I'm back and what a wonderful time I had in Japan! What was memorable for me this time around while shopping for my perfume gallery here was that I remembered to bring along MPG on this trip! If previously Mariuca went to New York, this time it's MPG's turn to head over to the Land of the Rising Sun!

I bought only 10 perfumes this vacation and though I wanted to buy more, most of the selections are already in my collection. I can't tell right now just how many perfume bottles this brings my current total to but I am loving the pic here! Don't they look splendid? I took this picture the very same night I bought all my perfumes, obviously excited with my new buy! Indeed, Tokyo was another scent-sational vacation for Mariuca and Mariuca's Perfume Gallery YAY!


;) ;) ;)
=-O =-O =-O perfume LOL
you look great in that pic also Marzie and you have a beautiful house. ;)
Bill! Again my FC woo hoo!!! :)
Paradise again Bill? :)
He he he he new scents for MPG Bill lol!!!!
Bill!!! That’s not my house hahahahhahahha, that’s actually the hotel where I used the PC to check on my blogs while on vacation, but thanks! :)
yeah Paradise will be great my friend thanks ;)
Recent blog post: Twitter Mania Are You Hooked
Paradise would look awesome here Bill, one Paradise coming up and ur first point here too, thanks! :)
Marzie i have sent you a couple tweets did you get them? I think my tweet deck is not working right.
Recent blog post: Twitter Mania Are You Hooked
Oh I don think so Bill, my TF is on now, maybe can send again?
Wah posing happy Marzie it seems. Siap ada printout of MPG on t-shirt tu! How to do that? Mahal tak? I want I want.
Marzie, you look like an excited sixteen year old girl la hahaha
(praising you la tu)
Recent blog post: MM - Roberta Flack & Peabo Bryson - The Closer I Get To You
just sent it to you Marzie
Recent blog post: Twitter Mania Are You Hooked
Hey Bem Hows it going?
Recent blog post: Twitter Mania Are You Hooked
Bem FC2! Congrats!!!
Which blog eh Bem?
Hahahahhahahah of coz la happily posing in front of PC, dat time baru nak gi perfume shopping hahahhaha! Hey, this tee, I ordered from Emila la lol! :)
Uwah I love la sweet sixteen, forever sixteen, u 17 okay, he he he!
Ok hang on lemme check Bill…
Ok got the tweet and replied Bill! :)
Only 10? Hahahaha You are such an addict!!
I'm glad you had a great time in Japan! Welcome back and happy mOnday!
I'm 15 lah... younger than you
Posing happy gila, senyum tak ingat... sukanya pergi perfume shopping
hahahahhaha. Ala ordered from Emila ke... macam best je...
spontaneous insignificancy it seems :D
I'm great Bill, how's tweetdeck? looks like you love tweetdeck yeah?
Rozella, addict is an understatement hahaha
Ha ha ha yeah la Rozie, I was aiming for 15 at least but what to do lol!!
Thanks sweetie, I had a blast! :)
U can 69 hahahahhaha, older than me la kamon Bem kasi la chance!
Yeah, I got a Mariuca Tee oso he he! Next wan to get meow diaries lak! :)
SI it is! And ur first point here, congrats! :)
U oso using tweetdeck Bem? Best ke?
Collector la he he lean mean plumbing perfume collecting, ec dropping, adgi clicking machine!
oh man, if you can remember that line, same order, for a year, you're a
superhero Marzie hahah
no lah, I don't use tweetdeck, I get overwhelmed by it. And it takes too
much system resources... but functionality-wise, its great, better than
tangkayuuu, bile nak buat king post niii
Marzie, is that Iron-on? ke printed?
69? dowannn no thankss hahaha I'm 15 lah 6+9 = 15
Woo hoo! But the line can’t grow any longer than it oredi is la!
Is it…. Am happy with my TF, so won change for now. Keep things simple for me. :)
Hahahhahahahah sabar sabar bawak bertenang King Bem! Mmg byk post ni, King post surely coming up soon lol!!
Oh it’s iron-on, don think Emila can get it printed, tu kena order in bulk using proper printer. So iron-on ni!
Almost wrote Iron-mon ok!!!!!
susah payah saya jadik king ni.. mana king post hahahahahhaa
Oh iron-on ke... cool nye, macam menarik sungguh kalau dapat my own graphics
on t-shirts
HAHAHAHAHHAH LOL @ Almost wrote Iron-mon ok!!!!!
