Okay, okay so I DO have silent readers after all!
When my friend Shemah told me that she had some "nasty" silent readers lurking around her blog, I felt a little left out. For not having any that is ha ha! I wasn't looking for nasty silent readers of course; I wanted the good types. You know, the ones who read your blog and support you from afar, and though they don't leave you any comments here; they actually still read and love your blog! :)
I discovered my first silent reader when one of my friends from high school E, sent me a message at Facebook recently. She told me how she's been following MPG and finds it really cool! Her message made my day and so that's one silent reader for me so far LOL! ;)
And then, there is also my friend Zero! OMG I can't believe I forgot all about Zero! She was the one who got me the Victoria's Secret perfume set I wanted from New York remember? In fact, I gave her a Mariuca Tee last year for being such a wonderful supporter! Is age catching up on me that I almost forgot about dear Zero?
So anyway, Zero recently vacationed in New York and she was kind enough to take Mariuca along with her for some New York Sightseeing. Thanks to Zero, Mariuca finally got to return to the Big Apple after so many years! Can you see Mariuca in the picture below?
So anyway, Zero recently vacationed in New York and she was kind enough to take Mariuca along with her for some New York Sightseeing. Thanks to Zero, Mariuca finally got to return to the Big Apple after so many years! Can you see Mariuca in the picture below?

To see Mariuca back in New York, totally enjoying herself there; definitely put a smile on my face! I LOVE New York and if I had to choose where I'd rather be right now, it's definitely NY! I am still hoping to return there one day but for now, I am content to see my lovely blog right there in NY with my very own silent reader LOL! How cool is that? ;)
Unfortunately for Zero, she lost her camera in Brooklyn so she couldn't take any shots of Mariuca in Philly, which would have been really cool to see, since that was where I had my fondest US memories. Anyway, she had a really great time in New York; I'm happy to see my Mariuca in US pictures here and B happily added two new HRC glasses to his collection, all thanks to Z! Perhaps I'd get to go to NY with her one day, we'll see!
Meanwhile, if anyone is planning a vacation to the Big Apple soon, I have just the tour guide for you. CitySights NY offers the best-value tour packages of New York with major attractions and activities. Entertainment includes harbour cruises, museum visits, shopping trips and even helicopter tours! I've never been on a helicopter; have you?
Don't forget to check out the recommended tours available too. My personal favourite is the Shoppers Delight packages! Imagine 25% to 65% every day on all 220 designer and name brand outlet stores like Coach, Escada, Fendi, Giorgio Armani, Gucci, Saks 5th Avenue, Ralph Lauren and Versace! The only worrying I'd be doing is figuring out how much to shop my heart out in one of the most exclusive shopping cities in the world! ;)

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 240 Newer› Newest»=-O =-O
:* :*
yihaa!!! hehehehheh.. wah baru balik terus chop!! yahoo!!! another point for me!! lol!!
oh by the way.. nak feature which post over at LJL eh?
Recent blog post: Fab Queen of Feb *
Wah! Awesome.. I wonder when LJ would go to the States.. sigh!...but hey I told you for sure you had silent readers.. lol!! :* :*.. so you smiling today??
Recent blog post: Fab Queen of Feb *
Which blog u mean??? MPG pls LJ, to lift her spirits yay!!!!!
Wah baru balik terus dapat CHOP? Lucky gal! Congrats dearie, 2 points for LJ! ;)
He he he GP got silent readers of coz la smiling, got evidence some more ha hahahahahaha! Oh yeah, I don think I’d ever get to the states again, expense la wei! :(
:* :*
Congrats LJ! U are really SSG la! 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Mariuca Featured! *
So when does Mariuca comes to Minnesota ? :)
Recent blog post: My Saturday, Awards, Etc
Ney York, Brooklyn! I feel instantly "at home", reading this post, GP! Lol!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Who Is Rodrigo Santoro?
Congrats again LJ! :):):) :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Fashion Friday #1 - Blake Lively
wow! whaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaa TSHIRT!?!
Recent blog post: SLIPPERS Everywhere!
congrats LJ!
Recent blog post: SLIPPERS Everywhere!
Recent blog post: Picture! Picture!
i want! i want!
Recent blog post: Picture! Picture!
Oh, boo... I saw your headline and thought you were coming to NYC in the flesh... love the T-shirt though! One of these days I'll have to take Bear-iuca out and about on Wall Street.
