I am joining the International Bloggers Community and I'd like to invite everyone to have fun with me there. Be a proud member of the International Bloggers Community! Add your blogs to this wonderful new world to be seen and heard all over the world.
![peluk peluk](http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/6.gif)
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
Questions & Your Answers:
1. The person who tagged you: Mariuca
2. His/her site’s title and url: Wishing on a Falling Star
3. Date when you were tagged: April 17, 2009
4. Persons you tagged: Jean, Star, Rosidah, Diya, Ane, Monica, Emila, Nessa, LJ, Metz, Lainy, Liza & LR.
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
Questions & Your Answers:
1. The person who tagged you: Mariuca
2. His/her site’s title and url: Wishing on a Falling Star
3. Date when you were tagged: April 17, 2009
4. Persons you tagged: Jean, Star, Rosidah, Diya, Ane, Monica, Emila, Nessa, LJ, Metz, Lainy, Liza & LR.
:* :* :* :*
:-D :-D :-D :-D
:) Monica, congrats!
YAY finally one chop here for Mon ha ha!
woo-hooooooooooooooo!!!!!! :* :* :*
Thanks for tagging me Mariuca!!
Woo hooooo ha ha ha! Congrats dearie, waiting for my FC2 now lol!
now I'm thinking of who to tag *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Thanks dearie! :* :*
lol... Bill! Ane! come over here!!!! :-D :-D :-D
No worries, added u to my SB edi yay!
:-$ :-$ :-$
Tag as many ppl Mon lol! Oh better visit the master blog now!
And here's your second FC!! lol!!!
Recent blog post: What's Your Soap Opera Name?*
LJ jugak FC2, congrats dearie!!! :)
Oh tagged u here too LJ, come join!
LJ pestaim chop for u dearie, finally 1 point! YAY! :)
but most of the ppl u tagged aldy mariuca...lol
Recent blog post: Let's shoot some pool!
lol...LJ! second FC!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Let's shoot some pool!
Nothing wrong in tagging them again Mon, just like how I tagged u together with Bill! Show them some love mah!
Yay ladies, thanks for chopping! Her got no PB la! ;)
Hi mariuca, added your name & site in the masterlist in my blog http://bloggistame.blogspot.com. Thanks for joining! 8-)
ohhhhh ok mariuca...I'll tag ALL of them... :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Let's shoot some pool!
err.. I know this is not PB :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Let's shoot some pool!
Hi Bloggista, thank you for adding me so quickly yay! :)
He he tag away Mon, am enjoying some BS bread now lol!
LOL, I meant here got more ** posts cause not many PB, Mon! ;)
:* :* :* yeay!! finally...lol!!!
Recent blog post: What's Your Soap Opera Name?*
heheh.. Mon.. you quiet quiet chop eh..lol!! like me like that..lol!!
Recent blog post: What's Your Soap Opera Name?*
Ni apa program ni GP.. best ke?? nanti i baca ok:)
Recent blog post: Proton Exora - Nice!!! *
Finally LJ! Yay for ** posts! :)
LJ, which blog eh?
LJ, mana ada program, meme biasa je la ni hahahahha! :)
what's BS mariuca?
hahaha LJ! where got quiet quiet chop la? :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Let's shoot some pool!
LOL LJ! what program?!
Recent blog post: Let's shoot some pool!
ButterScotch Monica lol! U tried edi the BS gardenia?
I oso LOL at LJ’s program question ha ha!
>:o >:o >:o >:o
:'( :'( :'( :'(
Ane, waited for u since just now sweetie, u arrived so late! :( hugs!
LJ, I put LJC here, loving the badge sweetie!!! So unique gitu! :)
that's okay Marzie, Lucas woke up and was hungry so needed to breastfeed..
It’s almost 4am Ane, u and Lucas shld be in dreamland now. :)
ohhh ic.....lol......MPG still 0 ??
Yeah…still a big fat 0 so sad! :(
wahhh.. why LJ's badge is moving?? =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: Let's shoot some pool!
ohhhh ButterScotch!! not yet la mariuca.. hahhaa...
Recent blog post: Let's shoot some pool!
how come 0 eh?? MPG's so popular!!
Recent blog post: Let's shoot some pool!
I love la LJ’s badge Monica!!! Rotating it seems!!! :)
yelah...so funny la LJ!! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Let's shoot some pool!
Ha ha must try, the ladies love it! B just got a new loaf today. :)
Dunno la, so depressing thinking abt MPG being a 0!! Must cry more, then maybe Mr. G will hear me and give me PR lolz… :)
yeah me too; I love her badge...so cute la...lol
yeah i ve to stock up on groceries too la :-D
I think it’s new cause I just noticed it at LJL, so terus feature LJC here today lol! :)
Ha ha when was the last time u guys bought groceries? Have fun! :)
i think few weeks ago...lol...we hardly eat at home unless if R is free to cook :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Let's shoot some pool!
very strange la this Mr. G!! :-P :-P
Recent blog post: Let's shoot some pool!
