Okay, okay so I DO have silent readers after all!
When my friend Shemah told me that she had some "nasty" silent readers lurking around her blog, I felt a little left out. For not having any that is ha ha! I wasn't looking for nasty silent readers of course; I wanted the good types. You know, the ones who read your blog and support you from afar, and though they don't leave you any comments here; they actually still read and love your blog! :)
I discovered my first silent reader when one of my friends from high school E, sent me a message at Facebook recently. She told me how she's been following MPG and finds it really cool! Her message made my day and so that's one silent reader for me so far LOL! ;)
And then, there is also my friend Zero! OMG I can't believe I forgot all about Zero! She was the one who got me the Victoria's Secret perfume set I wanted from New York remember? In fact, I gave her a Mariuca Tee last year for being such a wonderful supporter! Is age catching up on me that I almost forgot about dear Zero?
So anyway, Zero recently vacationed in New York and she was kind enough to take Mariuca along with her for some New York Sightseeing. Thanks to Zero, Mariuca finally got to return to the Big Apple after so many years! Can you see Mariuca in the picture below?
So anyway, Zero recently vacationed in New York and she was kind enough to take Mariuca along with her for some New York Sightseeing. Thanks to Zero, Mariuca finally got to return to the Big Apple after so many years! Can you see Mariuca in the picture below?

To see Mariuca back in New York, totally enjoying herself there; definitely put a smile on my face! I LOVE New York and if I had to choose where I'd rather be right now, it's definitely NY! I am still hoping to return there one day but for now, I am content to see my lovely blog right there in NY with my very own silent reader LOL! How cool is that? ;)
Unfortunately for Zero, she lost her camera in Brooklyn so she couldn't take any shots of Mariuca in Philly, which would have been really cool to see, since that was where I had my fondest US memories. Anyway, she had a really great time in New York; I'm happy to see my Mariuca in US pictures here and B happily added two new HRC glasses to his collection, all thanks to Z! Perhaps I'd get to go to NY with her one day, we'll see!
Meanwhile, if anyone is planning a vacation to the Big Apple soon, I have just the tour guide for you. CitySights NY offers the best-value tour packages of New York with major attractions and activities. Entertainment includes harbour cruises, museum visits, shopping trips and even helicopter tours! I've never been on a helicopter; have you?
Don't forget to check out the recommended tours available too. My personal favourite is the Shoppers Delight packages! Imagine 25% to 65% every day on all 220 designer and name brand outlet stores like Coach, Escada, Fendi, Giorgio Armani, Gucci, Saks 5th Avenue, Ralph Lauren and Versace! The only worrying I'd be doing is figuring out how much to shop my heart out in one of the most exclusive shopping cities in the world! ;)

«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 240 of 240 Newer› Newest»a'aaahh.. the real JD tinggal kat paris... i bring lah J.. after all his french is wayyyyyy better than mine. I only know merci beaucoup!! LOL! and au revoir!! LOL!
or let me romantic with JD! ahahhahaahahahah eh.. tersilap cakap lah... sorry J darling!! LOL!
If we're all billionaires too Shem, nanti semua nak fly own private jet lol!! Different tau, spending own money compared to spending other people's money...lol!!! $$$$$ I sound so mata duitan!
Hehehe...wah mesti J knows a lot of languages kan Shem? Does he?
Lol! J doesn't read your blogs bah kan? hehehehe
hahahahaahha a'aahhh.. betul tu debbs!! okay .. i am now back to being a lackey! LOL!
hahahahaha.. he perasan lah he knows.. hahahahaha.. i ask him do you know alot of languages.. boleh he balas me in FRENCH!!! JD celup betul lah!! LOL!
hahahahaha he reads MSE only.. but he doesn't read the comments unless i ask him to! LOL!
Lol!!! Funny lah ur J tu hehehe...he jenis yg answer your serious questions with funny2 answers kan? lol!!!
Oh, C doesn't read my blogs lol!!
i knowwww .. sometimes tension you know.. when i want to speak to him seriously and then he answer like that.. LOL! luckily i'm in the mood today.. if not, grrrr!!
Hehehe C also like that. When I say I'm serious, he says, serius masuk askar la...sabar je la lol!!
hahahahaha J must read oh.. but he doesn't discuss with me.. then suddenly he comes back from work and says.. lama already you didn't update your blog! LOL!
Hehe sneaky sneaky J...but good lah, at least he reminds you to update hehehe
ROFL!! serious masuk askar?!?!? hahaahahahha so hilarious!
yaaaa.. and he keeps asking me to complain about this and that.. adaaakah.. i said you lah blog.. then he said i never teach.. hahahaha memang pun!
Tu la, C is such a joker...but sometimes tak klakar pun lol!! So jahat owh me..
Oh he wants to write about politic/controversial stuff la tu. Yalah why not kan he blog? ;)
hahahahaa.. he wants to write about traffic!! LOL! tak habis2 membebel pasal traffic! LOL!
Then, J should start a blog. And we'll help havockan his blog nanti yay!!!
hahahahaha bolehhh.. but if he gets PR, then i mengamuk! LOL!
If he gets PR, buat la paid posts! Kaching! ;)
hahahahahaha a'ahh kan? not such a bad idea.. J the blogger.. LOL!
Serious masuk askar??????/ Ha aha hah ahahhahhaha among all my comments today, this is the one that cracked me up! Ha ha ah aha!
Lol!! Hola Marzie!!! We flooded your inbox, yes? Haha serius masuk askar, thanks to C hehehee...
Ha ha ah ahah h ahah tu la amende tu kalau serious masuk askar ROTFLMAO!!! Eh funny la this C, dah la kiut miut fiut he ehehheheheheh eh h ehe! ;)
Lol!!! Kiut miut fiut lagi lol!!! :P:P kembang hidung dan segalanya nanti!
Takpe Debbs, janji register phewitttt!!!
Next year la register, lama lagi tu...hehehehe
Here comes the bride! He he he! Wah cool la u all register megister all! Congrats!!
Lol!!! Hahahaha...register megister ye? :P
Yeah lor, then can change status at FB he he ehhehe!
eh, u ladies talking about apa register? kahwin kah? sry menyampuk! :-P
oh, i've guessed correctly!! wah debbs, congrates!! im so happy for u!!!! :-D :-D :-D :* :*
hahaha.... yalor! ;)
Hehehe not yet lah Jean! Planning only hehehehe...waiting for you and M lah! ;);)
happy monday te debbs!
tshirt! tshirt!
Woof Marzie, stopping by to wish you a wonderful week,I'm sorry for not being around so much. I miss the times when I could be more involved with blogging. Also, thank you so much for peeking out at MPL, it makes MPL really special!
PS: I loved to see Mariuca in the US!
Recent blog post: Modeling agency SCAM!!!
WOOFIES!!!! Sushi, where have u been my fluffy friend? I’ve missed u so much!!!!! Thanks so much for checking on me today, and yes…since u’re away from the blogworld, I gotta make sure I keep peeking out from MPL so you won’t forget me here! HUGS! :)
Thanks for reading cutie, love ya! And pls say hello to Mama for me kay?
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!