Eh awak King kat WOAFS la he he!!! Here still Queen in control LOL!
Mmg la menarik, tu yg I just had to bug Emila to make for me the Tees he he he he!!!!!
Yeah la! Lucky Iron-Mon still sleeping ha ha! :)
saya tau but you're active here so i bug you here!
Sure can bug me here! Don worry King post coming up soon yeah? Hail the mighty King Bem Bem!
hahaha just kacau u lar Marzie, jangan marah ye, I wouldn't want to GALM you
Org baru balik vakasi mana anda marah2 Bem he he, it’s all goooood!! :)
tu la, still 16 year old it seems.... so now's the time to annoy you?
Don la annoy me Bem he he, notty Bem! So what u had for lunch today?
no lunch Marzie, big time BD hahahhaa BTBD
wah you look great and happy!
Ohhhhhhh BTBD it seems!!! Cayala bem! Smlm I had fatty crab oh no he he!
u should try la la chong next! Top three in NST is la la chong, fatty crab
and ntah apa lagi i forgot hahah
Thanks TH! Sure la happy perfume shopping! :)
I pernah pi one seafood place at terminal 3 but not sure if it’s la la chong, what sort of crabs they serve there? Chilli crabs?
Wowee... banyaknya perfume!! =-O =-O =-O =-O
So kiut2 the bottles, I laik the flowery bottle, what perfume is dat Marzie??
Nice, cool T. Nak mintak Emila buat for Mumblings nie... hehe
Recent blog post: Seven Zero Six
chilli crabs? nope, no chilli crabs, or i've never tried chilli crabs
So what’s good there then? How abt prawns?
Yay! Happily went on a perfume shopping spree Nessa ha ha! Which one the flowery one…pink bottle is it??? That’s Pink Cabotine. I edi got the blue and green one so this pink one completes my koleksi yay! :)
Oh I oso love my MPG tee Nessa! :)
butter prawns, the crab is good, but never tried chilli crabs, and of course
the la las la. basically everything i ate there memang tasty... tasty ye
bukan nasty
Am not so much into lala, but love prawns and crabs, in dat order…cause crabs susah nak kupas, so B usually kupas for me kat fatty crab… I like la butter prawns, yest had garlic butter prawns sigh…..
Prawns paling senang but itu pun I malas jugak, hahahahahaha. Crabs
love/hate la... its delicious but for the amount of effort you kupas, at
least give me some more meat lah, if you know what I mean hahahah
He he tu la kalau B tak kupas for me, surely I just gigit2 he crabs, susah la want to peel skin all kan? Prawns memang senang, some more ada yg dah peel kan? Hmmmmmm now I feel like dim sum pulak tonight!
fuhh prawns yang dah peel, memang bliss kan hahahah, wah dim sum pulak, tau
la tak yah BD... hebat
Hahahhahahahahahah u pun takyah BD la today Bem, actually I have to BD oso this week, cause got besday dinner for a fren this weekend hmmmmm! Tomo la I BD!
Hahahhahah I'll wait for the BD justification. I have to BD sudah naik berat
badan dan bentuk perut hahahha
He he he he me and my BD justifikasi…yeah serious tomo start BD for besday dinner, u waaaaatch me la Bem ahaks!
yes i cant wait for the justifikasi as well ahhahaha
Give me la some credit, I really have to BD besday ni he he! U dinner oso not eating ke mcm mana?
actually marzie, i'm going out now for a quick snack hahahah TAKDE ENERGY,
cannot tahan
Hehehhehehe okies snek takpe, small bite mah! Enjoy ur snack!
:* :* :*
woah alot of perfumes...I love!!!
u look pretty Mariuca!! 8-) MPG t-shirt? =-O =-O
did u wear gothic lolita like Japanese girls or not? :-P :-P
of coz they look splendid!!! what else did you buy? ;) :)
Whoa! 10 new perfumes?? =-O =-O Awesome Marzie! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Chasing Pavements by Adele*
The bottles look oh so cool! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Chasing Pavements by Adele*
I see that MPG tee and I want one!!! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Chasing Pavements by Adele*
Monica! :)
Hahahhah more scents for MPG Mon! :)
U mentioned Ocean Lounge to me the other day right Mon? The Escada perfume?