Lucas is in dreamland now, but am still in the blogosphere.. :-D
He he sounds like me Mon, happy grocery shopping then! I had so many things to buy that day. :)
Oh my Ane, what time will u wake up then? Wat time does Lucas wake up?
Very strange Mon, but nothing we can do abt it, cause we’re at his mercy he he! :)
mariuca, before i met R, I don't like grocery shopping...lol!!!
true!!! I hope it's not becoz of too many PB!
Lucas wakes up at 8 or 9 am.. :-D
MPG not many PB oso, saje je Mr. G! :(
Ha ha ha Monica! Of coz la, what for buy groceries alone, if got other half then only grocery shopping is fun! :)
Get enough sleep Ane, what time u planning to hit the sack? ;)
oh btw how's yr meow blog?? ;-)
hahhahhaha another thing is becoz of all my ex-bfs never cooked for me....lol
Monica!! My meow blog is coming along, slowly…I moved it to my own domain edi he he!! Thanks for asking sweetie. :)
Wah so R is the special one, so sayang him the most la eh?
hehe ok! so LJ will design yr meow blog??
hhahahhhahahha.... of coz must sayang him la...lol
LJ is helping me with my template Mon. But cannot disturb her so much, she’s busy nowadays he he…
He he Monica and R, sitting in a tree… he he he!
mine is up!!! 8-) 8-)
Wah so fast!!
yeah come! come! :-D
Ha ha lucky still dropping ec can chop, thanks sweetie! :)
LOL!!! why la sitting in a tree…?? bollywood style?
ohhhh ok!! yeah i know she’s VERY busy nowadays...come and chop and go..haha!
Yay! u made it!!!
Ha ha ah ah bollywood sitting in a tree ha ha, rolling on the grass to don forget!
Ha ha chop and go, nice catchy phrase la! Yeah busy bumbles la she huhuhuhu!
I did Mon and I’m leading for sure right at TUO now? Woo hoo!
of coz u're leading mariuca!!! woot!!
So happy Im leading! Buying ec ads now, just finished dropping 600 phew!
wow so now u can go zzzzzzz aldy! :-D
Yeah lo going to zzzz soon and will try to wake up “early”, you? ;)
i'm still dropping..:-)
Ok Mon, happy dropping, see u later! :)
lol....yes! rolling on the grass, playing hide and seek..hahaha...
Singing at the top of their voices oso Mon ha ha ha!!!
hahhhhahhahha!!! eh but i love to see them dancing la....lol
ok cya!!! ;-)
Hi Marzie, thank you for thinking of me. That's so sweet. I will grab me the lovely button and post about it ASAP. I'm blogging between my daily chores 8-). Have a great day!
Recent blog post: Sepia Scenes 26 & This Way Thurs-Way 4: Old Man
:* :* :*
My International Bloggers Community link is up. Thank you, again :)
Recent blog post: I've Been Tagged: International Blogger Community
very late here too >:o >:o
dropping ec... oh, TUO is here today mariuca!! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Car talk
hi marzie! thx for tagging me! im now at my FIL's. will read yr tag properly when im at home, k! :* :*
Hi Marzie,
Am so speechless, yayyy I have a new tag and this is a very cool one too. I have so much to be grateful for because of blogging, but nothing compares to the friendship that I have gained through this experience. People like you dear are a priceless treasure and that is something that is truly priceless. :) xoxo
YAY, thanks Metz, so glad to see u love this tag. I knew u’d want to be a part of this one, so have fun. Thank you too for all your love and support, keep on blogging Metz, love and hugs. :)
YAY, Jean is here! Have fun with this one sweetie, cepat la buat! I am oredi listed on the main list yay! Enjoy ur visit with ur IL tonight, see ya later Jean! :)
Yeah TUO is here today Monica, thanks for advertising at MPG sweetie, love ya! :)
Better late than never Elai, alamak forgot to tag u la! Next one kay? :)
You’re welcome Rosidah, my first time tagging you YAY! :)
mariuca, this afternoon when i was at MPG, I didn't see TUO there.. :-D
eh sorry; not MPG! I mean WOAFS!!!! lol...
Now u can see TUO at both blogs right? :)
I'm at WOAFS now Mariuca... it's not TUO la!!! hahhahhaa.....
it's the ad master!!!! :-D
can u see that mariuca??
It is Mon!! I think wat u seeing now is a paid advertiser! :( Dats why TUO missing cause take turns to show here;)
Ha ha ad master paid ad! ;)
Try refreshing and see what ad comes out next?
ohhhh no wonder la I refreshed so many times aldy but still the ad master; not TUO... lol
aldy start refreshing for yr new post! hahhahahahhaha.....
Ah paid ads la Mon here huhuhu, and still no definite news on the payout too more huhuhu!
