Hola! It's time for a new tag here at MPG and this once comes from Mrs. Ezman and Nick. Since it does not have a specific name, I am using the name given by Nick - Double Decker tag. According to Nick, if I don't use his chosen name, get ready to face his wrath and I can tell you that when Nick gets angry, it ain't pretty! I sure hope Nick won't come after me now since I'm being a good girl by using the DD name he's given this tag, which is quite cool by the way! ;)
Okay, let's do this now. Basically you just have to provide two answers for each of the question you see below, pretty easy right?
Two names you go by
Aside from my real name Marzie, I also go by
1. Mariuca
2. GP
Two things you are wearing right now
1. White Linen Breeze
2. White Malay Mail tee
Two things you want very badly at the moment
1. Like Nick, I wanna be a millionaire too!
2. A new scanner
Two things you did last night just before bed
1. EC Drops
2. Fluffed my pillows
Two things you ate today
1. Cupcake
2. Sushi
Two people you just spoke with
1. B
2. Client
Two things you are doing tomorrow
1. Research for a new job
2. Catch up on my favourite soap
Two longest car rides
1. From PJ to Tasik Kenyir Terengganu for a Treasure Hunt
2. From PJ to JB
Two favourite beverages
1. Coffee
2. Iced Latte
2+1 persons who are chosen to do this tag
1. Yoon See 2. Diya 3. Janice
I am also tagging my current Top 10 Mariucans in my sidebar namely Emila, LJ, Grandy, Jackie, Monica, Roxy, HaaziQ, Kim and Jean.
Enjoy this tag and have a great weekend! :)
Okay, let's do this now. Basically you just have to provide two answers for each of the question you see below, pretty easy right?
Two names you go by
Aside from my real name Marzie, I also go by
1. Mariuca
2. GP
Two things you are wearing right now
1. White Linen Breeze
2. White Malay Mail tee
Two things you want very badly at the moment
1. Like Nick, I wanna be a millionaire too!
2. A new scanner
Two things you did last night just before bed
1. EC Drops
2. Fluffed my pillows
Two things you ate today
1. Cupcake
2. Sushi
Two people you just spoke with
1. B
2. Client
Two things you are doing tomorrow
1. Research for a new job
2. Catch up on my favourite soap
Two longest car rides
1. From PJ to Tasik Kenyir Terengganu for a Treasure Hunt
2. From PJ to JB
Two favourite beverages
1. Coffee
2. Iced Latte
2+1 persons who are chosen to do this tag
1. Yoon See 2. Diya 3. Janice
I am also tagging my current Top 10 Mariucans in my sidebar namely Emila, LJ, Grandy, Jackie, Monica, Roxy, HaaziQ, Kim and Jean.
Enjoy this tag and have a great weekend! :)
* The first person to leave a comment on any post title that ends with a star will receive a link back to his or her blog for being my first commentator!
Thanks Mariuca, thanks for remembering me:)
you have so many names?
Let me do it when I am free OK.
Oh, just missed the CHOP!
I was too busy eating a delicious Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes with gravy. Now I am stuffed like a fat turkey!
Easy tag, will try to do this when I'm done with the my Genting trip post. Thanks for thinking of me :):)
and a lot more juicy tidbits revealed hehehehe :) Loving it Marzie :) cant wait to see what the others have to say ;) happy weekend dear. Me am off to go and complete my xmas shopping whew - so many people to give so little time :)
Can't believe I've already finished the Double Decker Tag...hope you'll drop by later and check out my answers.
I sudah naik my asking price la. I want to be a Billionaire not Millionaire la ... LOL!
Thanks for getting this done so fast. Since you're so efficient with tags, I'll try and look for another one for you :D
Oh Marzie this one looks like a lot of fun.
I am running photo memes tonight. But, I will try to wet this done tomorrow right after my EC thank yous run a while.
You mean we can't call Nick ****** anymore?
Oh my I will remember that when I do this tag.
Shall I explain here also about The Fair Use Policy act of America?
Okay I'm off to the races. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't go over:-)
You know over 'The Fair Use Policy Act of America!
I just love how quickly these tags make their way halfway around the blogosphere...reading everyone's responses is a great way to keep relaxing on my Thanksgiving Thursday night.
OK, now I'm really going to bed...night, night MPG!
