Hello, my name is Pinky and I am Mariuca's trusty laptop! The day I arrived at my new home was a happy occasion indeed. I am pink in color so I knew Mariuca would take excellent care of me since pink is her favorite color. My new home is a home-office and Mariuca is a copywriter working from home. When I discovered her profession, I immediately I knew I had to work extra hard to keep up with her daily typing.
I was still fresh from the factory so the first thing Mariuca did was to fill me up with all the software and applications she required for work purposes. By that time she had already named me Pinky. Next was the installation process and I was first fed with the much needed anti-virus software. This keeps me healthy and wards off any potential virus from attacking me so I was much grateful.
Since I'm not even one year old, I am still functioning perfectly. The only problem I'm facing so far is my battery. It can still be used but it needs to be continuously charged as it is reaching the end of its usable life. Other than that, I am in great shape and am looking forward to rendering my services for many more years so I hope Mariuca won't replace me any time soon!
I was still fresh from the factory so the first thing Mariuca did was to fill me up with all the software and applications she required for work purposes. By that time she had already named me Pinky. Next was the installation process and I was first fed with the much needed anti-virus software. This keeps me healthy and wards off any potential virus from attacking me so I was much grateful.
Since I'm not even one year old, I am still functioning perfectly. The only problem I'm facing so far is my battery. It can still be used but it needs to be continuously charged as it is reaching the end of its usable life. Other than that, I am in great shape and am looking forward to rendering my services for many more years so I hope Mariuca won't replace me any time soon!

She is however looking for a scanner and this sleek new HP Photosmart C8180 All-in-One Printer, Scanner, Copier would make a great companion for me! Currently, HP is having a great offer with a $30 discount* for orders amounting to $150 or greater at HP Home Store. Use coupon code SV2132 to enjoy this discount and make your purchases soon for this offer is valid through 31st October or while supplies last only.
I really like the way this HP Photosmart looks and of all the machines HP has to offer, this is the one I'd like to resemble most. It's sleek, it's professional and the white shade it comes in simply translates into sheer elegance! Until we meet again, this is Pinky signing off for the night!
* Restrictions and exclusions apply.
I really like the way this HP Photosmart looks and of all the machines HP has to offer, this is the one I'd like to resemble most. It's sleek, it's professional and the white shade it comes in simply translates into sheer elegance! Until we meet again, this is Pinky signing off for the night!
* Restrictions and exclusions apply.
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :* :*
Mariuca! :-D :-D :-D
so fast eh u! :) :)
Recent blog:=- Triple Rainbow 7s
woooo hoooo for pinky ;) ;)
Hello Pinky! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Triple Rainbow 7s
Pinky is not even one year old ah..mine so old edi :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Triple Rainbow 7s
New Laptop so cool 8-) 8-)
After 11 hours of sleep Mon is as SSG as ever, FC1! :)
Hahha morning sweetie!
Hahhahahahah crazy fast right? Sure la have to do this one quickly, big PB mah yay! :)
Yay Bill FC2! :)
Hello Mon! When u gonna get ur own pinky?? ;)
It’s almost a year old Bill but it still feels brand new so yay! :)
LOL @ SSG!! i think only Bill and I still awake hahaha the rest all Zzzz
edi? :-D
Morning Mariuca :* :* :*
hahahha yalor so fast! me still dropping like mad :-D
I want pinky but $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!! :-D
How old is yours Mon??
I think so too, dunno what time im gonna sleep today ha ha ha…:)
i think 2 yrs plus, Mariuca!
Yay Thursday edi, then TGIF! :)
How many more to drop? Faster finish ur round then can do this PB. :)
Hahhahahah hopefully R will surprise u with pinky for Christmas or something..woo hoo! :)
wah Thursday edi so fast!
dropped 110 edi! omg so slow :-D
hahaha talking abt R, he was pissed at me coz i ate the wrong burger just
now! hahahahahahahhhahhahahhaha!!!!
Ohhhhh not too bad la 2 years plus, I tot like 5 yrs edi lol!
