In spirit of the Raya celebration today, I've decided to do Bem Bem's BM (Malay Language) tag! I think there are two parts to this tag but I'm going to do only the second one! But before Bem gets all bunched up in knots, I will make up for omitting the first tag by providing the English translation for this BM tag here! This way, everyone will be able to read and understand my words; hope that's okay Bem!

The first one is in BM and the one below is in English. Here we go peeps, have fun reading my answers!

- Apakah perasaan anda sekarang? Sedikit nostalgik.
- Saya nak makan? Ketupat dan rendang.
- Saya tak suka? Masalah yang tiada penyelesaian meskipun orang kata semua masalah pasti ada jawapan.
- Impian saya? Menjadi jutawan sebab saya nak travel-travel mengelilingi dunia. Bestnye!
- Haiwan yang saya tak suka? Cicak sebab geli!
- Saya harapkan? Ketenangan abadi bersama B.
- Jika boleh putarkan masa? Saya nak kembali ke zaman remaja, langsung takda masalah macam sekarang ni!
- Saya pada 10 tahun akan datang? Jutawan yang murah hati.
- Handphone saya adalah sebuah? Nokia la!
- Saya pernah bercinta sebanyak? Yang paling bermakna adalah dengan baby B!
- Kawan-kawan saya? Sungguh setia sebagai Mariucan!
- Pernah dikhianati? Malangya, ya.
- Apa yang hendak anda lakukan terhadap orang yang mengkhianati anda? Kasi chance dulu, tapi kalau buat sekali lagi, susah nak dimaafkan.
- Siapa yang anda nak Tag? Mesti semua orang tak nak buat tapi saya nak tag juga Tekkaus, Foong, Lil', Monica, LR dan Jean!
- What are you feeling right now? A little nostalgic.
- What do feel like eating? Ketupat and rendang.
- My dislike? Problem without a solution regardless what others say about every problem having a solution.
- My dream? To be a millionaire travelling around the world, how awesome!
- Animal I dislike? Lizard cause it's gross!
- My hopes? Eternal bliss with B.
- If I could turn back time? I'd want to be a teenager again with no worries in the world unlike now!
- Me in 10 years? A millionaire with a big heart!
- My handphone? A Nokia!
- Number of times I've fallen in love? The most meaningful one is with my baby B!
- My friends? Are loyal Mariucans!
- Ever been betrayed? Unfortunately yes.
- What would you like to do to the person who betrayed you? Give them a second chance but if it happens again, it's gonna be hard to forgive.
- Who do you want to tag? I bet nobody would want to take on this one but I am still tagging Tekkaus, Foong, Lil', Monica, LR and Jean!