I thought you really head to NY !! haha...
How your friend get hold of that tee to give you a ride on the trip. So amazing !! :):)
Recent blog post: Zac is on MC for 10 days ... ...
Have never set my foot on New York! :( Would love to go there one day! And thanks for recommending the tour guide! :)
Recent blog post: My Very First Canopy Walk At FRIM (Part 2)
Hey! I want the mariuca T shirt too! >:o
Recent blog post: My Very First Canopy Walk At FRIM (Part 2)
:* :* :* :* Debbs!
:* :* :* Gagay!
He he I'd love to go to Minnesota one day Beth! Have never been there in fact. :* :* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Morning SSG, my TCM is back here too YAY!
1. emila (237)
2. LadyJava (48)
3. Phatelara (37)
4. Shemah (22)
5. Jean Chia (21)
6. Monica (9)
7. Ane (9)
8. gagay (9)
9. Janice Ng (3)
10. Jackie (2)
YAY! Thanks for reading my post Debbs, glad u felt "at home" LOL! Hepi Sunday. :* :*
He he he gagay!! U like the Mariuca tee?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :* :* 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Mariuca Featured! *
U want u want Gagay? He he he, wait for my next contest kay? Woo hoo!!! Who wants a Mariuca Tee?? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :* :* ;) ;)
Recent blog post: Mariuca Featured! *
Yayyy!! I knew it'll be back by 1st week!! always does! :) :) and I'm on the list! yeehahhh! wow woww!! Look at emila go!!!
:'( :'( :'( missed another point!!
Yay!!! GP gots silent readers!! so nice oh your SRs.. I also want nice ones. Not like those nasty2 ones i have.. eeee.. pi main jauh2 lah they all! :-P :-P
I want me a mariuca tee!! Or a baby mariuca tee for Allie!!! hehehehheheeh that would be sho sho cute!!
best nyaaaa! I wanna go back to new york also!!! I wanted to go with J the other time because he said MAS might close the Newark airport branch. But then tak jadi tutup so J said tak yah pegi.. jahat kan J!!! >:o >:o >:o >:o
I wanna go back there one day!! The last time we were in NY, we were in an accident right in from of Trump Plaza. LOL! LOL! Luckily no one got hurt. :) :) :)
Morning Shemah! Yeah la sweetie, think u were already fast asleep when SSG cam back LOL! =-O =-X :-D :* ;)
Recent blog post: Mariuca Featured! *
YAY for the TCM and yay Shemah for being on the list! Oh yeah, look at Emila go unstoppable it seems lOL! :* :* =-O =-O
Recent blog post: Mariuca Featured! *
Oh my! A Mariuca baby tee sure sounds ADORABLE Shemah!! Who else wants a Mariuca tee? He he he!! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :* :* :-D :-D 8-) 8-)
YAY! I do have silent readers Shemah, I do lol!!! And so cool some more kan? I'm sure you oso have some nice ones, just a matter of time b4 u discover them he he! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-D :-D :* 8-) ;)
Amendeeeee tak yah gi tu J? LOL! Nevermind Shemah, this year I think u shld make it ur mission to go for an obersea vakasi somewhere cool lol! Start bugging J from now lolz.. =-O =-X :-[ :-D :-D
Roxy!! Just a Mariuca Tee for now sweetie, although I really wanna return to NY one day! Oh how cool would it be to see Bear-iuca enjoying a busy Wall Street day with u Roxy, I LOVE it! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :* :* :-D :-D
Ha ha ha yeah Janice? In my dreams la, aiyo when can I go to NY la? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Amazing right? I actually gave her the Tee a few months earlier, that's how Mariuca could tag along, thanks Z! :* :* 8-)
I hope u get to visit NY too one fine day, it'll be an awesome experience! Thanks for reading my post Foong. :* :* 8-) 8-) ;)
Recent blog post: Mariuca Featured! *
Muahahahaha! You also wan a Mariuca Tee, Foong? That's 3 so far, who else? LOL! :* :* ;) ;)
Recent blog post: February Top 10 Mariucans *
WOW, mcm mana blh accident Shemah?? Tell! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Shop Your Blues Away!
mmhmmm... i'm supposed to stay up late on weekends but dah terbalik.. i stay up on weekdays instead. LOL! gotta change me timetable!! LOL!
