WOW it is way past midnight and would you believe it if I said I just woke up? Well, not since yesterday of course. I have been up since early afternoon and did manage to get some things done but after the tiring day I had, it was impossible to keep my eyes open and I found myself nodding off again at about 9pm.
Earlier in the day, I actually woke up rather early (for my standard of course) with the sole intention of spring-cleaning my condo. It's not that I'm lazy to clean the house or anything like that, but sometimes, when you're the only person who has to clean the condo, ensure everything is in place and not strewn about, it does get kind of tiring. Don't forget that I have three very adorable very fluffy cats, so there's more to do than just the basic cleaning. I wish we had a maid but we don't and even if we did, I don't think we'd be comfortable living with another person in our 3-room condo. When we finally get a landed property and move out of this condo, perhaps it is much more practical to consider some maid assistance, but for now B and I can pretty much handle things on our own.
So I cleaned up the condo, did the laundry, had a very late lunch and even managed to complete my assignment on website hosting, which I have to say is mushrooming by the day in the blogosphere. So many new companies are coming out with their own affordable web hosting packages; one will be spoiled for choice! This particular one I was checking out offers many great features and seems more credible than most I've seen online.
With a number of awards to support their claim as a customer-oriented company that provides premium quality hosting solutions in over 78 countries, I am most inclined to recommend ImHosted to my readers compared to the many others available online. At only $6.95 a month, you will be able to enjoy premium web hosting easily, with full confidence of being in professional hands to help you get started. So if you're looking for a new web hosting solution, feel free to drop by the links above yeah?
It was immediately after I completed my assignment that I got bitten by the sleepy bug and no matter how hard I tried to stay up, I simply could not! After ten straight yawns, which made my eyes all teary, I gave in to some much-needed sleep and did not rouse until now! And the reason I woke up too was because I have not had dinner so my rumbling tummy was what roused me from sleep ha ha!
It is now a little after 1 am and the rain has not stopped since afternoon. I think that's another reason that made me sleepy. Rainy weather always makes the bed seem more comfy so snuggling up to B under our warm soft comforter is hard to refuse! Since I've yet to have dinner, I will bid you farewell for the night, and raid my kitchen to see what I can cook at this very late hour. See ya later and have a lovely Tuesday. :)

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 776 Newer› Newest»=-O =-O
oh yES!!! I am FC!!! :-D :-D
I can't believe this!!! =-O =-O =-O
Good morning mem!!!
Congrats u are FC
when i refreshed MPG, and saw this post, i thought someone else has gotten here already! and i even took my time to read the whole post before commenting. =-X =-X
phew, lucky no one is here. If i am late by a minute, i'll hate myself! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
so, where's everybody? seems quiet only! ;)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
yay!! a pos berbayar!! :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
aiya!! that's mean no linky love here!! oh no!!! =-O =-O =-O
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
hmmm.. nvm lar, at least i am still FC here! ;)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
He he he Jean!!!! I’m here la sweetie, wah u sorang-sorang mengomen here!! :)
Ha ha ha Jean, so cute to see u using pos berbayar term LOL! Told ya ur malay pretty good woman!
haha.. here's a coffee for u, the early bird! :) so now that you just woke up, what time you're sleeping back? ;)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
He he he he, nemind Jean, after pos berbayar there’s always a star post so look out for it sweetie! ;)
morning woman!! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Some more u know la MPG tak byk pos berbayar! :(
Marzie, i agreed with ya! Rainy days makes the bed more inviting! :) It's been rainy almost da whole day here too! It's good to be indoor when it rains! :-D
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
hi bono!! 8-)
yay!! marzie, you're here!! :* :*
of coz, marzie! im always looking out for a new post here! :)
congrates on this opps for MPG! AGP seldom gets opps frm BBR. I've only done one pos berbayar for them. O:-) :) 8-)
Morning Jean! :)
haha.. thanks, woman! i learn it frm u mah! :)
I am here Jean, wide awake ha ha!