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BM tag!? =-O =-O :-D :-D
anda nak tag saya? :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Hallowe'en Treats
hahaha anyway thanks for tagging me Mariuca :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Hallowe'en Treats
LOL @ anda nak tag saya? Hahahahhaahah yeah Mon, ur it!
cute lah your malay dearie.. heheh... strange kan berblog dlm BM.. lol!
Bem bugging me cause I haven done this one since two months ago hahahhahahha!
Monica FC2! :)
LJ FC1! Which blog dearie?
I also hate cicak!! yikes!! Nearly step on one today.. i screamed so loud just now!! lol!
Welcome Mon, dunno who to tag la so hard this one ha ha ha!
Hehehe pestaim berblog in Bm, just for Bem! :) Btw, he tagged u oso LJ hahahha!
OMG nearly stepped on one some more LJ yowzaaaaaa, nasib tak jatuh!!
Muahaha :D Why me?
Recent blog:=- My Olympus Camedia C-310 Zoom!
Hey Tekkaus! Cause ever since u said kena laknat dat day, I figured ur BM must be good hahahahah, have fun!
happy Raya day Mariuca :*
Recent blog:=- A lovely surprise in the mail..
I read B is going to Cannes...
come and stay here in OZ while he's away ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- A lovely surprise in the mail..
What?! Tag in BM? Aiyo! Susahlah! Actually, malaslah! Haha! :-D
Recent blog:=- 20092009
Banyaknya soalan! 14 soalan! Ini Bem, mesti tag dia balik! >:o
Recent blog:=- 20092009
Mariuca, kau pun tak boleh lepas! Tengoklah, kalau saya ada tag tag yang susah next time, ha, you pertama saya tag! muahaha! :)
Recent blog:=- 20092009
Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya ya? Enjoy!! :) :) :)
Recent blog:=- 20092009
Errr....before I go, ada duit Raya untuk saya? Bolehlah, deposit ke dalam akaun saya atau pos cek kepada saya. Haha!!
Recent blog:=- 20092009
We are your one stop solution for all your corporate gifts, promotional gifts and promotional items. With 1000’s of low cost Promotional Merchandise, put together with excellent customer service and fast delivery, we are a UK leading supplier of promotional products.
=-O =-O =-O
alamak! A BM tag?????????
this is too susah for me, so many questions lah!! :-P :( >:o O:-)
and my BM is very teluklah. *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
anyway, Selamat Hari Raya and enjoy your festive break with B. ;) :) :*
I don't like cicak either!! >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- The Hummingbird Way A Double Diamond Music Monday
No ma'am no reptiles for this girl!! They may me scream like a little kid!! I also am afraid of mice too!! Silly huh? *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog:=- The Hummingbird Way A Double Diamond Music Monday
Oh for got to tell you that of course you got FC!! It beats anything I have ever seen. I absolutely don't know how you get so lucky!! 8-) :) :)
Recent blog:=- The Hummingbird Way A Double Diamond Music Monday
I added My Muriuca this time!! hope that was right choice!!
Recent blog:=- The Hummingbird Way A Double Diamond Music Monday
I can tell everyone is so so excited about the holiday!! It's every where and it's wonderful!! Eat some yummies for me okay? I have got to get busy now and pray that I can get all visits caught up before my last satellite fails!! I can't listen to anyone's videos today!! :'( :'(Maybe tomorrow though!! And I still don;t know who hurt your feelings but it upsets me!!
Recent blog:=- The Hummingbird Way A Double Diamond Music Monday
I have someone that I supported too, actually quite a bit and they just up and stopped everything with me and I have no reason. I didn't do anything. It hurt my feelings very much so I understand!! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- The Hummingbird Way A Double Diamond Music Monday
And if I don't get this design your own procudt software figured out and get Emila's Ty gift to her...she is never going to speak to me again either!! But, I am trying so very very hard!! I hate to do it. but, I really have to move on down the road!!
I haven't been to visit LJ in days!! And I owe Rizal a visit and Faisal..oh my goodness just everyone!! Love and hugs sweety!! :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- The Hummingbird Way A Double Diamond Music Monday
Two months je ke? I thought 2 years dah hahahaha
Recent blog:=- DBH Halloweek 3 Contest Entry - Bam-Boo!
Wow, Marzie mengetag anda. Anda sangat bertuah Monica.
Recent blog:=- DBH Halloweek 3 Contest Entry - Bam-Boo!
Heheh baik nye Marzie ini terus berBM, tu la LJ kene tag tak buat pun ahahha
Recent blog:=- DBH Halloweek 3 Contest Entry - Bam-Boo!
Hi foongpc, kawanku, ini tag bukan saya yang punya, ini Nessa yang punya. Saya pun mangsa! hahahahaha
Recent blog:=- DBH Halloweek 3 Contest Entry - Bam-Boo!
Wow, Life Ramblings, adakah anda berminat dengan tag BM ini?
Recent blog:=- DBH Halloweek 3 Contest Entry - Bam-Boo!
Hahah thanks Marzie, although tag anda ni dah a bit lewat. Things that made me LOL
1. "Travel-travel" - itu BM yang sangat unggul
2. "Malangya Ya" - haahaah typo cop is back.
3. "Ketenangan Abadi bersama B" - not really LOL, just meremang bulu roma hahaha
Oh I noticed one thing, what happened to the other 29 questions that you haven't posted yet Marzie? Hmm? Hmmm??? ahhahahahaahhaah ohhh mengelat ye!
Recent blog:=- DBH Halloweek 3 Contest Entry - Bam-Boo!
Nice post i would like to be a millionaire also and have a blissful life :) :)
Oh, bem, bukan you punyalah. Tapi you tag mariuca, lepas tu dia tag saya. Jadi still your fault! Haha! Nessa is next in my tag revenge plan! But don't really know Nessa. How to tag her? Hmmm, mesti visit Nessa's blog dan jadi kawan dia. Muahaha!
i love this one, marzie!!! thanks for tagging me!! :) :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Friday Fill-Ins #4
LOL Jean!!! Ur the first person to actually love this tag, so happy I tagged u, have fun sweetie! :)
my BM tag -!!!!
Recent blog:=- The BM Tag!
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- The BM Tag!
Thanks so much for being the only one who did the BM tag Mon, love ya! :)
See not so hard eh? :)
yalor how come i'm the only one who did the BM tag LOL! love ya too! :)
i will do.. i will do.. lol! though my tagger was Bem
Bem also tagged me LJ…
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!