tulah kan GP! tensi jugak lah! itu lah i also wanna go somewhere.. must must must. but also because last year was pretty rough on my family.. losing my nephew and all.. so takkan lah end of the year we want to go vakasi, kan? :( :(
oh oh oh.. if I go anywhere I need to bring Mariuca with me.. so do I get a tee??? hahahahahahaah... very tactless eh my skill?
you know lah the roads are straight straight straight.. so my dad ternampak the traffic light for the front intersection instead of the one we were at. So he ran a red light and then we kena langgar by a dump truck right at the side of our van. teruk jugak lah.. but only my mom kena a scratch near her elbow.. but the side of the van was totaled!
Hehe...if only I can go to NY, GP! :):):) Been watching Gossip Girl so much, that's the nearest I can be to NY lol!!
hahahaha.. ya lah debbs. the last time i went there i was still so small.. i want to experience it as an adult!! :) :)
Wah, if Marzie become a millionaire, then can tumpang sekaki kot...lol!!! ;);)
I know what u mean Shemah! I experienced LA both as a kid and then adult, it does make a huge difference LOl! ;)
yaaa.. if marzie is a millionaire.. can charter a plane for all of us!! hahahaha.. bestnyerrr!!
oohhh.. i want to go.. apa lah J ni.. free ticket every year but dont want to use.. all just burn like that!! very angry you know!!
Abaden! If jadi Billionaire, for sure I’d have my own jet! Who wants to come with me on a shopping spree obersea? ;)
Oh now I’m oso angers ni Shemah! Free tickets and don wan to go????? :(:(:(
Uh oh! Me! Me! I'm IN, GP! Lol!!
i nak follow!! i chop tempat on your plane marzie!! do we get pocket money to shop too??? LOL!
tu lah J ni.. haji bakhil tul lah!! hahahaahahahah.. no lah.. he just works too much and then too lazy to go anywhere.. :'( :'(
He he!! Minum2 coffee at the sidewalk café, rest after shopping sakan kan? Take pics, dine and wine at the best restaurants, fuyoo! No worries in da world! I wan I wan to be a billionaire LOL!! :)
Abden! They don call me a Billionaire for nothing Shemah! Of coz got pocket money! Don forget 5-star accommodation! ;)
jom debbs follow marzie go shopping obersea..
Shemah, u must tell J that he DESERVES a break after working so hard all year, that is what the free trip is for. Some more, bukan senang to get free tickets, correct or nooooooooooot? ;)
And then, if u wan to follow me to Marie France oso can LOL! Sebab F kan? Muahahahahhahahahahhahaha! ;)
Uh oh and cuci2 mata tgk2 mat saleh...me likey! lol!!
Jom Shem! Wanna go where first ah? ;)
Ppl watching Debbs! ;)
hahahahah yahoo!! i'm dropping the kids off at moms and i'm joining you on a shopping spree trip!! wooohooo!!! cheers for billionaire GP!! LOL!
Paris first! Perfume capital of the world! ;)
trueeee.. i always tell J that.. then he said.. alaaa.. still have to pay for airport tax what!! well, at least return to london only 500! i go to KL-KK one way last time even more expensive! what lah... but this year will be different i'm telling you! :) :) :) I will def be planning something!
hahahahahaahahah marie france ke, tak marie ke, just france pun i want to go!!! LOL!
Then can lepak where the stars hangout! Woot!
Wah wah wah Paris! I'll be taking pics like mad!
hahahah debbs will come back with lotsa hot pics for HC!! hahaahha
hmmm.. where to go.. italy got shopping and hot guys!! LOL! and great architecture.. best place to go!! :) :)
Debbs, I’ll be bringing along a pro photographer to take all our pics he he he!!!
hahahaha.. marie france to france.. jom go paris!! :) :) fashion capital!! :)
Oh yes hot pics for HC! :):):) Why not kan? Hehehehe...
Oh Spain! And Greece! Japan! Lol!
I so wanna go to itali too!!!! Of coz have to go to italia woo hoo!!!
a'ahhhh.. then we become stars stalker!!! :) :)
ooooohhh paris best best!! :) :)
Uh oh! Pro photographer for us! And make-up artist! Lol! Kena pegi Marie France awal2 ni. Lol!!
