I first saw Friday Fill-In over at Lainy's blog several weeks back. How interesting I thought and I loved the FFI picture that came along with it too! I thought this was such a creative and fun way to give a quick recap of my thoughts and happenings over the week. Everything in one simple and sweet post, which I adore! Naturally, I had to join in the fun too so here's my very first FFI! I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts for the week. My fill-ins are in lime green by the way.

1. Join me in the fun and excitement of the First Commenter Club.

2. Put a little love in your day!

3. Happiness is finishing my EC round early on a Friday so we can start the weekend early.

4. MPG still unloved by Mr. G leaves me sad and confused.

5. I'm waiting for my first MILLION.

6. Grilled butter chicken is hard to resist.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to catching up on B&B, tomorrow my plans include sending the kids to Diva 9 and Sunday, I want to relaxi taxi the whole day!

PS. Thanks Shemah for nudging me to join the fun that is Friday Fill-In!


:'( :'(
:-D :-D :-D :-D
lol...i clicked the wrong smiley!
>:o >:o
Yay! you too Marzie, you did FFI, yay! :) :-D :-D
I saw this at some blogs but 've no idea what's this abt.. lol =-X =-X
I've been doing FFI the same time I started doing MM, it's so fun right? :-D :-D :-D
:) Monica! FC1! :)
:* :* :*Mon! Congrats! :-D :-D :-D
LOL so long as u get to chop he he! ;)
:) Ane FC2! Congrats ladies!! :)
:'( :'( :'(
Thanks Ane! :* :* :*
I did Ane!!! And it’s really so much fun, I can’t wait for next week’s one ha hah ah!!! :)
Yay!! Mariuca! :* :* :*
my TF is slow on the tweets today, Marzie! LOL! >:o >:o
Eh fun la this one Mon, come join! He he he!!! I was so excited to join so did it even tho it’s Sat edi lol!
It is fun Ane! I noticed ur FFI posts too, now I can join you and Shemah yay! :)
Really? it's a double ** post? Yay! :) :) :)
haha congrats Ane!! FC2! :* :*
Oh no here comes SHemah, hugsy! :)
that's how I felt when I started doing FFI and MM Marzie! :) next week am also joining Random Tuesday Thoughts.. :-D :-D :-D :-D
mariuca, u mean every week same Qs or diff??
it's about random things Mon, you just fill in the blanks with whatever comes to your mind.. :)
Yay! :-D :-D :-D :* :* :*
Yay Mon, 2 points edi!
hehe just fill in the blanks... that sounds fun Ane! :)
Recent blog post: Car talk
Oh no Shemah! Takpe next time sure dapat! :)
It is a ** post Ane, congrats!! :)
WOW wats RTT all about? Will check out ur post then Ane! :)
#3 Happiness is finishing my EC round early.. hahaha I agree mariuca!!!
Every week u just fill in the blanks Mon, mine is the text in lime green. So every week diff answers. :)
YAY Ane! 1 more point for u too! :)
Mr. G!!! can u hear mariuca is COL!?! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Car talk
5. I'm waiting for my first MILLION. - SAME HERE!! O:-)
Recent blog post: Car talk
Ha ha ha must start dropping early la so can finish early too! :)
thanks mariuca!!! woo-hooo :* :*
Yay! :-D
I'm waiting for my millions too, when I see the money fairy, I'll tell her
to visit you ladies too.. LOL.. :)
ohhh ok mariuca! ;) :)
First million come to Mariuca and Monica!! $$$$$$$$
every week different questions Mon.. :)
Ane, which blog u wan here today? :)
yeah, wait for my RTT next week Marzie! :)
I hope Mr. G hears my plea and cry here Mon lol!
Pls visit me money fairy!!! :)
ya now we both can relaxi taxi aldy!!
Recent blog post: Car talk
Welcome sweetie! FC FC FC!
Oh every week different questions Ane?? How interesting!! :)
Hey marzie! Turning in already.. I have another post out on NES .. time's
up! I said I'll be in by 2.30am.. So good night dearie.. chat with you
later!! :-)
so where do u get the ques Ane?
Recent blog post: Car talk
