I need to unwind and am doing so with Mark Morrison's Trippin'. Take a listen if you too wanna get away from it all and simply immerse in this soothing sensual love song. Happy Music Monday!
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

:-P :-P :-P
=-O =-O =-O
:'( :'( :'(
:-$ :-$ :-$
oh i definitely need this!
Yay! i still made it! :-D Awesome! LOL 8-) 8-) 8-)
Is this for real? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* did I make it?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Daddy's Little Girl by Frankie J**
Love the song GP!! so sexy lah.. lol!!
Ane FC1!!! WOWIE double chop! :)
Yihaa FC FC!!
will listen to the song in the morning GP, really have to sleep now or else Chakai will be late for school tomorrow! :-D
Nytynyt pips! see yah in a couple of hours! :)
LJ FC2! U got this one dearie! :)
Cute lah you Ane!
I think you made fc2
Enjoy LJ, happy MM! :)
Awesome indeed, double chop for MPG Queen, congrats Ane! :)
My shocked comment is missing Marzie.. *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Don hafta pinch urself Ane, this is for real ha ha! Told ya ur on a roll tonight!
haha Yeah LJ! :) Yeah! :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Daddy's Little Girl by Frankie J**
Yay! LATM here please Marzie! :) :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Daddy's Little Girl by Frankie J**
He he sexy kan, me too love this song LJ! :)
Fuhhh Mark Morrisonnn, return of the Mack bebeh hahaha, LJ broke my heart :(
Recent blog post: MM - Slow Jamz - Twista feat Kanye West & Jamie Foxx
Yay! :) Am glad I made this chop Marzie! :)
FC FC FC! Thanks for chopping LJ, which blog here today? :)
Oh yeah it’s Monday, back to school for Chakai! Nite nite Ane, guess I’ll put ANE here too?
Missed again...
Sweet dreams Ane, thanks for all the chops, hugs! :)
Ane, congrats! You broke my heart twice!
I like this one, Marzie... hadn't heard it before.
Oh yeah la, sorry! LJ FC1!!!! Ur comment tak masuk dearie, but I see it in my comment box!! LJ FC1 by 3 secs! SSG is def back! :):)
Ok LATM it is! LJ? :)
I loooooooooooooove ROTM extended versi Bem!!!! :)
fuh ROTM! Mula dahhh shortform! ROTM LA PULAKKKK hahahaha
Me too sweetie, now u can truly sleep, for real!!
And happy MM! :)
Roxy! Missed again oh so cute, hugs Roxy! :)
He he Bem u broke my heart at LLP!
Yay! Happy I got to introduce this one to you Roxy, happy listening! :)
Hahahhahahahahaha but betul kan ROTM terus paham!!! Hahahahahaha! :)
happy Music Monday Mariuca :* :*
lovely voice...very dreamy :) :)
Recent blog post: Fairies and Flowers
great song Marzie. Also dropped EC and clicked Adgi. See ya :)
Recent blog post: Happy Fathers Day
cool song!!
Recent blog post: Music Monday#7 Dance With My Father by Luther Vandross
Mariuca! :* :* :*
i saw yr woash2 yesd but my connection got disconnected a few times lah >:o >:o >:o
and I was rushing to go out oso :-P :-P :-P
Hi Mon!! :) We missed you last night! :)
Where u been dearie? Missed all my chops here and at WOAFS yest!
Ohhhhhh disconnected eh? How abt today? Connection better?
oh no! suddenly disconnected again! >:o >:o after my MM is up >:o >:o >:o
Hi Ane!!! I missed u too sweetie :* :* :*
we went to Millenium Square for dinner :) ;)
yelah I missed all yr chops Mariuca :(
I wrote 2 posts here and 1 at woafs Mon, nemind can try chopping my new post later! ;)
Wow what u had for dinner Mon?
I had foot-long hotdog w/coleslaw and fries :)
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I’m thinking of cooking nasi lemak today Mon, for dinner that is….but got no daun pandan, must ask B to get me some! :)
i took pic of the foot-long hotdog...will show u how loooooooooong it is...hahhhahhahhah!
wahhhh u can cook nasi lemak! R is cooking curry tonite :-D
Hhahahahhahahha ok ok I oso wan to see this foot-long hotdog!
Nasi lemak is my speciality Mon! But cannot make the sambal too spicy la, cause B don like it too spicy! :)
ohhhh B cannot eat too spicy food eh? now oni I know Nasi lemak is yr
speciality Mariuca! :)
Yeah, one time I tersalah recipe and made this really really pedas fried rice (even I was tearing while eating!) and he couldn eat it at all, although he forced himself la to please me since I cooked ROTFLMAO! :)
aiyo so kesian la he forced himself hahahaha! same like me la cannot eat
toooo spicy oso :-D
Yeah! And our fren was there too and he too said so spicy but seriously, wasn’t my fault mah…I terover budget the chilli hahahhahhahahhahahahha!
LOL @ terover budget! hahahhahahahha....that's why I don like to cook
la...if me lagi terover budget! :-D
But after that, my fried rice all yummy, not so spicy, learned my lesson the hard spicy way he he! Eh, u made mug cake edi or not?
hahahhaha not yet lah sweetie coz i havn't bought the ingredients yet :-D
Hahahhahaahh ok ok , I just called B, asked him to get me daun pandan and coconut powder for my nasi lemak woo hoo!
B is on the way home now? :)
Oh nooooo B still at work, but he will get my ingredients for me otw home from office. :)
ohhic....great! u can cook nasi lamak tonite edi! ;)
I hope got daun pandan la, sometimes hard to find…;)
I reply already right.. CT please :-)
Tenkiu GP!!
Phew.. I got this one!!
Hahah.. I pulak yg break your heart Bem?? Lol!
Hahahha. all hearts are broken this MM.lol!!
Oh no wonder Mon not chopping MM queen this time
Foot long hotdog?? O M G!
I also want to see!!!
Ahh.. so sweet B.. force himself to eat spicy coz you cooked.. hugs for B..
Ahh.. so sweet B.. force himself to eat spicy coz you cooked.. hugs for B..
Testing js….
My comment is at your site now GP..
Sometimes this JS takes a while.. coz it goes into queue or something GP
Wah GP.. did you get to cook you nasi lemak?
I'm seeing all my comments and even yours on JS at MPG.
And the TCM and TCO is updating as well
LJ, cause baru successfully restore… besides it’s happening at WOAFS not here! And the stupid restore won last long, mesti after several replies, the prob will happen again! :(
Oic.. ok. Nanti I feedback kat Alexander.. I will try testing at Woafs with
you ok ;)
Ok LJ, tenkiu, this MCS seriously can put me off posting, dah siap dah my post but no mood to post now takut MCS! :(
I doubt there would be MSC since you are not receiving your comments kan?
hahaha Ane is the chopping MM queen this time LJ :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday #12
This is so coooool!
Recent blog post: Music Monday #12
Not really my kind of song but I like it. :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday #12
Happy MM! *hugs*
Recent blog post: Music Monday #12
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!