I love Japan! Oso wanna go back to Canada! Amsterdam!!! LONDON!!!!!!!!!
hahahahahah wuah bestnya marzie.. but then kan.. if i'm not skinny minny by then, i need a mariuca tee as my prop!! Boleh?? hahahahaha
Paris mmg best! I’m going to go for a complete makeover first before visiting paris, then can look hot hot hot in Paris LOL!!!!!
All the countries pun I wanna go! :)
jom jom jom let's go!!! italy, france, spain, greece, morocco!!!
hahahahaha makeup artist, stylist, personal trainer..
Oh Greece!!! Australia oso I wanna go!
Nutritionist, don't forget! mcm Spice Girls la pulak! lol!!
Masseuse oso!!! Balik shopping je terus massage!
Marzieee!! aiyooo.. you make me wanna leave tonight and go vakasi!!!
yalah!! complete makeover!! i also lah marzie.. i need to look gorgeous before i go fly fly anywhere! hahahaha
Oh best nya jadi billionaire! :):)
speaking of going australia.. i haven't brought my kids to see my aunty.. mom's sister married australian and jadi orang sana dah.. over 30 years..
hhahahaha what else are we forgetting.. masseuse memang best!! orang tukang angkat shopping bags!! LOL!
haie te marzie!
Recent blog post: The LINE is BUSY at the MOMENT!
am on # 9!
Recent blog post: The LINE is BUSY at the MOMENT!
yayks! supporter!
Recent blog post: The LINE is BUSY at the MOMENT!
me te marzie!and owso the beariuca!
Recent blog post: The LINE is BUSY at the MOMENT!
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: The LINE is BUSY at the MOMENT!
yeah te marzie!!! i want it..i want black er red..how can i have it aside from the contest?
Recent blog post: ..will fly to Long Beach California..
Recent blog post: ..will fly to Long Beach California..
Alamak.. this one for which response eh??
hi marzie, shiok lar mariuca get to go NY!! :)
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Tulah. how to go.. ?? aiyoh.. stress stress!
Heheh. SSG from SG who owns SG.lol!!! SSGSGSG hah tu dia!
Ehehhe.. tulah.. congrats to LJ also.. pat pat on LJ's back..lol!
here's only a quick drop to send you some love! Hv a great sunday evening!! *HUGZ* :* :*
Recent blog post: Our Bedroom
Heheh.. Roxy
That would be aweome eh!
Thanks Gagay!
I also want!
Thanks Debbs!
Wah.. terbeliak ni tengok Emila score!! Wah so far behind.. so sneaky lah
she.. lol!!
Congrats Emila!!
Mine also nice one like Diya..heheh
Tulah Shemah.. terkejut I!!
Hehehe Shemah!
I want I want!! Lol!
Hahah.. so cute lah J.. only want to go coz the thing closing down?? loL!
I want one for Aggie!!!!
Then of course.. they wont be silent anymore.lol!
Wah scary Shemah!
I want I want!! Lol!
Yelah SSG went for late dinner cum supper mah..
Pecal Lele!!
I want I want.. aiyah.. dah penat cakap ni..lol!
I want to stay up everynight.. I no want to sleep!
Hahah.. beshnya!!!
Yelah.. bila nak jadi millionaire ni GP!!
Ouch.. wah dangerous gak NY City ni eh.
I want I wan!! Lol!
Wah saying nya. ish you guna lah Shemah.. tinggal dia at home..lol!
I want to fly the plane.. wohot!!
Ha ha ha LJ, I nak keluar dah tau ni, baca ur comment terus LOL! U no wan to sleep LJ? Ha ha hah a!!!
scaryyy!! alhamdulillah nothing happened to us. My mom still thinks it's a miracle.
hahahahaha... that's what i told him. I use lah. you stay at home with the kids. LOL! but nanti my mom will bising me. LOL!
Hi Marzie,
I have finally risen from the grave....that is I think i have..lol :) :)
Wow a trip to New York...how wonderful for you!! The pictures are fabulous!! ;)Thanks for sharing them with us!!Hugs all around to everyone!! :* :* :) :)
yer welcome LJ! ;)
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
1. LadyJava (70)
2. Shemah (65)
3. Phatelara (57)
4. emila (28)
5. gagay (21)
6. Twinks (18)
7. Jean (11)
8. Monica (8)
9. Jackie (8)
10. Janice Ng (8)
Recent blog post: The LINE is BUSY at the MOMENT!
te tchel (twinks) is beating me now!
