Hola! October is here and I can feel a great month ahead with lotsa new things and opportunities in store. I do hope my instincts are right and I wish all my readers the same well wishes too.
B will be leaving for Cannes sometime this month so that's the only drawback so far. As much as I hate to be without my comfort zone for one whole week, I am also looking forward to the scented stuff and goodies he will bring home for my perfume gallery!

And now let's start the month by showing love for my Top 10 EC Droppers in September. Thank you to all my advertisers, droppers and readers who made MPG their hot spot last month. I hope to see you back in October so happy dropping!

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
yihaa... FC FC FC
Recent blog:=- Thank You Guys!!
am testing wimax again dearie.. lol!!
Recent blog:=- Music Monday - Raya Edition 2 **
how many did i drop here sweetie.. i never not drop tau.. boo hooo!
Recent blog:=- Wonderful Raya Makan **
LJ so SSG!! FC1! :)
Which blog dearie?
FC for my first post in Oct here dearie, yay!
Oh ye ke? So how? Screamyx is testing my patience ni!
Many thanks for the credits Mariuca, will spend some on advertising on your blog ;)
Recent blog:=- Hieroglyphics of the Future?
:'( :'( :'(
couldnt log in just now :(
L, u 22 drops from LJL, thanks for all the drops dearie, he he sad it seems LJ! HUGS! :)
congrats to yr TDs Mariuca! 8-) 8-)
woot! u can feel a great month ahead with lotsa opportunities! :) ;)
Recent blog:=- FatCow
Hey Paul! Thanks and congrats for being my Top Dropper here last month and hey, thanks for the ad! Have a terrific day! :)
Monica! :)
Oh no JS made u miss my first post here sweetie, hugs! :)
can log in to Adgi edi :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- FatCow
Thanks Mon and I checked TUO dropped 27 days last month yay! Thanks for all ur drops too, wonder how many MPG dropped at TUO hehehehe! ;)
I can feel it Mon, sure can beat our PB target this month yeeeha! :):):)
So cute la ur recent post fatcow moooo!
LJL please dearie :) eh how come I didnt get notifified of this reply eh.. i was waiting and waiting
Recent blog:=- Thank You Guys!!
Eh i cannot click on the follow email notification lah..
Recent blog:=- Thank You Guys!!
Oh nooooooo don tell me u oso cannot receive email from MPG?!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cause Mon was having same problem!!!!!!!!!! :(:(:(
Ah tu la!!! How come eh LJ?????????????????????????????????????????
OMG!!!!!!!! I know why LJ, I ter untick the enable email notification aiyooooo my bad my bad!! Sorry Mon and Lj hahahhahahahahha no wonder la Mon can’t rec email!! :)
oh then it's not only me... i tried to follow comments again but the box is dimmed.. go to your JSKIT dashboard and check the setting dearie.. my last notification was for bad ass coffee.
So far so good lah this wimax.. at least now I can drop without pulling hair..hehehe
Recent blog:=- Thank You Guys!!
only 22? aiks..bila pulak i tak drop tu.. boo ho.. mestilah sedih.. i wonder if i will stay at your sidebar this month..
Recent blog:=- Thank You Guys!!
I ticked edi LJ, now can see the box or not??
Ish jelesnye….I am still refreshing like a mad panda, cannot see widget, my own blogs oso sometimes I cannot see :(
Hahahah so cute LJ sad! Maybe higher drops at WOAFS or MD?? I check later… sure can stay in my side bar if u continue chopping like mad panda lol!
waht ter untick the enable email notification Mariuca? yeah i can't rec
email until now
My email notification at my js settings was not ticked, I dunno why! I ticked edi, now u can see the box??
ohhh lemme check!
i can see the box edi!! :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- FatCow
Thanks sweetie..
YAY so u can tick edi right? Woo hoo! Lucky I checked my settings when LJ said she oso couldn tick just now! :)
yeah i can tick edi! hahah no wonder i cant recd yr replies :-D
Yeah lor my bad! Now can receive email notification edi yay! :)
hah ok.. i can tick now.. let's see if i can notification..
Recent blog:=- Thank You Guys!!
smooth sailing so far for me on wimax..hehe
Recent blog:=- Thank You Guys!!
Yeay.. get notification already.. what happened ah?
Haha.. mad panda indeed!
Just now can see the box also but cannot tick..
Testing2, can receive email notification LJ?
My email notification wasn’t ticked LJ!
Now can right??
Slow mosi screamyx for me LJ, malas nak drop tgh buat translasi ni..
Lol, sorry Marzie I had to take down the sushi post. It was supposed to be for Monday and only realized it when I read your comment. Haha. I must be very sleepy. :-[
Glad my 3 blogs I made it here. :) Thanks for linking. *hugs*
still slow mosi screamyx Mariuca? mine very fast lah now!
Chop Liza! :)
Hah? Hahahahhahahah really Liza? LOL!! Sure no worries, I’ll see it again come Monday lol! AM feeling a little sleepy too tonight. ;)
Wah really Mon? Mine still slow! :(
yeah almost 300 edi :-D
Im reaching 100 for MPG, the other two 0…
it's ok sweetie! i dropped at yr 3 blogs edi ;)
I’m glad too Liza, thanks so much for ur constant drops here, hugs! :)
Thanks Mon! Will drop at TUO of coz lol…
i managed to chop 1 at RM earlier on! u?
sorry i've to reply here coz i'm not at my comment box
I just chopped 2, for MPG some more yay! :)
Oh ok he he some more u must log in first right before can reply lol!
woo-hoo congrats!!! ;)
hahahahahah just now log in edi so no need to log in anymore but ve to go
there and reply, cannot reply via email :-D
Thanks Mon, I quickly chopped without really reading the opp hahahahaha!
hahahaha me oso quickly chopped!
Ok ok lol… I am still dropping slowly here…
Some more not small PB right? Yay hi five!
mine not so small and not so big lah LOL!!!
im quite sleepy edi hehe.....
LOL urs medium Mon ha ha! So did u eat double or not to make up for the 2kgs??
Me too and I finished my translasi job edi, just haven finished dropping…
Thanks Mariuca for the link love... didn't think i would make it... it's very competitive on all of your three blogs :)
Wow, now i can make again comments... last month the comment window never showed up :(
Recent blog:=- Don't pay the 50$/year for EntreCard -Part II-
hahahhaha! oh i ate a BIG plate of fried rice + 1 sundae chocolate :-D
LOL must eat another sundae tomo! ;)
yeah i bought 2....another one is strawberry!!
i m gonna sleep soon buzz2! ;)
Hey Martin, congrats for making it to my list for September, thanks so much for all ur drops yay! See u next month?? ;)
Mmmmmmm strawberry sundae for me too pls! :)
Oh no kaming!
hola!!!!!! :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
congrats to the top droppers! :) :) :) :) :)
i'm not surprised im not on the list, LOL!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Hola Elai! :)
Thanks sweetie!
LOL, maybe this month Elai? :)
=-O :'( :'( Im not in the list....
Dang!! =-X =-X
anyway, congrats to your top 10 EC droppers!! :-D
Recent blog:=- Entrecard September Hot Droppers
Hope to see u next month Nessa, happy dropping!
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!