WOW it is way past midnight and would you believe it if I said I just woke up? Well, not since yesterday of course. I have been up since early afternoon and did manage to get some things done but after the tiring day I had, it was impossible to keep my eyes open and I found myself nodding off again at about 9pm.
Earlier in the day, I actually woke up rather early (for my standard of course) with the sole intention of spring-cleaning my condo. It's not that I'm lazy to clean the house or anything like that, but sometimes, when you're the only person who has to clean the condo, ensure everything is in place and not strewn about, it does get kind of tiring. Don't forget that I have three very adorable very fluffy cats, so there's more to do than just the basic cleaning. I wish we had a maid but we don't and even if we did, I don't think we'd be comfortable living with another person in our 3-room condo. When we finally get a landed property and move out of this condo, perhaps it is much more practical to consider some maid assistance, but for now B and I can pretty much handle things on our own.
So I cleaned up the condo, did the laundry, had a very late lunch and even managed to complete my assignment on website hosting, which I have to say is mushrooming by the day in the blogosphere. So many new companies are coming out with their own affordable web hosting packages; one will be spoiled for choice! This particular one I was checking out offers many great features and seems more credible than most I've seen online.
With a number of awards to support their claim as a customer-oriented company that provides premium quality hosting solutions in over 78 countries, I am most inclined to recommend ImHosted to my readers compared to the many others available online. At only $6.95 a month, you will be able to enjoy premium web hosting easily, with full confidence of being in professional hands to help you get started. So if you're looking for a new web hosting solution, feel free to drop by the links above yeah?
It was immediately after I completed my assignment that I got bitten by the sleepy bug and no matter how hard I tried to stay up, I simply could not! After ten straight yawns, which made my eyes all teary, I gave in to some much-needed sleep and did not rouse until now! And the reason I woke up too was because I have not had dinner so my rumbling tummy was what roused me from sleep ha ha!
It is now a little after 1 am and the rain has not stopped since afternoon. I think that's another reason that made me sleepy. Rainy weather always makes the bed seem more comfy so snuggling up to B under our warm soft comforter is hard to refuse! Since I've yet to have dinner, I will bid you farewell for the night, and raid my kitchen to see what I can cook at this very late hour. See ya later and have a lovely Tuesday. :)

«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 776 of 776 Newer› Newest»wah, debbs, you're right behind us huh! so fast lar!!! =-X
Good luck! I used to want twins, now that I have a son, I'm thinking one is
already too many! LOL! :) my daughter is 7 and my son is gonna be 1 on feb
29, but there's no 29 in feb this year! :) hehehe
marzie, help!!! Ane is just right behind me!! so fast lar!! =-X =-O
hahahaha... ok, shemah, try to holler my name. lol! :-D :-D
Your hubby got home really late huh Shemah...
no Ane, i was TC first then u dethroned me, then i dethroned u back. ;)
Recent blog post: Two-In-One
Really? I haven't checked! WoohOO then! :)
WooHoo! Toppled LJ! :)
The maxis cannot use lah on high floors.. I'm living on the 15th floor.. but those maxis people tak cakap pun. >:o >:o
Ane, you're now #2. Great work! :)
Recent blog post: Two-In-One
I only have one blog and I can't even manage to drop 300 consistently!
hahaha.. me too, Ane. I need to start on my works but I need to protect my title here lar! can we halt for a while? lol! :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Two-In-One
Ha ha ha Jean! I can’t even refresh my page to see the current standing now! U still tops or Ane beat u oredi? Go ladies Go!
JEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNN!!! dengar tak??? :* :*
Yay! I'm oh sooo happy!!! :)
hahaha.. i keep ane company coz she mentioned something about catching up! LOL!
Hey Marzie, done massaging your sweetie? :)
shemah, all sounds so good & enticing! i am gonna discuss this over with M first. :-D
Recent blog post: Two-In-One
easy does it, Marzie! :) I think I'm gonna go soon. Hubby wants to use my connection for his youtube videos.. :)
Ha ha that’s right, Jean was Queen first, she dethroned LJ lol! Then LJ dethroned her, then Ane dethroned LJ and now Jean dethroned Ane again ha ha ha, ooooh this is such a fun month for me! Who wants to be my Fab Queen of Feb say YEAH!!! :):):)
aiks, marzie!! Ane has dethroned me lar. :'( :'( but i am still working around the clock now!! :-D
Recent blog post: Two-In-One
Thanks Jean! :) But I don't think LJ will be happy to give me her crown at
WOAFS too, so must work hard there too! I'm addicted to both blogs now, soon
I might be addicted to your blog too! :)
Maxis ni pun satu, don trick ppl la! Shemah, this wimax ni how much? I oso wan to know! I oso wan to drop 1200 a day, even though I only have 2 blogs haha!
