WOW it is way past midnight and would you believe it if I said I just woke up? Well, not since yesterday of course. I have been up since early afternoon and did manage to get some things done but after the tiring day I had, it was impossible to keep my eyes open and I found myself nodding off again at about 9pm.
Earlier in the day, I actually woke up rather early (for my standard of course) with the sole intention of spring-cleaning my condo. It's not that I'm lazy to clean the house or anything like that, but sometimes, when you're the only person who has to clean the condo, ensure everything is in place and not strewn about, it does get kind of tiring. Don't forget that I have three very adorable very fluffy cats, so there's more to do than just the basic cleaning. I wish we had a maid but we don't and even if we did, I don't think we'd be comfortable living with another person in our 3-room condo. When we finally get a landed property and move out of this condo, perhaps it is much more practical to consider some maid assistance, but for now B and I can pretty much handle things on our own.
So I cleaned up the condo, did the laundry, had a very late lunch and even managed to complete my assignment on website hosting, which I have to say is mushrooming by the day in the blogosphere. So many new companies are coming out with their own affordable web hosting packages; one will be spoiled for choice! This particular one I was checking out offers many great features and seems more credible than most I've seen online.
With a number of awards to support their claim as a customer-oriented company that provides premium quality hosting solutions in over 78 countries, I am most inclined to recommend ImHosted to my readers compared to the many others available online. At only $6.95 a month, you will be able to enjoy premium web hosting easily, with full confidence of being in professional hands to help you get started. So if you're looking for a new web hosting solution, feel free to drop by the links above yeah?
It was immediately after I completed my assignment that I got bitten by the sleepy bug and no matter how hard I tried to stay up, I simply could not! After ten straight yawns, which made my eyes all teary, I gave in to some much-needed sleep and did not rouse until now! And the reason I woke up too was because I have not had dinner so my rumbling tummy was what roused me from sleep ha ha!
It is now a little after 1 am and the rain has not stopped since afternoon. I think that's another reason that made me sleepy. Rainy weather always makes the bed seem more comfy so snuggling up to B under our warm soft comforter is hard to refuse! Since I've yet to have dinner, I will bid you farewell for the night, and raid my kitchen to see what I can cook at this very late hour. See ya later and have a lovely Tuesday. :)

«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 776 Newer› Newest»Jean u mean u not replying thru emails? He he! Another one here lol!
Now u know ler lol! :):)
Cute kan the word TERtopple? :P:P
Cute gils Debbs!!!
yay!!! im now the Queen!! muahahahaha
marzie, look at this:
1. Jean Chia (101)
2. Ane (82)
3. LadyJava (65)
4. Monica (40)
5. Phatelara (22)
6. gagay (13)
7. bluecrystaldude (8)
8. Jean (4)
9. Jackie (4)
10. foongpc (2)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Good night, debbs! :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
sure Ane will be surprise to see this! haha! :-D
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
me too, mon! >:o
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
good night Jean! :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Matahariku
eh, can click on ourself ar? O:-)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
yeah, if can a few days lagi bagus! :-D
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Uwah!!! Syabas Jean! In one night some more!!! Go Jean Go! Who wants the Fab Queen of Feb crown? He he hee!!!
but PPP is getting adverstiser who accept from as low as 0.50 bucks. It's all so rojak at PPP already. I prefer the last time whereby the lowest pay is 5bucks. :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
i rem last time i reserved this opps then can stay for few days. i think it is smorty ar? forgot lar. :-P
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
hahaha.. TERtopple! so cute lar u debbs!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Jean I only accept 5 bucks min, cause the sen one is like not worth it kan? ;)
Jean you also can't reply from email?! lol..
debbs, if tertopple then takpe lar. I cannot stop u from talking mah, kan! somemore i love chattign wt u here! :) :*
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
ok ladies, i seriously need to sleep now! see y'all!! :) :* :*
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Good night & sweet dreams!!! :) :* :*
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Smorty, BBR, RM, BV all for several days, only PPP and Paying Post (PP) 6 hours, tak best kan???
