When oh when will I savour the moment of finally becoming a millionaire? That has always been my life-long dream, which I relentlessly pursue whenever any opportunity, however remote, comes my way. Can you imagine Millionaire Mariuca enjoying life to the fullest, if that day finally arrives?

Of course I'd do my bit to society first. I'd donate to my favourite charity and share my wealth with the less fortunate. Then, I'd pay off all my outstanding loans and credit card bills so I can finally be debt-free. And only then, will I figure out the best way to spend my newly-found riches! Surely a trip around the world is called for and I can already picture myself in my own private jet as I venture to London, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam and all the other cool places I've always dreamed of visiting!

And speaking of millionaires, have you heard of Brian Holt? He is the president of VenalTech.com who has been enjoying the exclusive wealthy millionaire title since he was 20 years old! All the money in the world is enjoyably his thanks to his excellent internet marketing skills!

VenalTech is a social media marketing service used by many of the Fortune 500 companies. Social media marketing is garnering more attention and importance as of late simply because it is more effective than any other form of internet marketing. As a leading service provider in internet marketing, VenalTech uses online communities for publicity and sales opportunities, which are widely available on the internet. Some of the most common form of online communities include blogs, message boards, forums, social networks, chat rooms and news sharing websites.
What basically happens when you register your product at VenalTech is that it will receive massive exposure. VenalTech will research your product and devise and execute a well-customized plan for you. All you really need to do is sit back and watch your business grow! Imagine your product being blogged about by 500 famous bloggers, or being widely discussed at 2000 message board communities; talk about maximum impact!
Your product will surely flourish with social media marketing for it is the latest way to get noticed. So if you have a product or a business or an organization that needs exposure, why not visit VenalTech today? Who knows, you might even become a millionaire before I do - if your product fits the bill of course!
What basically happens when you register your product at VenalTech is that it will receive massive exposure. VenalTech will research your product and devise and execute a well-customized plan for you. All you really need to do is sit back and watch your business grow! Imagine your product being blogged about by 500 famous bloggers, or being widely discussed at 2000 message board communities; talk about maximum impact!

Your product will surely flourish with social media marketing for it is the latest way to get noticed. So if you have a product or a business or an organization that needs exposure, why not visit VenalTech today? Who knows, you might even become a millionaire before I do - if your product fits the bill of course!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :*
:-D :-D :-D
Mariuca!! i still couldn't stop lol abt wifey clown! hahhahahhah...
Recent blog post: Weekend getaway in Fraser's Hill
Monica! FC1! :)
Thanks for chopping sweetie! :)
Hahhahahahahaha me too la, but I don wan to tell B, sure he’d laugh and agree with me that I looked like a clown before my makeover hahahahhaha! ;)
oh this one lah I chopped edi after that they asked me to reserve..don understand! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Weekend getaway in Fraser's Hill
my first time knowing this
Yay! thanks Mariuca! :*
yay fc here such long time
:* :* :*
Third chop
hahahhaahah! don tell B...shhhhhhhhhhh! :-P
FC3. And congrats Mon :-)
Yeah dis de one right? So since u chopped edi, just wait for the confirmation email. Then quickly do and get more $$ ha ha! Hey, u got ur al-rajhi card edi right???
Yay TH! FC2! :)
Me too actually TH, good to learn new stuff! :)
Yeah la TH! Ur first chop here this month, thanks and congrats! 1 point edi! :)
Thanks Kima! ;)
Welcome Monica, u have 2 points so far, tied with Debbs!
LOL!!! Sandman is unstoppable! FC3! :)
Thanks for all the chops peeps, will update my SB now! :)
yeah i got my al-rajhi card edi :-D
Congrats sandman! errrr sandman = Kima??
LOL! Mums the word….unless he reads my comments la, then he’ll see me declaring my wifey clown status oh no! ;)
FC3 indeed, and ur first chop here Sandman! Awesome! U have now chopped at all 3 blogs this month ha ha! Hugs! :)
So can take out money edi yes? U registered at paypal edi yes?
Sandman=Kima!!! :)
yeah aldy registered at paypal but i havnt take out money yet lol!
Wahhhhh Mon OKB! I just checked my balance yesterday, small OKB only la me ha ha!
Just to let you know that even if you have a million blogs, I will make a million chops. *wink* :-D
Recent blog post: Chp 250. Music Monday: Boomarang - Stellar
aiya me oso small OKB lah!! hey i gtg makan now cya :*
good post friend and thanks for sharing!!!
Recent blog post: tips to save electricity
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!