Entrecard is taking action against bounce rate; which basically means we can no longer drop and run when doing our EC rounds. Dropping and running will no longer earn you credit.

Reducing bounce rate is definitely positive and it aspires towards ultimate success for EC and its members but penalizing me for drop and run by not giving credit is a tad too much. Everybody drops and runs, there is no way anyone can spend so much time reading and commenting on every single blog that drops on our site! And what if we're seriously not interested in the given blog topics? Or what if a blog has not been updated for weeks? We gotta force ourselves to comment and interact?

I am keen to see how this new development works out. So far, this is what Entrecard has to say.
"Starting soon, “dropping and running” will no longer give you credit. We are developing a proprietary algorithm to determine whether or not you engaged in the blog you visited in some way. If you did not engage in the blog, you will not get credit. We won’t be disclosing exactly the algorithm we use, so that people can’t game it easily."
On a happier note, EC did keep their cash out promise to me and I am happy to report that I've received 3 payments from EC so far. It took them almost 2 months to make payment but at least they honoured their agreement so that's good!

And last but not least, here's my monthly show of appreciation for my Top 10 Droppers at Mariuca's Perfume Gallery for the month of June. See you next month peeps and happy dropping!

My Top EC Dropper will receive 1 FOC Ad + 1000 EC Credits


:* :* :* :*
:-[ :-[ :-[
Wah.. this is new.. have not read about this?? I wonder how they are going to make sure we stay and comment on the sites.. timer perhaps. lol!!
SSG! FC1! :)
Congrats on your payout dearie.. am still waiting for mine.. not sure if I will ever get them espp with this new rule.. sigh!!! :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Monthly Thank You - June 09 ***
Again third in a post that has two prize! Sweet Marzie will now add one more star to the post.. oh please pretty please? :)
Oh yay Debbs! Hat-trick chops at all three blogs today, yay! :)
Which blog here ladies? :)
Baru je keluar LJ so we can expect another controversy at EC soon. Comments pun ramai tak puas hati! They won reveal the formula so we don’t really know much at the mo! :(
Tu la, I’m wondering about ur payout oso, better pay la kan, or not sure GALM! Hang in there dearie! :)
Hm.. LJC please!!!
Thanks GP!
Hhahahahah u make me laugh when u chop Sandman, thanks for the midnite smile! ;)
Hmm.. mmg tak puas hati.. how to force us to stay right if the blog is
That's why lah.. maybe I should send the credits to you and since you have
such great payout record.. they pay and you can send me the $$ .lol!!
arla.. i am late agaian!!! >:o >:o
i did not see yr tweet la just now! O:-)
anyway, congratulations to all yr TD!! all clean record of 31! good job!!! ;)
wah, cayala debbs!
anymore chop for tonight, ladies? buzz me, k! :)
=-O =-O =-O
i am late again! :'(
Recent blog post: We Are The World Meme
Congrats to yr TDs!! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: We Are The World Meme
LOL@drop and run! we just talked abt that :-P :-P
Recent blog post: We Are The World Meme
>:o >:o
I will never be a top dropper! LOL :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Tops in June and A Domain Name Please*
hmmm Mariuca ..that's a bit tough...EC keeps changing the rules!!!
congratulations on being paid though whoo hoo ...maybe with all the cash you can buy a ticket to Oz ;) ;) and visit me :-D
Recent blog post: a sad sad Music Monday..
have a lovely evening and congratulations to your top droppers :) :)
Recent blog post: a sad sad Music Monday..
hi MARZIE, i have something for you at Sheepish Thoughts- http://sheeponarampage.blogspot.com/2009/07/what-pleasant-surprise.html
i hope you will drop by soon to claim it. :) :) :)
Bing O:-)
Recent blog post: What A Pleasant Surprise
