What will it be today here at Mariuca's Perfume Gallery? Shark, Ostrich, Lizard, Crocodile or Python? And no, I'm definitely not talking about an exotic new perfume so worry not. Instead, I'm referring to the many unique watch bands at WatchStyle.com!

Each piece of watch strap is beautifully handcrafted in a process consisting of more than 60 steps so you can imagine the delicate craftsmanship that goes into these unique Watch Bands. Aside from leather bands, the store also offers metal bands, sport bands as well as watch accessories.
I detest lizards but I dared myself to check out the watch straps available and they're definitely not for me, no matter how classy or sophisticated the design. So if I had to choose one, I'd go with a shark strap!

Firstly, they don't look as scary as the lizard straps! This one for instance is aptly named Ocean and it comes from the HIRSCH Artisanal collection. There are six colours for you to choose from and personally, I love the Royal Blue shade. Thanks to its three-dimensional padding, this watch boasts a cool dynamic effect and it's also 100m Water-Resistant. I adore the white stitching too by the way! 
So it looks like shark strap for me today. Have you decided which leather watch strap suits you the best? Happy shopping!

So it looks like shark strap for me today. Have you decided which leather watch strap suits you the best? Happy shopping!
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:* :* :* :* :*
at least i could have moved my 1 point to 2!
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P GG! LOL!
wah really made from Shark ke?
nice also ah... eh oklah gtg ... A dah bising.. hahah
boohooo.. no MF for today and at least 2mrw.. boohoo!!... bye bye MF!
..was thinking in your first line that you'll gotta be ANIMALIST here GP! :-P
exotic perfumes!!! *DONT_KNOW*
love those bands GP! ;) ;) ;) ;)
got mine, crocs!! ;)
GG is not on TC! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
8-) 8-) 8-)
hola BM! ;)
what did i do here? nothing!!! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Hola GG wasssup 8-)
Recent blog:=- Music Monday
LOL GG!! FC1! :)
Morning LJ FC2! :)
One more point for u GG, thanks! :)
Dia kata genuine shark LJ! Hohohoho, see la the lizard ones yikes! :(
I’m enticed LJ cause I like the colour! Ok LJ, hope all goes well today. :)
Bye bye MF, hopefully can get back by the weekend dearie or not sure tensi no MF, hugs! :)
LOL me no animalist he he!
I love me some exotic perfumes GG, woosh woosh! :)
Which colour u like best GG? :)
Oooooh croc not so bad, still looks good eh GG!
Not yet on my TC GG, go GG go!
And Bill! FC3! :)
Thanks for chopping peeps, have a lovely Thursday! :)
What did u do here GG?? Dunno…
why lah LOL! *rolling smiley! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
yayks! at least have moved! =-O =-O
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
dun like the scents of some.. >:o
yeah! lovin' it! ;)
red and greeeeeeeeeen!!!
i mean, i got no TC points! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
still 'live and kicking BM!
let's tagay! ;)
NP GP! you toooooooooooo! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
second EC drop here today GP! wooooooooooooh!
cone with the two blog drops! =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
=-O =-O =-O =-O
Mariuca! u haven't zzzz kah? :)
eh why got "Posting (attempt 3)"?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
hmmm sthing wrong wz JS!
yikes! lizard straps! :-E :-E :-E
Me hate lizard! :(
Forever la something wrong with JS, Mon lol!
Sigh…some more JS wan to charge now…but still not perfect, always got something wrong eh?
Morning Monica, rise and shine!
Thanks for dropping here GG!
Drop drop drop!
GG happily tagay after exam!
No TC points???
Don like the scents of what eh GG?
Go GG Go!
Morning Mariuca! :-D
Mon woke up edi! Morning!
lol yeah sweetie woke up edi!!
something wrong with JS again?
Ha ha I was replying ur comment on the double comment Mon, JS la..sometimes give us double comments when commenting right?
He he, I woke up at almost 1! Early or what? :)
oh u woke up at almost 1! u zzz early mah ;)
ohhh abt the double comment! but sometimes after u refresh the page, no more
double comment haha
Yup! Tonight oso I wan to zzzz early it seems lol!
Dats why…. Same here..after refreshing no more double comment so I don worry abt it too much…biasa edi with JS!
why? so dat u can wake up at 1 and start dropping? ;)
me too not so worry abt it :-D
LOL…no…. cause want to follow ur advice on getting more sleep so can lose weight easier mah!
Yeah la…used to JS and their nonsense edi right? LOL!
hahahahh yeah used to their nonsense edi! :-D
But lucky we installed JS before they start charging kan, or not have to pay! :(
ohhhh becoz of want to lose weight! hahahah okok another good anti-aging tip
is to get plenty of sleep.....
why suddenly they want to charge ah??
He he so must sleep early and sleep more… wan to jaga skin oso, me no wan panda eyes! Just cause we drop like mad panda, doesn mean I wan to look like panda ROTFLMAO!
Dunno…. Cause everybody using JS I guess so they oso wan to make some moolah la… :)
ohhh like dat nobody wants to use JS lor.....
hahaha yeah panda eyes oso cannot be cured....for me very scary! :-D
I dunno if got ppl pay for the service kan? Lucky all my blogs got JS before the charge, phew!
Cannot be cured is it??? :(
not sure lah got ppl wanna pay or not...but yeah lucky our blogs got JS
before the charge...
Hey Mon, I tot u got food blog right, at Today? Why not happening anymore is it?
aiyoooo dat one ah...not only i cannot upload pics, some pics oso missing
after i published the post ...so how to update lah??
yeah memang cannot be cured!!
Ohhhhh but good la u know how to use word press, me clueless!
Oh no…. no wan panda eyes then!
but i don like to use word press...
i see some gals got panda eyes...very scary lah...cover with make-up oso can
I just don get WP…. Cannot la myself, so confusing!
Aiyoooooo cover with makeup oso can see??????? Yowzaaaa!
quite confusing for me too! still prefer blogspot :-D
becoz the gal is very fair of coz can see lor......unless if u ve very dark
skin like the panda color, then no need make up oso cannot see :-D
Blogspot is the easiest kan? So user friendly, thank goodness for blogspot!
easy to upload all the pics oso!!
LOL @ very dark skin like panda colour hahahhahahahah, so funny la!!
Very easy, and then even first-time users won have much problem kan with Blogspot?
LOL! R said the gal's eyes look like kena tumbuk hahahaha....
Oh no…… I cannot imagine la panda eyes sampai Nampak kena tumbuk! :(
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!