Hehe I baru reserve one $0.50 from PPP ni about perfume. I need to have 10 PPP ops la then only can add CnS. :(
Ok Jean! Nite nite for real this time okay? HUGS!!!
Hehehe...yalah some more got coffee, and then MPG always smells nice with the perfume wooshing at the corner. Everyone loves to lepak here kan? :):)
Okay bye Jean. See ya! :)
Abt perfume????? Wah wah wah but 50 sen ni mcm sakit hati la nak buat Debbs!!!!
I saw one op on BBR, offering only $3 but want PR3 blogs. CHIT! Boleh blah! :P
He he he he woosh woosh! Tenkiu Debbs, you are always welcomed here at MPG, esp Cns since she’s on my blogroll here. Nanti I add ROTP here too kay? I have to update my blogroll, but biasa la me, slow poke! ;)
I have to lah Marzie. Hehehehe...$0.50 oso money ma... ;) Some more ROTP no PR, so must grab whatever I can get. Hehe..
Oh mmg blh blah!!! Ada ke nak offer 3 bucks pas tu demand for PR 3! Podah! :(
Mariuca, the TCM will reset on every 1st is it?
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Matahariku
Ala me oso, most of my fave blogs I bookmark, so mmg tak terfikir wanna update blogroll pun sometimes. Lol!
But 50 sen mcm heart “paining” kan Debbs?
I also only accept 5 bucks min!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Matahariku
Mon! Monitor ur TCM yeah, it resets sometime around the first week of every month. So keep a look out okay?
Kan? Make me angers only! :(
I tak bookmark, I prefer to have them in my blogroll so easier for me to find mah! Bookmark dah byk sgt dah, no more space lol!
Mariuca I don't like BBR la; always pending!
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Matahariku
Yeah lor, then only worth it right? He he! ;)
HA HA HA HA!!! Make u angers Debbs? HA HA HHA!! Tu la, dats why when I see the sen opps, I just close one eye and move on LOL! ;)
Hehehe takpe heart pain, asalkan not heart attack! *touch wood* Hehehe...anyway, for Adgitize kan, can we click on our own ads ke? I want to have more kaching ni. :P (I sound so mata duitan lol!!!)
Always pending as in the bids, Mon??? Yeah, it takes ages for them to accept kan? But why not u try this one? Maybe can get! :)
oh I thought it resets on the 1st @ 12am sharp.. hahaha..
Mine oso bnyk! Hehehehe...
this one how much? hahahhahha
ROTFLMAO!!! I oso mata duitan, who isn’t nowadays ha ha ha!!!
Of coz can click on ur own ads, but let’s say u ada 3 ads, like here at MPG, then even if u click on all 3, u will still get just 1 point. But can click on ads at ur own blog, no worries there! I’ve been clicking at ROTP and CnS, LJL, LLP, AGP and those yg ada adgitize! ;)
Oh no it doesn’t… so make sure u keep track of the TCM for ur post later! ;)
That op was about crafting machine, so I thought ok la for CnS..skali tgk nak PR3, CnS now PR2. Cheapskate betul la $3! I doubt the advertiser get anyone picking their op. Padan muka!
He he he this one sepuluh je Mon, but don forget BBR takes 30%, so tujuh je la! ;)
Oh Cns dropped to 2 yeah? At least ada jugak PR unlike poor MPG! :(
Oh, click on 1 ad per blog enuff izzit? ;) Syiok!
Yup! Hopefully can naik la back to 3. I will surely cry if turun again. :(( *touch wood*
Yeah! But I sometimes click on more than one, in order to get to those blogs with Adgitize on them. Cool la adgitize actually!