haha i can't wait to see money fairy :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: Car talk
Relaxi taxi it is Mon, gonna wacth my show, how abt you?
Oh no dah miss the chop eh Shemah? Takpe, thanks for poppin in, nite nite dear! :)
I'm watching dvd with R now :)
Recent blog post: Car talk
have a great weekend mariuca!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Car talk
enjoy yr day with the kids and B ya!!! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Car talk
Ok mon im having teh ais and watching my soap! :)
Enjoy urs too Mon!
Thanks sweetie, lotsa errands to do when I wake up later! :)
what a lovely post Mariuca..
I cannot believe that Mr G hasn't given MPG a ranking yet :'( :(
:-P :-P to Mr G !!!
Recent blog post: Angels and Harlequins
have a lovely Saturday :* :*
Recent blog post: Angels and Harlequins
Welcome to FFI, GP! :) :) :) :) :)
And oh! Thanks for the mention! I haven't done FFI recently because of the contest. But I will have mine up next Friday. :) :) :) :) :)Recent blog post: God Bless! I am Back!
Thanks for the taggie, Marzie Dearie! Will let you know once it's up.
May you have fab weekend!
Mwaaaahugs! :* :* :* :* :* :*Recent blog post: God Bless! I am Back!
Good luck in finding your first million, hehehe! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)Recent blog post: God Bless! I am Back!
hhah GP.. maybe i should doing this as well.. seems so fun..heheh
Have fun Lainy and enjoy your weekend too. Also congrats on the WP move! :)
Ha ha thanks dear, need all the luck I can get when it comes to my first MILLION lol! :)
YAY LJ is here today! Join la dearie, mmg fun gitu not to mensi a good interim post kan? :)
No worries Lainy, I did fall in like when I first saw FFI at ur blog, only got around to joining this week YAY! :)
YAY, what a great welcome, thanks sweetie! Looking forward to my next FFI! :)
Whew! Yay for double ** posts! :-D
Enjoy ur Saturday too Kim, thanks so much for stopping by! :)
Awww thanks for reading Kim, so glad u enjoyed my very first FFI, hey come join us if you like! :) I’m so sad for MPG Kim but I will continue working towards getting a PR for MPG. Hope Mr. G will cut me some slack during the next round. Wish me luck! Hugs! :):):)
YAY! Ane, I put ANE here for the first time. Enjoy ur linky love sweetie! :)
I hope the money fairy comes over for a visit soon, can’t wait la! :)
Mon! congrats!! :-D :-D
Yes Marzie, every week different questions, except for the very last one..
You get the questions from fridayfillins.blogspot.com Mon, every week Janet,
the host, puts up different questions.. :-D
Thanks Marzie! :-D I think am gonna have to ask LJ to make a badge for ANE
too.. :-D
Congrats Mon! :*:*
Congrats Ane! FC2! :* :*
Hi Shem! :)
Hi Marzie! :) :*
>:o >:o >:o
:'( :'( :'(
wow Marzie this meme looks fun eh. :) hmmm...maybe I shud give this one a try.. *DONT_KNOW*
good for you Marzie. done with EC dropping.. :'( :'( me not yet.. don't think I can..connection so slow.. >:o >:o
Have a great weekend sweetie! :* :*
dropped ec and clicked adgi! yay! :-D :-D ;) ;)
Hola MPG! Just stopping by to say hi before we pack up the SUV to head down to Bay Head to open our beach house this season.
Recent blog post: Headed to the Beach This Weekend
Mariuca is everywhere Roxy is... Mariuca (the original) is on Roxiticus Desperate Housewives EntreCard widget, and MPG is on RoxysBestOf!
Great to have you with us...
Recent blog post: Paying the Bills and Taking Names… Best Plumber: Sherman Plumbing and Heating in Bay Head, NJ
Thanks Twinks! :-D
Thanks Twinks! :) :)
oh ok Ane! I might join in next fri ;) :)
haha I agree mariuca... good interim post!! :-P :-P
Oh you should Mon! :) Can't wait to see your FFI's... :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!