STUPID Paying Post (I'm purposely not linking to them to show my anger!) caused me much grief since 2am last night and since then I was unable to view my own Perfume Gallery here! I was so angry so I slept "early" only to wake up to the same problem persisting in the evening! By that time I was furious, which later turned into depression. I am a perfectionist after all and if something, anything is wrong with any of my three blogs, naturally I'd feel restless and incomplete!

So what happened was I couldn't load my blog fully before it would redirect itself to a blank page and my entire blog would be missing. I spent hours checking out forums on this issue and finally I saw one suggestion from Juliana to remove Paying Post from your blog should you encounter this blank page syndrome. The thing is, I've already removed my Paying Post code last year but apparently, there were still bits and pieces of it stuck on my template!

My webmaster LJ immediately took to the task at hand and double checked my template. She removed all traces of PP from my template and now my beautiful pink blog is back to normal YAY!!! The culprit was Paying Post after all so this is a reminder to me and to other bloggers out there who might be facing similar issues with their blog. REMOVE the stupid Paying Post code from your blog and your blog should be back to normal again!

I really have to thank the following bloggers for consoling me and checking on my pinky blog here during my time of grief. Now that things are back to normal at Mariuca's Perfume Gallery, let be the first to thank you for your love and support!


:* :* :* :*
Mariuca! :) :)
Recent blog:=- My new hairdo
:* :* :* :*
stupid PP!! >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- My new hairdo
anyway, my pinky buddy is back woo-hooooooooo!!! :* :* :*
Recent blog:=- My new hairdo
Yay can chop without problem again edi! Monica FC1! :)
Morning Monica, now can say Morning happily hahaha!
Woo hoo LJ FC2!! :)
wahh since 2am last night eh =-O =-O
Recent blog:=- My new hairdo
Yeay.!!!! MPG Is back... and to think we all thought i was blogger ..cish PP
Stupid bloody PP causing ppl heartpain for no reason…. Go balik kampung and tanam jagung la!!! :(
Yay so happy now! :-D
Hugsy Mon, ur pink buddy is back in aksi woo hoo!!! :)
Seriously no mood earlier…I even wanted to change my template, boleh?? LOL!!!
hehe thanks for the linky love sweetie! *Hugs*
Recent blog:=- My new hairdo
hahahahha morning Mariuca! :-D
Yeah I remember cause dat was the time I started dropping EC for MPG!! I tot sekejap je, see2 after I wake up oso still couldn view MPG!
LOL @ balik kampung and tanam jagung!!!! ahahahahhha!!
Tu la make us accuse blogger for no reason… CIS to dam max PP!!! Never again now… bye 2 forever PP!!!!! Thanks for helping me Lj, love ya!! :)
understandable! LOL!
Wow, Marzie... I am glad you got to the bottom of the problem... I had to reload an old template from early 2008 to solve the problem on Roxiticus Desperate Housewives... I don't think I even know what Paying Post is...certainly they never paid me anything! Glad we're back in business...
Recent blog:=- Hacked!
hehe later go eat sthing nice! relax2..... ;)
Me too lega and happy again Monica, thanks for consoling me too! :)
No worries sweetie,I am just relieved to have MPG back, so surely must thank mah buddies!!! :)
Woohoooo FC2!
Hahah taman jagung lah.. eh the program no more edi kan?
Morning Monica, happy day everybody hahahaha!
Hahhaha… change template? Lol!! Not template fault lah dearie.. lol!
Love ya too GP!!
Oh wow Roxy. .. lucky you still had the old template
Yeah la one whole day I got no mood to do anything, moping around worried abt MPG hahahahhaha!!
He he thanks for understanding ur pinky buddy and her mood swings Mon ho ho ho!!!!
hahahah LJ wan to pengsan edi if change template!LOL!