I hope so too Debbs, bila ye next round ni? I see some blogs dah kena slash PR, but mine so far no changes.
tujuh also not bad :-$ :-$
Oh ya kan? Awesome! :):) Will do that. Oh ya if adgitize ads on our blogs are clicked, we oso get points la?
ok I'll see on the 1st March any changes or
I think kan, WOAFS is linked from many good blogs. Plus always got quality posts ma. :) Dunno bout MPG though. Mr G is temperamental, ikut mood dia je. Lol!
Better than lima yes Mon? I like BV the best I think!
Yup!! When someone clicks on ur Adgitize ads at ur blog, u oso get points! Cool eh?
Ok Mon, u remind me too okay! Takut I terlupa then how to do my TCM post lol!
mine also so far no changes la! :(
ok I'll check it out.. what abt the rest? SS?
Awesome! Yay!!
ok sure! I'll remind you on the 28/02 at 11.59pm.. hahaha!
Mon did u get the email I sent u abt restoring ur url at JS? I just did for WOAFS and my TCM is back in action now! :)
Tapi kan Debbs, MPG punya alexa and izea ranks are better than Mariuca u know? Tu yg tak paham betul dgn mr G ni! Tak consistent! ;)
He he okies, don forget u know!! Thanks Mon!
yes Mariuca.. but i don't have new post yet so do i have to restore my site now?
Hmmmmm SS for me not many opps, but some ppl are doing okay there. My faves are 3P, RM and BV yay! :)
No, u can wait after u have a new post out, then don forget to restore yeah? :)
oh ok! ;)
you mean Blogsvertise? what's RM? :-[ :-[
Mmg Mr G camtu...ROTP pulak PR0 tapi get a lot of traffic from searches.
Yes Blogsvertise and RM is review me! ;) Try la! Best!
Tu la, tak suka la mr g ni he he, kena berbahasa melayu mana tau mr g Nampak kita kutuk dia pas tu terus penalize us lol!!!
Aiyo, hope not la. Sorry yer me tadi busy editing CV for C's colleague. :)
Me doing some translasi now Debbs!
I saw ur tweet! Sesat dlm translasi it seems! hehehe....
He he he!! Magpie ni mcm tak Berjaya la, but u got quite a few oredi kan?
Yup, I got 5 or 6 jer. Sayang kan? :) Some more in GBP. *sigh*
I got 2 only Debbs, and then kena kumpul lagi kan? How to reach the min amt like dis? Slow gitu!
Ye la, naymind ler just have to wait. :) How's ur LinkPost @ LinkWorth? Register edi? Dah submit ur blogs?
Oooops!!! Debbs, u were right abt Linkpost. I see the first page only dah pening, not sure what to do so I have not done anything yet. Will get to it soon yeah? Have to fill in address semua ke? And what’s this abt cheque payment? They don use PP? Konpius u know! ;)
Tell u what, I'll write down the steps, and then email u ya. :):) Won't be so pening, I hope.
Wah really Debbs???? I feel like a silly billy la tak faham but that would be awesome sweetie, thanks so much!!!!!!!!
GP.. dah signup with Linkworth eh?? awesome...
of course they pay via PP.. I've been paid numerous times!
hahhaha.. kutuk encik G eh.. lol!!!
No problem, am here to help. Lgpun sayang la ur PR, sure can get LinkPost ops tau. :):)
Good for your GP..
Just remember to check your dashboard .. and pay attention to those
Lol! Ye la LJ! :):):)
Debbss.. you dah dapat Linkpost ke???
I dah lama tak dapat :(
CT, BW pun ada!!
wah awesome.. you joined under me kan??? like this i can kaching also
bila you buat eh.. i nak check my account ni!!
I signed up under Debbs, but dunno what to do LJ! ;)
Angers mah….kutuk la sikit! ;)
Is it Debbs? Good ke the opps at LW? ;)
I will LJ, thanks! ;)
Yes yes sometimes I drop there LJ, but usually it’s LLP and LJL la! ;)
U talking to me or Debbs, LJ? I joined under Debbs for LW. But tak explore yet!
Awesome GP!!!