Ane, I have to wake B up later for his football match. He is now happily sleeping inside my home office lol! :)
Oh I can see her too Jean! so fast! :)
no worries.. i'm here!! can chat2 some more!! LOL!
Hehehe, Run Jean! :) I'm right behind you! :)
Oh I forgot Jean, I'm using GP's flying carpet, that's why I'm so fast... :)
Oh that's right Jean! :) lol! :)
WooHoo!!! :)
Hahaha, No Jean, I don't think so... :) lol! :) need to be FAB Queen of FEB!
:) lol! :)
I think she's still first Marzie, how can I topple her when she's protecting
her title so very hard!!! :)
oh yeahh.. that! the limit is 20GB per month.. but they'll only decrease the speed not by much. According to the w1max ppl lah.. and he told me maxis also got limit of 5GB per month.. I'm not too sure also lah.. later i ask those ppl again..
Recent blog post: Good God!! It's Monday!!
hahaha! Thanks Shemah! I do love the company dearie! :)
No wonder la Im so slow cause u have my magic carpet Ane! ;)
Thanks for the company Shemah, nytynyt dearie! :) :*
I want to be FAB Queen of FEB!!! :)
hahahaah.. so funny lar u!! :) :) i pay 99/mth but for first bill it's almost rm300 for registration, activation and all that thing. But if you apply, you just take, no need to pay anything.
Just try lah.. got 15 day guarantee.. you can always return if you're not satisfied. :) :)
Recent blog post: Good God!! It's Monday!!
Me me me me!!! :) LOL! :)
Really Jean? I did? WooHoo then! :)
The title is sooo mine! Woohoo! :)
Good game Jean! :) love yah lots! :)
Oh, same with me, my B has a basketball match at 6 a.m. too! :) he's
sleeping now also, as well as the kids.. :) I'm up all by my lonesome...
Jean, I didn't notice what position I'm at la. Hehe..
awww.. sho shweet!! :) hubby wanted to use my connection to watch youtube.. but he changed his mind and watched tv instead.. hehee
hahaha.. no wonder lar! ;)
Ohhhhh like dat eh? Ok ok same price as streamyx, but the first payment to 300 yeah? Will do more research on this wimax sweetie, thanks for telling me! Streamyx is really testing my patience, complain kat MM hotmail karang baru tahu LOL!! :)
Yay! It's nice to have you ladies for company as everyone in our household
is asleep already...
He he he! Congrats Jean got FC at my new post LOL!!!
hahaha, Ane, i'll let u be the queen for tonight! I hv some paperworks i need to finsh! c ya tomorrow! :)
eh, shemah, belum tidur lagi ke? u missed us ar? :*
hehehe! I need it more than you do Marzie! :) hehehe
you can have it back when I'm back at number 1! :)
uh huhh.. poor hunny!! :(
Oh good la hubs Shemah! He working in MAS ke? ;) If u don mind me asking that is. :)
I think you're at number 3 now Debb... :)
yeah, Ane. And it's not easy to be TCM here! the first thing u need is a good heart, so that won't easily get heart attack! lol! :)
Oh special son you have Ane! Although poor him for not having the chance to celebrate his 1st birthday this year. :):) But I'm sure you still celebrate right? Yay!!
nope.. hubby wants to watch tv.. so i keep him and you guys company. Win win!! :-D
aww.. so sweet lar! i can imagine B sleeping in yr office couch.. so cozy wozy!! :)
See ya Jean and thanks for coming over today, we had a blast with u! :)
Oh good for you, you can hang out with us then Shemah! :) you are #6 already
Shemah! :) Go Shemah Go! :)
#1 Ane
#2 Jean
#3 Debbie
as of 1.43am - 25 Jan 2009.. my time! LOL!