YAY, just like me hoping for a new post at TGB he he he! ;)
yalar, marzie! i was going to close MPG already but then i thought, refresh sekali lagi first. Then i saw yr comments. So happy lar!! Poor me, was alone just now! :-D :-D :*
thanks, bono!! 8-)
Mooorning Bono, buat apa tu? ;)
Jean, this one they offered to WOAFS oso u know, so 2 from them yay! But dah almost a year since I got opps from them too, so I too was like wow! ;)
He he, u pick up pretty fast dear, good for u! :)
Oh lucky u refreshed then Jean! I have some work to do so tot I do this PB first, then only do some real work he he! ;)
:* :* :*
Recent blog post: Scared Silly!
hehe.. thanks, woman! i am sure TGB is not going to let u down! M & I are discussing abt our birthday wish. It's be out soon, maybe tomorrow. So, watch our for it! :) 8-)
wah, good for u woman! two opps at once! congrates!! :-$ :-$ haha, mine also a year sudah. and now still no sound frm them. boohoo to me! lucky got other mmo. hehe :-D
:-[ :-[ tenkiu!!! :-D
Oooooooh watch me camp out at TGB then, but hopefully after I wake up la! ;)
glad u did this PB first! :) and i am so glad i decided to refreshed dulu. :)
Jean this one pun I dah lama bid, suddenly only they accept yesterday, I oso was shocked LOL! :)
YAY! I got 2 more PB to do, but I will save them for later of coz! At WOAFS la, not here lol! ;)
Jean, thanks for being my FC here, love ya! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Let's Do the SlogBite! *
really good for u, woman! :-$ :-$ :-$
haha.. :-D :-D
Of coz Jean, so cold and cozy wozy now he he! ;) :* :*
Recent blog post: Scared Silly!
oh really! i bid on alot but none frm them! so got fed up already. haha :-D
haha.. i think we will post it out tomorrow night. *hint* ;) ;)
Jean, I oso bid like a mad woman there, but hardly dapat response. But BBR has been pretty good to me, so far 3 PB from them last year and now these 2 woo hoo! U try la bidding for this job!!!
hehe.. how's yr connection tonight, woman? :-D
Oh sshhhhhhhhhhh he hehe!!! Ok watch me bring my cats to camp out at TGB then! ;)
Tenkiu Jean! I feel much joy whenever MPG gets a PB he he! :)
Connection same la, still cant drop on most blogs, so haven dropped MPG on any blogs yet huhuhuhu! :(
mine is still as bad! ><
Sigh….dunno when la it will get back to normal kan Jean? Bokjae recommended a new service, I forgot the name, he said it’s better than streamyx and same price some more!
hehe.. ok shhhhh.. i'll buy FF for the kids. :)
haha, sounded like me too ,woman! i bid like mad too! hmmm.. ok, maybe i shld give it a try. What's this opps? :)
*sigh* what is happening ar? is streamyx going thru a major upgrade ar? almost everyone is hving this slow connection lately. >:o
Yeeha! And coffee for me oso la, BR if got lol!
=-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O
Congrats Jean!!!! :* :* :*
Hmmmmm wait ah Jean, I email u the details, hang on!
The name is Wimax dearie..
Congrats Jean! :)
Wah lucky bukan star post.. PB rupanya...heheh.. :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: MM- Flop Poppy at MyEvo ClubHouse Launch
Good night Jean and Marzie :D
oh really! got meh? i heard streamyx is da best lar. *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
morning, LJ!
Yeah Bintang oso angry with streamyx now ha ha!
Oh, this is "PB" Debbs and Marzie are talking about. LOL
Okay, I really need to get some sleep. Hehe.. See you guys tomorrow! 8-)
Recent blog post: It's a New Day
Morning Jean!!!
Nite nite Blue!!
Ha ha ha hah aha yeah la Blue, ini la PB namanya ha ha ha!!!
Jean.. where got Streamyx is the best.. Streamyx is our only choice in most
places.. force to use them mah!
hello haaziq! :) morning! ;)
thanks!! :)
yay!! i've received! had bid on it too! thanks, woman! :* :* :*
thansk, LJ! :* :* :*
hehe.. yeahlar! i was so excited at first! but nvm lar, i'll get my FC in the next post! :)
nite, haaziq! good nite!! :* 8-)
Nite nite Blue! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: MM - Hey by Fatima Rainey *
hhmmm. WImax! where to register? and is it stabil? *DONT_KNOW*
wah, bintang angry huh! hehe.. :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
He he! Cute kan Tenkiu LOL!! :* :*
Recent blog post: MM - Hey by Fatima Rainey *
Wimax ye? What's that all about ah LJ? Any good ke???? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: I Quit!
Streamyx oh Streamyx!!!! >:o >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: I Quit!
:* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: I Quit!
marzie, i tried getting BR tapi no where at sight! IL also like that! so this one i make myself one. Kopi-O for u! :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Congrats Jean! :):):)
Sweet dreams Blue! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Night Owl Meeting
ehh.... i interpreted wrongly, marzie! i though tu were talking abt the coffee now. :-[ :-[ :-[
okok, i'll try to get BR for u tomorrow! ;)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Yay! Paid Post from BBR! :):) First time I see one here, I think. :* :* :*
Yeah la like me!! Angry with Slow streamyx! ;)
u're welcome, dear! it's such a satisfying feeling kan once you've just completed a PB. :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Hola Debbs! Best kan reply from email? He he he!!!
Indeed and even happier when the $$$$ comes in he he!
thanks, debbs!! :* :* :*
Eh where got pestaim Debbs, pernah ada, in fact I buat 3 for them last year he he!!! ;)
yay!! debbs is in da house too!! :-D :-D
Dunno, do u know LJ?
i'm so frustrated lar wt slow connection. If not because i've been dethroned, i will switch off my comp and go to bed now. Lucky now is abit better, i can still comment here. :)
hahaha.. no mah, LJ! we still hv other choice like maxis broadband and one more frm celcom. :)
Of course! Try writing post after post on online casino on a craft blog. Had to take the risk of losing readers lol! RM better pay asap. Lol!! PB rocks!
He he of coz Jean, dats the spirit!
Ok Jean, hope u get this PB then! ;)
hahaha...debbs, marzie baru saja said MPG seldom gets opps. So u might be right. This is the first PB frm BBR! :)
He he, wait lemme see the score now, hang on Jean!
It seems Maxis BB sucks!
hahahaha.. Yes, i agreed!! :-D :-D :-D
Speaking of casinos, I got 2 PB for casinos ni, wan to take or not? Hmmmmmmmm….
debbs, i seldom do a casino post. I nvr bid on them. ><
Jean, this one second actually for MPG (from BBR). At WOAFS I did 2 so far, but still so sikit right?
*crossing fingers* i hope so too! thanks, woman! :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
hhaa... thansk to u for introducing this word to me! :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
haha, ok, marzie! later u post it here, k! :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
thanks, woman! ;) :*
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Jean, I oso never bid on casinos, but these 2 they offered me mah…one from BV one from direct advertiser. ;)
Hola! Best gils! Hehehehe....
He he welcome Jean!
yeahlar marzie! compared to PPP or SS, 3 posts a year mmg sikit. But still good compared to me, where i only did 1 post last year. lol! :-P :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Oh of course! Like LJ always say, kaching! :):)
LJ, we miss you!
hmmm... if they offer, can consider lar. Good for u, woman! Looks like u've got lots of opps over there mah! ;)
LOL! But I don get many opps from SS u know? They don laik me la, so still no payout from them cause baru 10 bucks so far ha ha! Must wait till 20 bucks kan?
Gracias! ;)
Oh ye ke? Serius I never see lah the logo here hehehe...pelupa oso me! :P
yeah, i heard abt that too, marzie!
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Kaching kaching kaching!! We wan kaching, we wan kaching! Can hear me or not SS? ;)
Yay! Me replying from email now, thanks to Marzie's help. Hurray! :)
He he ada la sikit Jean, must maximize my good PR while ada, correct or nooooot? ;)
De nada! ;)
yeah, marzie, hv to wait till 20 bucks. I've gotten two payouts from SS oredi. They're quite slow but still pays at the end. :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Don't worry Jean, am not here to dethrone u ya! Hehehe...
What do u mean? *puzzled*
yay!! i am #2 now!! but very close to LJ lar. for sure later she'll topple me when i go to bed. :P
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Yeay Debbie...
GP now is an expert with JS already.. yeay!!!
Debbs, cause that was like last year, of coz terforgot oredi eh? LOL! U try la bidding for this PB too, mana tau dapat? ;)
Hurray hurray!!! Now only Mon tak leh reply from email, hopefully soon yeah Mon? :)
Def, marziez!! :-D :-D
2 payouts????? Wah wah wah cayala Jean! Me never!! He he he!!!
I'm here Debbs.. just quiet only mah... got work lah..heheh.. and busy
dropping.. GG dah drop from the top 3 in EC ni.. so sedih!!
I'm using Maxis and it's fine. I guess how fast it is depends on your location. I heard Celcom is better, or was better because my friend who's using Celcom is having problem viewing images uploaded to Blogger/Google Picasa.
Last time when AGP was still in PR4, she got lots of high paid opps.. but bcoz i lazy to write, i only write when the mood strikes me. Regretted lar. :P *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
wah.. reply through emails!! how to do that?