Yeah linkworth is a bit pening but once you get it.. it's easy lah..
let me know if you need help ok.. though i think Debbs can guide you as
LOL.. I pun angers.. habis En G stripped my blog.. telanjang bulat!
I baru dapat 2. :) Not too bad la. But they take 30% kan?
Hehehe baru jer this year lol!!! And YES I joined under u ma.....
Debs join the partnership.. you get 50% only but you get priority!!
Yihaaa... FC kat Ramblings!! yiiaa!!!!
eh you missed being FC kat BW lah for MM.. shemah got it!!
hahahaha.. alamak you reply for which comment ni... i'm answering from!
Eh good la..I got $14 from 2 posts. :)
hehe.. i tak sedar pun i got ref.. thanks so much dearie!!! yihaa!
Wah jahat Encik G, forces blogs to strip! :(:(:(
I will surely bug u and Debbs abt this LW, as it is now oso dah konpius!
Partnership?? Amende tu????
Aiyo….. takpe LJ, janji I dapat for LJL and the beautiful LLP! :)
Yeah la, I termiss by few secs!!! Eh Debbs cepat la buat new post, I oso wan to be fc there LOL!
ROTFLMAO telanjang bulat, stark naked? Oh tidak LJ!!!
Takpe, just reply from email then kalau konpius, can always check the box eh?
hah tulah .. habih bogel blog!
Wah Debbs OKB!!!
heheh.. but eh check out the video there.. I'm not sure if you heard of Ana
Rafali.. she has so beautiful voice i tell you!
Partnership? LinkWorth ke?
yelah.. LJL, LLP, BW.. semua telanjang.... yg tinggal blogspot nyer blog
nya.. itupun separuh bogel...heheheh
Ala paid post pulak LJ. :P So DUH la me sometimes.
How much u get from me yer? :P For LW?
Marzie, don't worry. Nanti I email k? Right now I pening2 edi lol!
yeap Debbs....
I cant remember where but if you explore ada option for partnership or
something but you only get 50% lah..not 70%
Kesian la LLP kena strip! :(
takper.. the honor was to get first time FC mah..heheh
Funny la u LJ, half naked lagi! Lol!!!
I'm not sure.. they say USD50 for advertiser and affiliates but only when
accumulate USD100 or spend USD100 for advertiser.. so how much you earn
already... lol?
Can can Debbs, am going to zzzz oso soon, so take ur time with the email yeah? Hugsy!
tulah from dua lagi.. terus bogel.. i sh ish ish.. sedih.. time tu tak buat
PB pun utk tiga p.. sayang konon..
hhahaha.. yelah Debss.. kalau baju penuh 10.. ini 2 and 3.. separuh bogel
nasib baik si GP ni tak der adsense kalau tidak mesti banyak ads xxx
Congrats LadyJava!
Tak yah sayang2 LJ, buat je kalau ada PR ha ha!
Manada me get anything other than LinkPost, LJ...hmmm now partnership plak. Checking it out now! :)
Don remind me la abt adsense! :(
Tulah.. menyesal!!!!
Okay, LJ...oh ya now I need 2 more ops from 3P before I can add more blogs! Yay!! Lama tu tgu sbb ROTP telur kan? :( Tp why GP said both her blogs on 3P ah?
Oh i get a lot from the.. even link ads.. like at CT.. most text link from
them.. but small lah USD7 a month jer..
Oh ya kan? Tak penah really notice GP's blog no adsense. Lol!
GP why not reapply using another email addy?
eh she dah berapa lama with 3p.. i think for sure she did more than 10 post
for them already...
dulu ada.. skg takder.. heart pain
Alamak, sowie Marzie. Me dunno the story.
LJ, LinkWorth kan got certain products, they ask to add website, can add blog ke? Or they want own domain?
Both WOAFS and MPG on 3p what Debbs…but takde opps je for MPG. Speaking of MPG, I am gonna bug u with some silly questions later LJ, pasal my ize rank ni! Sekejap ada sekejap takde, tensi tul tau!!!!