Wohoo! More tags! I lurve tags!! Will put it up soon on my blog! Thanks for tagging, Marzie!
HI YS!!! Thanks so much for being my FC for this post, MPG loves ya! :)
Have fun with this tag sweetie, I told ya I was gonna get you with my next tag he he! :):):)
Morning Roxy, yeah la, u were about an hour late from YS, otherwise it would have been Bree's pic here! ;)
Ha ha ha stuffed like a fat turkey Roxy? I have a feeling I'm gonna feel that way tomorrow when I go for my sister's birthday party! ;)
Hey Jan! An easy tag for u to enjoy this weekend, have fun sweetie! :):):)
Ho ho ho Metz! Happy Christmas shopping, I am looking forward to doing some Christmas perfume shopping for MPG he he!
Glad to hear u enjoyed this tag, we'll wait for the rest to see their response now. :):):)
Roxy, you are done with ur DD tag already? WOW! Thanks sweetie, I'll drop by soon. :):):)
LOL! Thanks for the tag Nick! Easy peasy ones like dis for sure I laik la, come tag me some more ha ha!
Aiya, billionaire like no harapan you know, so I'll still settle for millionaire, wish me luck! :):):)
Hi Jackie, this one is really easy and fun, glad u are on my current TM list, so you're tagged! :)
Hi Jackie, I saw ur explanation on the Act, and will read it again to fully understand. Such a long explanation from u Jackie, thank you for taking the time to do so, you rock! :):):)
Hey Roxy, glad u're having fun checking out other people's responses, are there any more out besides yours? I am still replying my comments, before I start making my rounds. :)
Oh night night Roxy, sweet dreams! :)
Hola Emila! Yup, time for another tag, have fun with this one and TGIF! Hugs! :):):)
mmm... sushi... mmm... :D
You like sushi too Ane? Have some on MPG, enjoy! :)
LOL.. This tag name kinda catchy. Hehe.. Hey, I am so sorry for haven't yet post the A-Z tag and now this DD tag. I will post something more formal today, and perhaps I will post these two tags before it. Or after it. I also don't know. hehehe.. But I sure will do it :)
Thanks for tagging me.. Hehe.. Lupe plak nak thanks :D
alamak.. another tag..hehhe...ok will try to get it up soon eh.
thank dearie!
Speaking of boldie.. did you see yesterday epi..padan muka donna!!!
Thanks for tagging me Mariuca! ;-)
I love love love Coffee & Iced Latte too!!!
thanks for the tag Mariuca :))
I'm a little snowed under atm..but will get to it next week :)
I have pulled a muscle in my neck and it's proving to be a real 'pain in the neck' when I'm on the computer :)
have a lovely weekend :)
here to grab the tag dearie..
Have a wonderful Saturday.. :). but I will do this over at LLP ya :)
Done it here already dearie :)
Buat apa tu??
dropping off early Mariuca...
have a lovely Sunday :)
Well, I went to see Nick's answers, and I tagged SpicyBug and she did hers right away, I feel like I saw another one or two as well. Fun!
Less than 4 hours to Music Monday! I haven't made my picks yet, and I'm thinking about doing three...one on RDH, one on Bay Head Blog, and one on Roxiticus Best Blogs. We'll see just how ambitious I get...
FC is yoon see yay
wow I made it to both sites today. it's a miracle!!
Okay if this keeps up I will most definitely have your tag done this afternoon.
Now I just pray that I can do MM. I don't think I will be able to until my other satellite lets me have my time back.
Thanks for all the comments at Roxiticus Desperate Housewives...trying to just kick back and relax today after all the visitors yesterday. Still have to pick out my tunes for Music Monday, I see you don't have yours up yet either!
Still confused about BlogExplosion... I guess you must have just changed the URL of your existing blog with them. In the past, I've kept using Roxiticus Desperate Housewives while they approved (or rejected) my other blogs. I'm surprised you couldn't keep using your Blogspot address, since your blog is "still there." But I guess it is too late to talk about that now...the bad news is, I think they rejected Roxy's Best Of ("not a blog") back in late August, and they have ignored the ticket(s) I've submitted since then...about 2 months now.
It seems so strange that you can be sending them referrals and surfing for credits but not able to participate in Battle of the Blogs or rockets...
