thanks Kim! Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you too, u wearing green? :)
thanks for yr understanding, marzie! if i lose somemore on FC that night, i think i will surely scold ppl already. Mayb M would be my victim then. haha! *HUGZ* to u!! :)
eh marzie, i spotted a new word! what's pestaim?
Ha ha ha kesian M dunno what’s going on and then kena scold ha ha, lucky tak! Of coz Jean, no worries, HUGS! :)
Babyface rocks! Thanks for stopping by Crista, lovely Tuesday to you. :)
hi jackie! :*
Oh blushing la now reading ur comment Jean he h eh! U and M oso romantic! Hugs for lovey dovey couples! :)
hi jackie! :*
Ha ha ha ha hah ahahahah ROTFLMAO!!! Ahem…pestaim = first time! Ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
hello bunso! :*
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!