Hey Bing, thanks so much, will be right over! And hey, congrats on ur new LOVE! :)
Hey Kim! Ur starting ur weekend early dear? He he am gonna be busy these next few days, work is piling up again! :)
Mariuca! :* :* :*
u just woke up is it? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
I saw MPG adv @ adgi! 8-) 8-)
oh I just saw yr comments at TUO! haha :-P
I'm here lah :* :*
Monica!! :)
Shy la me woke up so late today Mon! :(
YAY! MPG is on Adgi this month Monica woo hoo!!! KAMON MPG! :)
Yeah lor, missed the chop for ur first post in July!
hehe why lah shy?? u zzzz late mah! ;)
Yay! I clicked on it edi! ;)
Yeah but I slept for 10 hours it seems, whole day! Huhuhu, now rushing to do so many things lol!
Yay! Thanks Mon! Happily decided to advertise this month, must give MPG more love since Mr. G doesn love her lol! Oh I don have to click 101 ads, just 51 now ha ha! :)
wahh good lah u ve enuff sleep edi! i just finished adgi :-D
hey i read somewhere today and it says "If you care about PR then don�t
purchase paid links as it is violation of Google terms".
U are so SSG today Mon, sure woke up early!
yeah coz i slept early.....hahahah!
Sigh…. That is the dilemma la Mon, Mr. G mmg doesn like link ads on our blogs, but we wan to advertise space, so it’s up to the blogger la to decide what’s best for the blog. Can gimme the link to the post if u still have it?
Had a feeling u slept early. Notice EC doesn email us anymore if we get new ads? :( MPG just bought ad at TUO! :)
no la i don have the link to the post....u mean the link ads below MPG's
I mean the ones in the sidebar… see scent-sational sites…
yeah i notice that! why huh they don email us anymore!? I approved edi! :*
:* :*
oh ok....i think i don have that ....
Dunno! At first I tot I was the only one, then I saw Debbs tweet the same thing and now u oso confirmed it….silly ec lol!
I have la he he… the scent-sational sites will end this August actually, then can remove. :)
hahaha yeah silly ec!
how abt woafs? don ve paid links there right?
He he! I dropped 400 only yest Mon!
Got oso Mon! ;)
I dropped 300 but after that i couldnt open my eyes edi LOL!
woafs oso got! then sthing wrong wz Mr G lah....hahhahahah
Yay for completing 300 Mon! Now dropping for MPG… Go Go only!
Shhhhhh to woafs oso got lest Mr. G is listening in hehehehehhe!
MD don have so far! ;)
Hey, RM paid u edi right? YAY for RM, always pays on time! :)
me oso dropping now.. at Alright! only! :-D
hahahhahha! okok Shhhhhhhhhh!
MD PR 4 right? ;)
yeah paid me edi! but last mth not much lah :-D
I have 4 PBs to do for meows, scared tak sempat! :(
Never know with Mr. G he he….shhhhhh lol!
LOL @ MD being PR4! PR3 only Mon! meow!
Me last month better than May! Hoping for MORE this July woo hoo! RM PB come to MPG! :)
wah so many huh ;) I've one but lazy to do :p
ohhh haha! ok lah PR3! meowsss ;)
Yeah, from 3 diff programs, that’s why so many! And one PB for WOAFS! 0 for MPG. ;)
Yay to PR3 meows! :)
when is the due date? ;)
Due date in 2 days I think! I also not sure….working on one now!
hehe ok....u do yr post first! ;)
He he working on it Mon!
came via adgi dearie!!!
Tenkiu LJ, love ya! Experiencing MCS at LJL tho!
Recent blog post: The Move to Sexy (1)
MCN didn't make it here :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: The Move to Sexy (1)
I will do my best for July.
Recent blog post: The Move to Sexy (1)
Thanks for linking sweetie!
Recent blog post: The Move to Sexy (1)
hugs and kisses!!!
Recent blog post: The Move to Sexy (1)
Enjoy ur weekend Liza, hugs and love!
Enjoy the linky love Liza, thanks for all the drops! :)
Go Liza Go!
MCN made it at MD, Liza! Hugs! :)
Ha ha chop sweetie!
Thanks so much for the award Bing, I love it! :)
Tell me abt it Kim, and since we’re at their mercy, there’s really nothing we can do but sit and wait. Yay to EC payment! Ha ha I’d loooooooooooooooove to visit Oz, Kim!! :)
LOL, happy dropping sweetie!
Ane! :)
Kenot drop n run it seems Monica! ;)
Thanks Mon! Hope to see my pinky buddy here one day! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!