Roxy!!!! Your blog is okay too now woo hoo! Yeah it was Paying Post after all Roxy, I am furious with them.. it’s a stupid paid post program, which btw didn even pay me for the stupid post I did for them… of course I’m angry! But I’m just so relieved MPG is back in biz, thanks so much for checking on her dis morning sweetie, hugs! :)
Yeah I wan to relaxi taxi after dis, hahahahahah now complaining to B abt my problem hahahahaha, he oso don understand but just listen LOL!
LJ which blog eh?? LJL edi here… u wan me put LLP?
I dunno the program ada lagi ke tak… all I know its just a stupid “tricking ppl” program… grrrrrr!!!!! Thanks for checking my template sweetie, ur da best!!!
Tu la cause desperate to fix the problem LJ sampai nak tukar template!!!
Big hugs LJ! :)
I tak terfikir pun to use old template…terus GALM when cannot view MPG ROTFLMAO!!!
Yeah now can ROTFLMAO… just now depresi it seems hahaahhaha!
No need pengsan edi LJ hahahahah!
yayks.. blushing. hehe. thanks a lot for the badge mention here. you are very much welcome. i am just glad that you have it fixed otherwise you will still be having restless days. i hate such days.
will hit my blog now and scrape off the paying post code. have a nice day popular mariuca!
Recent blog:=- Stair Lifts For Your Own Peace Of Mind
hahahah yeah go relaxi taxi! ;)
Adding ur badges first ladies, then relaxi taxi!! Thanks for chopping woo hoo!
I put LLP edi LJ!! :)
u're welcome Mariuca....glad everything is back to normal! :)
Im glad too sweetie, thanks so much for layaning my nonsense at TUO just now hahahah yeah lor depresi dat time mah…..
hehe no worries Mariuca.....i'm going out makan now....cya later! :* :*
Enjoy ur makan2 Mon, tandoori tonight??
Haha.. so cute B don’t understand but still hear you out J
That’s good GP!
When you use old template if you’re not careful you would lose whatever new widget and codes you added tau..
Big hugs GP!
Hugs GP!
LLP is good dearie!! Yihaa!!
Tu la poor thing had to listen to my nonsense oso, for that Ill give him a foot massage tonight! :)
Wats good LJ??
LLP is up LJ and u are in the FCSB lead here so far woosh woosh! :)
Massage jgn tak massage..
Eh buzz2 ladies at LJL!
Thanks again LJ! :)
Hmm… not sure.. I think coz you say you want to relax!
Lega rasanya, tadi no mood to chop, blog hop, drop ec or click adgi oso muahahahhahahahhahaha! HUGS!!!!
Ohhhhhh ahhahahahhaha yeah la!!! I wan to play my PSP monsters game ni… so fun!
Yelah.. kalau I pun no mood.!
Yihaa.. leading..yeay!!!
Hehehehe no mood gils!!
Mariuca and LJ,
Thank you both for the tip about Paying Post... I had saved the corrupt template last night before I restored the one from 2008... I reloaded it, went back in and deleted the hacked Paying Post code from the header of my template, now back to where I was before the break-in. Good thing, because I had lost all of the widgets I had changed over the past 18 months.
Recent blog:=- Hacked!
See my note below. I did lose all of my new widgets and codes, but thankfully used the Paying Post info from you and GP to fix the newer template.
Thanks so much for looking out for all of us!
Recent blog:=- Hacked!
You’re welcome Roxy.. glad to hear you got your widgets back!
Yeay to getting back your widgets Roxy and no more payingpost code!
Glad your site is okay now. My blogger friend Jane had the same problem as did at least two other blogs I know of when I was dropping ECs last night.
Yay, Mariuca is back! :* :)
Recent blog:=- EBW Is Back!
MPG looks beautiful woooo whooo :) :)
Hi Marzie,
I knew, for a long time, that Paying Post is a scam but I could never imagine their code could cause a redirect to a blank page. It´s case to say: :#>:)
Glad you were able to fix it quickly. LJ is so professional!
See you :)
Recent blog:=- A Milestone In My Financial Independence Journey
Ah so it was paying post that caused it. What a nasty script they put on people's blog.
