At long last, B replaced his old pair of eyeglasses with a brand new one! We've been putting off this purchase for the longest time out of sheer laziness and lack of time. Whenever we do get some free time; we'd postpone a trip to the optician but yesterday, B was on leave and we decided to finally get him a new pair of glasses. No Boston Laser Eye Surgery for my darling; he still prefers the traditional glasses to correct his vision.

I was there for moral support of course; all the while eyeing the gorgeous new sunglasses that just arrived. But seeing that this was B's day of shopping, I resisted the urge to get new shades for me and focus on B instead.

The store was having a huge mega sale with discounts up to 50% so we spent a good twenty minutes walking around, choosing the best pair for B. We were torn between the Armani and the Hugo Boss frames. Both look good on B and as usual, fickle Mariuca was not much help in helping him decide on the best one! 

In the end, B made his selection and we paid for his new glasses. It will take up to 5 working days to have it ready so until then, B has to continue wearing his old glasses. I usually hate waiting but this time it's okay. So long as he continues wearing glasses, old or new; my darling B still remains appealing in my eyes! 

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :*
Mariuca!! :)
:-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
:-$ :-$ :-$
B got new glasses edi! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Hahahahaha Monica!!!!! Still up it seems ha ah ah! Yay FC1! :)
Morning Monica! :)
LJ FC2! Yay! :)
Small PB for MPG! $$$
Yeah, and it’s abt time too he he, but still not ready. :)
Morning Mariuca! :*
Yay thanks sweetie! ;)
LJ!! :* :*
I need a new pair of glasses too and I dread getting it.. always so difficult to find a nice one..hehe
eh but the one B choose quite nice lah! I like!!
Recent blog post: Seeking Stuff
Morning Mon! What time u planning to zzz? LOL!
Welcome Mon, working on another post at woafs if ur still up and about! ;)
LOL, actually he ended up with the Armani frames, which is oso nice and I think makes him look younger! But I like this pic more so I used this one instead he he! Go la buy new glasses LJ!
soon Mariuca! oh another post at woafs? :-P :-P
Recent blog post: Who wants to win a Louis Vuitton Neverfull Bag?
nvm, 5 working days oni hehe! :) ;)
Recent blog post: Who wants to win a Louis Vuitton Neverfull Bag?
Yeah la, have to post at woafs before I zzzzz Mon! ;)
Usually faster than 5 days it seems so we’ll see! :)
hopefully i get to chop Mariuca! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Who wants to win a Louis Vuitton Neverfull Bag?
Hopefully Mon he he, kaming soon!
hullahup.. :-D :-D :-D
haha okok!! i'm kaming :-D
Morning Rizal! FC3! :)
Yay, dah complete, thanks for chopping peeps! Adding score now!
ohhh marzie.. you pun nak shopping jugak yerr.. hehehe.. yer kena resists tuu.
Cermin mata tuuu kena dengan B :)
morning Marzie.. Hehe.. lain kali buat semua posting mula 5.50 dan ke atas.
Sebab masa tu rizal dah bangun.. senang.. BAngun2 terus ke lappy dan terus hullahup kira senaman pagi.. kekeke..
Senang nak dapat FC. :-D
LOL!! Ok ok, almost there Mon!!
LOL!! Ok ok, almost there Mon!!
So many cool shades Riza, but I managed to resist! He went with another pair Rizal, which is just as nice. :)
LOL awal tu bangun Rizal! Happy to have u exercise here Rizal, kalau tak u sape nak exercise here? Surely not me huhuhu! :)
very trendy glasses Mariuca 8-) 8-) they certainly suit B :) :)
Recent blog post: a sad sad Music Monday..
ye laa.. kena laa hullahup kan sebab BD punyer fasal.. kan lagi 3 bulan nak kena tunjuk.. termasuk you sekali kan? hehehe
since rizal ajar rotan, my hullahup tradisional sket.. hullahup rotan.. ahak ahak ahak
Marzie! :) Yay for new glasses for B!
Oh if I make new spectacles, I always have to wait one week too! :) Apparently I am so special that I have to have those special, thin and a lil pricey lenses ordered for me, no matter which store I go. ;)
So cute la B, posing with the price tag hanging there! :)
Ooh! Did you get new shades too Marzie? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
No laser surgery Marzie? How come? *DONT_KNOW*
bestnye beli specs baru, did they have huge savings on Oakley's?
new specs! best! but, why it took so long to be ready? is it special lens? mine usually within 2-3 hours, if lebih pon, it still the same day.. :-D ;)
Recent blog post: Kerana Kasih
wow new glasses :) so nice.
Thanks TH, got the glasses already! :)
High-indexed lenses Diya, anyway it was ready 2 days than quoted, so it’s all good! :)
My wife had LASIK. She had it done at New England Eye Center over at Tufts Medical Center. She can't stop raving about it, said she should have had it done sooner. She now see 20/10 the doc told her. 14 months after surgery even. Since then she's had 2 friends from work, 1 personal friend and 3 of our relatives all go into New England Eye Center and get their LASIK and they're all doing great. I hate every one of them, I can't get it LASIK done because my corneas are too thin apparently :(
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!