Wow! A simple fun contest like Blog Idol has suddenly turned into controversy thanks to several irresponsible commenters/voters who decided to take things into their own hands and turn this prestigious contest into a war zone. The things people do just to get attention seriously amazes me sometimes!

And though I was a little upset and disappointed that my good name was unwillingly dragged into this mess, I am feeling heaps better today. Thanks to Monica, LadyJava, Rizal and Foong for talking out this issue with me. I've decided that the show must go on and I will not allow these insignificant ticks to take over my role in this contest with their implied accusations. All I know is that I am in this contest for the thrill and nothing more. If somebody really doesn't want me in the contest, then it is just too bad! I love music, I love Blog Idol and I will stick around for as long as I can until I am voted off!

Once again, thank you to Bluedreamer as the contest organizer and to all my REAL voters who have voted for me so far and I hope I will not let you down this week too. To those of you who would like to VOTE for MPG as well, please click here. The poll has officially been removed so only comment votes will go towards the final vote count now. Thanks a million peeps!