Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saying Hello! *

Hey peeps! Wow, it’s been ages since I’ve updated my blog and yes, that fact has crossed my mind many times so feel free to NOT 'remind’ me here LOL! ihikhik

Yes, I’ve been lazy and yes, I’ve been busy with real life. When I say real life, I mean my offline life, which mostly comprises my job as a freelance copywriter, my family of four fluffy cats and one adorable B plus our big-screen TV, which currently is seeing the both of us (me reluctantly) hooked on Ghost Adventures. Smiley 

Life has been pretty mellow for me, which though may sound like a big yawn to some, remains as a calming force to my sometimes worry-wart always-stressed nature. Nowadays, I tend to let so many little things go so no more worrying unnecessarily about trivial matters or things that I cannot change. And trust me; this works wonders for the soul! Smiley 

I am however a little worried about my blog today. I made a big blunder two weeks back when I tried to oh-so-cleverly change my blog template here. Apparently, I did NOT make a backup of my template prior to installing a new one so my entire page went haywire! I am hoping this new post will help detect and hopefully solve the missing comment count issue I am currently facing so feel free to leave your comments here to help me and little old MPG. Smiley

Oh yesterday was also the 14th so Happy Valentine’s Day! I found this very pretty card on my office table last night, which I adore. Thanks Love! Smiley 

Surprise card on my laptop!
Mariuca ♥ B

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