Thanks Monica he he… yeah first time I wore my MPG tee and so appropriate too for my perfume shopping in japan lol! :)
Mon, just sent u an email! ;) This time around not so many gothic Japanese girls Mon, but of coz got some interesting pics to share later. ;)
Ha ha ha splendid right Mon? I bought one big perfume for me of course, shopped like a mad woman at Lush and oso bought stuff from Disney!!! :)
10 new perfumes for MPG Ane, oh so happy ha ha! :)
I know right? I looooooove the bottles too Ane, keeping the boxes too oh no LOL!
I hope you share with us details of the perfumes you bought Marzie!! :)
LOL Ane and her MPG Tee hehehehehehehhehe! U like this one or the Mariuca tee better Ane?
yes Mariuca....Ocean Lounge from Escada...;)
Better have a place for those boxes too Marzie! :)
I like both Marzie! :-D How can you ask me to choose?? That's soo hard to
Oh Chakai’s first day, give her a good luck hug from me okay? No worries Ane, thanks for dropping by while I was away hugs! :)
Can u see Ocean Lounge here Mon? LOL! I got the big one for me to use and a miniature for MPG yay! :):):)
I’ll gladly do so Ane yay!
I know, am running out of space Ane! ;)
Hahahahahhahahahahahah okay if u had to choose, which one would u pick Ane? MPG or Mariuca tee ROTFLMAO!!!
oh it's a new tee huh ;)
I replied yr email edi!!! woo-hoooooooooooo :-D
No la, I ordered last year from Emila, but only now using it for the first time. I’ve worn my Mariuca tee edi here lol!
oh ok...resize yr pics first! hehe ;)
And I got ur email edi Mon woo hoo! LOL! ;)
oh ya Mariuca! I've 2 bottles Ocean Lounge...still haven't opened yet :-D
ohic.....wah i didn't know Emila sells tees!!!
Yay I'm so happy lah...hahahhahahaha!!! :-D
Yeah Mon! I remembered u said ocean lounge was nice, so I saw it and sprayed some on me and loved it too la hahahhahah! :)
I'd like both tees thank you
She doesn sell la actually, I asked her for a favour he he, now I wan to order one for MD oso meow!!! Kamon Emila!
I’m oso happy for u Mon hahahhahahhahahahah! Hugs! :)
but u know what Mariuca, i haven't tried my ocean lounge
yet....hahhahaha...I'll tell u the story later...lol!
Hahhahaah suddenly kat sini Emila kene kamon. Lawak la you Marzie hahahah
ohhhhhh ok very cute tee lah! unfortunately i don't wear tee :-D
Somebody got u as pressie is it Mon? Ok I wait for u to story me later! :)
Hugsy Mariuca! :* :* :*
Hahahhahahahah tu la Emila pun tak tahu apa2 kena KAMON muahahahhaha! :)
Cute right, makes a nice gift oso this tee he he!
sure terbatuk batuk dia kene kamon suddenly hahahahah
you look gorgeous in your MPG tee and I love that green cardie Mariuca 8-) 8-)
your new perfumes look sensational.... you must have had so much fun selecting them...
good to see you back :* :*
Recent blog post: Fairies and Flowers
Marzie-pan, you can speak tagalog ka? Tu la twitter tak nak jawab
He he he KAMON Emila, u hear me? Heh eh ehe!
Why Bem? can you speak tagalog??
Nope I can't :D
Ane, I don't know why some bloggers write tagalog at my comment box...:-D
Ooh, they do Mon? maybe they think you're a Filipina?? What do they say?
I'll translate for you.. :)
Ohhh thats why I was wondering, why there's tagalog comment in WOAFS.
they think I'm a Filipina? haha ok lemme go check and u translate..
really Bem? there are tagalog comments in WOAFS??
Yeah Mon, cause some Filipinos/Filipinas think that just cause you have
black hair they think you're Filipina.. LOL
there was one, so I was confused...
haha why were you confused Bem??
Yes Ane, Maxi sent me a long tagalog message he he! But I think I know what she basically meant…lemme see if I can find it!
ohhh becoz of my black hair.....okok...hahhahahaaha!
Ane, this is the comment!
congratulations to the winners! galing naman! hehe.
glad to have you back.. the famous mariuca! hehe. talaga nga naman famous ka eh. idol nga kita when it comes to blogging. galing kasi!
anyway, glad to know about your vacationan and super nag enjoy ka naman.
hehe a really long one eh Marzie?
yeah Mon, because of your hair.. LOL
Well Marzie.. galing naman in this context means "that's great".. Talaga nga
naman famous ka eh means "you really are famous".. Idol nga kita means,
"you're my idol", galing kasi means "you're great!".. super nag enjoy ka
naman means, "you enjoyed a lot!"