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Eh no la, me where got expert LJ!!! HE HE HEHHE!!!!!!
oopsss... terlebih satu z pulak.. :P :-[ :-[
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
now i want to do a PB also hv to wait like ages. *sigh* :(
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
my pleasure, marzie! :* :*
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
:* :* :*
hahaha.. thanks for the info, debbs!! ;) :* :*
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
I got casino posts from ReviewMe. I geram they don't give much ops, so I changed my category to gaming. Lol!
Jean.. what's your PR now?? I thought you had your pr on the last round
haha Mariuca! I felt asleep at 10pm just now :-P
Jean.. what's this .. your recent post.. our bedroom..hehe.. ahem ahem!!
wah debbs u using maxis! i've heard lots of complaint frm my friends. Both of them from subang. and celcom sucks in puchong.
Good for u that maxis is working good for u! :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Eh expert lah tu... you helped so many already mah.. salutes my dear..
pandai dah...tak lama lagi tak yah LJ dah...hehehe
hahaha.. yeah, i know it sounded :-$ :-$ :-$ But I've nvr gotten any payout frm dneero nor adgitize yet. O:-)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
mon!!!! finally, u're here!!
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
:* :* :*
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
HA HA HA HHA!!! U changed to gaming??????/ LOL so cute!
Oh same here Mon, but me at 9pm lol!
but im about to go to bed already. almost 4am ni! how to wake up at 8am? =-X
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
debbs, next time u online, buzz buzz me, k! then we can chat here to help me be the Queen! lol! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
hi Jean!
:* :* :*
Hi LJ! Like I said to GP kan, I was thinking outside the box and beyond about replying comments from email thingy. Lucky she explained hehehe...
LJ!!! I will always need my webmaster!!! Don worry abt that dearie, just sorry that u have to layan my silly questions sometimes LOL!
Dneero and adgitize I got oredi yay!!!
Ala Jean, night is still young, what say u sleep at 4.15? Ha ha ha!!!
hahaha.. yes! kaching kaching! we wan kaching, we wan kaching! Can hear me or not BBR? ;) ;)
lol...yeah the night is still young Jean :-P
hahahaha.. no wonder u got so many casino opps, debbs! :-D I got none frm RM. *DONT_KNOW*
Let me try ya. ;)
Oh okay. HC dah accepted on EC ni. :):) Nanti I drop ya! :):) Takpe, soon GG will get back in track.
Ha ha ha u wan BBR? Eh actually BBR not bad u know, they pay promptly! :)
I reserved one opp from PPP just now but I felt asleep & I missed it!
Hi Monica! :)
okay marzie, im off to bed now! good nite & sweet dreamz!!! :* :* :*
hello Phatelara! ;)
Yup so far Maxis has been good to me. Sometimes I'll get disconnected but I can just reset my modem and it will be reconnected. Perhaps cuz I stay within Klang Valley, that's why. Paying bills also easy. :):)
Ladies! Pls drop by WOAFS and come join LJ and me in a new project okay? YAY! :)
haha, LJ! M & I stayed together one mah... :-[ :-[ :-D
that's why lor, marzie! need to work harder ni. Adgitize i only got 0.80bucks. sikit kan! and dneero abt 18bucks. Lately dneero hv been quiet only. I am checking on them everyday. O:-)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
PPP only give 6 hours rite, mon?
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Abaden, in love mah!!! Of coz must be together-gether LOL!!!
hahaha... so cute lar u, marzie! oklar, since u've asked, i stay till 4.15am. :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Ya la, so geram. Then I got 9 casino ops lol!! I accepted all and used up my quota cuz can only accept 10 posts per month. Hehe..
hehe.. young for u mah, mon! im getting so sleepy oredi. but im staying till 4.15am. so let's yak yak yak!!! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Jean, u must click on the adgitize ads, to help earn kaching faster mah!
Sure Jean! But nanti I tertopple u how? ;););)
haha.. looks like the rains has work its magic! ;)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
I never knew u use Maxis Debbs!!
PPP shld give 24 hours la, 6 hours sikit sgt!
Eh yalah, LJ is my MMO guru. :):)
YAY! Like dat la baru night owl woot woot!!!
Ha ha ha I love how u say TERtopple Debbs lol!!!
I missed FC at WOAFS! >:o
15 mins more, Jean! lol...
RM wants PR, so had to do at CnS. ROTP a bit difficult la. Hehe
yeah 6 hours only!!! but they pay more la :-$ :-$
Good night Jean! Sweet dreams! :)
hehe.. thanks, marzie!! :) LJ ni purpsely wan to tease me! :-[
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!