When my friend Foong told me I just had to try Bad Ass Coffee, I made a mental note to myself to visit Tropicana City ASAP! So that's what we did a few nights back and I made a beeline for this coffee place. A new coffee store always gives me an excited buzz; anticipating all the yummy coffee flavours awaiting me! 

The ambiance inside was definitely pleasing and besides the usual free Wi-Fi available, there is a small corner where souvenirs and gift items are sold. The items were really cool but a tad pricey if you ask me so I didn't buy anything. Besides I came there for the coffee not for souvenirs! 

As always I spent more than 5 minutes poring over the menu, undecided at which coffee I wanted to try. Food-wise, there were some interesting menu items like the Hawaiian Beef Burger, which came with a pineapple slice. I listed all the exotic weird sounding names for B but ended up with my cant-go-wrong choice of caramel vanilla - my favourite flavour combination when it comes to coffee! 

My choice was perfect for the Iced Blended Caramel Vanilla coffee from Bad Ass was simply divine! Not too sweet with the distinctive taste of aromatic deep rich coffee concocted with sweet creamy vanilla! We paid at the counter price and happily went home, coffee in hand! 
Have you been to Bad Ass Coffee? I'd definitely come back for a second visit but this time around I'm going to make sure I order something else aside from my safety net caramel coffee drink!

Have you been to Bad Ass Coffee? I'd definitely come back for a second visit but this time around I'm going to make sure I order something else aside from my safety net caramel coffee drink!


=-O =-O =-O
i wanna go to Bad Ass!!! :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Malay fishing village
u didn't try their food Mariuca?
Recent blog:=- Malay fishing village
LOL thanks for the review Mariuca :)
Recent blog:=- Malay fishing village
:* :* :* :* :*
Wah sounds interesting this place.. how's the pricing dearie?
Recent blog:=-
Hey Mon! I just got home FC1! :)
LOL please do Mon..it’s a nice change from our usual Starbucks!
I didn’t try the food Mon cause we had dinner at another place so just stopped for coffee! Maybe next time. :)
Just a quickie one Mon but I love my pics hehehe! :)
Yay LJ FC2! :)
Thanks for the coffee chop ladies, enjoy! :)
Pricing lebih kurang starbucks etc je LJ…but drinks are interesting, more new variety. :)
Glad you went to try it, mariuca! :)
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
Surprisingly I recommended you even though I'm not a big coffee drinker! Haha!
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
But I juz thought it's something different from the usual Starbucks. So I'm glad you like it cos I know you are a huge coffee fan! Definitely an alternative to Starbucks and Coffeebean don't you agree? :)
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
But I juz thought it's something different from the usual Starbucks. So I'm glad you like it cos I know you are a huge coffee fan! Definitely an alternative to Starbucks and Coffeebean don't you agree? :)
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
I also like their name Bad Ass! Haha!
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
Oh, btw, do you like chocolate cakes? PJ Hilton 25th anniversary promotion now. Selling 1kg choc cake at RM25++. Normal price RM65++. Call 0379559122 ask for coffee house to order. Need to reserve 2-3 days in advance. I just ordered mine! But cannot say good or not, cos have yet to try it. :)
Recent blog:=- Ju Long Tan Cave
I'm back! Yay FC1! :-D
Wow I don;t think we have that company over here and I love Starbucks!! If i see a store over here I will definitely give it a taste!! :* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Houston We Have A Problem:Entecard
I might say it it something like this.
I WANT Bad Ass. LoL!! Loud and clear. I am sure that will make some head spin. kekeke.
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on BM Tag, Adoii!! and Yasmin Ahmad
Marzie, kopi ni yang bukan stail dia amik dari poo binatang yang dah makan kopi tuu ker?
Rizal agak aje sebab nama dia bad ass? Nasib baik tak namakan bootilicious coffee. Bukan caya tu nanti ada jer nama pelik. Owh chop! Rizal nak register nama kedai kopi tu. ahak ahak
Recent blog:=- RestNrilekS on BM Tag, Adoii!! and Yasmin Ahmad
ooooo.. yummo Mariuca 8-)
Recent blog:=- a dusty day in Oz...
I want one of those coffees please :*
Recent blog:=- a dusty day in Oz...
I'm sooooo hungry :-P
I've been on a liquid diet since Tuesday...because I had a tooth removed...eek!!!
Recent blog:=- a dusty day in Oz...
I hope your day is going well Mariuca.....
waiting with baited breath to see if your portrait has arrived yet =-X
Recent blog:=- a dusty day in Oz...
Hi Kim! I’m off to my hotel suite today yeeha but I got ur pressie already, safe and sound, thanks a million sweetie! :)
Diet since Tuesday? Huhuhuhuhu well I hope ur no longer in pain Kim, hugsy!
He he one large bad ass coffee for Kim please, enjoy! :)
Morning Mariuca! ;)
Morning Monica!!!! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!