Hope others read this coz I found several blogs loading blank page yesterday.
Anyway, nice to smell your perfume again this morning ;) ;)
Recent blog:=- WW: Santa Came To School!
Morning Mariuca! lol no tandoori la! :-D
aiyoo i always miss buzz2 at LJL!
wow.. like this also can happened aa... luckily you have a very good and reliable webmaster.. congrats to both of you :)
Recent blog:=- Cara Google Keyword HIDUP BERANI UNTUK GAGAL
Aiyoo! crazy la the payingpost!!! now this blog seems a bit lighter. the last time i came i could not even leave a comment! kudos to lj!!! thanks also to juliana for the suggestion! :* :*
At least everthing is back to normal now! Good for you!
by the way you might be interested to earn up to 100usd just click on the link below...
GP! i also having this prob! >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- Fall of the Lich King Trailer
It happened to me as well. I was really frustrated and even deleted all the task bar just to figure out the problem. Then I found out it's the paying post code. Grrr.
Good thing I didn't sign up for this site or else I won't know what to do. :P
Kudos to LJ who is always ready to help.
ayayay! no wonder...i was trying to access your perfume gallery blog yesterday to drop my EC and click adgi ads but after it loads, i'm led to a blank page. the same thing happens when i try to access elai's blog (perhaps she used to write for paying post?). well, at least the case of the blank page has been solved. :-D
hope you feel better now mariuca. :)
happy weekend!
GP! hav u read my blog post bout this?
Recent blog:=- Tiger Woods Mistresses
i oso got prob with PP >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog:=- November Top Droppers
About what GG????? Tiger Woods???
Oh PP… just remove the code and the widget GG, then should be okay… I did have trouble viewing ur blog too past few days… :(
Hey Sunshine, thanks sweetie! I am feeling heaps better of course now that my blog is functioning again. It was terrible not knowing what went wrong but I’m just glad things are okay now. Thanks so much for your concern and kind words here, hugs! :)
Oh I can’t access Elai’s blog too, I definitely think it’s the same problem.
I thought I removed all the code and script edi ECL, but apparently I forgot to remove the code in the template… :(
GG, lucky we solved the situation eh? Happy blogging! :)
Hi Grace! Tell me about it, I was climbing walls in frustration and I’m just really glad the whole mess is over. It really is no fun if you can’t even view your own blog right? Hugs! :)
Thanks so much Prettyfirefly! And thanks for the invite too. I’ve already received several invitations on this and I have yet to accept any… must log in to my FB soon then… :)
Crazy gils Emila…mana tak tensi.. dah la takde job therer then ask people to put the stupid code…for what??? Yeah, couldn leave comment cause the page will go blank before sempat do anything.. I want to drop EC here oso cannot! :(
He he sure la like dis can also happen Zuls lol! Thanks, no more blank page syndrome here, just plenty of woosh woosh! :)
I missed today’s buzz2 at LJL… I was fast asleep! :)
No tandoori eh? Well Im sure it was a yummy dinner nonetheless, how abt tonight?
Hey Evan’s Mom!! Yeah la sweetie, it was the stupid PP which I have almost forgotten about! So glad ur can view and smell the scent-sational scents here again, hugs! :)
I agree Mize… they’re nothing but a big fat scam! Previously, their code caused pop-ups to appear here Mize, that’s why I removed the widget. Apparently I forgot to remove the script code on my template, and that caused the blank page! Of coz I’m angry cause that’s twice they caused me grief! :( Thanks sweetie…..
Woo hoo thanks so much Bill! SO glad MPG is back to her scent-sational self! :)
Hey David, me too! So glad the whole nightmare is over, never again I hope! :)
Hey Roxy! No worries sweetie, I had to let u know just in case PP was your culprit as well. So glad we got to the bottom of things and thanks to LJ too of coz! Hugs all around!
I know LJ but thanks for the reminder….
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!