Recent blog post: The LINE is BUSY at the MOMENT!
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Recent blog post: The LINE is BUSY at the MOMENT!
whoaaaaaaaa!!!!!! olly schmolly!!! am at the top!!! wohoooooooooo! wohoooo! wohooo I got my head checked By a jumbo jet It wasn't easy....
hehe! shkali shkala lj!! :* :* :*
hahaha! am unstopable because MPG is irresistable!
hehe i tak sempat nak chop! dah tidur! :-P
Wah dat rhymes Emila ha ha ha! I’m unstoppable coz MPG is irresistible, I love it!! :):):)
=-O =-O
:* :*
Don't be sad Gagay! Happy Monday! :)
Hi Kak Emi!!
I also want to be billionaire GP!!
Jom Shemah!!
Heheh.. Debbs.. amboi mentang2 masih single..lol!
Hear hear!! Cheers..
Sorry ah just going through my comment box..lol!
I wanna go to Paris too!!
Plan Shemah.. plan!
Me too Debb.. cam whoring..lol!
Wah billionaire GP.. not sparing any expenses..
GP include videoman also!!
Paris paris paris
He he best kan jadi billionaire? Eh LJ, u said u want the autograph to be LadyJava kan? One word, capital L capital J yes? ;)
Wah.. makeover for us all lah GP!! Lol!
Heheh. Shemah.. personal escort..lol!
Oh ya.. masseuse. Baby!!
Eh you guys forget LJ lah!! Loo!
No GP.. I no want to sleep!!
Videoman oso u wan LJ? Can can!!! Apa lagi eh? Nak bawak our kids sekali ke? He he!
I oso no wan to sleep tonight LJ! Woot! ;)
Hahah.. Emila.. enjoy!!
Wah nice slogan Emila!! Yiha!
JOM LJ!! Marzie sponsor everything!! LOL! siap ada tukang urut, tukang bawa shopping bags, trainer, nutritionist... LOL!
nak plan lah ni.. dah lah J made me lose FC to Marzie at debbs' so now he owes me a vacation!! LOL!
hahahaahha personal escort!!
Best best.
Yeah LadyJava. just like that..
Thanks dearie
Love ya.. love B. love the kitties!!!
hahahahaa.. personal groomer for each of your children.. so how many all together.. i know LJ need 6 for her children! LOL!
Eh why not!! cat sitter please.. and hey hubby bawak tak.. kalau bawak kena
ada hubby sitter..lol!!
I hope my ranking dah naklah.. banyak ni I comment..lol!!
Hah tulah.. I noticed.. yihaa. I'm in!!
Hahah.. good luck planning.. eh make it like he thought it was his idea
lah.. that always works.
Don forget full makeover before steeping on the private jet Shemah! Wanna look good mah!
Hubby pi tgk football obersea, separate vakasi lol!
hahahaahh hubby sitters cannot be young girls ah! LOL!
oh yes oh yes.. like Sandra Bullock in miss congeniality
Yihaaa. makeover lol!!
Alah. A tak suka football. takper I send him to Amsterdam first..lol!
Heheh.. yeah.. old granny lah!!
Ehehehhe.. I love that show!
Tgh tunggu my bf respond ni LJ, selagi tu tak senang nak buat kerja!!!
I understand.. he's using quite fast kan.
me three!!! :)
u know ladies, my friend just came back frm his co trip to paris lar. so nice!! jeles-nya i see all his pic! ><
Yalah, LJ! Must enjoy and cuci mata sementara masih belum berpunya lol!! ;)
Best nya if our 2 friends are billionaires, namely LJ and GP...yahoo!! Syoknya kan Shem! ;)
Lol Shem! Nak gi mana? Gi Paris lah ajak abg Johnny tu jumpa the real JD woohoo! JD kan dok Paris kalau tak silap. Lol!!
But then if go to Paris, sure wanna romantic2 kan? Ahem...takyah la meet JD...lol!!
Lol hubby sitter! Hehehehehe
Why send A to Amsterdam, LJ?
best tu debbs!! if both GP and LJ are billionaires!! hahahahaa... but why them only debbs? kita pun billionaires lah!! hahaahahah
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!