Yay! FC at new post is good Jean, so let me have TCM! :) hehehe
Ok, see yah Jean! :) :*
Ane, u number 1 oredi dearie, good job! :)
WooHoo! :) Yeah!!! :)
YEAH!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-D :-D
p/s: marzie, i am replying frm email and it's so hard to put smiley here. hehe. ;)
You can have your magic carpet back GP! :) I can walk from here! :) lol! :)
Jahatnya they all tak cakap! They told me up to 4th floor kalau tak silap. My friend's using at 8th floor, still okay la. They should compensate you la, Shemah. I hope you didn't pay for termination during contract.
WooHoo! I did it! I did it! :)
wow, shemah, you;re such a thoughtful friend. Next time i must call u to be my teman also. :)
try do a speedtest at now. you can see your upload and download rate. when i was using maxis, it was only at 121kbps!!! can you imagine!! KB! just 2 mins ago with wimax, it's 1499kbps!! Yayyyy!! :)
Ha ha Jean, very the cozy wozy cause I made up the day bed for him, with fresh pillows and sheet! :)
I just need to keep this up because there are only 3 days left in February!
:) Woohoo! I can be queen! :)
congrates, Ane! :)
I so can be queen! :)
Thanks so much for lending me your flying carpet GP! :) :*
I love the sound of plug n play!
hahahahaha... dengar, dengar!! now i holler back, k!
Hola Marzie! I want lah..hahahaha *ladies beware* LMAO! :):)
I agree with Debbs, if I were u Shemah, dah lama throw a huge ass tantrum man! :(:(
hahahaha!! wuaahh.. so loud one ah!! yes yes!! we do live close to one another! hahahaha!
Ane, u can take a breather sweetie, cause this TCM resets sometime around the first week of every month, so it will run into March, correct Shemah??
yeaahh.. he's working with MAS.. but he's too bz to bring me travel.. :'( :'(
Hola Debbs! What u wan? Wimax??? I oso wan!!!!!!!!!
yup yup!! really??? no 6??? yeeehaawww!!
can one!! no problem!! just shout loud loud!! hahahaha!
Wah best best! I love travelling Shemah!! I wanna go Gold Coast la this year, but economy so bad, no kaching to spend ha ha! ;)
I need to take a short break Marzie, need to refill my coffee cup! :)
I so agree Marzie, good thing I have a good heart, otherwise I would've had
a heart attack when I saw that I dropped to number 5 this morning! :)
Yes, we will still celebrate! :) He's a very special little man... need to
have party of course! :)
Win Win, indeed! :)
Totally agree with Marzie Jean... :) nice to steal the throne from you... :)
hehehe :*
Wow Debbie, you're at number 3! :)
Hmm.. well they stop counting comments come end of the month. So even if they haven't reset it yet, any comments made between end month and first week of march will be recorded for march. :)
Yay! I'm the Queen again! :)
Sorry Jean, still love you though! :)
me too!! even though air fare is practically free.. still need money to spend right?? :( :(
Ok Ane, I am having coffee now too. :)
Muahahahahhahaha Ane, don worry, still plenty of time to be MPG’s Queen ok? ;)
Ohhhhhhhhh like dat eh Shemah? So that means I will have my Queen on the 1st of March yeah? :)
That’s right dearie, of coz need some pocket money to shop away while travelling! Sigh…. I need to win a lottery or something, then can happily go to London woo hoo! :)
congrats Ane!! let's see if it'll stand until end of the month! good luck!! :)
me loves you too jeanie!! :) :)
Hehehe I cannot terminate Maxis now, got contract la. Afters have to pay. :P
Oh contract ye? But if it’s working fine for u, then no need la to cancel Debbs kan?
I oso wanna make coffee later. Angers ni someone's blog on EC is having autoplay music. ish!!
ya lah! Hubby said he can bring me anywhere I want.. but then we just stay at the airport lah.. >:o >:o hahahaha..
hahaha.. need a good heart indeed!! :D
Recent blog post: Good God!! It's Monday!!
oh well.. i'll see you guys again soon!! time to go beddie beddie!! nyte nyte all!! :) It was great fun chatting with you guys! ;) :*
Recent blog post: Good God!! It's Monday!!