Make that 3 months that BE has been ignoring my service tickets. Aaaargh!
aloha marzie!!
thanks for tagging me! u know how mcuh i love tag, kan! :) i am so sry for late arrival. I was busy for the past few days. We had BBQ on friday night, it was my mom's bday! :)
oh, this tag is so simple & straight forward. I hope i will be able to find the time to do this one within this week. :)
we've got the same two fav bevarages lar. hehe, i guessed by now both of us already knew that rite! :)
i gotta sleep now. It's getting very 'early'. ;) Good nite dear! All the best in researching yr new job! *HUGZ*
Here I am on Sunday afternoon, looking for your Music Monday picks... I've already posted two of a possible three and I'm ready to listen... and dance?
Favor to ask of you, MPG, since you can't vote on Battle of the Blogs for now, do you have time to stop by this new web thingy I joined and vote for my post? It's called Smallaa and they're giving away $10,000 for the most popular post. Here's the link: http://www.smallaa.com/post/1490
Thanks for voting for me, Mariuca! Smallaa is kind of a weird little place, a little bit like Twitter in that everything is short...I haven't really figured it out yet, but I'd love to have ten thousand smackeroos...last week it looked like some guy won with ONE VOTE.
What a cool tag, Marzie! I like that one. Thanks!!
I will get that one in there soon enough...I promise!
Cupcakes AND Sushi...in that order...is the best meal in da world!!
How was the research for the new job? Did you get it done??
Congrats to Yoon See for being the FC on this one.
She snuck in just before the beautiful Roxy.
Sorry Roxy!!
I see you're in there on today's post though. Good for you.
I see LJ made it as your top commenter again for November.
Of coarse!!
Congrats LJ!! WOOT WOOT!!!
Sorry I haven't been around as much. Crazy busy!!
I just realized on my way home tonight that it was 12/1/08 (where I am anyway) and I had to see if I was able to stay in the top 10.
Imagine my excitement to see that Grandy was still in the #2 position.
Hope you are having a great day, Marzie!!
Hi HaaziQ, have fun with the tag, this one is fun to do yes? :):):)
Hi LJ! Thanks for doing the tag but I had to spoil it by mengomening at the wrong post kan? Ha ha ha!
Oh mmg padan la muka Donna ha ha ha! Steph and Eric are back together-gether, so happy lol! Now to get rid of K! Can't wait for the next ep. :):):)
Hi Kim, thanks for dropping by. Hope u're having a good week in Aussie. :)
TH! Waiting for you to be FC here, happy Wed! :)
Hi Roxy! I wrote to BE today, explaining my situation of merely changing URL and not submitting a new blog, just cause my add is different now. I seriously doubt they'll get back to me so soon seeing that ur ticket is still unsolved! :( Nothing else I can do but wait boo hoo!!
Roxy! I am really interested in Smalla he he, and I hope you win! All the best Roxy ka-ching! :):):)
Almost forgot Roxy, BE rejected MPG!! And there's no way for me to resubmit, should I write another ticket?? :(
Hi Jackie, thank you for dropping by both sites.
And have fun with the tag, sorry u're facing all this PC probs, Hugs! :):):)
Hi Jean, have fun with the tag. Simple, short and sweet, good la this tag LOL! :)
Oh Happy birthday to your mom, did u bake her a cake? I celebrated my youngest sister's birthday too over the weekend. :):):)
Jean, of coz! We just love our coffee and thanks so much for all the iced latte u've been dropping of for my opis minibar he he! ;)
YAY! Grandy is here, how are u dear? Have fun with this tag, hope it'll help to meet your daily post quota! :):):)
Grandy, I am done with the research and the job YAY me! How is work treating you now that you're back in the office? :)
Grandy, thanks for making it to my TC list here for November yay! Let's see how long u can remain here okay, hopefully forever he he!
Thanks for all your comment love here and have a great day. :):):)
Morning Marzie,
it's finally done!!
Happy day:-)
Thanks Jackie, I've visited ur tag post YAY! :):):)
OMG!! I full on forgot about this and just posted a meme.
Ick! I SUCK!!
I appreciate your vote of confidence about staying in your top 10 commenters.
But I don't hold out A LOT of hope.
All I can do is try...right??
the tag is done hun! ;-)
LOL! That's okay Grandy, u can save this tag for another rainy day okay? :)
And hey, u're still on my TM list here so yay! :):):)
Thanks Mon, hope u had fun with this one! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!