He he I only have bidvertiser, which is kinda cool actually lol!
Tak leh la LJ, no such thing as mendaftar semula lol! ;)
He he dah berpuluh post for 3p mah! ;)
Takpe Debbs, satu pi, sepuluh mai LOL!!! ;)
Oh okay, I figured. GP mcm wondering why I said must wait for 10 posts for 3P hehehe...
add you blogs.. they mean the same thing for them
hah mmg macam tu..that's why i removed them from my blogs.. sakit hati
tengok kadang2 0
and adbrite kan??
hhmm... really eh?? cish
Oh okay...hehehehe my bad!
But mmg I wondering Debbs cause I didn know u had to do 10 posts first to add another blog for 3p! ;)
hahaha.. me too!!.. dah beribu dollar!!!
Wah best tu if sepuluh mai...hehehehe syiok!
chewah.. go GP go!!
Ye ke? Ish bengong la LW. Cakap la awal2 website = blog. Chit!
Eh wait…bidvertiser ke adbrite ye???? Adbrite adbrite ha hahaha see confused again! No bidvertiser, adbrite only LOL!!!
Beribu from 3 p LJ? Wah I ratusan je! ;)
LOL! Kidding je of coz, mana ada 10 mai lol!!!
Yes you do GP.. TOS mah!
I puluh sen-an...hehehehehe
hello marzie..introducing here my stunted blog.. :) :) :) :)
Recent blog post: Lack of Sleep causes Heart Problems
Eh fingers crossed, 10 mai, best tu!
hehehe.. you mean you have not sign up for bidvertiser?? alamak.. join
join....ahem ahem!! all my links can be found here
btw.. the moment you hit that I earn coz host kat squidoo mah!! heheh
I see but it’s okay cause dah accept dah pun!
Morning Gagay, thanks for the link, I’ll come visit u later yeah? ;)
eh yeke?? I earn USD$1,916.21 already from the.. yihaa.. though now VERY
C went to work edi. He suruh 3 org permaisuri go and sleep lol!!!
no lah Debbs.. mmg from last time lagi.. i remember i had to wait also..
Muahahhahhaa happy working C, bedtime for us sat lagi lol!
ahahhahahahahah.. dia suruh kita beradu eh.. hmm.. mana santapan pagi ??
Ok but first LJ I have to email u abt my situasi at MPG! Nanti la after I dah bangun lol! ;)
Tu la, though I'm configuring LW ni hehehehe...
ok dearie...
I pun nak tidor ni..nite nite ladies
group hugs!
Okay, gnite LJ! Sleep tight! :):) HUGS!!
Ok me too, baru je send translasi to client ni! Nite nite night owls!! Hugs all around and we’ll meet again in a couple of hours yeah? ;)
Sure Marzie! Gnite! :):):)
WOW, almost 2k LJ??? Mine is nowhere near that figure, congrats!!!!
OMG! Jean stole my thunder! >:o
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
Swiped my seat from right under me! >:o
Ouch! I was so close to becoming Queen! Must regain my throne! ;) >:o :) :'( :-D :*
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
Noooooooooo! >:o
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
This is what I get for sleeping!!! >:o
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
Waaaah! Nooooo! this can't be happening! :'(
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
Don be sad Ane, it’s easy to catch up kay? Go Ane Go! Here, coffee to pick u up! :)
Noooot yet Jean! It's just the 24th, I'm going to make sure I'm queen! Muwahahaha! lol! :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
This game is fun and stressful at the same time! lol! ;)
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
But I love you ladies, even if you did steal my thunder over night! ;)
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
Now that you're asleep, I can regain my spot! :)
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
Muwahahahaha! :-D
Recent blog post: Music Monday: Umbrella by Rihanna
Ha ha so cute la Ane this is what I get for sleeping it seems LOL! HUGS! :)
We love u too Ane, hugs all around! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!