Hehehhehehe awwwwwww how sweet of Maxi to say I’m her idol! Hugs Maxi!!! And thanks Ane for translating lol! :)
hehe you're so welcome Marzie.. :)
I can't choose Marzie! don't do this to me!!!
Hahahahhahahhaha ok ok how abt I give u 3 options, MPG, WOAFS or MD would be ur ultimate tee? Muahahhahahahah!
I can't wait for that Marzie! :)
Yes Marzie, today was her first day, so very hectic! will need to sleep
early again cause need to wake up early.. huhuhu i have to say bye bye to my
night owling days for a while.. :'(
You're so cruel Marzie!!! Making me choose like this! I can't choose! can't
I have three??? LOL
Oh poor Ane gotta wake up early, like how early Ane?
Hahahahahhahahahhaha kamon Ane, u gotta choose one! I think MD would be pretty cool too, green colour! :)
Like 5:30 am early Marzie, cause have to cook Chakai's breakfast and lunch..
then her school service comes to pick her up by 6:30 am, if I'm lucky and
Lucas is still asleep then I get to go back to bed and then get up at 8 to
prepare B's breakfast and wait till he leaves, and if I'm doubly lucky and
Lucas is still asleep, I can go back to bed and hopefully sleep until Lucas
wakes up, but if Lucas wakes up early, have no choice but to keep awake for
I tak Nampak la msg twitter sometimes Bem huhuh!
I can't choose Marzie! LOL I just caaaan't!
ohhh tak nampak yeee
I get confused easily, Ane, eventhough I'm confusing as is.
wohoo!!!! the tee went japan!!! how cool is that!?? glad you bought perfumes!!! only 10 perfumes? lol! that's a lot to me! :*
How cool! Are there a lot of different perfumes in Japan? I love your t-shirt ;)
Recent blog post: My Worldwide Knit in Public Day
Woosh woooshh.. so scent-sational here lah.. hehehe..
missed this chop dearie but all is well :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday - White Horse (Taylor Swift) *
Love the tshirt... !!!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - White Horse (Taylor Swift) *
And you look so pretty and revitalized here lah!! hehe
Recent blog post: Music Monday - White Horse (Taylor Swift) *
too much perfume! you enjoyed your perfume shopping there! ;)
Recent blog post: Going Back to Basics 0.2
what a scent sational set of perfumes.
due to my allergies to perfumes that have gotten so bad over the years, I had stopped wearing them because it seemed that everything I put on bothered me.
Recent blog post: Wordless Wednesday - Cactus Valley
hahaha Bem, yeah you are confusing.. LOL
Welcome back, Marzie!
And oh wow! I love your smile in the photo!
WOW again! 10 perfumes??? That's a lot! :) :) :) :)
Recent blog post: The Judges Spoke, You Spoke… Now I Speak: To Judge or Not To Judge
So cute of you to bring along MPG for the trip :)
Recent blog post: Amos finally on the dentist chair
wow, you brought back so many perfumes.... hurray & welcome them onboard MPG collection :):)
Recent blog post: Amos finally on the dentist chair
Ooh perfumes!!! :D Wish I'd get one for my birthday!!
hi Mariuca
just been over to your Mariuca site and I still cannot seem to access your commenting system ...weird :'( any way you like gorgeous and relaxed... don't work too hard and thanks so much for your lovely email :*
Recent blog post: Fairies and Flowers
oopsy :-E meant you look :-E
Recent blog post: Fairies and Flowers
still no go at wishing star with the comments Mariuca :'( but I've left you a surprise message with the kitties at MD hope you like ..have a lovely day ..I'm fairied out!! ;) ;) ;)
Recent blog post: Fairies and Flowers
Nice post on Perfumes. I recently visited Redtagdeals.com site which provides great discounts on Perfumes.
Nice post on Perfumes. I recently visited Redtagdeals.com site which provides great discounts on Perfumes.
Nice post on Perfumes....Check out for Redtagdeals.com site which provides great discounts on Perfumes.
Wow! Nice shirt! I like it, and it's definitely hot!
Thanks for letting me know about this my friend!
:) :) :) :) :)
oh my!!! to many perfumes! good for you since you love them!
hugs to you! :) :) :) :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!