I'd like to start the first week of August by thanking everyone who dropped their EC card here last month. Daily droppers like me will understand my sentiment of being lazy to drop especially when your connection is slow for the day or when you have other distractions to worry about like work, blogging or even cooking and cleaning! That's why I truly appreciate your effort to visit me here at MPG via EC.

I hope everybody had a good July and here's to another wonderful month of blogging and dropping!

My Top EC Dropper will receive 1 FOC Ad + 1000 EC Credits
Kitchen Retro 31
Photography by KML 31
A Simple Life 31
Mommy's Little Corner 31
Computer Aid 31
The Modern Mom 31
Doocci.com 31
moms..... check nyo 31
Bulgarian Scrapbook 31
Yummy-as-can-be 31
Photography by KML 31
A Simple Life 31
Mommy's Little Corner 31
Computer Aid 31
The Modern Mom 31
Doocci.com 31
moms..... check nyo 31
Bulgarian Scrapbook 31
Yummy-as-can-be 31


:* :* :*
Congrats to yr TDs, Mariuca!
Recent blog:=- My foot-long
:-$ :-$ :-$
boo hoo.. not on the list also.. due to the move lah.. then this month I will disappear again back to SG..boo hoo. .lol
wah so rajin they all..drop everyday!!! :)
Recent blog:=- Get rid of orange peel skin!
Congrats to all your TD dearie!
:* :* :* Monica FC1!
Recent blog:=- Design Your Own Rug!
Also ur first chop here this month Mon! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog:=- Who Wants $75 USD from Adgitize? **
Thank you sweetie, for all ur drops here too. Done with ur round edi or not? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Perfect Score! ***
:* :* :* LJ! FC2!
Recent blog:=- Perfect Score! ***
He he no worries LJ, thanks for dropping here too last month! Oh which blog here today dearie? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- Friday Fill-Ins (9) **
I missed a couple of days last month so am not on many top 10 list at other blogs this month! =-X :-[ ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- New ID Card Printer Please!
Thanks LJ, happy dropping! :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Wireless Phone Accessories Anyone?
hahaha oso my first chop here this month! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Get rid of orange peel skin!
not yet done lah :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Get rid of orange peel skin!
me too missed a couple of days last mth! :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Get rid of orange peel skin!
Monica starting to chop edi! Yay for first chop here! :)
Oh no another early morning drop session for u Mon! Started edi or not? LOL!
hahaha cos at this hour everyone is zzzzz mah :-D
Can’t help it la sometimes, so lazy and busy with other stuff kan? Esp towards the end of the month. I hope to drop full 900 daily this month he he he!
just started! hahahhahahahhaha :-D
yeah!! so lazy and busy with other stuff oso..
wah 900 daily? good luck Mariuca :*
Except for u, Lj and me woot!! Dunno la what time sleeping today… maybe after B goes off to work lol! ;)
Hahahahah just started dropping at almost 7 am! Well I hope ur connection is okay today. So lega I finished my round edi! :)
Trying la, dunno if can drop 900 every single day know what I mean? But I will try to drop daily on all important blogs so at least there will be 31 drops. :)
so what time B goes to work? ;)
hhahahahhha my connection is okay so far!
ok try yr best! ;)
Abt eight something, will zzzz then I guess. Watching DVD now and feeling hungry too lolz..
Great! It was okay when I dropped earlier too, hopefully today oso screamyx will be speedy. :)
Thanks sweetie, but sure will ponteng one or two days ha ha!
me oso feeling abit hungry... but i ate 2 plates of rice just now!! :-[ :-[
hahahahha they never ponteng eh?! :-D
Wow 2 plates Mon? yeah la u need to eat more sweetie! I feel like having seafood tempura hohoho! :)
How not to ponteng, tedious la to drop like a mad panda (acc to LR ha ha!) every day! ;)
yeah cos got sambal petai so i ate 2 plates! LOL!
where to eat seafood tempura now?
hahahhahahahahahha! LOL @ mad panda!!
Oh I don eat petai Mon…. dunno la but seafood tempura so yummy… :)
I oso was ROTFLMAO when I saw LR’s mad panda comment so cute ha ha ha!
haha yeah i know u don eat petai! :-D
so funny lah LR! hahahhahhha...
Yeah never acquired the taste for petai, but I eat sambal belacan of coz!
Dat’s why ha ha cute! Her mad panda comment made me LOL. :)
i oso love lah sambal belacan
but i don want to become mad panda :-D
Ok sweetie, think I’m going to call it a day now, see u in a few hours. Happy dropping! :)
ok Mariuca! sweet dreams ;) cya..
Good Morning Marzie! :)
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday: Sleep**
Waaah! so hard to be on this top dropper list cause I am such a lazy dropper! :-D :-P :-P
Recent blog:=- Wordless Wednesday: Sleep**
Thank you so so much Mariuca! I was SO surprised because I don't think I've ever been anyone's top dropper ;) I love your blogs and - well - thank you so much!
Lidian, saying hello from Canada :)
Recent blog:=- The Wear-Ever Girl
Sorry if I did not comment regarding your article, but here I offer the CPM program is tolerable for you as a user Entrecard.
For More Information Please Visit My Blog at:
1. http://money-inspired.blogspot.com/2009/08/tips-on-increasing-income-smowtionscom.html
2. http://money-inspired.blogspot.com/2009/07/smowtion-cpm-network.html
Recent blog:=- Paid to Put Logo From PecfectMoney.Com
Recent blog:=- No More Sleepless Nights
So happy that my blogs are on the list again. :)
Recent blog:=- No More Sleepless Nights
Thank you for the links sweetie! *hugs*
Recent blog:=- No More Sleepless Nights
Monica!!!! I just got up! Hahahhahah I oso don wan to be a mad panda even though it sounds adorable!!! Hahahahhahaha! MORNING! :)
Woo hoo echo in da house! Hope MD is also echo now, off I go! Morning Ane! :* :* :*
Recent undefined:=-
Yay!! I am the first one to ever comment using ECHO on all your 3 blogs!! WooHoo!! 8-) 8-)
Recent undefined:=-
I am loving ECHO!! :)
Recent undefined:=-
You are the first one to comment using echo at all my three blogs ANe, for that u get a special GP hug and sprinkle! ALAKAZAM!! :)
It does look good eh this ECHO!!! Is it also at LATM edi, Ane??
oh what happened to the comment box Mariuca? haha new look eh!
Tjat’s echo u see there Mon, cool new look right? :)
Tjat�s?? yeah cool new look I like it too! ;)
Hehehhehe oh no Monica is the typo cop now!!! That’s not Tjats lol!
hahah no lah i asked cos i tot that's a short form or wat :-D
Oh no short form it seems LOL! Sorry typo la just now always type so fast lol!
oh no i just noticed a typo in my latest post oso! LOL!
Typo unavoidable la kan? Lucky no typo cop here! ;)
You’re welcome Liza! :)
Your blogs are back on the list Liza, but I still can’t make your Top 10 list, must work super hard this month! Go GP Go! :)
Chop Liza! :)
Thank you for the link DJ! And welcome to MPG. :)
Yay my Top Dropper is here, congrats Lidian and thanks so much for all your drops here last month. I can’t believe you’ve never been anyone’s top dropper but I’m thrilled you’re mine, HUGS! :)
Hey Ane! I get lazy sometimes too! :)
Morning Ane!
Sambal belacan is not good for my sinus prob but I still love it, how la like dat Mon? He he!
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!