I know, but good la, looking forward to the weekend. :)
I hate droppin wen it’s slow to the max! :(
U mean u ate his burger or what? Wahhhh so nice burger LOL!!
hahahahah no lah if 5 yrs edi, def must change new one! :-D
some sites verryyyyyyyyyyy slow!
morning Marzie!! :)
i'll come back later.. need to help J siap for work!! :)
Ec acting up lately la, sometimes I cant see widget and have to refresh many times… :(
LOL..I think I wanna get HP first before new lappy he he..
yeah actually he bought 2 chicken special for me and 1 beef burger for
himself. but i accidentally ate his beef burger! some more dat time i just
woke up and i didn't know it;s beef LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yay Shemah FC3! Morning sweetie! :)
Thanks for chopping peeps, another point on the FCSB… :)
Aiyooooo talking abt beef burger early in the morning!!!! I actually prefer beef to chicken burger! :)
Wow! New lappy huh? You must be enjoying it! ;P
Recent blog:=- Birthday!!
wah.. congrats .. memang best ada laptop baru
Recent blog:=- Weblog Popular 1Malaysia - ContestManiac.Net
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
wah so many post in one night dearie.. and i was asleep while it happened.. uwah!!!!!
Recent blog:=-
I was offered this too but I missed it.. by the time I login in.. dah kena request slot. which i did. hopefully can get lah.. :(
Recent blog:=-
Oh yeah LJ? I hope u get it too, big PB hard to come by nowadays kan? :)
Yeah la LJ, suddenly got PB for MPG sure must do quickly he he… come chop tonight, will be on posting frenzy again. :)
Hi Lj! :)
Hi Pinky,
I am Hanna - Metz's Mini laptop. Just like you am new too and am working hard as my master works very hard as a professor and as a writer for this blogs. I like the fact that he carries me around everywhere as I am only 10 inches and am very light :) I love all of the traveling adventures that we have had so far, but just like you he is a bit worried about my battery life and is contemplating on purchasing a 6 cell battery so I would last for over 7 hours instead of the usual two :) I am an HP lappy myself and am glad that you choose my cousin heheh :) hope your master gets her soon as am sure she will be your best friend :) Till the next time :) xoxo
Recent blog:=- Travel Thursday on Empty Streets: Masskara Festival 2009
:* :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Gone Fishing, A Bull Buffalo, And The Redneck Squire
I remember how excited you were when you first got Pinky!! :) :)
Recent blog:=- Gone Fishing, A Bull Buffalo, And The Redneck Squire
Wow Marzie we have been blogging buddies for a long long time now!!
Recent blog:=- Gone Fishing, A Bull Buffalo, And The Redneck Squire
I am very happy about that!! ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- Gone Fishing, A Bull Buffalo, And The Redneck Squire
But, why am I getting older and older? >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Gone Fishing, A Bull Buffalo, And The Redneck Squire
=-O =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- Gone Fishing, A Bull Buffalo, And The Redneck Squire
You are still just as young and fresh as ever!!
Recent blog:=- Gone Fishing, A Bull Buffalo, And The Redneck Squire
I am so so sooooooooo lazy today!! I am just goofing and I should be dropping. But, Walter and I are thinking about taking a drive and getting some pictures!! That sounds so fun!!
Recent blog:=- Gone Fishing, A Bull Buffalo, And The Redneck Squire
It's hard to resist!! So if I disappear and miss some people today...now you all know I am goofing off!! 8-) 8-) :) :) :-D :-D :* :*
Recent blog:=- Gone Fishing, A Bull Buffalo, And The Redneck Squire
hello Mariuca..
I love your pnk laptop..
I remember when you got it :)
Recent blog:=- Spring is here...
I have the HP Photsmart Premium Printer which prints faxes scans and copies 8-) :-D
Recent blog:=- Spring is here...
it's super...but a bit noisy sometimes =-O
Recent blog:=- Spring is here...
Happy weekend... Marzie :) :)
Hey Feron, thanks for coming by, have a good one! :)
My printer is HP too Kim but I want the all-in-one printer, fax, scanner copier woo hoo!
Mine isn’t too bad Kim and it still works great but am itching to get a new one nonetheless he he…
Hello Kim! Hahah thanks sweetie, I remember the day I got Pinky too, I was thrilled beyond words! :)
Hi Jackie!
Me too feeling sooooooo lazy tonight Jackie, just no mood to do much!
Jackie! :)
Pinky is still young and fresh Jackie, thank goodness for that. I know I’m in good hands when I’m with her he he! :)
You’re very young at heart Jackie and that’s a great thing! :)
Right from the beginning Jackie, thanks for being a wonderful buddy, hugsy! :)
Me too sweetie, love ya!
Hi Jackie!
Hello Hanna, wow you sound superb it’s no wonder ur owner left such a detailed comment here he he. Thanks Metz, my printer is a HP but my lappy is a Dell. :)
Hey Zul, dah nak masuk setahun dah.. :)
Hi Cashmere! It’s almost a year old so not exactly new, but I still love my Pinky! :)
I was excited wasn’t I? He he, still love Pinky of coz!
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!