I am running out of time to thank my Top 10 Mariucans here in September! The month is almost up so without further ado, let's give a huge round of applause to my faithful commenters last month. Thanks so much for all your comment love for MPG and I hope to see you back in October. Until then, stay cool and happy commenting!

Monica - 1000 EC credits + 1 FOC Ad
Top Mariucan Overall
Monica - 1000 EC credits + 1 FOC Ad
Monica - 1000 EC credits + 1 FOC Ad

:* :* :* :*
am burning data dearie.. catch you in a bit... congrats Mon!!
=-O =-O =-O =-O
Mariuca i just came back lah! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- Help! I look like Rudolph!
YAY me!! and thanks so much for the ec credits woo-hoo :* :*
Recent blog:=- Help! I look like Rudolph!
wahh almost end of the mth edi :-D :-D :-D
Recent blog:=- Help! I look like Rudolph!
hehe congrats LJ! :)
Recent blog:=- Help! I look like Rudolph!
LJ FC!! :)
Burn away dearie…hope all goes well with Miss Fly yeah? :)
Monica! :)
Oh just got back Mon? I just had dinner, so late today ha ha!!
Yay Monica my Top Mariucan of the month and overall, thanks so much for all ur comment love here Mon! And enjoy ur credits, I sent edi hohoho! :)
Tell me abt it, and I haven done top 10 meows post yet huhuhu!
Congrats LJ of coz! Lemme know which blog later LJ…
huh? u havnt done top 10 meows post yet? aiyoooo lol!!
so late huh yr dinner ;) i just took my supper :-D
I haven done top 10 meows post yet!!! Aiyo indeed! I only did Top ec meows so far huhuhuhuhuhu….
Yeah cause I woke up damn late la…… :(
lol how late la....
hehe u can do it later mah :-P
Shy la to say…10pm okay? Aiyoooooooo……
I think I will do top 10 meows post next he he…..
aiya why shy lah u zzzz late mah :-D
ok i'm dropping now :-D
Shy and feel guilty cause like so many things to do if I wake up later than usual lol!
Yay happy dropping Mon… I will do some EC shopping too…wanna buy ads mah...
hope i can drop 300 today :-D
Of coz u can Mon, how many u dropped edi? Yest u managed to drop 300?
i dropped less than 100 only aiyooo but yest I managed to drop 300!
Ok at least yest complete…go Mon go! :)
buzz2 Mariuca!;)
woohoo, i've made it to your top 10. that's wonderful. congrats to the others. :)
I'm in your top 10? Yay! I made it! :)
Recent blog:=- Random Notes 2
You made it Foong, congrats!
I’m happy u made it here LR< congrats and thanks so much! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!