Ha ha ha ah aa h wait wait ha ah ROTFLMAO! Lemme put smileys first la lol!!!
thanks for thinking of me dear.
Recent blog post: Photo Hunt - Purple
Have fun with this one LR, very easy to join too! :)
Have a great weekend Rosidah, see u at ur blog! :)
ok, marzie! i'll try to do it tonight!! thanks again for tagging me!! :)
hi marzie! thx for remembering me. I'm in now! :) :* :*
Recent blog post: International Bloggers Community
Hola GP!
Recent blog post: Knowing The Best Time
thanks for the invite, i'm so behind with tags and awards
Recent blog post: Knowing The Best Time
i will just finish some task and hopes to post this very soon. :)
Recent blog post: Knowing The Best Time
take care sweetie! *hugs*
Recent blog post: Knowing The Best Time
Jean!!!! Tensi la my place got no electricity since morning! Now only checking my email and obviously missed the chop! :’(:’(:’(
awwww... no electricity mariuca!! that sucks :-(
Yeah la! Angry la me just now Mon, threw tantrum at TNB! How can no electricity for Mariuca? Huhuhuhuhu! :)
Hugs Liza, thanks for stopping by. :)
Sure Liza, can buzz me later when it’s up so I can happily welcome u ha ha! :)
You’re welcome Liza, take your time, no hurry sweetie. :)
Hola Liza!! :)
i can imagine that mariuca...cannot do anything without the electricity!! :-( some more the wheather is freaking hot!!
OMG freaking hot to da max la Monica Yong!!!!! So angry and hot and sweaty just now, seriously no mood to do anything! Lucky came back edi or not, sleep hotel la tonight! :(
lol...there was one time the whole area no water u know....and we slept at the hotel!! hahahhaa....
Mon, if got no water, for sure I oso will be sleeping in a hotel, crazy or what no water!! Ha ha!
yelah....no water is even worse! I also cannot tahan la no water!!
Yeah how to go to the loo no water right? And then have to hold it in lol!!! Oh def must go to hotel if no water ha ha! Then can order room service ROTFLMAO!
hi marzie! poor u la, woman! it's already been scorching hot this afternoon, somemore u dun hv electricity? the kids must be crazy la like that!! lucky now got elec back. :) sry u've missed the chop! *HUGZ* to you!!! :)
and what did they say? i meant the TNB.
haha, last time our old house no water, we go back M's parent's to bath. :)
marzie/ mon, M & i would only consider stepping at hotel if our home & M's parent's no electricity. :)
mon, for me, no electricity is worse than no water. i cannot stand heat lar, must hv air-cond. haha. lik eputeri lilin! :)
mon/ marzie, usually when no water, there will be a notice first. So we will store some extra water in big pail beforehand. So, it's not that bad. :)
haha Jean I also cannot stand heat/sun... but no water very troublesome la..cannot take shower cannot flush after big/small "business".. hahahaha...i feel very yucky u know...lol...
the prob is we all never receive the notice jean ..when we called up and complaint the girl said oh pipe burst around that area.....wahhhh i lagi burst!!!!
LOL, I oso will feel very yucky Mon, like sticky whole day if got no water ha ha!
And if we save water in big pail also, must use sparingly until water returns, so like tak puas!
yelah if take shower plus wash hair some more how to use sparingly.. one big pail also not enough!! :-D
ROTFLMAO! Def not enuff one pail Mon ha ha hha! Dats why must stay at hotel, yes? ;)
hahahha that's why we stayed at hotel for 1 night :-D
hahhahah and i feel very cranky if sticky whole day
lol!! ya, cannot flush is the worst, mon. But it nvr happened to me lar. Coz if dun hv water, my water tank will still have some water inside, so we can still use abit water here & there forimportant chores. :)
haha.. yeah, must use sparingly! :) i rem last time, we only limit one scoop of water per small business done, 2 scoops to wet the hair, 4 scoops to wash hair. haha, it was so funny tho' troublesome!
mon, our big pail is those HUGE one like 1m in diameter & waist height. so, it is enough for us if we use according to the rules we've set. lol! :)
so nice lar stay at hotel! :)
oh, i hate it when it happens just like that, mon! but usually, it's only for few hours that we've experienced. Lucky la! :)
i cannot stand la if no shower whole day. ><
HA ha ha ha Jean!!! 1 scoop for small business, 2 scoops to wet hair, 4 scoops to wash hair ahahahahhahaha, so funny la!!!
come and chop!!!
hahaha.. funny kan, marzie! but when no water, we really hv to stick to the rules!! :)
Ha funny gils la ur scoop water measurement Jean ha haha! Yeah la have no choice but to use scoop measurement, but mmg tak puas kan? :)
hahaha... mmg tak puas la, marzie, coz usually when i shower, i let the water runs down saja. so relaxing la like dat, rite! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!