He he he def not me Debbs! Once beaten, twice shy! ;)
Ha ha ha ha! Hubs gets discount kan for travelling? Best best tu Shemah! :)
Ok Shemah, nite nite to u too, thanks so much for coming by today, we had a blast yeah? Hugs! :)
Good night Shemah! Sweet dreams! :)
Marzie, chill k? Hugs! Me at Wicked ni, taking my time for ROTP. HC dah siap drop ptg tadi. Done DL-ing One Tree Hill, now Gossip Girl yiihaa!!
Debbs, me just got to wicked but worried coz haven dropped for Mariuca yet huhuhuhuhu! :(
Me at #3? Wow wee!
Marzie, all the msgs from 2.30am, now only masuk my inbox! Patutla so quiet just now. Rupanya lagging!
Wowee! Number 3 is always so cool Debbs! :)
Yay for me Marzie! :)
Thanks Jean! :)
Me still GO GO jer
I know, but someone can steal my throne again! :) lol! :)
Yeeehaaaw indeed Shemah!!! :)
ooh, so that's how it works... :)
Oooh, but how come Marzie, last time my comments were over a hundred then
when Jean toppled me again it went back to being 20?
LJ u dropping for GG or LJL? Me dropping for MPG now.
Cheers Marzie! :)
Ane, cause when new comments come in, the older ones made in the month (yours included) will be pushed out of the list to make room for new comments. I am not sure how many comments this TCM can accommodate, I think 500 last comments but I am not sure! ;)
you call 3 days left plenty of time Marzie?
Ane, the TCO is for the last 5000 comments, so this one takes longer to be kicked off from the list. ;)
Plenty of time for someone to dethrone me is what's more like it! :) lol! :)
Oh I so hope so Shemah, but Jean is right behind me! I hope I can keep it up
too! :)
LOL Ane!!!
Oh, Debbs, be careful, I once opened a blog that had a virus in it, my PC
crashed! That's why I came up with my own drop list and only invite people
to add their blog there...
Add your blog/s to my EC list Debb! :)
Nytynyt Shemah! Sweet Dreams dearie! :*
not enough time right, Ane? haha!
Me dropping for GG first!
Hiya Ane!
Yay Debbs! Congrats! But I hope you don't dethrone me! :)
lol! :)
WooHoo! Yeah! :) but I doubt I'll be able to topple LJ for TCO!
but I can try, right GP! :)
It's 1000 comments but it takes only comments for the month!
Oh, I see... so must work really hard to be able to keep my place, yeah
Marzie? :)
Yay then! I'm happy to be 2nd in the TCO list, but still, must be FAB Queen
of FEB! :)
Right Mon! haha :)
1000 LJ? How u know ah? Tapi tak leh increase kan???
You never know at the rate u are going Ane!!!
Of coz must work hard, now I hope Jean won have a heart attack when she sees ur figure tomorrow LOL!
i check the code the other day..
no point to increase pun coz the number remained the same.. they take the
numbers for the month!
Oh yes yes u checked the code but u didn mensi that it was for 1000 comments. Ok ok now I know he he!
lerr.. really?
sorry ah.. I probably forgot to mention lah...hehe
Oh dear, I hope it won't happen to me! :(:( Thanks again for your invite, Ane. :)
Ye la, if contract have to pay la if wanna end it. :):)
Hiya LJ! :)
Playing the song again Marzie, now with Lucas, he woke up soo early!
still have to try really hard Marzie! :)
lol! :) I hope not too Marzie! :)
don't mention it Debb! you're so welcome! :)
oh my!! more competitor now. somemore Shemah got the speediest connection! :-o
:) :* :*
haha.. glad to keep you entertained, debbs! :-D
eh ANe, how come no school?
Hi Jean!!!
Hehehe....I managed to drop 300EC last night for HC and ROTP! All while listening to you all chatting hehehe... :)
I know, no fair! lol! :)
Teacher's Day at their school Jean, that's why no classes for her today...
Good for you Debbs! :)
Hi Elai, thanks for stopping by! :)
Thanks for the tag Jean, I did it oredi at MPG yay! So fast right? ;)
wah 16 pages of comments! salutos kudos! banyak gila!
16 pages? Muahahhahahhahaha! ;)
Wow, 16 pages Marzie! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!