I went through my very huge picture folder last night, hoping to find three of my best pictures to send over to Kim. If you remember in one of previous posts, I mentioned that Kim, my talented artist buddy from Australia has promised me a FREE mini portrait!

A popular name in Sydney where she is currently based, Kim and her wonderful work of art has been featured many times in the local press including The Sydney Morning Herald. So to have her paint a portrait for me is really amazing! Kim said she'd come up with something creative based on my three chosen pictures and judging from the magnificent work she displays on her art blogs, I am confident the outcome will be perfect!

My only problem right now is choosing my three favourite photos for Kim. Seeing that it will be a mini portrait, I thought a clear shot of me would make it easier for Kim to work on. And right now, I still can't decide on the best ones, which is why it's taking me forever to send them over to Kim. I do apologize for this delay and I promise to make up my fickle mind by this weekend - by hook or by crook!

I already have one picture in mind for my mini portrait and this one here was taken by my friend Zeff. And even though it was snapped many years ago, this particular picture holds the sweetest of memories for me. It was taken during our Melbourne honeymoon; which was one of the most memorable times in my life. Best of all, it was taken in Australia so to have Kim who's also an Australian, paint a portrait of this picture for me would definitely complete my Melbourne memories, don't you think?

Well, that's one photo so far and I'm still in need of two more. So while I continue searching for them, feel free to browse through Mind's Eye, a newly-discovered art storage site that offers an extensive array of customized services for your precious artwork. Anything that requires crating, transporting, storing and showcasing can be professionally rendered your way, in the best possible means and within your budget too. I think this site will come in handy for my artist friend Kim and any other artists out there. Have fun browsing and enjoy your weekend. Oh and wish me luck on my photo hunt too!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

FC1 haha
=-O =-O =-O =-O
LOL!!! Sandman FC1! :)
Oh still waiting for ur badge Sandman he he! :)
Hehehe... deleted my FC2 and FC3 comments :D Hugzzzzz Marzzzzzz
Hahahhaha u are so funny Sandman! Hugz!
Ha ha u planning to conquer all the FC spots Sandman? ;)
Monica! FC2! :)
I tot u were still eating ur assam laksa Mon!
I completely forgotttt! Will mail u my badge soon. Was working on it the other day, but then, work work work happened :(
FC2 Mon, thanks for chopping!
If its you, I wanna conquer them all. I would be there till FC 100 too, if it was allowed *wink*
Recent blog post: Chp 253. The Hidden Advertisement?
LOL @ Sandman chopping all three FC spots hahahahha! TGIF Sandman!
Hugsy Sandman! Thanks for chopping, so happy to see u on my FCSB this month and moving up the ladder too! 3 points already! :)
Ha ha no worries, u can mail it to me when u’re done… 125x125 yes? :)
Hohohoho sweet talking me again Sandman! FC100, will that ever happen? He he! ;)
=-O =-O =-O =-O
LJ!! FC3?? lol!! wah.. so lucky.. i just got back and saw the tweet.. yiha!!
Recent blog post: Getting Back on Track
Good luck with the photo search dearie!!
Recent blog post: Getting Back on Track
LJ! FC3! Dapat jugak! :)
Thanks sweetie, baru balik ke? B oso baru balik ni… sat lagi nak makan. :)
Thanks Lj, I need all the luck I can get! Hard to choose just three from so many pics lol!
Yay thanks sweetie! sorry i was rushing to go out just now after eating my assam laksa...hahaha! ok, lemme read now :-P
Recent blog post: My passion for Art
I love this pic Mariuca! :* :* oh good luck on yr photo hunt :)
Recent blog post: My passion for Art
wow great pic! 8-)
so cool! *DONT_KNOW* =-X 8-) ;)
oooo this photo is stunning Mariuca!!!
and would make a wonderful portrait 8-) 8-) 8-)
hey no worries re time ..I'm still painting Degas ..lol..
:* :* :*
Recent blog post: The Fairies have gone..
kisses and hugs for such a lovely complimentary post...
have a simply delightful Saturday :* :* :*
Recent blog post: The Fairies have gone..
fine art movers in Boston look like a very professional site...I've bookmarked it ... and will add to my TAD page... :) :)
Recent blog post: The Fairies have gone..
Nice classic pic. I like thiss one, looks like a Japanese actress lah! :) ;) :*
Hola Marzie!! I certainly the picture!!!! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Mugs for sale!
I like that picture too. Very classic indeed. :)
Recent blog post: Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince
Great portrait !pleasing and intresting.keep up the nice work,
I like that photo, Mariuca.
Have nice Sunday
Wow how fantastic is this...wtg...and congratulations!! I do love this picture of you. I know I would have a very tough time deciding!!
I am so happy for you!! :* :* :) :)
Marzie, you're so cool in that pose. :)
Recent blog post: Singapore Flyer
Oh, your photo looks cool! :)
Recent blog post: Full Figured Ladies
Can't decide? Then just meeny, miny, meeny, mo! LOL! :-D
Recent blog post: Full Figured Ladies
LOL Foong!
Thanks Foong, I like this one too!
Ha ha thanks Janice, hugs! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!